55 research outputs found

    Conservation possibility of fragmented fish populations on the example of the Danube barbel (Barbus balcanicus Kotlík, Tsigenopoulos, Ráb and Berrebi, 2002

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    Vrsta B. balcanicus je zvanično opisana 2002. godine. Naseljava potoke i gornje tokove reka, koji su često pod antropogenim uticajem, pre svega u smislu stvaranja barijera. Barijere mogu da budu preduslov fragmentacije staništa koja utiče na ključne aspekte ekosistema, poput hidrološke povezanosti, što je od presudnog značaja za ribe i druge vodene organizme. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno devet populacija vrste B. balcanicus iz pet reka koje pripadaju slivu Velike Morave. Rezultati analize strukture populacija ukazuju na određeni stepen razlika između istraživanih lokaliteta. Genetičkom karakterizacijom, na osnovu analize sekvenci COI gena mtDNK, potvrđeno je da populacije obuhvaćene istraživanjem pripadaju vrsti B. balcanicus i konstatovan je samo jedan haplotip - Ex65F1. Analizom geometrijske morfometrije potvrđeno je postojanje polnog dimorfizma u veličini i obliku, kao i morfološka varijabilnost između populacija uzrokovana fragmentacijom staništa. Najniže vrednosti pokretljivosti spermatozoida konstatovane su u fragmentisanim staništima, i u populaciji iz Petrovačke reke, koja je delimično zagađena. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljen je prvi uspešan protokol za krioprezervaciju spermatozoida potočne mrene. Primenom modifikovanog ESHIPPO-ILSFP-RP modela procenjen je umereni rizik od nestajanja za populacije iz Grošničke reke, na lokalitetima iznad i ispod akumulacije, kao i za Petrovačku reku. Na osnovu izloženih rezultata može se zaključiti da je fragmentacija staništa uticala na populacije potočne mrene u pogledu strukture populacija, morfologije i reproduktivnog statusa, koji je predstavljen pokretljivošću spermatozoida.The species B. balcanicus was officially described in 2002. This species inhabits streams and the upper reaches of rivers, which are often altered by anthropogenic activity, primarily by creating barriers. Barriers are a prerequisite for habitat fragmentation that affects key aspects of ecosystems, such as hydrological connectivity, which is crucial for fish and other aquatic organisms. The research included nine populations of B. balcanicus from five rivers belonging to the Velika Morava drainage. The population structure analysis indicated a certain degree of difference between the investigated localities. Based on the mtDNA COI gene sequences, genetic characterization confirmed that the populations included in this study belong to the species B. balcanicus, with one haplotype detected - Ex65F1. Results of geometric morphometry confirmed the existence of dimorphism in size and shape, and morphological variability between populations, caused by habitat fragmentation. The lowest sperm motility values were detected in fragmented habitats and in population from the Petrovačka River, which is partially polluted. Within this doctoral dissertation, the first successful protocol for cryopreservation of the Danube barbel sperm was presented. Through the modified ESHIPPO-ILSFP-RP model was estimated a moderate risk of extinction for the populations from the Grošnička River, in the localities above and below the reservoir, as well as for the Petrovačka River population. Based on the presented results, it can be concluded that habitat fragmentation affected the Danube barbel populations in terms of population structure, morphology, and reproductive status, which is represented by sperm motility

    Мијелодиспластични синдром са приближном тетраплоидијом удруженом са мутацијом гена TP53 – редак случај

