149 research outputs found

    Estrategia de mercado para la integración eficiente de múltiples fuentes distribuidas de energía renovable en el sistema eléctrico español

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    Este trabajo presenta una estrategia de asociación de prosumidores situados en un área cercana. Reduciendo de esta forma, la dependencia del sistema eléctrico convencional gracias a optimizar los intercambios de energía entre ellos. Logrando, al mismo tiempo, una repercusión económica favorable en la facturación de la energía de dichos prosumidores. Para gestionar la gestión del conjunto de prosumidores se propone aplicar el concepto de planta virtual de potencia (VPP). Esta estrategia de control representa un nuevo concepto de gestión energética, coordinando diferentes fuentes de generación distribuida (GD) descentralizadas, a la vez que sus cargas controlables y dispositivos de almacenamiento asociados.This paper presents an association strategy for prosumers located in a nearby area. Reducing in this way, the dependence on the conventional electrical system thanks to optimizing the energy exchanges between them. Achieving, at the same time, a favorable economic impact on the energy billing of said prosumers. To manage the management of the set of prosumers, it is proposed to apply the concept of virtual power plant (VPP). This control strategy represents a new concept of energy management, coordinating different sources of decentralized distributed generation (DG), as well as their controllable loads and associated storage devices.Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica y Automática Industria

    Olfactory function in focal epilepsies: Understanding mesial temporal lobe epilepsy beyond the hippocampus

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    Several lines of research have linked olfactory regions with the pathophysiology of focal epilepsies. Among those regions, the piriform cortex represents the major part of the primary olfactory cortex. According to these data, we raised the hypothesis that in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis exists an interictal dysfunction of olfactory processing that could be more significant compared to patients with extra‐hippocampal focal epilepsy and healthy controls. This could be the consequence of a dysfunctional epileptogenic network that extends beyond the hippocampus and affects other structures, including the piriform cortex. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the olfactory function with the Sniffin' Sticks test in 32 patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis, 30 patients with extra‐hippocampal focal epilepsy, and 22 healthy controls. Compared to the other study groups, patients with temporal lobe epilepsy due to hippocampal sclerosis showed a basal olfactory dysfunction characterized by an impairment in odor discrimination and odor identification. We also found that high seizure frequency had a strong correlation with the evaluated olfactory tasks. Our results are consistent with neuroimaging and neuropathological data that establish a link between olfactory regions and the pathophysiology of temporal lobe epileps

    Estudio experimental y traslacional de los efectos renales del factor ambiental Bisfenol-A. Podocitopatía e hipertensión

