108 research outputs found

    Os limites jurídicos no direito internacional econômico

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    Estabelece uma análise aproximando a história das relações internacionais do debate direito internacional/relações internacionais (IL/IR) acerca dos limites jurídicos das Organizações Internacionais Intergovernamentais no direito internacional econômico. É uma pesquisa descritiva e a análise de dados é qualitativa. Disserta sobre os papéis realizados pelos Estados como atores primordiais para o desenvolvimento do direito internacional, e por decorrência das normas jurídicas emanadas das Organizações Internacionais. Analisa aspectos essenciais ao direito internacional que orienta as relações entre Organizações Internacionais, direito internacional e Estados. Expõe a relação que essas variáveis apresentam no campo do direito internacional econômico. Finaliza apontando a necessidade de outras pesquisas a respeito do tema.It establishes an approximate analysis of the history of international relations and the debate international law / international relations (IL / IR) around the legal limits of International Intergovernmental Organizations in international economic law. It is a descriptive research and data analysis is qualitative. It discusses the roles played by the States as sponsors for the development of international law, and as a result of legal standards by International Organizations. Analyzing the requirements for international law that guide relations between international organizations, international law and states. It exposes the relationship that these variables have in the field of international economic law. It concludes by pointing out the need for further research on the subject

    Limpeza CIP: proposta de indicador de desempenho de sensor de concentração para baixas velocidades de escoamento

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    In this work, the behavior of the process of removing milk residue adhered to the inner surface of a section of tube is studied, considering the use of low flow velocities of the alkaline detergent solution formed by sodium hydroxide at 0.5% m/m. The evaluation of waste removal kinetics was performed based on a mathematical model developed from a transfer function. The flow velocity values were chosen based on works published in the literature, which report the use of lower flow velocities. The behavior of the kinetics of milk residue removal was consistent with that published in the literature, despite showing significant variation between the sampled values. The flow velocity values studied did not show statistically significant differences between them in the CIP cleaning process. A sensor calibration performance indicator was proposed and tested, which proved to be suitable for future application in industrial processes.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Neste trabalho é estudado o comportamento do processo de remoção de resíduo de leite aderido à superfície interna de um trecho de tubo considerando o emprego de baixas velocidades de escoamento da solução detergente alcalina formada por hidróxido de sódio a 0,5% m/m. A avaliação da cinética de remoção dos resíduos foi realizada com base em modelo matemático desenvolvido a partir de uma função de transferência. Os valores de velocidade de escoamento foram escolhidos com base em trabalhos publicados na literatura, que reportam o emprego de menores velocidades de escoamento. O comportamento da cinética de remoção do resíduo de leite foi coerente com o publicado na literatura, apesar de apresentarem significativa variação entre os valores amostrados. Os valores de velocidade de escoamento estudados não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre si no processo de limpeza CIP. Foi proposto e testado um indicador de desempenho de calibração do sensor que se mostrou adequado para futura aplicação em processos realizados na indústria

    Atividade física na prevenção da osteoporose

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    Com o aumento da expectativa de vida, a população idosa vem crescendo cada vez mais e com isso patologias como a osteoporose tem se apresentado cada vez mais frequentes. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi trazer um levantamento da literatura mais recente sobre os impactos da atividade física na prevenção da osteoporose. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura, em artigos localizados no Google Acadêmico, entre os anos de 2019 e 2020. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo para verificação dos artigos selecionados, para tanto, criou-se as categorias Mulheres, Idosos e Variados. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o tema “Osteoporose e atividade física” possui vários grupos de interesse, todos eles tocados pela mesma preocupação que é a problemática social da osteoporose na saúde pública. É possível concluir que de modo geral a atividade física, quando prescrita de maneira adequada, traz benefícios na prevenção, combate e tratamento de pessoas com baixa densidade mineral óssea, sobretudo nas mulheres e idosos, que são os mais acometidos

    The use of thymol, carvacrol and sorbic acid in microencapsules to control Salmonella Heidelberg, S. Minnesota and S. Typhimurium in broilers

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    Introduction: The control of Salmonella spp. in poultry involves different biosecurity actions and lately has been complicated by the emergence of multidrug resistant serovars. The application of organic acids and essential oils has been used with different approaches due to the antibacterial properties as food preservatives. The use of these molecules in animal feed to control enteric pathogens is a major interest within the poultry industry. Methods: The use of a blend containing nature-identical compounds of sorbic acid (25%), thymol (9.5%) and carvacrol (2.5%) microencapsulated in a lipid matrix, was investigated in the present work, for the control of three Salmonella serovars (S. ser. Typhimurium, S. ser. Heidelberg and S. ser. Minnesota). Commercial broilers were challenged at 3 or at 33 days of age. Groups SH-1, SM-1 and ST-1, received treatment in the feed, at 2 kg/ton from 1–21 days of age and at 1 kg/ton from 35–42 days of age (last week), while groups SH-2, SM-2 and ST-2, were treated only during the last week receiving 2 kg/ton. Each treated group had an untreated control group, that was challenged at the same moment with the respective serovar (groups PCH, PCM and PCT). The challenge strains were enumerated in liver and cecal contents, weekly after challenge, at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days-of-age. Results and discussion: Significant reduction was noticed at 7 and 14 days of age in all groups that received treatment during the initial phase (p < 0.05). Moreover, the body weight was significantly higher at the last experimental day (p < 0.05) in chickens that received treatment at the initial and at the final growth stages

