56 research outputs found

    Percepción de las competencias profesionales de los graduados en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

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    Este estudio analiza el nivel de importancia que perciben las personas que trabajan en funciones laborales de actividad física y deporte en España sobre las competencias profesionales específicas, incidiendo principalmente en los Graduados en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. La metodología ha consistido en una encuesta seccional aplicada a 2500 personas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que estos titulados consideran que para el mejor desempeño profesional es muy importante poseer todas las competencias profesionales específicas analizadas. Esta percepción es superior al resto de personas que trabajan en actividad física y deporte y aumenta con los que tienen más de diez años de experiencia profesional. Asimismo, desagregando por función laboral se mantiene la misma percepción sobre la inmensa mayoría de estas competencias. Por ello, estas competencias deben ser el eje vertebrador del programa formativo de estos titulados.This study analyzes the level of importance perceived by individuals who work in physical activity and sport occupations in Spain on specific professional competences, mainly Graduates in Science of Physical Activity and Sport. The methodology consisted in a sectional survey of 2500 individuals. The results were that these graduates consider it is very important have all the specific professional competences studied for a highly professional performance. This perception is higher than other people working in physical activity and sport and increases with more than ten years of professional experience. Furthermore, according to occupation, the same perception of the great majority of these competences is maintained. Therefore, these competences should be the core of the training program of these graduates.Este estudo analisa o nível de importância que percebem as pessoas que trabalham em funções laborais de actividade física e desporto em Espanha sobre as competências profissionais específicas, incidindo principalmente nos Licenciados em Ciências da Actividade Física e desporto. A metodologia consistiu num questionário seccional aplicado a 2500 pessoas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que estes licenciados consideram que para o melhor desempenho profissional é muito importante possuir todas as competências profissionais especificas analisadas. Esta perceção é superior às restantes pessoas que trabalham em actividade física e desporto e aumenta com os que têm mais de dez anos de experiência profissional. Assim mesmo, comparando por função laboral mantem-se a mesma percepção sobre a imensa maioria destas competências. Para tal, estas competências devem ser o eixo central do programa formativo destes licenciados

    El rendiment al futbol. Una modelització de les variables determinants per al FC barcelona

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    L’objectiu d’aquest treball és explicar les variables que determinen el rendiment que assoleix el FC Barcelona al llarg d’un partit de futbol. Per fer-ho, s’han analitzat els 38 partits disputats pel FC Barcelona a la Primera Divisió de la Lliga Espanyola de Futbol de la temporada 2004-2005. La variable que mesura el rendiment és la diferència entre els llançaments a favor i els llançaments en contra en cada partit. Les variables explicatives que es fan servir són: jugar a casa o a fora, possessió de la pilota, arribades a l’àrea i equip rival com a determinants del rendiment. Els resultats de les anàlisis de regressió lineal permeten d’explicar el 68 % de la variància del rendiment. El segon objectiu és valorar l’homogeneïtat del model anterior en funció de l’Episodi de Joc que caracteritza el partit en cada moment, és a dir, si el FC Barcelona té la iniciativa o és a l’expectativa en el joc. Els resultats indiquen que quan el FC Barcelona té la iniciativa en el partit té un rendiment millor que no pas quan es troba a l’expectativa i que les variables explicatives analitzades tenen diferent importància sota aquests escenaris de competició

    El rendimiento en el fútbol. Una modelización de las variables determinantes para el F.C. Barcelona

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es explicar las variables que determinan el rendimiento que alcanza el F.C. Barcelona a lo largo de un partido de fútbol. Para ello se han analizado los 38 partidos disputados por el F.C. Barcelona en la Primera División de la Liga Española de Fútbol de la temporada 2004-2005. La variable que mide el rendimiento es la diferencia entre los lanzamientos a favor y los lanzamientos en contra en cada partido. Las variables explicativas que se manejan son: jugar en casa o fuera, posesión del balón, llegadas al área y equipo rival como determinantes del rendimiento. Los resultados de los análisis de regresión lineal permiten explicar el 68 % de la varianza del rendimiento. El segundo objetivo es valorar la homogeneidad del modelo anterior dependiendo del Episodio de Juego que caracteriza al partido en cada momento, esto es, si el F.C. Barcelona tiene la iniciativa o está a la expectativa en el juego. Los resultados indican que cuando el F.C. Barcelona tiene la iniciativa en el partido tiene un rendimiento mejor que cuando se encuentra a la expectativa y que las variables explicativas analizadas tienen diferente importancia bajo estos escenarios de competición

    Chronic neural adaptation induced by long-term resistance training in humans

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    [Abstract] While it is known that resistance training causes changes in the central nervous system (CNS) in the initial stages of training, there have been few studies of cumulative or sustained neural adaptation to resistance training beyond the initial periods. To further investigate this we compared the electromyographic (EMG) response to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) during voluntary contractions of ten subjects who have been training for more than 2 years, resistance-training (RT) group, and ten subjects that have never participated in resistance training (NT). The active motor threshold for biceps brachii was obtained during voluntary elbow flexion at 10% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). TMS was also delivered at 100% of the maximal stimulator output while the participants exerted forces ranging from 10 to 90% of MVC. Evoked force, motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitude and latency from biceps brachii was recorded for each condition to explore changes in corticospinal excitability. The evoked force was significantly lower in the RT group in comparison with the NT group between 30 and 70% of MVC intensity (P<0.05). At 90% of MVC, nine subjects from the RT group showed an absence in the evoked force while this occurred in only five subjects from the NT group. The MEP amplitude and latency changed significantly (P<0.001) with increasing levels of contraction, without significant difference between groups. These results indicate that changes in the CNS are sustained in the log-term practices of resistance training and permit a higher voluntary activation at several intensities of the MVC.Xunta de Galicia; PGIDIT02BTF13701P

