179 research outputs found

    Održivi urbani razvoj i koncept menadžmenta mobilnosti u Beogradu

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    Urban mobility and accessibility represent major challenging issues in the functioning of the city of Belgrade, both for the city government as well as for the residents. (In) efficiency of transport systems and street network; decreased mobility and traffic congestion followed with air pollution; limited accessibility and/or dependency on car to certain urban areas especially to sprawling informal settlements at the fringe of Belgrade; spent time, effort, price and lack of comfort that many people experience on a daily bases while commuting from home to school, work, health centers, shopping malls, stores and vice verse; questionable land use still planned with traditional formal sector planning; lack of parking or park-and-ride options, as well as lack of information on mobility options, call together toward complex conception of new adaptive planning, governance and management approaches to sustainable urban development and mobility in an integrated way. Good transportation system and high quality urban environment in the 21st century means choice: quality public transport; safe bicycle traffic; encouraged walking options and pedestrian routes; and good public spaces and place to live in the city where driving a car is a choice and not a necessity. This paper will present contemporary theoretical and practical European approaches in the field of sustainable urban development and mobility management and their applicability to Serbian context trough several case studies from Belgrade as well as achieved results so far, with recommendations for further research, especially for the role of urban planners, urban managers and architects

    Investigation of frequency and clinical features of ocular sarcoidosis in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis

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    Uvod: Sarkoidoza je idiopatsko, multisistemsko granulomatozno inflamatorno oboljenje nepoznate etiologije koje primarno zahvata pluća i hilarne limfne čvorove, a bilo koji organ može biti zahvaćen uključujući oko i njegova adneksa. Cilj: Analizirati učestalost i kliničke karakteristike sarkoidoze oka u grupi pacijenata sa plućnom sarkoidozom. Metode: Prospektivna studija konsekutivnih pacijenata hospitalizovanih u referentnoj ustanovi za sarkoidozu pluća u Srbiji, u periodu od januara 2012. do decembra 2014. godine. Dijagnoza sarkoidoze pluća je postavljena nakon patohistološke potvrde uzoraka dobijenih bronhoskopijom. Dijagnoza sarkoidoze oka je postavljena prema kriterijumima International Workshop on Ocular Sarcoidosis. Rezultati: Većina pacijenata su bili starije životne dobi (prosečno 51,2 ± 11,2 godina) i ženskog pola (76%). Prosečno trajanje sarkoidoze bilo je 5,5 ± 7,4 godina. Većina pacijenata su imali I i II stadijum sarkoidoze pluća (65% i 31%, respektivno) i akutni početak bolesti praćen hroničnim tokom (51%). Kožne promene u sklopu sarkoidoze imalo je 25 pacijenata (28,4%), dok su periferni limfni čvorovi (5,7%), jetra (4,5%), slezina (2,3%) i srce (4,5%) bili ređe zahvaćeni. Postojanje oftalmoloških manifestacija je utvrđeno kod 32 pacijenta (36.4%) i uključivalo je lezije na koži kapaka (2,3%), orbitalne lezije (2,3%), konjunktivalne lezije (7,9%), prednji uveitis (2,3%), intermedijalni uveitis (1,1%), zadnji uveitis (15.9%), panuveitis (5,7%) i neurooftalmološke manifestacije (9,1%). Komplikacije su činile katarakta (20,4%), glaukom (5,7%), cistoidni edem makule (3,4%), nastanak epiretinalnih membrana (4,5%), atrofija retine (2,2%) i horoidalna neovaskularizacija (1,1%). Binokularna slabovidost uzrokovana sarkoidozom oka utvrđena je kod 1 pacijenta (1,1%), usled postojanja komplikacija zadnjeg uveitisa. Zaključak: Sarkoidoza oka je bila prva po učestalosti ekstrapulmonalna manifestacija sarkoidoze kod pacijenata u Srbiji, sa značajno češćim neurooftalmološkim promenama nego što je to publikovano u drugim evropskim studijama.Background: Sarcoidosis is idiopathic, multisystem granulomatous inflammatory disease of unknown aetiology which primarily affects lungs and hilar lymph nodes, but any organ may be involved including eye and its’ adnexa. Aims: To analyze frequency and clinical characteristics of ocular sarcoidosis in a group of patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis. Methods: A prospective study of consecutive patients hospitalized between January 2012 and December 2014 at the single referral centre for sarcoidosis in Serbia. The diagnosis of pulmonary sarcoidosis was obtained by pathohistological evaluation of tissue specimens after bronchoscopy. Ocular sarcoidosis was diagnosed based on the international criteria of the International Workshop on Ocular Sarcoidosis. Results: The majority of patients were elder adults (average age of 51.2 ± 11.2 years) and females were predominant (76%). Average duration of sarcoidosis was 5.5 ± 7.4 years. The majority of patients had stage I and II pulmonary sarcoidosis (65% and 31%, respectively) and acute onset followed by a chronic course of the disease (51%). Sarcoid skin lesions were confirmed in 25 patients (28.4%), while peripheral lymph nodes (5.7%), liver (4.5%), spleen (2.3%) and heart (4.5%) sarcoid lesions were less common. Ocular sarcoidosis was present in 32 patients (36.4%) and included eyelid skin lesions (2.3%), orbital inflammation (2.3%), conjunctival lesions (7.9%), anterior uveitis (2.3%), intermediate uveitis (1.1%), posterior uveitis (15.9%), panuveitis (5.7%) and neuroophthalmological manifestations (9.1%). Complications included cataract (20.4%), glaucoma (5.7%), cystoid macular edema (3.4%), epiretinal membrane formation (4.5%), macular atrophy (2.3%) and choroidal neovascularization (1.1%). Binocular visual impairment due to ocular sarcoidosis was present in 1 patient (1.1%), due to complications of posterior uveitis. Conclusion: Patients in Serbia demonstrated ocular sarcoidosis as the first most common site of extrapulmonary sarcoid manifestations, with more often neuroophthalmological lesions then in other European population