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    El crecimiento tecnológico de las últimas décadas ha generado nuevos retos en investigación, puesto que el creciente consumo de plásticos ha expuesto a la población a nuevas moléculas con la capacidad de afectar al sistema hormonal, como el bisfenol-A (BFA). Recientemente se ha correlacionado positivamente el BFA urinario con un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes y enfermedades cardiovasculares, lo que ha supuesto el punto de partida de la presente tesis doctoral, que ha pretendido explorar los posibles efectos del BFA sobre el sistema renal. Comenzando con un modelo de estudio de podocitos de ratón, se observó que el BFA a baja concentración es capaz de inducir hipertrofia y apoptosis del podocito, alterando la expresión de las proteínas funcionales podocina y nefrina, así como de las proteínas reguladoras del ciclo celular TGF-β y p27kip1. De manera análoga, la administración de BFA intraperitoneal en ratones indujo podocitopenia, proteinuria e hiperfiltración, así como la sobrexpresión renal de TGF-β, p27kip1 y colágeno tipo IV. Estos datos representan la primera evidencia científica que señala que la proteinuria asociada al BFA no se limita a cambios funcionales renales, sino que implica fundamentalmente trastornos estructurales (podocitopatía). En base a la podocitopatía, hiperfiltración y proteinuria observada en el modelo animal, alteraciones características de la nefropatía diabética (ND) precoz, se realizó un estudio comparativo de los efectos renales del BFA en ratones de ambos sexos con y sin diabetes experimental. Los animales que recibieron BFA en el agua de bebida desarrollaron cambios renales funcionales, estructurales e hipertensión, de forma similar a los animales diabéticos. Los animales diabéticos que recibieron BFA (D+BPA) presentaron un significativo aumento de la proteinuria y del número de glomérulos colapsados, en comparación con los demás grupos. Además, el empeoramiento observado en los machos D+BPA, que murieron precozmente, pudo estar relacionado con desequilibrios hidroelectrolíticos. En conjunto, nuestros datos señalan que el BFA promueve alteraciones similares a las lesiones características de la ND precoz. El segundo modelo celular, realizado en podocitos humanos, demostró que el BFA a baja concentración es capaz de alterar la adhesión celular. Los estudios transcriptómicos y proteómicos, el Western blot y la inmunocitoquímica demostraron cambios significativos en la expresión de una treintena de proteínas estructurales y de adhesión. Además, se observó que este efecto estaba significativamente relacionado con el estrés oxidativo y con la modulación de receptores estrogénicos. En conjunto, los datos señalan que el BFA es capaz de promover un nuevo tipo de podocitopatía caracterizada por la alteración de la capacidad de adhesión celular, favoreciendo su pérdida por la orina y, por tanto, promoviendo daño renal. Por último, se realizó un meta-análisis unificando todas las publicaciones que exploran el paradigma BFA-riñón, se analizó la mayor cohorte mundial de BFA urinario (NHANES) y se desarrolló un estudio cuantitativo del BFA urinario en la población enferma. De este modo, los resultados obtenidos, en conjunto con los modelos experimentales, han permitido obtener pruebas directas que señalan al BFA como un factor ambiental implicado en el desarrollo y/o progresión de enfermedad renal. Estos nuevos datos, asimismo, señalan la necesidad de futuros estudios traslacionales que profundicen en la relación de causalidad, con especial atención en el paciente diabético

    Clinical and economic implications of epilepsy management across treatment lines in Spain: a real-life database analysis

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    Antiseizure medications; Drug-resistant epilepsyMedicamentos anticonvulsivos; Epilepsia resistente a los medicamentosMedicaments anticonvulsius; Epilèpsia resistent als fàrmacsBackground Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease characterized by recurrent seizures. We investigated real-world management of epilepsy across treatment lines in Spain, including healthcare resource use (HRU) and associated costs. Methods This was a retrospective study of real-life data from epilepsy patients prescribed antiseizure medication (ASM) between January 2016 and December 2021. Patients were grouped according to their line of treatment (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th +) during the recruitment period. Demographic and clinical characteristics, comorbidities and concomitant medications were analyzed during the baseline period (6 months before starting treatment line); antiepileptic treatments, concomitant medications, HRU and associated costs were analyzed during follow-up. Results The study included 5006 patients. Treatment duration decreased as treatment lines progressed (mean ± SD progression time: 523.2 ± 279.1 days from 1st to 2nd line, 351.6 ± 194.4 days from 2nd to 3rd line; 272.7 ± 139.3 days from 3rd to 4th + line). Significant HRU differences were found with subsequent treatment lines, including an increase in hospital admissions and patients on sick leave. Mean (95% CI) adjusted total costs per patient were €2974/year (2773–3175) in the 1st line and €5735/year (5043–6428) in the 4th + line. There was an increase in adjusted direct and total costs with subsequent treatment lines; the mean difference in total costs between cohorts was €2761 (p < 0.001). The highest direct costs were associated with epilepsy medication, days at the hospital and specialist visits. Conclusion Our data revealed a progressive increase in the use of resources and associated costs across subsequent epilepsy treatment lines.The study was funded by Angelini Pharma