    Handball training and competition with facemasks in Galicia: the FISICOVID-DXTGALEGO protocols experience

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    [Abstract]: Objective: COVID-19 caused a complete stop in non-professional sports. The use of face masks for team sports is not a widely used measure in non-professional sports. The study aimed to evaluate the perception about using the mask and the adaptation difficulties related to training and competition in team sports following the FISICOVID-DXTGALEGO protocol. Methods: Seven hundred eighty-seven handball players from the Galician Handball Federation were followed during their return to participation after months of confinement through an electronic questionnaire of perception and experience on the use of a mask. Results: There is an excellent adaptation to the mask in training and competition with medium and high correlations. The 86,41% of players reported an adaptation to the mask in 3 weeks with a three times a week training frequency. The negative opinion on the mask was drastically reduced (-66.86%) after use. The 80,44%of players considered the use of a mask as an essential measure to resume competitions. Conclusions: It is very feasible to adapt to training and compete with amask (hygienic or surgical) in a short period. The use of a mask following these protocols changed previous opinions on the disadvantages of the mask during training and competition

    Perception of the Sports Social Environment After the Development and Implementation of an Identification Tool for Contagious Risk Situations in Sports During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    [Abstract] This study details the methodological process for creating a tool for the identification of COVID-19 potential contagion situations in sports and physical education before, during, and after practice and competition. It is a tool that implies an educational and methodological process with all the agents of the sports system. This tool identifies the large number of interactions occurring through sports action and everything that surrounds it in training, competition, and organization. The aim is to prepare contingency protocols based on an exhaustive analysis, risk detection, and proposal of contingency measures trying to reduce the residual risk to a minimum. In the second part, the results of the implementation of this tool in the sports system of Galicia (Spain) are shown. The technicians have changed their perceptions about the coronavirus transmission in sports. They highlight the problem for returning to sports participation for athletes under 18 years in the pandemic context

    Kicking ability and kicking deficit in young elite soccer players

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    Kicking ability in soccer has been evaluated predominantly by the maximum ball velocity. The kicking deficit (KD) may be defined as the percentage of the difference between the maximum ball velocity each player achieved by the non-preferred leg kick in relation to the preferred leg kick. This study aimed to compare: side-to-side kicking velocity, vertical jumps and anthropometrics between the younger (G-14) and older (G+14) than 14 years soccer players. An additional aim was to investigate associations among these variables. Participants were 92 young elite soccer players from the development programme of a top Spanish division club. They were divided into two age groups according to their growth and motor development stages (10.80-13.55 years, n=46; 14.02-16.39 years, n=46). Student’s t-test showed that the maximum kicking velocity with the preferred and non-preferred leg, jumping performance, and all anthropometric measurements were significantly (p<.01) higher in G+14 compared with G-14. In contrast, KD values remained stable (15.31%- 15.83%) without significant differences between the groups. Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed that vertical jump tests and anthropometric measurements correlated with kicking ball velocity produced by the preferred and non-preferred leg. Our results demonstrate that kicking skills are still not consolidated and power factors may be determinant for kicking performance in young soccer players. In addition, the KD may be a constant element for both the under and above 14 years soccer players and could result from an unequal and greater use of the preferred leg in comparison with the non-preferred leg

    Fiabilitat de les proves de força en salt vertical i velocitat de cursa en escolars de 6 a 8 anys

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    L'objectiu del present estudi va ser determinar la fiabilitat de diverses proves de salt vertical i de cursa ràpida en escolars de 6 a 8 anys. Van participar 56 subjectes de tots dos sexes (30 nenes i 26 nens), d'edats compreses entre 6 i 8 anys, seleccionats aleatòriament entre els d'un mateix centre escolar, als quals es va administrar una bateria de proves de força de salt vertical sobre plataforma de contactes (SJ, CMJ, CMJA i 1RJ) i de cursa ràpida (30 m) en dues ocasions (T1 i T2), amb una setmana d'interval entre totes dues. Es va estudiar la reproductibilitat entre repeticions (variabilitat intraindividual) per a cada una de les dues sessions de valoració (T1, T2) i la variabilitat temporal (entre T1 i T2), mitjançant el càlcul de diferents estadístics (coeficient de variació, CV; coeficient de correlació intraclasse, CCI; error metòdic, EM) i de la seva significació estadística. La reproductibilitat entre repeticions de les proves de salt vertical CMJ i 1RJ es va demostrar elevada (CCI ³ 0,95) en ambdues sessions. En la segona sessió de valoració també ho va ser la reproductibilitat d'SJ, mentre que CMJA es va mantenir a nivells inacceptables (CCI = 0,69-0,80). La variabilitat entre subjectes es va mostrar força més elevada que en estudiants d'educació física adults (CV = 8,3-11,8%). La reproductibilitat temporal (dia a dia, entre dues sessions separades per una setmana) de les proves pot considerar-se qüestionable en termes generals; s'hi observa un elevat error metòdic (EM = 9,9-15,1%) i un empitjorament significatiu dels resultats en la segona sessió en les proves de salt amb contramoviment (CMJ i CMJA) i de cursa ràpida de 30 m (p £ 0,05). D'acord amb els resultats, es proposen algunes mesures conduents a la millora de la fiabilitat de les proves