862 research outputs found

    Stirring it Up: Faculty Professional Development in Jamaica

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    Using the lens of a multidisciplinary faculty-led study abroad and service-learning program in Jamaica, this article explores faculty and student development in an international setting. Specific attention is paid to faculty and curriculum development, and some of the challenges and benefits posed by short-term study abroad programs. Themes of curricular globalization and active learning are also explored

    High-resolution sonar DF system

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    One of the fundamental problems of sonar systems is the determination of the bearings of underwater sources/targets. The classical solution to this problem, the 'Conventional Beamformer', uses the outputs from the individual sensors of an acoustic array to form a beam which is swept across the search sector. The resolution of this method is limited by the beam width and narrowing this beam to enhance the resolution may have some practical problems, especially in low frequency sonar, because of the physical size of the array needed. During the past two decades an enormous amount of work has been done to develop new algorithms for resolution enhancements beyond that of the Conventional Beamformer. However, most of these methods have been based on computer simulations and very little has been published on the practical implementation of these algorithms. One of the main reasons for this has been the lack of hardware that can handle the relatively heavy computational load of these algorithms. However, there have been great advances in semiconductor and computer technologies in the last few years which have led to the availability of more powerful computational and storage devices. These devices have opened the door to the possibility of implementing these high-resolution Direction Finding (DF) algorithms in real sonar systems. The work presented in this thesis describes a practical implementation of some of the high-resolution DF algorithms in a simple sonar system that has been designed and built for this purpose. [Continues.

    Mitologi Labibano Putri Kalepe Ncuhi Parewa dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Masyarakat Bima di Desa Tolotangga, Kabupaten Bima (Analisis Teologis)

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Mitologi La Bibano tidak bisa dilepaskan dari keberadaan sebuah tradisi yang sangat disakralkan oleh masyarakat Bima yaitu Ritual Upacara. . Tidak diketahui kapan tradisi ini bermula, hanya saja dari yang peneliti dapatkan bahwa dahulunya ritual Upacara merupakan suatu perilaku yang dilakukan oleh nenek moyang atas kepercayaan terhadap Ma Kamba (dinamisme) dan Ma Kimbi (animisme) dan masih dipercaya dan dilaksanakan oleh sebagian masyarakat Bima sampai sekarang ini. Dengan alasan itulah masyarakat mengadakan sebuah tradisi dengan nama Ritual Upacara yang dilakukan sekali dalam setahun. Tepatnya di bulan Juni atau paling lambat di awal bulan agustus. Proses pelaksanaan tradisi ini dimulai dengan membawakan kelapa muda, pisang, nasi ketan (Oha Mina), daun sirih, pinang dan ayam kampung yang berwarna putih atau hitam semua bulunya. Setelah itu tidak dilaksanakan lagi sebuah ritual melainkan hanya sebuah pertunjukan tradisional yaitu kareku kandei yang dilakukan di pagi hari selama satu minggu dan juga sebuah tarian khusus daerah Bima yang diadakan satu hari

    Characterization and estimation of gas-bearing properties of Devonian coals using well log data from five Illizi Basin wells (Algeria)