    Ecological status assessment of the Samokovska river: 2018 case study

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    The Samokovska River, as the most important watercourse of the Kopaonik National Park, has been poorly investigated from algological and water quality aspects. This river is not covered by the monitoring program of the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency routine. Our research performed in October 2018 aimed to present an algal diversity, ecological status assessment, and negative anthropogenic impacts threatening this river. For ecological status assessment purposes, the diatom indices phytobenthos and physico-chemical parameters of water were used. The typology and the problem of reliable assessing of the ecological status were also discussed on the example of the Samokovska River

    Urbanistički projekat između javnog i privatnog interesa

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    Kontekst neoliberalnog kapitalizma je pored tržišno zasnovanog razvoja doprineo i redefinisanju uloga i odnosa moći između različitih nivoa uprave, ali i rezultirao promenjenim odgovornostima i odnosima između javnog i privatnog sektora u planiranju i izgradnji gradova. U ovom procesu, urbanistički projekat se izdvaja kao jedan od retkih instrumenata za sprovođenje planskog dokumenta koji se radi u cilju urbanističko­ arhitektonske razrade lokacije i oblikovanja površina i privatne i javne namene. Izmene i dopune Zakona о planiranju i izgradnji iz 2018. godine donele su značajnu promenu primene ovog instrumenta, definišući da se urbanistički projekat može izraditi i za izgradnju objekata javne namene za potrebe utvrđivanja javnog interesa, а bez izmene planskog dokumenta. Dodatno, urbanističkim projektom se omogućava selektivan odabir primene urbanističkih parametara definisanih planskim dokumentom od strane projektanata (kada su planom definisani indeks zauzetosti/izgrađenosti i spratnost/visina objekata), gde stručnu kontrolu vrsi komisija za planove JLS, skoro po pravilu u korist privatnog interesa. Pored toga, moguća је i promena planiranih namena iz planskog dokumenta, ukoliko su nove namene u urbanističkom projektu predviđene kao komplementarne, istina u skladu sa kapacitetima infrastrukture iz istog planskog dokumenta. Efekti takvih promena donose značajno uvećane parametre izgradnje od onih tretiranih u prostornim i urbanističkim planovima, i shodno tome i drugačije zahteve za saobraćajnom i komunalnom infrastrukturom u izgrađenom prostoru u odnosu na planirane. U trenutku kada je poljuljana definicija javnog interesa, nameću se dva pitanja: (а) ograničenja interpretacije, i (b) nadležnosti brojnih aktera koji su uključeni u proces iniciranja, izrade, informisanja i potvrđivanja urbanističkog projekta. U skladu sa tim, rad nastoji da preispita donete promene regulatornog okvira, ali i da ukaze na potencijalne problematične aspekte, kako proceduralne tako i supstantivne, nastale posredstvom redefinisanja uloge i svrhe ovog instrumenta

    Effects of radiation on solar cells as photovoltaic generators

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    he growing need for obtaining electrical energy through renewable energy sources such as solar energy have lead to significant technological developments in the production of the basic element of PV conversion, the solar cell. Basically, a solar cell is a p-n junction whose characteristics have a great influence on its output parameters, primarily efficiency. Defects and impurities in the basic material, especially if located within the energy gap, may be activated during its life time, becoming traps for optically produced electron-hole pairs and, thus, decreasing the output power of the cell. All of the said effects could be induced in many ways over a life time of a solar cell and are consistent with the ef ects that radiation produces in semiconductor devices. The aim of this paper is to investigate changes in the main characteristics of solar cells, such as efficiency, output current and power, due to the exposure of solar systems to different (hostile) radiation environment

    Nodes and Networks: The Generative Role of Cultural Heritage for Urban Revival in Kikinda