    Neurofibroma orbitofacial espontâneo em uma matriz suína

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    Neurofibromas are neoplasms derived from nerve bundles and are frequent in humans but not common in animals. This report described the macroscopic, histologic, and immunohistochemistry findings of an orbitofacial neurofibroma in a sow. The sow presented left eyelids with marked expansion, associated with severe ectropion and reddening of both conjunctival mucosae. The mass on the cutting surface was homogeneous, with a light tan, and shiny, measuring 9.0 x 7.0 x 7.0 cm in width, compressing the eyeball. Microscopically, there was paucicellular neoplastic proliferation of elongated cells amid the accentuated myxoid matrix. There were multifocal areas where welldifferentiated nervous fascicles and skeletal musculature were seen. Neoplastic cells were immunostained positive for GFAP, neurofilament, S-100, Sox-10, and vimentin. Cytokeratin showed immunolabeling around primitive nerve bundles and desmin around neoformed vessels and muscle bundles within the tumor. Orbitopalpebral and orbitofacial neurofibroma, despite being common in humans, have not been described in domestic pigs and should be considered as a differential diagnosis in eyelid tumors in pigs.Neurofibromas são neoplasias derivadas dos feixes nervosos e são frequentes em humanos, mas incomuns em espécies animais domésticos. Esse relato tem como objetivo descrever os achados macroscópicos, histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de um neurofibroma orbitofacial em uma matriz suína. O animal apresentava as pálpebras esquerdas acentuadamente expandidas, associada a severo ectrópio e avermelhamento de ambas as mucosas conjuntivais. A tumoração palpebral, na superfície de corte, era homogênea, levemente acastanhada e brilhante, medindo 9,0 x 7,0 x 7,0 cm, e comprimia o globo ocular. Microscopicamente foi observada uma proliferação neoplásica pobremente celular de células alongadas no meio de uma acentuada quantidade de matriz mixoide. Havia áreas intratumorias multifocais onde fascículos nervosos bem diferenciados e musculatura esquelética foram observados. As células neoplásicas foram positivas na imuno-histoquímica para GFAP, neurofilamento, S-100, Sox-10 e vimentina. Citoqueratina mostrou uma imunomarcação ao redor de feixes nervosos primitivos e desmina ao redor de vasos neoformados e feixes musculares dentro do tumor. O neurofibroma orbitofacial, apesar de comum em humanos, nunca foi descrito em suínos domésticos e deve ser considerado um diagnóstico diferencial para neoplasias palpebrais em suínos

    Evaluation of physical-mechanical properties, antibacterial effect, and cytotoxicity of temporary restorative materials

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    The objective of this study was to compare selective physical-mechanical properties, antibacterial effects and cytotoxicity of seven temporary restorative materials (TRM): five resin-based materials [Bioplic (B), Fill Magic Tempo (FM), Fermit inlay (F), Luxatemp LC (L) and Revotek LC (R)], and zinc oxide-eugenol cement (IRM) and glass ionomer cement (GIC) as the controls. Material and methods: The physical-mechanical properties were evaluated by determining microleakage (ML), ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and Shore D hardness (SDH). In addition, the polymerization rate (Pr-1), depth of cure (DC), water sorption and solubility (WS/SL) were evaluated. The antimicrobial effects of the materials were assessed by biofilm accumulation of Streptococcus mutans (BT) and the direct contact test (DCT) by exposure to Enterococcus faecalis for 1 and 24 h, and cytotoxicity by MTT assay. The data were analyzed by ANOVA or Kruskall-Wallis tests, and a complementary post-hoc method (p<0.05). Results: Group B, followed by FM and GIC had significantly lower percentages of microleakage in comparison with the other groups; Groups FM and L showed the highest WS, while Groups R and FM showed the significantly lowest SL values (p<0.05). Group R showed the statistically highest UTS mean and the lowest DC mean among all groups. Group F showed the lowest S. mutans biofilm accumulation (p=0.023). Only the Group L showed continued effect against E. faecalis after 1 h and 24 h in DCT. The L showed statistically lower viability cell when compared to the other groups. Conclusions: These findings suggest the antibacterial effect of the temporary materials Fill Magic and Bioplic against S. mutans, while Luxatemp showed in vitro inhibition of S. mutans biofilm accumulation and E. faecalis growth. Regarding the cell viability test, Luxatemp was the most cytotoxic and Fill Magic was shown to be the least cytotoxic

