150 research outputs found

    Presence and Impact of the Articles on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Different Research Areas

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    The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been the object of study by the academic world in recent years, however, despite the large number of published works, there are still many gaps in its conceptualization and the implications it has on business management. In this sense, despite the great interdisciplinarity of the concept, a large part of academic production is focused on the field of business, something that has limited the construction of new research perspectives which will allow to continue expanding in knowledge. The objective of this work is to provide evidence of the scientific production developed in the field of CSR that serves as a basis for researchers in making strategic decisions about the orientation of their work, taking into account new perspectives based on the impact generated by the publications in the different research areas. For this, a search of existing publications on the Web of Science (WoS) was carried out. The analysis of the results was developed through the use of the InCites citation analysis tool, which made it possible to evaluate the productivity and performance of the research developed. The results show the existence of research areas with low productivity in the topic under study, but with a high impact of their publications. It is concluded that publication in these research areas should be a priority for researchers, who, by directing their work toward them, might open up new research perspectives and continue to delve into the concept

    Fallen Journals 2023. Implications for Spanish science of the expulsion of journals from the Web of Science

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    Este trabajo presenta cómo afecta a la ciencia producida en España la caída de estas revistas fraudulentas, viendo su peso por universidades. Además, se profundiza en la producción de la revista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health -IJERPH (MDPI), revista donde más españoles han publicado en los últimos años y que también ha sido expulsada. Si las mega-journals suponen el 62% de los artículos de este conjunto IJERPH tiene un 25,4% del total, sin embargo, representa el 78,5% de los artículos españoles. Son las universidades privadas y más pequeñas las que parecen tener más dependencia de estas revistas. Tan sólo en IJERPH se estima que los artículos españoles han tenido un coste total por encima de los 12 millones de euros en los últimos 5 años. Al final del documento se reflexiona sobre las perversiones derivadas del sistema español de evaluación, de sus protagonistas y de cómo se fomentan estos deméritos, al no ser perseguidos, sino recompensados.This work analyzes the impact of the expulsion of 82 journals (15 of them mega-journals) from Web of Science on March 20, 2023, on the science produced in Spain. It shows their weight by universities and focuses on the production of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health -IJERPH (MDPI), the journal with the most Spanish publications in recent years and that has been expelled. If mega-journals account for 62%, IJERPH has 78.5% of the total. Private and smaller universities seem to have more dependence on these journals. Only in IJERPH, Spanish articles have had a total cost above 12 million euros in the last 5 years. The document reflects on the perversions derived from the Spanish evaluation system, its protagonists and how these demerits are encouraged, by not being persecuted, but rewarded

    Impacto de las revistas emergentes de Bibliotecología y Ciencia de la Información en Web of Science (2017)

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    The present work performs an impact analysis of the journals of the category Information Science & Library Science from the Emerging Source Citation Index (Web of Science)  atabase. For this purpose, the Impact Factor for 2017 is calculated for these journals, ordering the journals into quartiles according to their impact and comparing the data with the category of the same name from the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) for the same period. The results show a group with an average number of citations lower than the referent, with few exceptions, where the journals with the greatest repercussions are usually Anglo-Saxon. Comparatively, most journals score lower than the third quartile of SSCI. In addition, three journals published by Emerald have been identified and are no longer indexed. This type of work provides transparency to the evaluation processes of Web of Science, contributing with very valuable information for editors and authors of the area.El presente trabajo realiza un análisis de impacto de las revistas de la categoría Information Science & Library Science de la base de datos Emerging Source Citation Index (Web of Science). Para ello se calcula el Factor de Impacto del año 2017 para estas revistas, ordenando las revistas en cuartiles según su impacto y comparando los datos con la categoría homónima de Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) para el mismo periodo. Los resultados muestran un grupo con un promedio de citas inferior al referente, con pocas excepciones, donde las revistas de mayor repercusión suelen ser anglosajonas. Comparativamente, la mayor parte de revistas obtienen resultados inferiores a las del tercer cuartil de SSCI. Además, se identifican tres revistas editadas por Emerald que han dejado de ser indexadas. Este tipo de trabajos aportan transparencia a los procesos evaluativos de Web of Science, contribuyendo con información muy valiosa para editores y autores del área

