1,455 research outputs found

    Consideraciones sobre la integración del laboratorio al método clínico

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    Existe en la literatura una variedad de aproximaciones sobre las relaciones de los exámenes de laboratorio con el método clínico, que van desde la exclusión del laboratorio como componente del método, hasta la reiteración de su uso indiscriminado. En el presente trabajo se revisan y comentan algunas opiniones sobre el tema. El laboratorio no solo está en estrecha interrelación con el método clínico, sino que lo trasciende, pues es también un componente del método epidemiológico, al tiempo que ocupa un lugar relevante en otros procesos del conocimiento y el desarrollo, como lo son las investigaciones. Es en la enseñanza donde se encuentran las mayores oportunidades en la búsqueda de alternativas y soluciones que fomenten la unidad de los elementos clínicos y de laboratorio hacia la aplicación integrada del método clínico. Promover la formación y el desarrollo de habilidades específicas de laboratorio clínico, es una demanda de la sociedad que urge atender.</p

    Elaboración de documento del estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de energía solar fotovoltaica en la vereda Dindal

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    Trabajo de investigaciónTrabajo de grado el cual consiste en la elaboración de un documento que contiene los estudios de mercado, técnico, ambiental, social y financiero con el cual se plantea una solución mediante energía fotovoltaica a través de paneles solares para suplir el servicio de energía eléctrica en la vereda El Dindal Alto ubicada en el Municipio de Aipe, departamento del HuilaINTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN 2. ALTERNATIVAS PARA EL DESARROLLO, LA ENERGÍA FOTOVOLTAICA 3. INVESTIGACIÓN DE MERCADOS 4. ESTUDIO TÉCNICO 5. ESTUDIO AMBIENTAL 6. ESTUDIO SOCIAL 7. ESTUDIO FINANCIERO CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES LISTA DE REFERENCIAS ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    P3-062: Wood-smoke exposure as a survival predictor in non-small cell lung cancer with response to erlotinib: an open label phase II study

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    This paper explores the opportunity for New Zealand to establish and sustain an internationally competitive sheep dairy industry. As part of this it evaluates the role of responsible innovation (RI) within the New Zealand sheep dairy (NZSD) industry and whether this can assist in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. In the context of agrifood supply chains RI has received little attention despite the fact that these industries have significant environmental, ethical and social impacts. The research also addresses the lack of evidence as how to put RI into practice and the claim that the practical applicability of RI is not possible. The French sheep dairy industry was used as a comparative case study for the New Zealand industry. Information was gathered through a literature search, the comparative case study and interviews with New Zealand and French industry experts. Comparisons were made between the strategic capabilities and structural forces of the sheep dairy industries in both France and New Zealand. The study found that for the NZSD industry to achieve a competitive advantage it would need to pursue a differentiation strategy that focused on customer responsiveness, innovation, sustainability and quality. Furthermore, the study identified that RI had the potential to assist the NZSD industry by providing distinctive competencies to develop a competitive advantage. This is because there were existing resources and capabilities that provided a platform for differentiation. There were also strategic and economic drivers in the NZSD industry that encouraged RI as a competitive strategy. This indicated that for RI to occur there needed to be economic incentives that encouraged companies to pursue this strategy


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    En este trabajo se utiliza la herramienta Weka para medir el rendimiento de varios clasificadores, se compara el rendimiento de los mismos con varios datasets tomados de UCI; demostrando que aplicando heurísticas para disminuir la dimensión de los datasets, así como la eliminación de ruidos en los mismos no afecta el rendimiento de los clasificadores. Este análisis se realiza aplicando pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas, el test de los rangos con signo de Wilcoxon para la comparación de dos heurísticas y, para la comparación de más de dos heurísticas, el test de Friedman de comparaciones múltiples con los correspondientes test a posteriori de Namenyi y de Bonferroni-Dunn para establecer las conclusiones mediante los procedimientos de Holm y de Hochberg. Alcanzando como resultado que las pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas son fiables para la comparación de los clasificadores y no afecta el rendimiento de los mismos una vez aplicadas las técnicas para la reducción de la complejidad de los datasets. Con resultado principal de esta investigación se puede generalizar este procedimiento para mejorar el rendimiento de clasificadores en otros dataset

    Marcadores serológicos de sífilis, hepatitis B y VIH en donantes de sangre en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, Lima-Perú.

