252 research outputs found

    SEM-4 is a Novel Protein in the BRAP-2/SKN-1/ROS Detoxification Pathway

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    Oxidative stress causes damage to cells by creating reactive oxygen species (ROS). The overproduction of ROS is detrimental, having been linked to the onset of premature ageing and age-related diseases. Our lab has previously found that a partial deletion of brap-2 (BRCA-1 associated protein 2) significantly increased the expression of gst-4, a phase II detoxification enzyme in C.elegans. An RNAi screen for 940 transcription factors on a brap-2;gst-4::gfp strain resulted in more than 20 candidates that are proposed to alter expression of gst-4 in BRAP- 2/SKN-1/ROS detoxification pathway, and one of those genes, sem-4, was chosen for the further studies. A significant reduction in gst-4 mRNA levels was observed in sem-4;brap-2 double mutants and sem-4 mutants. We also found that higher levels of ROS were generated in sem-4 mutants in comparison to N2 worms, indicating that SEM-4 is required to prevent overproduction of ROS in vivo. Furthermore, the lifespan of skn-1 overexpressing worms was dependent on presence of sem-4. Next, survival of worms exposed to constant oxidative stress was decreased in sem-4 mutants. Lastly, we determined that SEM-4 is a transcriptional regulator of skn-1c. Together, these results indicate a newly identified role of SEM-4 in regulating expression of phase II detoxification enzymes and preventing the harmful effects caused by overproduction of ROS

    Experience in modernization of Great Britain Government

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    In the process of modernizing government bodies in Uzbekistan, it is necessary to rely on the experience of the leading countries of the world. This scientific article describes the experience of modernizing public administration in the Great Britai

    Valeological competence head and participants of education

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    Formation of active health-care activity on the stage education effect on the activity of the health care in the future. Formation valeological competencies of future leaders It affects the creation of health-environment at their place of workСоздание условий к мотивированной активной здоровьесберегающей деятельности на этапе профессиональной подготовки во многом определяет активность в поддержании здоровья в будущем. Формирование валеологических компетенций будущих руководителей влияет на создание здоровьесберегающей среды по месту их работ

    Head and participants of education: valeological competence – mutual responsibility

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    Formation of active health-care activity on the stage education effect on the activity of the health care in the future. Formation valeological competencies of future leaders It affects the creation of health-environment at their place of workСоздание условий к мотивированной активной здоровьесберегающей деятельности на этапе профессиональной подготовки во многом определяет активность в поддержании здоровья в будущем. А от уровня сформированности валеологических компетенций будущих руководителей зависит создание здоровьесберегающей среды по месту их работ

    The question of quality management of process on physical education

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    The discussion article about problem the quality criteria of the process for physical education in unspecialized (non-physical) educational institutionsСтатья дискуссионного плана, рассматривает проблему критериев качества образовательного процесса по физическому воспитанию в профильных (нефизкультурных) учреждениях образовани


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    The paper is devoted to the analysis of importance and content of the therapeutic function of advertising. The author lists different views on functions of advertising and reveals the mechanism of the therapeutic function realisation in advertising on the examples

    Nonlinear dynamics of nonideal rotor

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    Orientador: Jose Manoel Balthazar, Helder Anibal HerminiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecanicaResumo: Esse trabalho investiga um sistema dinâmico não- ideal que pertence a uma classe especial dos sistemas dinâmicos. O objeto de estudo desse trabalho é um rotor que consiste de um disco preso a uma barra elástica e excitado por uma fonte de energia de potência limitada. O sistema se desloca transversalmente e verticalmente além de possuir uma coordenada de rotação. Um estudo numérico do problema é realizado para investigar a dinâmica não-linear do sistema. Simulações numéricas tais como: diagramas de espaço de fase, curvas de resposta em freqüência, diagramas de bifurcação e expoentes de Lyapunov mostram uma forte influência da fonte de energia na resposta do sistema e revelam oscilações regulares e irregulares. Além disso, o efeito Sommerfeld é observado, assim como o salto na resposta em freqüência quando o parâmetro de controle do motor é variado. Finalmente comprova-se que os regimes irregulares presentes no movimento do sistema tem uma natureza caóticaAbstract: This work investigates a non- ideal dynamic system that is a special group of dynamics systems. The object studied in this work is a rotor composed of an elastic shaft carrying a disc which is excited by a limited power supply. The system has tranversal and vertical displacement and a coordinate of rotation of the disco A numerical study is done here in order to investigate the non-linear dynamics of the system. Numerical simulations such as: space-state diagrams, frequency response diagrams, bifurcations diagrams and Lyapunov exponent show the strong influence of the energy source on system response, and reveal regular and irregular motions. Besides, Sommerfeld effect is observed, as well as the jump in system response, when a control parameter of the energy source is varied. Futhermore, it is shown that the irregular regimes that occur in the system's motion are of chaotic natureMestradoMateriais e Processos de FabricaçãoMestre em Engenharia Mecânic


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    В статье рассматривается феномен массовизации музея. Проанализированы количественные и качественные аспекты демократизации и популяризации общественных и корпоративных музеев в России. This article considers the phenomenon of massovization of a museum. Quantitative and qualitative aspects of the democratization and popularization ofpublic and corporate museums in Russiaare analyzed

    Complex I dysfunction underlies the glycolytic switch in pulmonary hypertensive smooth muscle cells.

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    ATP is essential for cellular function and is usually produced through oxidative phosphorylation. However, mitochondrial dysfunction is now being recognized as an important contributing factor in the development cardiovascular diseases, such as pulmonary hypertension (PH). In PH there is a metabolic change from oxidative phosphorylation to mainly glycolysis for energy production. However, the mechanisms underlying this glycolytic switch are only poorly understood. In particular the role of the respiratory Complexes in the mitochondrial dysfunction associated with PH is unresolved and was the focus of our investigations. We report that smooth muscle cells isolated from the pulmonary vessels of rats with PH (PH-PASMC), induced by a single injection of monocrotaline, have attenuated mitochondrial function and enhanced glycolysis. Further, utilizing a novel live cell assay, we were able to demonstrate that the mitochondrial dysfunction in PH-PASMC correlates with deficiencies in the activities of Complexes I-III. Further, we observed that there was an increase in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation and mitochondrial membrane potential in the PASMC isolated from rats with PH. We further found that the defect in Complex I activity was due to a loss of Complex I assembly, although the assembly of Complexes II and III were both maintained. Thus, we conclude that loss of Complex I assembly may be involved in the switch of energy metabolism in smooth muscle cells to glycolysis and that maintaining Complex I activity may be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of PH

    Geographical approaches to the study of the urban environment

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. This paper discusses geographical approaches c environmental studies taking into account natural and anthropogenic factors. Focuses on the methodology for assessing the ecological status of urban areas. We consider a system of evaluation criteria in geo-environmental situation. To assess the geo-ecological situations previously summarized the main factors of its creation in the form of diagnostic features. Among the main factors affecting the natural geo-ecological situation (ecological framework) and anthropogenic. By the example of Kazan celebrated territorial and geo-ecological zones of the most important features.