5,440 research outputs found

    Asymptotic behaviour for a class of non-monotone delay differential systems with applications

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    The paper concerns a class of nn-dimensional non-autonomous delay differential equations obtained by adding a non-monotone delayed perturbation to a linear homogeneous cooperative system of ordinary differential equations. This family covers a wide set of models used in structured population dynamics. By exploiting the stability and the monotone character of the linear ODE, we establish sufficient conditions for both the extinction of all the populations and the permanence of the system. In the case of DDEs with autonomous coefficients (but possible time-varying delays), sharp results are obtained, even in the case of a reducible community matrix. As a sub-product, our results improve some criteria for autonomous systems published in recent literature. As an important illustration, the extinction, persistence and permanence of a non-autonomous Nicholson system with patch structure and multiple time-dependent delays are analysed.Comment: 26 pages, J Dyn Diff Equat (2017

    Applying Constraint Databases in the Determination of Potential Minimal Conflicts to Polynomial Model-Based Diagnosis

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    Model-based Diagnosis allows the identification of the parts which fail in a system. The models are based on the knowledge of the system to diagnose, and may be represented by constraints associated to the components. The variables of these constraints can be observable or non-observable, depending on the situation of the sensors. In order to obtain the potential minimal diagnosis in a system, an important issue is related to finding out the potential minimal conflicts in an efficient way. We consider that Constraint Databases represent an excellent option in order to solve this problem in complex systems. In this work we have used a novel logical architecture of Constraint Databases which has allowed obtaining these potential conflicts by means of the corresponding queries. Moreover, we have considered Gröbner Bases as a projection operator to obtain the potential minimal conflicts of a system. The first results obtained on this work, which are shown in a heat exchangers example, have been very promising.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2003-07146-C02-0

    Developing a labelled object-relational constraint database architecture for the projection operator

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    Current relational databases have been developed in order to improve the handling of stored data, however, there are some types of information that have to be analysed for which no suitable tools are available. These new types of data can be represented and treated as constraints, allowing a set of data to be represented through equations, inequations and Boolean combinations of both. To this end, constraint databases were defined and some prototypes were developed. Since there are aspects that can be improved, we propose a new architecture called labelled object-relational constraint database (LORCDB). This provides more expressiveness, since the database is adapted in order to support more types of data, instead of the data having to be adapted to the database. In this paper, the projection operator of SQL is extended so that it works with linear and polynomial constraints and variables of constraints. In order to optimize query evaluation efficiency, some strategies and algorithms have been used to obtain an efficient query plan. Most work on constraint databases uses spatiotemporal data as case studies. However, this paper proposes model-based diagnosis since it is a highly potential research area, and model-based diagnosis permits more complicated queries than spatiotemporal examples. Our architecture permits the queries over constraints to be defined over different sets of variables by using symbolic substitution and elimination of variables.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15476-C02-0

    NMUS: Structural Analysis for Improving the Derivation of All MUSes in Overconstrained Numeric CSPs

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    Models are used in science and engineering for experimentation, analysis, model-based diagnosis, design and planning/sheduling applications. Many of these models are overconstrained Numeric Constraint Satisfaction Problems (NCSP), where the numeric constraints could have linear or polynomial relations. In practical scenarios, it is very useful to know which parts of the overconstrained NCSP instances cause the unsolvability. Although there are algorithms to find all optimal solutions for this problem, they are computationally expensive, and hence may not be applicable to large and real-world problems. Our objective is to improve the performance of these algorithms for numeric domains using structural analysis. We provide experimental results showing that the use of the different strategies proposed leads to a substantially improved performance and it facilitates the application of solving larger and more realistic problems.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DIP2006-15476-C02-0

    Compact low-power calibration mini-DACs for neural arrays with programmable weights

