20 research outputs found

    El sistema comunicatiu valencià

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    Fuster sociòleg?

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    RTVV: de l’esperança a la manipulació i el saqueig

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    En el número 43 de la revista L'Espill trobaràs un dossier monogràfic sobre "Crisi i futur de la televisió", amb contribucions de Josep-Lluís Gómez Mompart, Rafael Xambó, Enric Marín i Otto, Enrique Bustamante, Lola Bañón Castellón i Emili Prado. A més, articles de Claus Offe, Ernest Garcia, Raimon Ribera, Francescesc J. Hernàndez i Alícia Villar, Ramon Lapiedra i Mercè Rius, així com documents de Franco Moretti, un full de dietari de Maria Josep Escrivà i notes de Joaquim Elcacho

    Sociologia de la comunicació

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    L'article ressegueix les investigacions en sociologia de la comunicació que s'han realitzat durant les darreres dècades en la sociologia valenciana. La perspectiva que s'adopta es limita a l'àmbit acadèmic i a l'àrea de coneixement. Es considera també que molts dels treballs tractats en altres articles d'aquest monogràfic cauen de ple en el camp de la sociologia de la comunicació. Després de situar els orígens del camp d'investigació i les aportacions de la primera generació de sociòlegs valencians, l'article assenyala les principals aportacions de recerca que s'han realitzat a partir de la tesi doctoral de R. Xambó sobre el sistema comunicatiu valencià. S'han seleccionat els millors treballs de recerca i s'han organitzat en les tres àrees que han centrat l'interès dels investigadors i investigadores, ço és: estudis locals, estudis de notícies, i anàlisi estructural i interpretativa dels públics.This article traces sociological studies on communication that have been car - ried out in Valencian sociology departments in recent decades. The perspective adopted is limited to academics and knowledge transfer. The authors consider that much of the work described in other articles of the present monograph also falls under the category of sociological study of communication. After describing the origins of this area of research and the contributions of the first generation of Valencian sociologists, the article covers the main points of R. Xambó’s doctoral dissertation on the Valencian communication system. From this corpus of material, the best research has been selected and organiz - ed, according to the interest of the authors, into three areas: local studies, news studies, and structural and interpretive analysis of the public

    Sociologia de la comunicació: mitjans, públics i poder

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    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de ValènciaEn aquest text es revisa la sociologia de la comunicació de masses des dels seus inicis fins als debats actuals en el camp. Es tracta d'un text elaborat per als estudiants de l'assignatura Anàlisi Sociològica de la Comunicació de Masses, assignatura de 4t curs del grau de Sociologia

    On PGZ decoding of alternant codes

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    In this paper, we first review the classical Petterson–Gorenstein–Zierler decoding algorithm for the class of alternant codes, which includes Reed–Solomon, Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem and classical Goppa codes. Afterwards, we present an improvement of the method to find the number of errors and the error-locator polynomial. Finally, we illustrate the procedure with several examples. In two appendices, we sketch the main features of the computer algebra system designed and developed to support the computations.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Shaping public Opinion for confrontation : catalan independence claims as represented in spanish, catalan, valencian, and basque editorials

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    Editorials represent a newspaper's principal means of ideological positioning and serve to identify the attitude of each newspaper and its readership to some of the main actors in any given conflict, especially those that are political in nature. Catalonia's independence movement has experienced a surge in recent years. The turning point came in July 2010, after Spain's constitutional court ruled against some aspects of Catalonia's Statute of Autonomy (the legislation regulating the relationship between the Catalan autonomous community and the Spanish state). The ruling annulled some of the articles of the statute. The demonstration in support of Catalan independence that took place on September 11, 2012, was considered the most important among several mass rallies held for this purpose over successive years on Catalonia's National Day. This article presents the results of a qualitative and quantitative analysis of editorial articles published around these two key dates, with the goal of studying each newspaper's treatment of political actors and their degree of identification with these actors. Their use of arguments aimed at persuading readers and legitimizing a given position during the specified time periods in 2010 and 2012 will also be studied. The study focuses on the editorial articles published by several newspapers in four distinct regional contexts: Catalonia, Valencia, the Basque Country, as well as the whole of Spain. The analyzed articles were published a few days before and after July 10, 2010, and September 11, 2012