    Instalación Eléctrica en un centro de educación infantil y primaria

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    El proyecto pretende realizar la instalación eléctrica en baja tensión de un centro docente y una vivienda privada que se encuentran en el mismo edificio, para poder realizar este proyecto se han usado los planos originales a papel del centro original, y se ha procedido a la actualización del mismo siguiendo el reglamento actual de baja tensión REBT. <br /

    Influence of Variety and Storage Time of Fresh Garlic on the Physicochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Black Garlic

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    Black garlic is made from the fresh kind, submitting it to a controlled temperature (~65 C) and humidity (>85 C) for a prolonged period of time. The aim of this study was to assess the di erences in the process and in the final product as a result of employing three garlic varieties (Spanish Roja, Chinese Spring and California White), and to check the influence of the storage time on fresh garlic in the quality of the final product by using garlic obtained in two di erent agricultural seasons, that of the current year (2014) and of the previous one (2013). The results revealed some di erences in the parameters analysed during the manufacturing of the black garlic from the three varieties used, and even according to the harvest in question. However, when comparing initial and final values of the samples, a very similar evolution in their acidity, reducing sugars, Brix, pH, polyphenol content, and antioxidant capacity was note

    Plan estratégico de desarrollo para una comunidad totonaca en México

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    Food insecurity in Mexico is a problem more frequently found in rural communities. Hence, the main objective of this article was to define a strategic local development plan through production schemes proposed by households of a Totonac indigenous community aimed at satisfying nutritional needs in the community through the use of readily available natural resources. A questionnaire was applied to 328 households in the municipality of Filomeno Mata in Veracruz, Mexico. Small-scale reproduction strategies focused aimed at self-sustainability were formulated through a semi-structured survey, and a cluster analysis was used to determine associated factors. The results suggested a strategic plan of eleven local development strategies that seek to influence the implementation of native foods in the community. Based on the analysis of socioeconomic variables affecting households four groups were defined, and the strategy most likely to succeed for each was determined. Moreover, the strategies presented are linked to processes where social, economic, and cultural practices are closely related. Thus, these actions establish a proposal to satisfy the household food needs in support of price volatility in the food market.En México existe un problema de inseguridad alimentaria que se acentúa con mayor frecuencia en comunidades rurales. El objetivo principal de este artículo fue definir un plan estratégico de desarrollo local a través de estrategias de reproducción propuestas por los hogares de una comunidad indígena totonaca para satisfacer sus necesidades nutricionales en relación con el uso de los recursos naturales que poseen. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 328 viviendas en el municipio Filomeno Mata, Veracruz, México. Se formularon las estrategias de reproducción campesina orientadas a la autosuficiencia alimentaria y se utilizó un análisis de conglomerados para determinar los factores asociados. Los resultados mostraron un plan estratégico de desarrollo local con once estrategias que buscan incidir en la implementación de alimentos nativos en la comunidad. A partir del análisis de las variables socioeconómicas de los hogares, se definieron cuatro grupos y se determinó la estrategia con mayor potencial de éxito en cada uno. Las estrategias presentadas están vinculadas a procesos donde las prácticas sociales, económicas y culturales están estrechamente relacionadas. Éstos conforman una propuesta para la satisfacción de las necesidades alimentarias de los hogares como apoyo a la volatilidad de los precios de los alimentos