    Development and characterization of a novel bulk-fill elastomeric temporary restorative composite

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    Objectives: This study investigated the physical and mechanical properties, antibacterial effect and biocompatibility of novel elastomeric temporary resin-based filling materials (TFMs) containing zinc methacrylate (ZM). Material and Methods: Experimental TFMs were prepared by mixing the zinc methacrylate with monomer, co-monomer, photoinitiator and fillers. A ZM concentration of 0 (control), 0.5% (Z0.5); 1% (Z1), 2% (Z2), or 5% (ZM5) wt% was added to the TFMs. Fermit-N (F) was used for comparison with the experimental material. Microleakage, water sorption/solubility, degree of conversion, depth of cure, ultimate tensile strength, and hardness were determined and compared. A modified direct contact test (DCT) with Enterococcus faecalis and a Streptococcus mutans' biofilm accumulation assay was carried out to evaluate the antimicrobial effect and cytotoxicity of the assay. Statistical comparisons were performed (α=5%). Results: The results showed that the physical and mechanical properties of the experimental TFMs with ZM are comparable with the properties of the commercial reference and some properties were improved, such as lower microleakage and water sorption, and higher ultimate tensile strength values. TFMs with ZM killed E. faecalis only after 1 h. Biofilm development of S. mutans was not affected by the inclusion of ZM in the experimental TFMs. Conclusions: The present findings suggest that the physical, mechanical and biological properties of the experimental TFMs with ZM are comparable with the properties of the commercial reference. However, some properties were improved, such as lower microleakage and water sorption, and higher ultimate tensile strength values

    Modular sito-specific grassing as an agroecological strategy in viticultural systems

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    Currently, agriculture is strongly dependent on the availability of fossil fuels, other external inputs and natural resources contributing about one fifth to the global emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. There are, however, ample opportunities to mitigate the impact of agricultural activities on the climate. By appropriate soil management, organic and biodynamic woody systems can become quantitatively important sites for the provision of ecosystem services (protection of water, soil, biodiversity and landscape, carbon sequestration and efficient use of water resources), able to actively counteract climate change. The agroecological system developed proposed by the "AgroEcology Participatory Research Group\u201d (University of Bologna), introduce, among the innovative and highly sustainable techniques of soil management, the "stripped" biodiverse grassing, already successfully adopted in Italy and abroad. The system consists in the cultivation, along the row, of legumes and grasses with low water requirements, some of which are self-reseeding (eg. subterranean clover, burclover) and of a mixture of herbaceous species (eg. French honeysuckle, field beans, barley) in the alley. Noteworthy, the inclusion of these species, particularly of self-reseeding legumes, does not imply additional water consumption during the summer period. The soil protection provided by herbaceous species after cutting (or rolling) in the alleys and by self-reseeding legumes in the row, reduce soil evaporation and organic matter oxidation phenomena. Field trials conducted in different Italian farms have demonstrated the multiple benefits of the modular sito-specific grassing enhancing carbon sequestration, biodiversity, resilience and productivity of the viticultural systems

    Potential Drug Candidates in Clinical Trials for the Treatment of Covid-19: An Updated Overview

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    The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China and by the end of April 2020, it spread to more than 200 countries worldwide. Particularly the USA, Brazil, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, UK, Turkey, Iran, and Russia were the most affected countries till December 2020. Currently, most of the researchers are in a continuous struggle to develop a vaccine or new drugs to combat Covid-19. There are more than 30 drug candidates including Western medicines, natural products, and traditional Chinese medicines, that have shown to exhibit some efficacy against this highly infectious virus. This review encompasses the potential efficacy of some key drugs recently tested against Covid-19.  With the rapid spread of Covid-19 reaching a new level every day, there is an immediate need to find safe and effective measures to diagnose, treat, mitigate, and combat the disease. Looking at the alarming dimensions that the disease is acquiring, treatment strategies among the different drug systems are being investigated. Currently, clinical management includes infection prevention, control measures, and supportive care, including supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation when indicated.  The pharmaceutical interventions evaluated for the treatment of Covid-19 include human immunoglobulin, interferons, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, arbidol, remdesivir, oseltamivir, favipiravir, carrimycin, methylprednisolone, bevacizumab, thalidomide, vitamin C, pyrodfenidone, darthviravir, bromexistone, ryrexavir, lopinavir, xiyanping, and traditional Chinese medicine. But still, the researchers are struggling to discover the most effective drug for the treatment of the current pandemic of Covid-19. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i4.163