1,222 research outputs found

    Las ventajas de una regla de política monetaria sin parámetros

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    La investigación en este área se concreta en el diseño o propuesta de reglas nuevas y en su puesta a prueba simulando su actuación con diferentes tipos de modelos. Dado el desconocimiento que padecemos sobre el tipo de modelo que mejor representa a las economías reales, para que una regla dada nos merezca una calificación favorable debe generar resultados satisfactorios en una gama amplia de modelos. Resulta deseable también que los resultados satisfactorios que la regla genera no dependan de la estimación precisa de los parámetros característicos de la economía que en ella aparecen. Por ejemplo, en la regla de Taylor aparecen el tipo de interés real de equilibrio y el valor de la NAIRU. El comportamiento reciente de la economía americana muestra lo incierto que puede resultar el valor de la NAIRU y, si éste resulta inestable, es razonable suponer que también lo será el tipo de interés de equilibrio. Esta exigencia del conocimiento preciso de ciertas constantes es una debilidad de algunas de las reglas propuestas que invita a diseñar otras que no incluyan parámetros. Deducir una regla de este tipo y mostrar mediante la simulación sus ventajas es el objetivo que nos hemos propuesto en este trabajo. En la regla que deducimos los valores que va tomando la variable instrumento dependen sólo del valor deseado de la variable objetivo, del valor actual de esta variable y de sus cambios en el tiempo. Expuesto de otro modo, el comportamiento de la variable objetivo - la tasa de inflación - ofrece suficiente información para modificar la variable instrumento - el tipo de interés - de tal modo que acabe alcanzándose el valor deseado de aquella.

    Propriedades psicométricas de uma escala para medir a gestão da vergonha em adolescentes (Moss-Sast)

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    (Ahmed, 1999) to measure shame management in adolescents in situations of aggression toward peers. The study was conducted with a sample of 700 students from public secondary schools (N= 700) located in a northwestern state municipality of Mexico. Results enabled to obtain an empirically sustainable measuring model formed by two factors: Acknowledgment and Displacement (X2 = 5.16, p= 0.27; CMIN= 1.29; GFI= .98; CFI= .99; NFI= .97; RMSEA= .05). Evidence was obtained to show that the instrument has criterion validity since it is capable to differentiate between subgroups of students with and without reports of bullying in both factors, Acknowledgment (t= 3.49, gl= 137, p< .001) and Displacement (t= 3.63, gl= 137, p< .001). It was concluded that the results strengthen the original factorial structure of the scale and show the usefulness of the same, both for inquiring about emotions related to moral development and for identifying students involved as aggressors in bullying situations.Se establecieron las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la adaptación del cuestionario MOSS-SAST (Ahmed, 1999) para medir el manejo de la vergüenza en adolescentes ante situaciones de agresión hacia los pares. El estudio se realizó en una muestra de estudiantes de escuelas secundarias públicas (N= 700) ubicadas en un municipio de un estado del noroeste de México. Los resultados permitieron obtener un modelo de medición empíricamente sustentable formado por nueve ítems agrupados en dos factores: Reconocimiento y Desplazamiento (c2 = 5.16, p= 0.27; CMIN= 1.29; GFI= .98; CFI= .99; NFI= .97; RMSEA= .05). El instrumento cuenta con evidencias de validez de criterio, ya que establece la diferencia en los factores de reconocimiento (t= 3.49, gl= 137, p< .001) y desplazamiento (t= 3.63, gl= 137, p< .001) en subgrupos de estudiantes con y sin reportes de bullying. Se concluyó que los resultados fortalecen la estructura factorial original de la escala y muestran su utilidad, tanto en la indagación de emociones relacionadas con el del desarrollo moral, como en la identificación de estudiantes involucrados como agresores en situaciones de bullying.Foram estabelecidas as evidências de validade e confiabilidade da adaptação do Questionário MOSS-SAST (Ahmed, 1999) para medir a gestão da vergonha em adolescentes ante situações de agressão contra os pares. O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio (N=700) de um município do noroeste do México. Os resultados permitiram obter um modelo de medição empiricamente sustentável, formado por nove itens agrupados em dois fatores: reconhecimento e deslocamento (c2 = 5.16, p= 0.27; CMIN= 1.29; GFI= .98; CFI= .99; NFI= .97; RMSEA= .05). O instrumento conta com evidências de validade de critério já que estabelece a diferença nos fatores de reconhecimento (t= 3.49, gl= 137, p< .001) e deslocamento (t= 3.63, gl= 137, p< .001) em subgrupos de estudantes com e sem relatos de bullying. Conclui-se que os resultados fortalecem a estrutura fatorial original da escala e mostram sua utilidade, tanto na indagação de emoções relacionadas com o desenvolvimento moral quanto na identificação de estudantes envolvidos como agressores em situações de bullying

    Strategic Themes for Balanced Scorecard Construction Based on Fuzzy Logic

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    Balanced Scorecard is a methodology for strategic management with emphasis in strategic, tactic, and operational control. If you don’t measure something, you don’t manage it. Last statement is a way to emphasizes one of the most important assumptions of this methodology that is very well implemented by it. However, BSC can’t express strategy in actions, nor translate verbalization of strategic planning, important topics to build an effective Balance Scorecard. This paper defines priorities of topics about strategic planning considering the SWOT analysis - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats – (Andrews, 1971). SWOT analysis is completed considering actions and objectives through Fuzzy Logic theory. The Fuzzy Logic based methodology is an intelligent information system expressed by Espin and Vanti (2005) and completed by Espin, Becker and Vanti (2005). The system, expressed by mathematic formulas, is based in Complexity Theory principles with emphasis in non linearity and is applied here to the tourism industry (a travel agency)