    Bilateral akinetic seizures: A clinical and electroencephalographic description

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    Purpose: The main feature of akinetic seizures is the inhibition of voluntary movements without impairment of awareness. Most clinical information about akinetic seizures has been obtained from cortical electrical stimulation studies, whereas clinical and video–electroencephalography (EEG) features have not been described thoroughly. Weaimed to analyze clinical and EEG characteristics of bilateral akinetic seizures (BAS).Methods: Patients with BAS were retrospectively identified from 1,858 consecutive video-EEG studies. All patients had ictal video-EEG, comprehensive clinical evaluation, neuropsychological testing, and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Results: Ten patients (nine men) were identified; mean age was 22.5 years (range 0.3–71 years) at the time of epilepsy onset and 34.9 years (range 5–73 years) at the time of evaluation. BAS was the only seizure type in four patients. BAS consisted of sudden speech and motor arrest in eight patients, whereas in two patients seizures were characterized by abrupt freezing precipitated by gait initiation. Startle precipitated BAS in four patients. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed mesial frontal lobe lesions in six patients. Epileptiform activity was restricted to the frontal midline electrodes in all patients, with variable extension to frontal regions. In five patients, BAS were initially misdiagnosed as generalized seizures or nonepileptic events. Discussion: BAS should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients reporting paroxysmal inability to move with preservation of awareness, bearing in mind that these seizures can occur spontaneously or be precipitated by startle. The diagnosis can be achieved with video-EEG monitoring, showing stereotyped semiology and distinctive EEG abnormalities, and is often supported by the presence of lesions involving the frontal lobes

    Bisphenol A Induces Accelerated Cell Aging in Murine Endothelium.

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is a widespread endocrine disruptor affecting many organs and systems. Previous work in our laboratory demonstrated that BPA could induce death due to necroptosis in murine aortic endothelial cells (MAECs). This work aims to evaluate the possible involvement of BPA-induced senescence mechanisms in endothelial cells. The β-Gal assays showed interesting differences in cell senescence at relatively low doses (100 nM and 5 µM). Western blots confirmed that proteins involved in senescence mechanisms, p16 and p21, were overexpressed in the presence of BPA. In addition, the UPR (unfolding protein response) system, which is part of the senescent phenotype, was also explored by Western blot and qPCR, confirming the involvement of the PERK-ATF4-CHOP pathway (related to pathological processes). The endothelium of mice treated with BPA showed an evident increase in the expression of the proteins p16, p21, and CHOP, confirming the results observed in cells. Our results demonstrate that oxidative stress induced by BPA leads to UPR activation and senescence since pretreatment with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in BPA-treated cells reduced the percentage of senescent cells prevented the overexpression of proteins related to BPA-induced senescence and reduced the activation of the UPR system. The results suggest that BPA participates actively in accelerated cell aging mechanisms, affecting the vascular endothelium and promoting cardiovascular diseases.post-print3206 K

    Anterobasal temporal lobe lesions alter recurrent functional connectivity within the ventral pathway during naming

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    An increasing amount of evidence supports a crucial role for the anterior temporal lobe (ATL) in semantic processing. Critically, a selective disruption of the functional connectivity between left and right ATLs in patients with chronic aphasic stroke has been illustrated. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the consequences that lesions on the ATL have on the neurocognitive network supporting semantic cognition. Unlike previous work, in this magnetoencephalography study we selected a group of patients with small lesions centered on the left anteroventral temporal lobe before surgery. We then used an effective connectivity method (i.e., dynamic causal modeling) to investigate the consequences that these lesions have on the functional interactions within the network. This approach allowed us to evaluate the directionality of the causal interactions among brain regions and their associated connectivity strengths. Behaviorally, we found that semantic processing was altered when patients were compared with a strictly matched group of controls. Dynamic causal modeling for event related responses revealed that picture naming was associated with a bilateral frontotemporal network, encompassing feedforward and feedback connections. Comparison of specific network parameters between groups revealed that patients displayed selective network adjustments. Specifically, backward connectivity from anterior to posterior temporal lobe was decreased in the ipsilesional hemisphere, whereas it was enhanced in the contralesional hemisphere. These results reinforce the relevance of ATL in semantic memory, as well as its amodal organization, and highlight the role of feedback connections in enabling the integration of the semantic information.This work was supported by a research grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant SAF2011-27920) to I.G.-M. P.C. was supported by a Ramo´n y Cajal Fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2010-05748). C.P. was supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (AP2009-4131)