38 research outputs found

    Exploring the factor structure of the parent reading belief inventory (PRBI): Example of Serbia

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    In the present study we explored the core factor structure originally proposed by the developer of the Parent Reading Belief Inventory (PRBI) DeBaryshe (DeBaryshe & Binder, 1994; DeBaryshe, 1995). The PRBI was developed to assess and explore parents' beliefs about reading aloud to their children, measuring parents' attitudes and perceptions about how children learn, the content of their learning and parental efficacy in the process. The PRBI is supposed to have 7 underlying subscales and a total score. Using a sample of 227 parents in Serbia our analyses showed internal consistency estimates were not in line with those reported by the authors of the PRBI. Using confirmatory factor analysis the subscale models showed substantial variance in how well they fit. Better fit was found for the overall models for the entire PRBI scale. Among them, the correlated factors model exhibited the best fit indices. Limitations and future research are discussed

    Izazovi, prepreke i ishodi primene istraživačkog pristupa u nastavi matematike u osnovnoj školi - primer iskusnog nastavnika

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    This paper analyses the attempts of an experienced mathematics teacher to apply principles of inquiry based teaching in her practice upon receiving training on the topic. Results of the analysis of teacher's practices based on her reflective accounts, lesson plan forms and observations of videotaped lessons show that the teacher devotes very little time to non-instructional activities, while instructional ones are in line with activities presumed to be part of the inquiry approach. With respect to the particular Components of Inquiry difference between the two observed lessons was found for the Explain phase of the lesson, although both Explore and Explain phases were consistently coded as higher level order (e.g. students were focused on problem solving, combining and constructing new ideas). The process was also followed by appropriate discursive patterns. Results are discussed in the light of the training received and possible improvements to be made.U protekle dve decenije veliki značaj pridat je praksama poučavanja koje promovišu aktivnu ulogu učenika u procesu učenja, te razvoju kritičkog i divergentnog mišljenja u nastavnom procesu. Iako je istraživački pristup u nastavi potekao iz nastave prirodnih nauka, tokom prethodnog perioda učinjeni su značajni napori da mu se nađe primena i u nastavi matematike. U fokusu ovog rada je ispitivanje praksi nastavnika tokom primene istraživačkog pristupa u nastavi matematike u jednoj osnovnoj školi. Ispitivali smo da li se vreme provedeno tokom različitih koraka u istraživačkom radu (predstavljenih učenicima) i obrasci diskursa tokom procesa istraživanja mogu dovesti u vezu sa kognitivnom aktivacijom učenika na časovima matematike u dva odeljenja u kojima nastavnica predaje, te kako nastavnik opaža sopstvenu praksu kada primenjuje ovaj pristup u radu. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja snimljena su dva časa matematike u dva odeljenja šestog razreda. Nastavna jedinica bila je ista u oba odeljenja. Planom časa predviđen je rad u grupama, a instrukcijom se podrazumevalo da učenici pronađu što više načina da konstruišu trougao prema zadatim parametrima, svoju konstrukciju uporede sa originalnim trouglom koji su dobili u listiću za rad, i da, na kraju, svaka grupa predstavi svoja rešenja, uz obrazloženje kako su izvršili konstrukciju i dokazali podudarnost trouglova. Oba časa analizirana su pomoću 'Electronic Quality of Inquiry Protocol' (EQUIP), kreiranog da prati kvalitet i kvantitet instrukcije za vreme istraživačkog rada. Instrument meri šest dimenzija (aktivnosti, organizaciju, pažnju učenika, kogniciju, instrukciju i procenu), a nakon posmatranja je moguće opisati čas sa preko devetnaest indikatora koji se raspoređuju u četiri konstrukta - instrukcija, diskurs, procena i kurikulum. Indikatorni tok instrukcije (kognitivni nivo i komponente istraživačkog rada) i diskurs (komunikacioni obrasci i interakcija na času) korišćeni su za praćenje napretka tokom časova. Kada je reč o modelu poučavanja u primeni istraživačkog rada u nastavi, korišćen je model četiri komponente: uključi, istraži, objasni i proširi (engage, explore, explain i extend), sa fokusom na prve tri komponente. Ovaj model sadržan je i u primenjenom opservacionom protokolu. Analiza je ukazala da nastavnica posvećuje izuzetno malo vremena tokom časa aktivnostima koji nemaju veze sa poučavanjem (na primer, administracija), te da je najveći deo časa posvećen aktivnostima koje direktno uključuju učenika u proces učenja. U odnosu na referentni okvir primenjenih koraka tokom istraživačkog rada, nisu pronađene razlike između odeljenja u pogledu komponenti uključi i istraži. Najveća razlika uočena je tokom faze časa objasni. Dok je 33% časa posvećeno ovoj aktivnosti u jednom odeljenju, čak 57% vremena posvećeno je istoj u drugom odeljenju. Komponente istraži i objasni su kontinuirano ocenjivane visoko spram nivoa opažene kognitivne aktivacije. To znači da su učenici aktivno istraživali sopstvene ideje i koncepte i pružali jasna objašnjenja, utemeljena na primerima kako su kao grupa došli do određenog rešenja. Analiza komunikacijskih obrazaca na času podržava ovaj nalaz. Nastavnica izveštava da je zadovoljna načinom na koji su učenici učestvovali u času, kreirali zajedničko razumevanje, ali i stečenim znanjem spram ciljeva same nastavne jedinice (podudarnost trouglova). Dalja analiza rezultata stavljena je u funkciju unapređenja procesa profesionalnog usavršavanja kroz koje je nastavnica prošla zajedno sa kolegama iz škole u kojoj radi, s obzirom na to da je ovaj rad deo jednogodišnjeg procesa obučavanja nastavnika u istoj školi, a koje je sprovodio Institut za pedagoška istraživanja iz Beograda. Analiza pojedinih praksi nastavnika, kada je konkretno reč o primeni istraživačkog rada u nastavi, ukazala je na potrebu unapređenja pomenutog programa za nastavnike u pogledu njihovog daljeg obučavanja kako da rukovode vremenom na času (okvir od četrdeset i pet minuta) i omoguće kvalitetno odvijanje svih komponenti istraživačkog rada, a naročito onog dela koji se odnosi na objašnjenja učenika