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         In Algeria, wells drilled in the Illizi Basin suggest the presence of a significant areal trend of Devonian coal seams with the thickest coal seams penetrated in the Lower Devonian stratigraphic unit F6. This makes them some of the oldest thick coal seams encountered. These coals exist between approximately 1500 and 4000 meters below surface. In particular, numerous coals in these formations drilled in the Oudoume field have recorded gas shows while drilling. A study of basic well log data from five wells penetrating Illizi Basin coals is conducted to characterize their distribution and provisionally evaluate their gas-bearing potential using petrophysical analysis coupled with machine learning. A simple multi-layer perceptron model (one hidden layer with four nodes) is used in a novel way to replicate estimates of gas saturation in the coal samples calculated approximately with the modified Kim equation. It does so by considering three commonly measured well-log variables: gamma ray, sonic travel time, deep resistivity (307 data records from the five wells studied). The log-calculated approximations (modified Kim equation) can be matched to better than plus or minus 1 scf/ton by the multi-layer perceptron model. The results and analysis presented provide preliminary encouragement that suggests the presence of a potentially extensive gas-bearing Devonian coal trend in the Illizi Basin that is worthy of further exploration. Future work is required to integrate data from additional wells and laboratory analysis of core samples to verify the extent of that coal trend and to quantify its gas concentrations.Cited as: Baouche, R., Wood, D.A. Characterization and estimation of gas-bearing properties of Devonian coals using well log data from five Illizi Basin wells (Algeria). Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2020, 4(4), 356-371, doi: 10.46690/ager.2020.04.0

    The Intra-industry Spillovers of Indonesian Right Offerings

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    This study aims to examine the spillover effect of right offerings to the industry on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the period 2009-2016. This study is designed using event study methodology. In total, there are 96 issuing companies (issuers) and 1205 non-issuing companies (non-issuers) used as the sample which was obtained using a purposive sampling technique. The test for information content on the right issues was conducted using standard t-test on the average cumulative abnormal return of issuers and non-issuers in the period t-10 to t+10 around the issuance. The research found positive abnormal returns for issuers in t0 to t+4 but did not confirm the spillover effect to non-issuers over the observed (window) periods. The average cumulative abnormal returns are randomly distributed during the window period. These results confirm the absence of intraindustry effect of right issues on the non-issuers' performanc

    Creativity and Entrepreneurial Tendencies Among Form Two Malaysian Students

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    The aim of this study is to design a reliable and valid instrument to assess entrepreneurial tendency and to investigate the relationship of entrepreneurial tendency and creative personality among form two Malaysian students. A sample of 174 form two students taking entrepreneurship as a subject were chosen randomly from the four zones in Malaysia. The validated Entrepreneurship Tendency Inventory (ETI) and a measure of creative personality characteristics, Khatena Torrance Creative Perception Inventory (KTCPI) were administered. Factor analysis revealed the existence of eight factors namely, self-employed, business confidence, business intention, business anxiety, people dependent, forced decision, low self-confidence and contingent decision with internal consistencies ranging from 0.80 (self-employed) to 0.23 (low self-confidence). Self-employed, business confidence, business intention and people dependent are found to relate positively to entrepreneurial tendency. Business Anxiety has a very low correlation with entrepreneurial tendency. Students who perceive themselves as creative based on past creative performances have high levels of initiative, place more importance on what close relatives think and prefer challenging tasks and tend to have higher entrepreneurial tendencies. Further replication of this study is recommended to confirm the reliability and validity of ETI and to further elucidate the relationship between entrepreneurial tendencies and creative personality characteristic

    Hirshfeld surface analysis and quantum chemical study of molecular structure of phosphate

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    ABSTRACT. In this present study, Density fuctional theoretical computations are performed at (B3LYP, PBEPBE), HF and MP2 level with 3-21G basis sets to derive optimized geometry and bonding features. The calculated geometrical parameters have been compared with experimental data. The intermolecular O–H…O and N–H…O hydrogen bonds are involved in crystal structure stabilization. An intramolecular O–H…N hydrogen bond is observed between the phosphate OH group and the N atom. Further, the molecular Hirshfeld surface analysis was carried out to reveal the nature of intermolecular contacts and the fingerprint plot provides the information about the percentage contribution and reveals that the O…H (44.1%) interactions have the major contribution to form the crystal. The Mulliken population analysis and the HOMO-LUMO energy gaps show that the molecule has a good stability and from the calculation, we conclude that the molecule is really hard materials.                     KEY WORDS: Energy gaps, Hydrogen bonds, Hirshfeld surface, Mulliken population, Phosphate   Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2021, 35(3), 625-638. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v35i3.1