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    El rápido incremento de las tasas de SIDA en el mundo a incrementado el interés de los investigadores en las enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Una forma alternativa de transmisión son las transfusiones, de ahí la importancia de conocer acerca de métodos destinados a evitar dicha transmisión. Objetivos: Determinar la seroprevalencia de sífilis, hepatitis B y VIH en donantes de sangre e, identificar características distintivas entre seropositivos y seronegativos que identifiquen donantes de riesgo. Material y métodos: Se elaboró un estudio retrospectivo tipo descriptivo en su primera parte y caso-control en la segunda. Fueron 12700 donantes los incluidos en el estudio sobre prevalencia y 111 casos seropositivos con 691 controles seronegativos en el estudio comparativo. Resultados: Se encontró una prevalencia de 1.06% de casos VDRL positivos (135/12700), 0.81% de HBsAg positivos (103/12700) y 0.11% de casos VIH positivos (13/12700). El 15.3% (14/91) de seropositivos y el 12.45% (86/691) de seronegativos tuvo al menos uno de los siguientes antecedentes: receptor de transfusiones en los 6 meses previos, extracción dental, acupuntura o relaciones sexuales con prostitutas; 427 controles (63.3%) y 47 seropositivos (51.6%) manifestaron donar por primera vez (p&lt;0.05). Conclusiones: Las pruebas serológicas para descartar sífilis han sido cuestionadas, pero su uso en nuestro medio esta justificado por que permite identificar donantes de riesgo. Las cifras encontradas, no son las reales de sífilis por carencia de una prueba confirmatoria, y son compatibles con otros reportes. Por otro lado, hepatitis B constituye un porcentaje menor de casos de hepatitis viral post transfusional existiendo amplia literatura al respecto; los valores encontrados en nuestro estudio son compatibles con reportes previos. El VIH se ha incorporado hace relativamente poco al riesgo de infección por transfusiones. Los valores que reportamos son semejantes a estudios previos, manteniéndose alto en comparación a reportes en países vecinos

    Chromoselective access to Z- or E- allylated amines and heterocycles by a photocatalytic allylation reaction

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    The most useful strategies for the alkylation of allylic systems are related to the Tsuji–Trost reaction or the use of different Lewis acids. Herein we report a photocatalytic approach for the allylation reaction of a variety of nucleophiles, such as heteroarenes, amines and alcohols. This method is compatible with a large variety of pyrroles and indoles, containing different substituents such as electron-withdrawing and electron-donating groups, unprotected nitrogen atoms and bromo derivatives. Moreover, this methodology enables the chromoselective synthesis of Z- or E-allylated compounds. While the use of UV-light irradiation has allowed the synthesis of the previously inaccessible Z-allylated products, E-isomers are prepared simply by changing both the light source to the visible region, and the catalytic system. Based on mechanistic and photochemical proofs, laser flash photolysis studies and DFT calculations, a rational mechanism is presentedFinancial support from the Spanish Government (CTQ2015-64561-R), CCC-UAM (computing time), and ERC (ERC-CG, 647550, 648319) is acknowledged. L.M., R.P-R, and R.C. thank CAM for the “Atracción de Talento” fellowship. The authors thank “Comunidad de Madrid” and European Structural Funds for their financial support to FotoArt-CM project (S2018/NMT-4367). We thank Miguel Ángel Miranda for helpful discussions about photochemical mechanism

    Appraisal of non-destructive in situ techniques to determine moisture- and salt crystallization-induced damage in dolostones

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    The characterisation of both surface and subsurface pathologies (position, depth, width, …) that affects the porous materials used in building constructions, once in service, is important to establish the most suitable intervention strategy. In this sense, the use of non-destructive techniques allows the analysis of different properties without affecting the material. The present study shows the accuracy of different non-destructive in situ techniques, such as: electrical conductivity and capacitance, infrared thermography, ultrasonic pulse velocity, sound absorption, and electrical resistivity tomography, applied on dolostone ashlar stones outer façade of a sixteenth-century belltower, affected by moisture and salt induced decay. The joint analysis of the results obtained with different techniques substantially improves the interpretation and characterisation of the detected pathologies, as they complement each other perfectly. Electrical resistivity tomography, which delivers resistivity cross-sections, yields very good results in detecting subsurface pathologies, and sound absorption is particularly useful for stone surfaces. In both cases, the frequency of the electric field and that of the acoustic emission to detect the extent of damage must be established in advance. The joint study of electrical conductivity and capacitance determines the degree of moisture/salts, both at the surface and subsurface, in the materials tested, one of the main causes of scaling and flaking in stony materials. However, the petrological characteristics of the materials used and the identification of the saline phases present must be known in advance to make a correct interpretation of the results