    Factors affecting the frequency of citation of an article

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    The relevance of citations is clear since they constitute a substantial part of most bibliometric indicators. The aims of the present paper are to identify several factors associated with obtaining citations to explain these and, finally, to offer authors a number of useful suggestions. Those studies that have had the greatest influence on science are also those that are most frequently cited. The essential factor leading to a study being cited is that it should make a significant contribution to the advance of science; that is, the relevance of the research. But other essential dimensions exist: Accessibility; Dissemination; Scientific authority. Other predictive factors allow us to predict the number of citations a document may receive: Prior production by the authors; Structural context of the work; Scientific trends; Validity/Obsolescence (expiry) of results; Quality of formal aspects; Theoretical context of the study; Types of work. Finally, some ways are suggested to improve the citations of their works and thus contribute to a wider dissemination and development of science

    H Index Communication Journals according to Google Scholar Metrics (2009-2013)

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    The aim of this report is to present a ranking of Communication journals covered in Google Scholar Metrics (GSM) for the period 2008-2013. It corresponds to the H Index update made last year for the period 2008-2012 (Repiso & Delgado López-Cózar 2013). Google Scholar Metrics does not currently allow to group and sort all journals belonging to a scientific discipline. Therefore, in an attempt to overcome this limitation, we have used the diversity of search procedures allowed by GSM to identify the greatest number of scientific journals of Communication with H Index calculated by this bibliometric tool. The result is a ranking of 434 communication journals sorted by the same H Index. Journals are also grouped by quartiles.EC3: Evaluación de la Ciencia y de la Comunicación Científic

    UNIR: a project of classification of the best Latin American advertising

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    The UNIR Ranking is a meta-product that evaluates the quality of ads and advertising agencies in Latin America through the awards made in national and international advertising festivals. The project is a novelty due to the vacuum of advertising rankings in the Latin American context. It has three main activity areas: the Iberoamerican advertising ranking and subnational rankings, a repository of the best adverts of the Latin American geographical area, and a directory of Latin American publicity agencies. These three dimensions make the UNIR Ranking an ideal product for academic research on Latin American advertising activities as well as for university teaching

    The values in print advertising. XLSemanal Magazine Analysis

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    Este artículo se enmarca dentro del estudio de los valores sociales en la publicidad impresa. Presenta un análisis descriptivo y comparativo de los valores sociales percibidos en la redacción publicitaria de los anuncios publicados en el año 2012 en el suplemento español XL Semanal, revista con más difusión en España según el Estudio General de Medios y la OJD. Los valores sociales determinan la convivencia entre las personas y los medios de comunicación de masas son un factor de cambio social que por el imperativo económico están al servicio de la publicidad. Los publicistas, en su afán por lograr anuncios eficaces, usan estrategias cada vez más elaboradas donde recurren a estudios sociológicos y de mercado para conocer las costumbres y los valores a los que han de apelar en sus mensajes. Estas realidades justifican el hacer un análisis de cuáles son esos valores sociales emitidos en los anuncios y que llegan masivamente a la ciudadanía. Utilizando la técnica de Escalamiento Multidimensional (MDS) se ha podido determinar el posicionamiento de los diferentes valores según su participación en los diferentes sectores comerciales, permitiendo estudiar qué valores se asemejan mejor al conjunto y, en contrapartida, qué valores extraordinarios sobresalen al diferenciarse del conjunto.This paper is within the study of social values ​​in print advertising. It shows a descriptive and comparative analysis of the perceived social values ​​in the copywriting of published ads in the XLSemanal of year 2012, Spanish magazine with more diffusion in Spain according to Estudio General de Medios and OJD. Social values ​​determine the coexistence of people and the mass media are a factor of social change, they are at the service of advertising for economic reasons. Advertisers try to make effective ads, which is why they use strategies increasingly elaborated applying the results of sociological and market studies on customs and values ​​of the population. This situation justifies this research. The positioning of the different values according to their participation in different sectors has been studied using the technique of Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), allowing to determine the values ​​that are within the set and secondly which are separated from the group