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    Using heritage as a cultural artifact in city development is not new, but little has been explored about how urban heritage can be utilized as new generative value and a new planning instrument for the revival of cities. The purpose of this paper is to show the creative and the generative use of urban heritage, both for the extension of cultural and tourist offer of the city and for the improvement of the quality of life in physical, social and economic terms for the community. The case study method was used for the adaptive reuse of projects for heritage buildings and urban revival in Kikinda. We argue that urban heritage has to be used, bearing in mind its spatial, economic and social sustainability aspects, and become a generator of urban revival. We go beyond recognition of the value of heritage as a cultural artifact that should solely be preserved and used as a static element in urban development, and view it more as a dynamic asset for city revival processes. We found that for the heritage nodes to be utilized as the new generative value for the revival of cities, they have to be perceived from the network perspective, thus influencing the urban environment in a sustainable way

    Branding Places through Culture and Tourism

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    The main purpose of this paper is to expand the possibilities for linking local urban development and educational process in the field of creative use of culture and tourism in relation to the place branding. Therefore, the chapter presents a model of cooperation between municipalities and higher education institutions in addressing important issues for local development. The research was conducted through the cooperation between the City of Smederevo and the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, realised during the spring semester of the school year 2017/18 on the Master Project at the Master Integrated Urbanism Programme. A specific aspect of cultural tourism resulted in the development of different research topics, mentored through two lines of reasoning. One line investigated how new concepts of cultural tourism can be employed in using local values as a key element of place branding strategy and the second line explored the means of better management and activation of already appreciated assets of the city. New possibilities and successful case studies of the creative use of cultural heritage were examined at the same time. The research indicates the importance of cultural innovation and creative projects for the extension of cultural and tourist offer of the city of Smederevo as well as for the enabling conditions for conception and successful implementation of place branding strategies. Creative exploration of cultural tourism can hold a nucleus for improving the quality of life in physical, social and economic terms for residents and tourists

    Cooperative GIS platform for improving resilience to household risks - case study of Ada Medjica on Sava river in Belgrade

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    Flooding is estimated to be most serious possible potential shock for Belgrade due to heightened awareness after the floods in 2014. Heavy rainfall and raised level of the rivers Sava and Kolubara in municipality of Obrenovac within the City of Belgrade region, located 30 kilometers southwest of Belgrade’s city center, caused flooding in an estimated 90% of the urban area. Flooding greatly affected buildings, infrastructure and agricultural land, especially in the areas situated along the Sava and Danube rivers. The floods had a particularly damaging effect on hygiene, public health and water supply. The impact of flooding on the productive activities of agriculture, trade and industry and housing negatively affected economic growth, with a corresponding impact on livelihoods, income and employment, and a significant decline in living conditions in the affected areas. As a response to lessons learned from the flooding City of Belgrade identified several priorities. Except the necessity to conduct a comprehensive Belgrade Risk Assessment and establish flood prevention systems and systems for mitigation of post-flood environmental, health, and economical risks, it was underlined the importance to establish better risk disaster management and communications, and to enhance and equip civil protection. The post disaster experience showed that many of these priorities are tightly correlated in a numerous ways with smallest social units – households. Therefore, starting with the assumption that use of smart information and communication technologies and motivating collaborative techniques enables development of cooperative instrument for efficient improvement household resilience, the academy team performed action research with a small communi........ .....enacting, and to evaluate its potential uses in all phases of potential shock or disasters. This paper represents the overview of methodology and experimental results achieved by the joint efforts of students, teachers and community

    Informality and cultural landscape in Belgrade Riverside

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    By considering regulations defined by laws, plans and decisions on different levels related to urban development of Belgrade riverside, specific conditions of privatization of land, changes in legislation and insufficiently defined planning procedures have been recognized, which reflect the informal practice of land use development. The example of such coastal areas can be found along the Sava and Danube riverside, including the illegal appropriation of the aquatory, which are regarded in this research as a specific practice of creating a unique cultural landscape. This practice reflects a spontaneous urban development of the riverside through the formal and informal establishment of temporary and permanent housing, numerous commercial and recreational activities in different scale along the 200km of Belgrade riverbank. The shaping of the cultural landscape of Belgrade riverside will be analyzed through the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to the ongoing riverside urbanization, which manifest the complex linkage between formal institutions, and members of the local community. The importance of closer examination of cultural, economic, environmental and spatial aspects of this process is in the recognition of indigenous building regulations and relations to the natural resources. The main goal of the research is to understand different levels on which this informal practice persists and to outline the possibilities for the improvement of the current planning of Belgrade riverbank through their institutionalisation


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    Urban regeneration and economic development in the context of competitive global markets and impacts to Serbian cities represent challenges calling for new responses for transformative action in urban governance. Policy-makers understanding of that relation may contribute to suitable use of policy instruments for creating good business environment in cites. Business improvement districts (BIDs) represent possible model used as a management instrument for fostering local economic development, city promotion and improving the quality of urban public space and life. The paper presents theoretical approaches of policy instruments use and sets recommendations for management of BIDs based on two cases of city center’s regeneration in Serbia. We argue that for BIDs to be a useful model for city center’s regeneration, an appropriate use and combination of regulatory, economic and informational management instruments is necessary