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    This paper considers the viability of compact low-resolution low-power mini digital-to-analog converters (mini-DACs) for use in large arrays of neural type cells, where programmable weights are required. Transistors are biased in weak inversion in order to yield small currents and low power consumptions, a necessity when building large size arrays. One important drawback of weak inversion operation is poor matching between transistors. The resulting effective precision of a fabricated array of 50 DACs turned out to be 47% (1.1 bits), due to transistor mismatch. However, it is possible to combine them two by two in order to build calibrated DACs, thus compensating for inter-DAC mismatch. It is shown experimentally that the precision can be improved easily by a factor of 10 (4.8% or 4.4 bits), which makes these DACs viable for low-resolution applications such as massive arrays of neural processing circuits. A design methodology is provided, and illustrated through examples, to obtain calibrated mini-DACs of a given target precision. As an example application, we show simulation results of using this technique to calibrate an array of digitally controlled integrate-and-fire neurons.Gobierno de España TIC1999-0446-C02-02, TIC2000-0406-P4-05, FIT-07000/2002/921, TIC2002-10878-EEuropean Union IST- 2001-3412

    A spatial contrast retina with on-chip calibration for neuromorphic spike-based AER vision systems

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    We present a 32 32 pixels contrast retina microchip that provides its output as an address event representation (AER) stream. Spatial contrast is computed as the ratio between pixel photocurrent and a local average between neighboring pixels obtained with a diffuser network. This current-based computation produces an important amount of mismatch between neighboring pixels, because the currents can be as low as a few pico-amperes. Consequently, a compact calibration circuitry has been included to trimm each pixel. Measurements show a reduction in mismatch standard deviation from 57% to 6.6% (indoor light). The paper describes the design of the pixel with its spatial contrast computation and calibration sections. About one third of pixel area is used for a 5-bit calibration circuit. Area of pixel is 58 m 56 m, while its current consumption is about 20 nA at 1-kHz event rate. Extensive experimental results are provided for a prototype fabricated in a standard 0.35- m CMOS process.Gobierno de España TIC2003-08164-C03-01, TEC2006-11730-C03-01European Union IST-2001-3412

    Estudis sobre càncer de pulmó a la població espanyola milloren el tractament individualitzat

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    Abans d'aquest estudi, només s'havia analitzat prospectivament la presència de mutacions de l'oncogen EGFR per a l'adenocarcinoma en població asiàtica. Els investigadors han estudiat la incidència d'aquesta malaltia en població espanyola i la seva resposta al tractament amb erlotinib. Així, s'han establert les característiques del subgrup de pacients amb més possibilitats de trobar les mutacions implicades, el que facilita el seu tractament individualitzat i una supervivència sense progressió de la malaltia mai assolides al càncer de pulmó.Antes de este estudio, sólo se había analizado prospectivamente la presencia de mutaciones del oncogén EGFR para el adenocarcinoma en población asiática. Los investigadores han estudiado la incidencia de esta enfermedad en la población española y su respuesta al tratamiento con erlotinib. Así, se han establecido las características del subgrupo de pacientes con más posibilidades de encontrar las mutaciones implicadas, lo que facilita su tratamiento individualizado y una supervivencia sin progresión de la enfermedad nunca logradas en el cáncer de pulmón

    Immigrant's access to healthcare services: the portuguese case

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    Within the framework of the United Nations, immigrants are considered as a vulnerable group of the population, is especially subject to a different set of vulnerabilities, such as the access to healthcare services. Health is a central aspect of individual and collective life. Thus, to think in the integration process of immigrants necessarily encompasses health. The socioeconomic inequalities that are associated with contexts of poverty, social exclusion, and precarious employment situations can be translated into reduced opportunities to access healthcare services. Despite Portugal have opted for a universal health system that covers all people, including a regulation that allows immigrant's access to healthcare services, inequalities still persist. Using the revision of literature, Portuguese official documents, and specific determinants of health, we identify immigrant's main constraints regarding the access to healthcare services in developed countries, such as Portugal, and then we propose good practices and intervention methods to reduce the vulnerability of immigrants and, at the same time, allow them to achieve better living conditions

    Distributed Model-Based Diagnosis using Object-Relational Constraint Databases

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    This work presents a proposal to diagnose distributed systems utilizing model-based diagnosis using distributed databases. In order to improve aspects as versatility, persistence, easy composition and efficiency in the diagnosis process we use an Object Relational Constraint Database (ORCDB). Thereby we define a distributed architecture to store the behaviour of components as constraints in a relational database to diagnose a distributed system. This work proposes an algorithm to detect which components fail when their information is distributed in several databases, and all the information is not available in a global way. It is also offered a proposal to define, in execution time, the allocation of the sensors in a distributed system.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2003-07146-C02-0