18 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Yuridis Gugatan Sederhana dalam Persfektif Asas Peradilan Sederhana Cepat dan Biaya Ringan (Studi Kasus Putusan Nomor 13/pdt.g.s/2017/Pn.Mdn)

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    Mahkamah Agung menerbitkan suatu peraturan guna mengisi kekosongan hukum berupa peraturan Mahkamah Agung No 2 Tahun 2015 tentang prosedur dan tata cara penyelesaian Gugatan Sederhana. Proses penyelesaian gugatan sederhana atau bisa disebut dengan small claim court merupakan tata cara dipersidangan terhadap gugatan perdata dengan nilai gugatan materiil paling banyak Rp.200.000.000,00 (dua ratus juta rupiah) yang diselesaikan dengan tata cara pembuktian yang sederhana. Rumusan masalah dalam penulisan skripsi ini terbagi menjadi 3 yaitu : 1). Apa yang dimaksud degan Gugatan Sederhana menurut Perma No 2 Tahun 2015 dalam Persfektif Asas Peradilan yang sederhana, cepat, dan biaya ringan. 2). Apa perbedaan Gugatan Biasa dengan Gugatan Sederhana 3). Bagaimana Pertimbangan hukum Hakim dalam pengambilan putusan Perkara Nomor 13/Pdt.G.S/2017/Pn.Mdn. Metode penelitian Skripsi ini adalah Yuridis Normatif artinya permasalahan yang diangkat, dibahas dan diuraikan dalam penelitian ini di fokuskan dengan menerapkan kaedah- kaedah atau Norma-norma dalam hukum positif. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu, terdapat karakterisitk khusus dalam penyelesaian gugatan sederhana yang berbeda dengan pemeriksaan acara perdata. Dalam penyelesian gugatan sederhana jangka waktu, dan nilai objek berbeda dengan pemeriksaan gugatan perdata biasa. Dalam pemeriksaan perdata biasa proses pemeriksaan di periksa oleh hakim yang berjumlah ganjil. Sedangkan dalam penyelesaian gugatan sederhana perkara diputus oleh hakim tunggal. Kesimpulan dari pembahasan skripsi ini, yaitu hukum acara Perdata biasa memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dengan penyelesaian gugatan sederhana yaitu tidak adanya replik dan duplik, satu-satunya upaya hukum yang dapat diajukan dalam pemeriksaan gugatan sederhana ialah upaya hukum keberatan.The Supreme Court published a rule in order to fill the void of legal form rules Supreme Court number 2nd of 2015on procedures and procedures for the settlement of the Simple Claim. The process of settling a simple lawsuit or claiming a minor claim court is a procedure in court against a civil suit with a material charge of Rp. 200,000,000.00 (two hundred million rupiah) subject to a simple proof procedure. the problem formulation in this research is 1). What is a simple claim according to the rules of the Supreme Court Number 2nd of 2015 Perspectife in the judicial Principle that is simple, fast, and lightweight, 2). What is the Difference of Public Demands with Simple Claims, 3. how the legal Considerations) a judge making the ruling for case Number 13/Pdt. G. S/2017/Pn.Mdn. Research methods this Thesis is the Juridical normative that is the issue raised, discussed and outlined in this research in focus by applying the method-method or the norms of positive law. The results of the research, there are special characteristics in the settlement of simple lawsuits that are different from the examination of civil events. In the settlement of a simple lawsuit period, and the value of the object is different from normal civil lawsuit examination. In ordinary civil examinations, the examination process is examined by an odd number of judges. While in the settlement of a simple lawsuit the case was decided by a single judge. The conclusion of the discussion of this thesis, the law of civil events usually has a significant difference with the settlement of a simple lawsuit that is the absence of replicas and duplicates, the only legal effort that can be filed in a simple lawsuit is a legal objection