    Razvoj rane pismenosti u srpskim vrtićima - osnovni resursi i s njima povezana praksa

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    This study explores the basic resources available in kindergartens and practices of kindergarten teachers that literature recognizes as supportive for the development of emergent literacy in 3-5 year-old children. 374 kindergarten teachers from 10 different districts at the territory of the city of Belgrade filled in a questionnaire on the frequency of storybook reading, the number and types of books available to children and their use of electronic media (e.g. television programmes, cartoons) in their everyday practices with children. The results indicate that current educational programmes in Serbia do not explicitly support the development of emergent literacy in 3-5 year-old children. Although teacher initiated reading is embedded in daily kindergarten activities, our kindergartens hardly fulfill the necessary conditions with respect to print rich environment (1-3 books on the average, compared to the minimum of 5). TV sets are present in 85% of kindergartens, with 45% directly available to children in their rooms. Although children mainly watch TV 1-3 times per week, it is used mostly for entertainment, with only 34% of teachers using it as an educational tool in the interaction with children. Future directions of research on practices and beliefs related to emergent literacy, both in kindergartens and at home, are discussed.Ovo istraživanje bavi se osnovnim resursima koji su na raspolaganju vrtićima i vaspitačima, a pominju se u literaturi kao podrška razvoju rane pismenosti kod dece uzrasta od 3 do 5 godina. Uzorak je obuhvatio 374 vaspitača iz deset različitih opština na teritoriji grada Beograda koji su popunili upitnik o učestalosti čitanja priča, broju i vrsti knjiga koje su deci na raspolaganju i upotrebi elektronskih medija (na primer, televizijskih programa, crtanih filmova) u svakodnevnom radu s decom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da sadašnji obrazovni programi u Srbiji eksplicitno ne podržavaju razvoj rane pismenosti kod dece uzrasta od 3 do 5 godina. Iako čitanje koje inicira vaspitač predstavlja sastavni deo svakodnevnih aktivnosti u vrtiću, naši vrtići jedva da ispunjavaju neophodne uslove za obezbeđivanje okruženja bogatog štampanim materijalima (jedna do tri knjige u proseku, u poređenju sa minimum pet). Televizori postoje u 85% vrtića, dok su u 45% direktno pristupačni deci u njihovim sobama. Iako deca uglavnom gledaju televiziju jedan do tri puta nedeljno, ona se u najvećem broju slučajeva koristi za zabavu, dok samo 34% vaspitača televizor koristi kao obrazovno sredstvo u interakciji s decom. U zaključku se diskutuju mogućnosti za buduća istraživanja o praksi i stavovima povezanim sa ranom pismenošću, kako u vrtiću, tako i kod kuće