    Histological/Biochemical composition of papyri

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    [EN] Papyrus, as a medium for writing, was made from the stems of the plant Cyperus papyrus (Basile, 1977; Wallert, 1989). Although it is unclear how papyri were produced, it is known that only the peeled stems were used in their manufacture (Basile, 1977; Franceschi et al., 2004). Non-destructive physical analysis of the surface of papyri commonly returns different results from one area of a sheet to another. The present work examines C. papyrus stems and papyri by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to determine their histological structure and gain insight into their gross biochemical compositionSIThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the projects La memoria escrita: estudio integral de los fondos papirológicos nacionales (MINECO.FFI2012- 39567-C02-01) and La memoria escrita: texto, materialidad y contexto de las colecciones papiraceas españolas (MINECO-FFI2015-65511-C2-1-P

    Strategies students of readings and conversation II at the Departament of Foreing Languages have used to develop their english speaking skills

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    Along the process of learning a second language, students need to find many ways on how to develop and improve easily their oral skills. This research was developed in order to provide information related to the use of most common strategies already implemented by some of the students at the Foreign Language Department. The information has been taken from students that took Readings and Conversation II at the Foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador at the II/2007. The purpose of getting these strategies is to provide other students ways to improve their speaking skills by putting them in practice. The improvement of English speaking requires a variety of tools that we are going to call strategies for the development of the oral communication as a second language in a non-native country. Students need to be in constant contact with the language, the environment in which students will develop is very important since it gives them the opportunity not only to practice but also to learn more vocabulary. In El Salvador the mother tongue is Spanish, students might look for an environment that allows them to practice the second language they are learning. In order to improve communication skills, students make use of some strategies to increase their vocabulary and linguistic skills to avoid facing problems at the time to produce the language. The source to obtain data was focused in the students from Licenciatura in English Teaching project at the Foreign Language Department in the University of El Salvador. The information was collected, and presented along the research generating conclusions after getting findings. The data analysis of the strategies was presented in order to provide the reader a view of the results in a descriptive way. Such results will be also shown to the rest of students in the Foreign Language Department to provide an insight of the findings collected by the members of the group

    Dynamic rating management of overhead transmission lines operating under multiple weather conditions

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    Integration of a large number of renewable systems produces line congestions, resulting in a problem for distribution companies, since the lines are not capable of transporting all the energy that is generated. Both environmental and economic constraints do not allow the building new lines to manage the energy from renewable sources, so the efforts have to focus on the existing facilities. Dynamic Rating Management (DRM) of power lines is one of the best options to achieve an increase in the capacity of the lines. The practical application of DRM, based on standards IEEE (Std.738, 2012) and CIGRE TB601 (Technical Brochure 601, 2014) , allows to find several deficiencies related to errors in estimations. These errors encourage the design of a procedure to obtain high accuracy ampacity values. In the case of this paper, two methodologies have been tested to reduce estimation errors. Both methodologies use the variation of the weather inputs. It is demonstrated that a reduction of the conductor temperature calculation error has been achieved and, consequently, a reduction of ampacity error.This research was funded by the Spanish Government AND FEDER funds under the R+D initiative RETOS COLABORACIÓN 2015” with reference RETOS COLABORACIÓN RTC-2015-3795-3 and Spanish R+D initiative with reference ENE2013-42720-R

    Thermal behaviour of medium-voltage underground cables under high-load operating conditions

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    The dynamic management of electric power distribution lines has become a topic of great interest at present. Knowledge of the ampacity of cables is fundamental to carrying out dynamic management. In this study, the ampacity of buried cables in different soil resistivities and depths was calculated. A small-scale model was built in the laboratory to simulate the operating conditions of a buried cable. With the experimental results, a numerical model based on the finite element method was validated to evaluate the ampacities calculated by two standards. A comparison was made between the ampacities calculated from the IEC 60287-1 and UNE 211435 standards and those obtained from the simulated model. In addition, a comparison was made regarding the steady-state temperatures obtained at each calculated ampacity. The results obtained from the simulated model design show that the ampacity calculation method of the IEC 60287-1 standard where drying-out of the soil occurs is the most accurate, and has the least risk of exceeding the maximum permissible cable temperature.This work was financed by the EU Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and the Spanish Government under ENE-2013-42720-R, RETOS-COLABORACION RTC-2015-3795-3 and SODERCAN/FEDER Proyectos Puente 2017 and by the University of Cantabria Industrial Doctorate 19.DI12.649. The authors also acknowledge support received from Viesgo

    Modelado del canal MIMO interior mediante trazado de rayos

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    This communication presents a MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) channel model based on ray-tracing techniques, which uses a full 3D implementation of Geometric Optics and Uniform Theory of Diffraction. Results obtained from measurements and simulation of capacity of a 2x2 system in specific indoor environments at the frequency of 2 GHz are presented. The rigorous and quantitative comparison between measurements and simulations shows that the model accuracy is sufficient for the analysis and design of different aspects of the full MIMO system

    A comparison of different methodologies for rating definition in overhead lines

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    The grid integration of renewable energy supposes an important problem to deal with for Distributor System Operators (DSO). Distributor and transmission system operators have been using static rates for a long time to manage electric systems. Currently operators deal with one, annual, static rate or four, seasonal, static rates. This paper is devoted to the analysis of a real case of ampacity management in a 132 kV overhead line for the purpose of stablishing new static rates based on different temporal intervals.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the R+D initiative INNPACTO with reference IPT-2011-1447-920000 and Spanish R+D initiative with reference ENE2013-42720-