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    Proses komunikasi saat ini semakin berkembang dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang memadukan antara teknologi informasi dan teknologi komunikasi sehingga muncul istilah Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Teknologi tersebut melahirkan sebuah sarana yaitu internet. Masyarakat menggunakan media, didasari oleh motif sebagai harapan khalayak ketika menggunakan media, dan kesenjangan kepuasan khalayak setelah menggunakan media. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui motif informasi, motif identitas pribadi, motif integrasi dan interaksi sosial, dan motif hiburan, serta mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pada mahasiswa Universitas Telkom dalam menggunakan situs smb.telkomuniversity.ac.id. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terjadinya kesenjangan kepuasan dari skor rata-rata Gratification Sought dan Gratification Obtained. Untuk motif informasi diperoleh skor 3,22>3,14 dan untuk motif identitas pribadi diperoleh skor 3,23>3,16, sehingga terjadi kesenjangan bahwa media tidak memuaskan (GS>GO). Integrasi dan interaksi sosial diperoleh skor 2,69<2,73, dan hiburan diperoleh skor 2,72<2,80, sehingga terjadi kesenjangan yang memuaskan (GS<GO).Kata kunci: informasi, teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, motif, kesenjangan kepuasanToday communication process is developing by utilize technology which combined information technology and communication technology, thus appears new term named Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which led a means named internet. People uses the media, caused by the motif as audience expectation when they used the media and discrepancy gratification of audience after use the media. The purpose of this study was to determine the motive information, motif personal identity, motif integration and social interaction, and motif entertainment, as well as determine the level of satisfaction Telkom University's student in the use of smb.telkomuniversity.ac.id website.The method used in this research is a descriptive survey with quantitative approach. The results of this research is there is a discrepancy gratification from average score of Gratification Sought (GS) and Gratification Obtained (GO). For information the score is 3,22>3,14 and for personal identity, the score is 3,23>3,16 thus appears that the media is unsatisfaction because the score of GS>GO. For the social integration and interaction, the score is 2,69>2,73 and entertainment the score is 2,72<2,80, thus appears that the discrepancy gratification is satisfaction (GS<GO).Keywords: information, information and communication technology, motif, discrepancy gratificatio


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of Reserve Requirement Ratio (RRR), Bank Capital Ratio (EQRAT), Earning Volatility (EARNVOL), Credit Risk, and Size toward Liquidity Creation ten largest Conventional Banks in Indonesia. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling technique with the criteria of ten largest conventional Banks who publish annual financial reports periodically during 2010-2014. The data used in this study was obtained from annual financial reports on the website of conventional Banks with a sample of ten largest conventional Banks in Indonesia. Methods of data analysis in this study with Multiple Regression Analysis, which previously performed classical assumption test. Hypothesis testing using F-statistic test, t-statistical test and the determination of coefficients Adjusted with a significance level of 5%. The results of the study are the independent variables simultaneously (F test) effect on Liquidity Creation with a significance level of 0.000. While partially (t test) showed that the variable RRR, EARNVOL, and Size has no significant effect on Liquidity Creation. Variable EQRAT has significant negative effect on Liquidity Creation. Variable Credit Risk has significant positive effect on Liquidity Creation. Adjusted is 0.477 which means that the ability of the four independent variables and one control variable can explain Liquidity Creation amounted to 47.7%, while the rest is explained by other factors


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    Penelitian ini merumuskan masalah bagaimana membuat sebuah sistem yang dapat memberikan ketersediaan informasi mengenai load balancing trafik pada sebuah web server. Hasil analisa dan perbandingan dari penggunaan HAProxy di web server berbasis apache dengan HAProxy di web server berbasis nginx menggunakan algoritma Round Robin dan algoritma Least Connection sebagai pengujian dan pembanding pada Kantor Dinas DISHUBKOMINFO Banda Aceh. Pada penelitian ini didapat bahwa pada algoritma Round Robin menggunakan web server apache menghasilkan throughput terendah (128,14 kbps) jika dibandingkan dengan algoritma lain, sedangkan throughput tertinggi diperoleh dari algoritma Round Robin pada web server nginx (187,46 kb/s), pada sisi response time didapat nilai tertinggi pada algoritma Round Robin di web server apache (6527,94 seconds) dan nilai response time terendah adalah pada algoritma Least Connection pada web server apache (5747,6 seconds), untuk nilai tertinggi request adalah pada algoritma Round Robin di web server nginx (834 milisecond) dan nilai request terendah adalah pada algoritma Round Robin pada web server apache (603 milisecond), dan yang terakhir yaitu nilai reply tertinggi adalah pada algoritma Round Robin pada web server nginx (825,8 milisecond) dan reply terendah adalah pada algoritma Round Robin pada web server apache (584,7 miliseconds). Hasil nilai di atas bisa berbeda karena bergantung dengan koneksi jaringan yang di pakai oleh client, semakin cepat atau lambatnya jaringan yang di pakai maka hasil akan berbeda

    Study of communication ethnography for entrepreneurship culture in the interpersonal relations of teachers and students