    Rehabilitación protésica mediante implantes endoóseos en un paciente con fisura labio palatina bilateral

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    Introducción: La rehabilitación convencional mediante implantes del maxilar parcialmente edéntulo. Caso clínico:Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente con labio leporino y fisura palatina bilateral, edéntula parcial superior, que acude al Hospital Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla para valorar las alternativas de tratamiento rehabilitador. El tratamiento más adecuado, debido a las circunstancias generales, es rehabilitar el maxilar superior con una prótesis removible mediante cuatro implantes y una sobredentadura, ocluyendo el defecto, mejorando la retención de la prótesis y slendo fácil la necesidad de higiene que se precisa en este tipo de pacientes con fisura palatina bilateral. Discusión y conclusiones: Los pacientes con labio leporino y fisura palatina son pacientes cornplejos que deben ser evaluados de forma pormenorizada antes de su lnclusión en un protocolo de tratamientos de implantes. No obstante, una vez realizado este punto, son pacientes que pueden beneficiarse de los últimos avances en este campo revolucionario de la Implantología

    Cell-Mediated Immunity Generated in Response to a Purified Inactivated Vaccine for Dengue Virus Type 1

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    Dengue is the most prevalent arboviral disease afflicting humans, and a vaccine appears to be the most rational means of control. Dengue vaccine development is in a critical phase, with the first vaccine licensed in some countries where dengue is endemic but demonstrating insufficient efficacy in immunologically naive populations. Since virus-neutralizing antibodies do not invariably correlate with vaccine efficacy, other markers that may predict protection, including cell-mediated immunity, are urgently needed. Previously, the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research developed a monovalent purified inactivated virus (PIV) vaccine candidate against dengue virus serotype 1 (DENV-1) adjuvanted with alum. The PIV vaccine was safe and immunogenic in a phase I dose escalation trial in healthy, flavivirus-naive adults in the United States. From that trial, peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained at various time points pre- and postvaccination were used to measure DENV-1-specific T cell responses. After vaccination, a predominant CD4+ T cell-mediated response to peptide pools covering the DENV-1 structural proteins was observed. Over half (13/20) of the subjects produced interleukin-2 (IL-2) in response to DENV peptides, and the majority (17/20) demonstrated peptide-specific CD4+ T cell proliferation. In addition, analysis of postvaccination cell culture supernatants demonstrated an increased rate of production of cytokines, including gamma interferon (IFN-γ), IL-5, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Overall, the vaccine was found to have elicited DENV-specific CD4+ T cell responses as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISpot), intracellular cytokine staining (ICS), lymphocyte proliferation, and cytokine production assays. Thus, together with antibody readouts, the use of a multifaceted measurement of cell-mediated immune responses after vaccination is a useful strategy for more comprehensively characterizing immunity generated by dengue vaccines

    Olfactomedin‑like 2 A and B (OLFML2A and OLFML2B) expression profile in primates (human and baboon)

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    Background: The olfactomedin‑like domain (OLFML) is present in at least four families of proteins, including OLFML2A and OLFML2B, which are expressed in adult rat retina cells. However, no expression of their orthologous has ever been reported in human and baboon. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of OLFML2A and OLFML2B in ocular tissues of baboons (Papio hamadryas) and humans, as a key to elucidate OLFML function in eye physiology. Methods: OLFML2A and OLFML2B cDNA detection in ocular tissues of these species was performed by RT‑PCR. The amplicons were cloned and sequenced, phylogenetically analyzed and their proteins products were confirmed by immunofluorescence assays. Results: OLFML2A and OLFML2B transcripts were found in human cornea, lens and retina and in baboon cornea, lens, iris and retina. The baboon OLFML2A and OLFML2B ORF sequences have 96% similarity with their human’s orthologous. OLFML2A and OLFML2B evolution fits the hypothesis of purifying selection. Phylogenetic analysis shows clear orthology in OLFML2A genes, while OLFML2B orthology is not clear. Conclusions: Expression of OLFML2A and OLFML2B in human and baboon ocular tissues, including their high simi‑ larity, make the baboon a powerful model to deduce the physiological and/or metabolic function of these proteins in the eye