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    Introduction. Chromosomal numerical aberrations are very common in hematological malignancies, but near-tetraploidy (80-104 chromosomes) is rare in myeloid lineage malignancies, with only a few cases reported in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Due to a small number of cases with this rare cytogenetic abnormality, clinicopathological significance of near-tetraploidy in MDS is still unknown. In this case report we present a case of de novo MDS patient with near-tetraploidy in association with TP53 mutation, and we aimed to elucidate the prognostic significance of this rare genetic feature. Case Outline. In August of 2018 a 71-year-old male presented with severe anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leucopenia and enlarged spleen. Laboratory data were as follows: hemoglobin (Hb) 93 g/L, white blood cells (WBC) 2.8×109/L and platelets 23x109/L. The bone marrow aspirate was hypercellular, megakaryocytes were not found, granulocytic cells were 15% with signs of dysplasia, with 16% of blast cells without Auer rods. The finding was in correlation with diagnosis of MDS, type RAEB2 which was also confirmed by immunophenotyping. Cytogenetic finding was near-tetraploidy (48,XY+mar[10]/92,XXYY[10]), and TP53 mutational analysis showed the presence of mutation in exon 8 (p.D281A; c.842 A>C). The patient received from time-to-time packed red blood cells and platelets, and died four months after initial diagnosis. Conclusion. Near-tetraploidy associated with TP53 mutation has been described only in few MDS cases. Results of these reports including ours suggest that the association of TP53 mutation and near-tetra polyploidy is a poor prognostic factor.Нумеричке аберације хромозома су веома честе код хематолошких малигнитета, али су приближне тетраплои- дије (80–104 хромозома) ретке у малигнитетима мијелоидне лозе, са само неколико случајева пријављених у мијелоди- спластичком синдрому (МДС). Због малог броја случајева са овом ретком цитогенетском абнормалношћу, клиничко- -патолошки значај приближне тетраплоидије у МДС-у је још увек непознат. Овим приказом de novo болесника са МДС-ом, са приближном тетраплоидијом и мутацијом у гену TP53, циљ нам је био да расветлимо прогностички значај ове рет- ке генетске карактеристикe. Приказ болесника Приказан је 71-годишњи болесник који је у августу 2018. године развио симптоме тешке анемије, тромбоцитопеније, леукопеније и увећане слезине. Лабо- раторијске анализе су показале следеће: хемоглобин 93 g/L, леукоцити 2,8 × 109 /L и тромбоцити 23 × 109 /L. Аспират коштане сржи је био хиперћелијски, мегакариоцити нису на- ђени, 15% гранулоцитa је било са знацима дисплазије, 16% бластa без Ауерових штапића. Налаз је одговарао дијагнози МДС-а, типа рефракторне анемије са вишком бласта 2, што је потврђено и имунолошком фенотипизацијом. Цитогенет- ском анализом утврђено је присуство приближне тетрапло- идије (48,XY+mar10/92,XXYY[10]), а анализа мутација у гену TP53 показала је присуство мутације у егзону 8 (p.D281A; c.842 A > C). Болесник је по потреби примао трансфузију еритроцита и тромбоците, а умро је четири месеца након почетне дијагнозе. Закључак Присуство приближне тетраплоидије удружене са мутацијама у гену TP53 описано је само у неколико слу- чајева МДС-а. Резултати ових случајева, као и наши резул- тати, указују на то да приближна тетраплоидија повезана са присуством мутација у гену TP53 представља фактор лоше прогнозе

    The expression of Muscle ankyrin repeat proteins in brown adipose tissue

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    MARP family members CARP, Ankrd2 and DARP are expressed in the striated muscle, while DARP protein is also detected in brown adipose tissue (BAT). Taking into account recent findings concerning the common origin of muscle and brown fat, expression of CARP and Ankrd2 in mouse BAT was investigated. We demonstrated Ankrd2 expression in both inactive and thermogenically active BAT, while CARP expression was not detected. Our findings suggest that the expression of Ankrd2 in BAT could be a part of the 'myogenic transcriptional signature', further supporting the evidence that muscle and brown adipose cells arise from the same myoblastic precursor

    Reversal of FLT3 Mutational Status and Sustained Expression of NPM1 Mutation in Paired Presentation, and Relapse Samples in a Patient with Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    We report a case of de novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with unstable FLT3 gene mutations and stable NPM1 mutation. FLT3/D835 and NPM1 (Type A) mutations were detected upon diagnosis. During the relapse, the FLT3/D835 mutation changed to an FLT3/ITD mutation while the NPM1 (Type A) mutation was retained. Cytogenetic analyses showed the normal karyotype at diagnosis and relapse. Our findings raise interesting questions about the significance of these mutations in the leukemogenic process, about their stability during the evolution of the disease, and regarding the selection of appropriate molecular markers for the monitoring of minimal residual disease

    Scardinius knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005 and Alburnus scoranza Bonaparte, 1845: New species of ichthyofauna of Serbia and the Danube basin

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    Research into the ichthyofauna of the Vlasina Lake reservoir in south Serbia, which is part of the Danube basin, was carried out in 1993, 40 years after its formation. The results of the research reveal the presence of several species of fish belonging to the Adriatic and Aegean basin, such as Alburnus albidus, Rutilus basak, Scardinius graecus and Pachychilon macedonicus. These findings are of great importance from the aspect of conservation, because the species Scardinius graecus and Alburnus albidus are on the European list of endangered fish species. In the latest study of the Vlasina Lake reservoir ichthyofauna (70 years after its formation), the above-mentioned species were not found. However, the presence of naturalized populations of two species from the Adriatic basin were confirmed: Scardinius knezevici and Alburnus scoranza. These findings represent the first known areal expansion of these species, which are new to the ichthyofauna of Serbia, from the Adriatic into the Danube (Black Sea) basin.[Acknowledgments. The present work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia (Projects No. 43002 and 173025).