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    Entrepreneurship is an important issue in the era of intense competition because it involves how businesses always build new ideas that add value and are knowledge-based and the emergence of innovations. The actors in the school are teachers, students, parents of students and the surrounding community build that entrepreneurship culture, those which are driven through teacher and student relations. The purpose of this paper is to map the relationships built between teachers and students, how teachers built credibility on these relationships, how the motivation was conveyed by the teacher, and map the entrepreneurial culture built up at the school. The method used was communication ethnography to track and map the interpersonal relationships of teachers and students in entrepreneurial learning in the cases studied. The research case chosen was primary schools which had the concept of a natural school, where entrepreneurship was an important part of learning. The entrepreneurship culture was developed by teachers and students as the main actors and supported by other important actors, namely parents and the community around the school. These actors built a culture of entrepreneurship. Relationships that were built between teachers and students through interpersonal communication would explain the culture of entrepreneurship built in schools. The culture of entrepreneurship in schools was built through the contribution of effective communication to the key actors involved, namely teachers, students, parents, and the surrounding community. The main driving force was the relationship between teachers and students built through interpersonal communication

    Social Media Use Education of Digital Marketing for Disabled Women Community

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    The research background stems from the extensive opportunities provided by the internet, serving diverse interests within the community. The integration of new media in business has yielded significant results, bolstering the development of businesses within the community. This inclusivity extends to individuals with disabilities, particularly women, who possess the right to harness new media for creative self-development and empowerment. The research aims to: 1) comprehend how creative women with disabilities in Bandung perceive online marketing communication principles, 2) assess the ability of disabled women in Bandung to grasp online marketing communication applications, and 3) enhance the skills of disabled women in crafting creative messages for online marketing. The study employs a descriptive method with total sampling drawn from participants of social media marketing training. Data collection utilizes questionnaires, interviews, and references. The significance of entrepreneurship development training utilizing marketing communication applications for disabled women in Bandung is evident. The conclusion of this study indicate that the majority of learners comprehend the training content, albeit hindered by diverse disabilities such as blindness, deafness, and physical limitations. Consequently, a specialized approach is necessary to address these disparities. Furthermore, participants are equipped with supporting applications for content packaging and dissemination. This empowers them to navigate different digital media platforms adeptly. Communication prowess, attractive content, and design are paramount for conveying persuasive messages effectively. Participants’ reported improved communication skills as a result of the training. However, those facing physical constraints encountered difficulties and required tailored training to accommodate their limitations. In summary, the research underscores the potential of online marketing communication education for women with disabilities. This empowers them to engage in entrepreneurial endeavors, fostering personal growth and community development. Keywords: education, online marketing communication, women with disabilities

    Obesity of Information Covid-19 Children Vaccine and Parents Digital Literacy Ability

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    This study aims to obtain data related to the “tabbayun” attitude of parents in understanding digital literacy in accessing information through social media, especially information on Covid-19 vaccinations for children aged between 06 and 11 years. The purposeless information in our brains can make us lose focus and ultimately make us unable to believe anything. Therefore, it is important to know how tabbayun parents are able to access information, especially the Covid-19 vaccination. Reasoned action theory with quantitative research methods and descriptive approaches chosen for this research, with data collection techniques were carried out through questionnaires, interviews, and supported by documentation, observation, and surveys. This research is expected to be a reference for parents in understanding digital literacy so that they are not trapped in with loads of information, as well as policymakers in conducting socialization and information related to health in the community, especially related to children’s health. To gain an understanding of how parents filter the rapid flow of information so that they are not trapped by inaccurate or even misleading information regarding the Covid-19 vaccination. The results of this study indicate that parents already understand well and are able to filter the information they get. But often, others, including spouses have different understanding patterns, causing debate. And parents also convey vaccination information to children in a language that is easy for children to understand, especially regarding information on Covid-19 vaccination. Impractical information to this literacy ability will be effected to the children vaccination permission and causes parents misunderstanding about the information. Keywords: digital literacy, obesity information, family communication, online media, Covid-19 vaccinatio

