71 research outputs found

    Smart forms: a survey to state and test the most major electronic forms technologies that are based on W3C standards

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    Smart Forms are efficient and powerful electronic forms that could be used for the interactions between end users and web applications systems. Several electronic forms software products that use W3C technologies are presented to meet the demands of users. This thesis aims to study and test the major electronic forms technologies that are based on W3C standards. It discusses the main electronic forms features and experiments them with some essential applications. This research produces deep understanding of the most electronic forms technologies that are based on W3C standards and their important features, which make an electronic form smart form. In addition, it opens developments prospects for other researchers to develop some applications ideas that could contribute in the electronic forms domain

    Impact of Play on Early Childhood

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    In this essay, the concept of play is explored within the context of early childhood education, emphasizing its definition, functions, and developmental significance. This study examines many theoretical viewpoints and their consequences as it explores the multidimensional character of play, drawing on the insights of scholars and researchers. It also looks at specific types of play, such as play in the outdoors, play for children with special needs, and play's relationship to education. This investigation emphasizes the critical role that play plays in early childhood and development, emphasizing the value of play in promoting learning experiences and holistic growth


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    The Sapa Pustakawan Online Service is an online-based information search service at the IAIN Kudus Library. The service utilizes Telegram's social media as a service medium for users. This study aims to analyze how the application of the Sapa Pustakawan Online service at the IAIN Kudus Library. This research was conducted using a qualitative research approach with a descriptive type of research. The data collection methods used in this study include observation, interview methods, and literature study methods. The observation method is used to make observations on service activities by librarians to users in the telegram group Sapa Pustakawan Online at IAIN Kudus Library. Then, the interview method was used to extract research data from the Head of the IAIN Kudus Library and the librarian at the IAIN Kudus Library regarding the application of the Sapa Pustakawan Online service. The method of collecting data through literature study is extracting data by using literature sources that are in accordance with the research theme. From the research, it can be concluded that the Sapa Pustakawan Online service is able to provide easy information search services, fast information search services, and capable information search services


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    AbstrakKelas literasi informasi merupakan sebuah program kegiatan pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh Perpustakaan IAIN Kudus. Pelatihan ini memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi informasi pemustaka di IAIN Kudus. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan kelas literasi informasi di Perpustakaan IAIN Kudus. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif bertipe deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan metode studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa : 1) Kelas pelatihan literasi informasi di Perpustakaan IAIN Kudus dilaksanakan dalam bentuk kelas pelatihan yang berisi pembelajaran tentang pemanfaatan aplikasi pengelola referensi zotero serta pembelajaran tentang bagaimana melakukan penelusuran informasi online. 2) Hambatan-hambatan yang ditemui dalam pelaksanaan kelas literasi informasi di Perpustakaan IAIN Kudus antara lain adalah penyebaran informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan yang belum merata, jumlah pustakawan yang terbatas, variasi materi pembelajaran yang masih terbatas, dan hambatan teknis. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah, kelas literasi informasi di Perpustakaan IAIN Kudus sudah berjalan baik dan mampu tampil menjadi salah satu bentuk inovasi layanan yang ada di Perpustakaan IAIN Kudus.   Kata Kunci: Literasi informasi; Kelas literasi informasi; Perpustakaan perguruan tinggi


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah pelaksanaan kegiatan kepustakawanan di Perpustakaan IAIN Kudus selama masa pandemi covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Untuk teknik pengumpulan data digunakan metode observasi dan metode library research. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa semua kegiatan kepustakawanan di Perpustakaan IAIN Kudus selama pandemi covid-19 dilaksanakan dengan mengaplikasikan kemajuan teknologi informasi. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam kegiatan kepustakawanan di Perpustakaan IAIN Kudus tersebut bertujuan utama untuk tetap memberikan layanan yang prima kepada pemustaka pada masa pandemi covid-19. Bentuk kegiatan kepustakawanan berbasis teknologi informasi yang dilaksanakan antara lain adalah pelayanan pemustaka, koleksi perpustakaan berbasis digital dan kegiatan literasi informasi

    Desain Komunikasi Visual Sebagai Sarana Kampanye Pelestarian Hutan Di Wilayah Bali

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    Abstract Forest is a basic requirement for the entire life of living creatures that live in the earth, namely: the water-storage warehouse, a place to absorb rain water, as the regulatory climate that produce oxygen for all living things to breathe and absorbing carbon dioxide, shelter diverse flora and fauna will increase biodiversity, reduce global warming and protect the soil from erosion 2 and landslides based on topography in Bali. In Bali alone the largest forest area located in the western part of Bali which includes Buleleng and Jembrana is 81025.32 ha or 62% of the overall forest area in Bali. Rampant encroachment and destruction of forests in the area of Bali is rooted in the wild each year, plus the lack of law enforcement for the violators of forest destruction thats problem is the source that formulated to become what is interesting, effective, ergonomic, and communicative media in order to awaken the public to be able to keep the following forest ecosystem in it, too how to design media. Of the intended goals and objectives of the Balinese people both local and from outside it creates the concept of "kartunal" in order to tickle the public, also spiced with a touch of introspection and introspective style of humor himself, will create an effective communication between individuals, community and society . The concept of creating visual communications media in the form of brochures, posters, flyers, Billboard, X-banner, banners, CD-ROM Interactive, Stickers, T-shirts, and catalog. Keywords: forest, forest of Bali, forest destruction in Bali, Visual Communication Design

    Love thy neighbour? A study on the impact of mosques on housing prices in London

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    I study the impact of the distance to the nearest mosque on housing prices in London, in light of debates on the immigrant integration. I find that increasing the distance to the nearest mosque by 1% of the average distance has a statistically significant positive relationship to housing prices


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    The IAIN Kudus library has three corner services that can be used by the entire academic community on the IAIN Kudus campus. The three corner services are the IAIN Kudus corner, the religious moderation corner, and the Asia Foundation corner. This study aims to find out what strategic functions can be applied to the corner service at the IAIN Kudus Library so that the corner service can support the role of the IAIN Kudus Library as a central source of information for the entire academic community at IAIN Kudus. This research was conducted with a descriptive research approach. The object of research is the three service corners in the IAIN Kudus Library. The data collection method used in this research is through observation data collection methods and data collection methods through literature studies. The observation data collection method was used by researchers to observe the corner services in the IAIN Kudus Library. Then the literature study used is through books and journal articles which according to the researcher are in accordance with the research theme. The data that has been obtained in this study were then analyzed descriptively. The results of this study indicate that the strategic functions that can be applied at the corner service of the IAIN Kudus Library include the identity function, deposit-promotive function, learning support function, collaborative function, and research function