    Scardinius Knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005 and Alburnus scoranza Bonaparte, 1845: New species of ichthyofauna of Serbia and the Danube basin

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    Research into the ichthyofauna of the Vlasina Lake reservoir in south Serbia, which is part of the Danube basin, was carried out in 1993, 40 years after its formation. The results of the research reveal the presence of several species of fish belonging to the Adriatic and Aegean basin, such as Alburnus albidus, Rutilus basak, Scardinius graecus and Pachychilon macedonicus. These findings are of great importance from the aspect of conservation, because the species Scardinius graecus and Alburnus albidus are on the European list of endangered fish species. In the latest study of the Vlasina Lake reservoir ichthyofauna (70 years after its formation), the above-mentioned species were not found. However, the presence of naturalized populations of two species from the Adriatic basin were confirmed: Scardinius knezevici and Alburnus scoranza. These findings represent the first known areal expansion of these species, which are new to the ichthyofauna of Serbia, from the Adriatic into the Danube (Black Sea) basin

    Scardinius knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005 and Alburnus scoranza Bonaparte, 1845: New species of ichthyofauna of Serbia and the Danube basin

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    Research into the ichthyofauna of the Vlasina Lake reservoir in south Serbia, which is part of the Danube basin, was carried out in 1993, 40 years after its formation. The results of the research reveal the presence of several species of fish belonging to the Adriatic and Aegean basin, such as Alburnus albidus, Rutilus basak, Scardinius graecus and Pachychilon macedonicus. These findings are of great importance from the aspect of conservation, because the species Scardinius graecus and Alburnus albidus are on the European list of endangered fish species. In the latest study of the Vlasina Lake reservoir ichthyofauna (70 years after its formation), the above-mentioned species were not found. However, the presence of naturalized populations of two species from the Adriatic basin were confirmed: Scardinius knezevici and Alburnus scoranza. These findings represent the first known areal expansion of these species, which are new to the ichthyofauna of Serbia, from the Adriatic into the Danube (Black Sea) basin.Projekat ministarstva br. 43002 i br. 17302

    Lactobacillus brevis BGZLS10-17 and Lb. plantarum BGPKM22 Exhibit Anti-Inflammatory Effect by Attenuation of NF-kappa B and MAPK Signaling in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells

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    Bronchial epithelial cells are exposed to environmental influences, microbiota, and pathogens and also serve as a powerful effector that initiate and propagate inflammation by the release of proinflammatory mediators. Recent studies suggested that lung microbiota differ between inflammatory lung diseases and healthy lungs implicating their contribution in the modulation of lung immunity. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are natural inhabitants of healthy human lungs and also possess immunomodulatory effects, but so far, there are no studies investigating their anti-inflammatory potential in respiratory cells. In this study, we investigated immunomodulatory features of 21 natural LAB strains in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B). Our results show that several LAB strains reduced the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokine genes. We also demonstrated that two LAB strains, Lactobacillus brevis BGZLS10-17 and Lb. plantarum BGPKM22, effectively attenuated LPS-induced nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) nuclear translocation. Moreover, BGZLS10-17 and BGPKM22 reduced the activation of p38, extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK), and c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling cascade resulting in a reduction of pro-inflammatory mediator expressions in BEAS-2B cells. Collectively, the LAB strains BGZLS10-17 and BGPKM22 exhibited anti-inflammatory effects in BEAS-2B cells and could be employed to balance immune response in lungs and replenish diminished lung microbiota in chronic lung diseases

    Association of functional variants of phase i and ii genes with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a Serbian population