    Peran Perempuan dalam Iklan Televisi di Indonesia-Malaysia

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    It is common to see advertisements that are almost the same between advertisements in Indonesia and those in Malaysia. Apart from the fact that we are allied, so many cultures and customs in Indonesia occur in Malaysia. This can be seen from the same advertisements using the concept of family, the role of women or housewives or using women as the main element to attract advertisements. Women who sit as a vehicle for promotion, because women are the target of the product or women who sit easily. Of the many advertisements that use women as advertising models, almost all of the female models used are women who are beautiful, have sexy bodies and are used beautifully. This then makes women even think that a beautiful symbol as depicted in an advertisement in a media, so that finally the body becomes the center of consciousness. It is not wrong, but how the meanings of the advertisement are seen and seen in particular seems to be an interesting study. The purpose of this study is to examine the roles of women depicted in television commercials (TVC) in Indonesia and Malaysia. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, which describes how women are depicted in advertisements in Indonesia and in Malaysia. There will be several product advertisements that are selected. Then we will look at the role of women and what differences are used to describe women in the Indonesian version of product advertisements and the Malaysian version in television commercials.Merupakan hal yang lazim melihat iklan yang hampir serupa antara iklan-iklan di Indonesia dengan di Malaysia. Selain karena kita serumpun, sehingga banyak budaya dan kebiasaan di Indonesia yang terjadi di Malaysia. Ini terlihat dari iklan-iklan yang sama menggunakan konsep keluarga, peran perempuan atau ibu rumah tangga ataupun menggunakan perempuan sebagai unsur utama pemikat iklan. Perempuan dianggap sebagai wahana promosi, karena perempuan merupakan sasaran produk tersebut ataupun dikarenakan perempuan dianggap mudah dipengaruhi dan terpengaruh. Dari sekian banyak iklan yang menggunakan perempuan sebagai model iklan, hampir semua model perempuan yang digunakan adalah perempuan yang berparas cantik, bertubuh seksi dan berambut indah. Hal ini kemudian membuat perempuanpun akhirnya beranggapan bahwa simbol cantik itu seperti yang digambarkan iklan dalam sebuah media, sehingga akhirnya tubuh menjadi sebagai pusat kesadaran. Tak salah memang, namun bagaimana makna-makna iklan itu dilihat dan ditelaah secara khusus sepertinya akan menjadi suatu kajian yang menarik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran perempuan digambarkan dalam iklan televisi (tvc) di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, yang akan menguraikan bagaimana perempuan digambarkan dalam iklan-iklan di Indonesia dan di Malaysia. Akan ada beberapa iklan produk yang sama yang dipilih kemudian kita akan melihat peran perempuan dan perbedaan apa saja yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan perempuan dalam iklan produk versi Indonesia dan versi Malaysia dalam iklan televisi

    Digital Information Media of the Salman ITB Halal Center in improving Marketing Performance of Halal Lecture Program

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    The community can make wise use of the existing communication media as well as the growing communication media. The era of connectivity brought many changes to the communication media which is currently known as digital media. Digital media provides many opportunities and advantages for finding and sharing information. The purpose of this research is to look at the digital communication media used in the Halal Lecture program and to see the digital marketing communication process carried out by the Halal Salman ITB center regarding the Halal Lecture program. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. As for the results of this research, the digital information media Instagram is used by the Salman Halal Center ITB to inform and market the Halal Lecture program by paying attention to the elements of the message's purpose. Information and persuasion is conveyed through an e-flyer posted on the official Instagram @salmanitb. Not only that, the public also participates in digital marketing through Whatsapp broadcast messages, personal Instagram stories and Whatsapp stories. Ease of access and reach of digital media are benefits that can be obtained by users, therefore digital media can be applied in various fields of activity ranging from education, campaigns, entertainment, to marketing

    Strategi Guru dalam membangun komunikasi dengan Orang Tua Siswa di Sekolah

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    Membangun kegiatan belajar mengajar yang efektif di sekolah memerlukan peran guru, anak dan juga orang tua. Komunikasi yang efektif dapat menjamin berlangsungnya interaksi antara guru, siswa, dan orang tua secara optimal. Penelitian ini memilih Sekolah Dasar Tunas Unggul sebagai kasus penelitian. Sekolah ini memiliki konsep yang kreatif dan inovatif dengan memandang pentingnya keterlibatan orangtua dalam pendidikan di sekolah, dengan cara yang unik sekolah mengembangkan metode yang diberi nama My Conference dimana dengan metode tersebut keterlibatan orang tua secara aktif dalam pendidikan disekolah dapat terbangun dengan baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi kasus yang pengamatannya terpusat pada komunikasi yang dilakukan guru untuk membangun keterlibatan orang tua dalam proses pendidikan di sekolah. Merumuskan pola komunikasi yang dilakukan guru dalam membangun keterlibatan orang tua menjadi tujuan dari penelitian ini. Dimulai dengan memetakan bagaimana guru menerjemahkan kurikulum untuk anak, kemudian mengembangkan strategi komunikasi dalam membangun keterlibatan orangtua. Guru menerjemahkan kurikulum dengan berbagai cara yang menarik. Kemampuan memahami materi, berdiskusi, menjawab pertanyaan sampai pada mengelola berbagai kegiatan pembelajaran. Kemampuan menciptakan berbagai program yang mensyaratkan keterlibatan orang tua dalam berbagai kegiatan anak di sekolah menjadi wadah komunikasi yang menarik. Pola komunikasi guru dalam membangun keterlibatan orang tua di sekolah terbentuk karena ketertarikan orang tua terhadap berbagai program belajar dan kehadiran disekolah dengan semangat karena memang menarik, merasa nyaman dan adanya kebutuhan untuk mengikuti dan mendorong program belajar anak