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    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex disorder characterized by increased oxidative stress. Functional genetic variants of phase I and II genes are implicated in oxidants antioxidants imbalance and may be involved in COPD development. In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of cytochrome P450 (CYP), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEH) functional variants in the pathogenesis of COPD in a Serbian population. Methods: The genotypes of 122 COPD patients and 100 controls with normal lung function were determined for CYP1A1 *1A/*2A, CYP2E1 *1A/*5B, GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null GSTP1 11e105Val, mEH Tyr113His and mEH His139Arg gene variants. Results: Results obtained showed that GSTM1 null variant was significantly more represented in COPD patients than in controls (61.5% vs. 47.0%; OR=1.80; p=0.042). Also, a significant difference was observed for combinations of GSTM1 null and GSTP1 105Val/(Val) (38.5% vs. 24.0%; OR=1.98; p=0.029), as well as for CYP1A1 *1A/*2A, GSTM1 null and mEH 113His/(His) genotypes (7.4% vs. 1.0%; OR=7.88; p=0.025). Conclusions: These are the first data concerning the analysis of the variants of phase I and II genes in the pathogenesis of COPD in a Serbian population. Results obtained in this study open up the possibility for thorough analyses of the role of genetic factors in COPD on larger cohorts. Also, they implicate the importance of previously described genetic associations with COPD in our population, as well as reveal a new one, not reported so far

    Association of functional variants of phase I and II genes with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a Serbian population

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    Uvod: Hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća (HOBP) jeste složeno oboljenje koje karakteriše povišen oksidativni stres. Funkcionalne varijante gena faze I i II ksenobiotičkog metabolizma mogu uticati na ravnotežu oksidanti-antioksidanti i mogu dovesti do razvoja HOBP. Cilj ove studije je bio ispitivanje uloge funkcionalnih genskih varijanti u genima za citohrom P450 (CYP), glutation S-transferazu (GST) i mikrozomalnu epoksidnu hidrolazu (mEH) u patogenezi HOBP u srpskoj populaciji. Metode: U ovoj studiji analizirane su genske varijante CYP1A1 *1A/*2A, CYP2E1 *1A/*5B, GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null, GSTP1 Ile105Val, mEH Tyr113His i mEH His139Arg u grupi obolelih od HOBP koja je obuhvatala 122 ispitanika i kontrolnoj grupi koja je obuhvatala 100 ispitanika sa normalnom funkcijom pluća. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je GSTM1 null varijanta statistički značajno povišena u grupi obolelih od HOBP u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (61,5% i 47,0%; or = 1,80; p = 0,042). Takođe, uočena je značajna razlika u zastupljenosti kombinacije genotipova GSTM1 null i GSTP1 105Val/(Val) (38,5% i 24,0%; or = 1,98; p = 0,029), kao i kombinacije CYP1A1 *1A/*2A, GSTM1 null i mEH 113H is/(H is) (7,4% i 1,0% ; or = 7 ,88; p = 0,025). Zaključak: Ovo su prvi podaci o ulozi genskih varijanti gena faze I i II u patogenezi HOBP u srpskoj populaciji. Rezultati dobijeni u ovoj studiji otvaraju mogućnost za detaljniju analizu uloge genetičkih faktora u HOBP na većim grupama ispitanika. Pored toga, podaci dobijeni u našoj studiji potvrđuju važnost genetičkih determinanti povezanih sa HOBP u prethodnim studijama, ali takođe otkrivaju nove genetičke faktore, koji nisu objavljeni do sada.Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex disorder characterized by increased oxidative stress. Functional genetic variants of phase I and II genes are implicated in oxidants-antioxidants imbalance and may be involved in COPD development. In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of cytochrome P450 (CYP), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEH) functional variants in the pathogenesis of COPD in a Serbian population. Methods: The genotypes of l2 2 COPD patients and 100 controls with normal lung function were determined for CYP1A1 *1A /*2A , CYP2E1 *1 A /*5B , GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null GSTP1 Ile105Val, mEH Tyr113His and mEH His139Arg gene variants. Results: Results obtained showed that GSTM1 null variant was significantly more represented in COPD patients than in controls (61.5% vs. 47.0%; or = 1.80; p = 0.042). Also, a significant difference was observed for combinations of GSTM1 null and GSTP1 105Val/(Val) (38.5% vs. 24.0%; or = 1.98; p = 0.029), as well as for CYP1A1 *1A/*2A, GSTM1 null and mEH 113His/(His) genotypes (7.4% vs. 1.0%; or = 7.88; p = 0.025). Conclusions: These are the first data concerning the analysis of the variants of phase I and II genes in the pathogenesis of COPD in a Serbian population. Results obtained in this study open up the possibility for thorough analyses of the role of genetic factors in COPD on larger cohorts. Also, they implicate the importance of previously described genetic associations with COPD in our population, as well as reveal a new one, not reported so far