    Influence of teachersć beliefs on the teaching and learning process

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    Studija ispituje povezanost izmeĊu uvjerenja (koncepcija) nastavnika o nastavi i uĉenju i njihovih aktivnosti unutar uĉionice; tj. u kojoj mjeri su svakodnevne aktivnosti u uĉionici pod uticajem uvjerenja nastavnika o procesu nastave i uĉenja, te koje su mogućnosti uĉenika za uĉenje u svjetlu tih vjerovanja. Da bismo istraţili ovaj problem osmišljena je studija korišćenjem istraţivaĉkog nacrta mješovitog tipa, sekvencijalno eksplanatorne kategorije. U istraţivanju je uĉestvovalo 96 nastavnika srednjih škola iz Beograda (nastavnici srpskog jezika i matematike). Razliĉiti tipovi nastavnika s obzirom na njihova uvjerenja i dominantne prakse rada izdvojeni su na osnovu sledećih instrumenata: Lista uvjerenja nastavnika, Skala samoefikasnosti nastavnika (Teachers‟ Sense of Efficacy Scale - kratka forma) i Lista praksi nastavnika. Na prvom instrumentu su izdvojene dvije znaĉajne dimenzije „moderan“ i „tradicionalan“ nastavnik, zadovoljavajućih pouzdanosti (0.866 i 0.820). Na skali samoefikasnosti izdvojene su dimenzije koje govore o doţivljaju nastavnika koliko uspješno motiviše i podstiĉe uĉenike i koliko uspješno ostvaruje disciplinu na ĉasu; pouzdanost 0.836 i 0.747. Skalom praksi izdvojeno je tri seta praksi prisutnih u radu tokom školske godine usmjerene na: participaciju uĉenika, struktuaciju aktivnosti na ĉasu i stvaranje dobre atmosfere (pouzdanost od 0.743 do 0.812). Klaster analizom je na osnovu pomenutih dimenzija izdvojeno ĉetiri tipa nastavnika: (1) “laissez faire” (eklektiĉan pristup nastavi, odsustvo praksi usmjerenih na strukturiranje aktivnosti i stvaranje atmosfere uz nizak doţivljaj sposobnosti ostvarivanja discipline), (2) “tradicionalni” (odsustvo praksi usmjerenih na participaciju uĉenika i stvaranje atmosfere, uvjerenje da je nastavnik taj koji prenosi znanje i tradicionalniji pristup nastavi), (3) “tradicionalni sa dobrom atmosferom” (struktuira aktivnosti na ĉasu, ulaţe u atmosferu, visok doţivljaj samoefikasnosti u vezi sa disciplinom) i (4) “moderni” (kreira atmosferu, vaţna mu je participacija uĉenika, moderniji pristup i shvatanje nastave). Kvalitativna faza (video snimanje i intervju) je sprovedena sa ciljem produbljivanja znanja o interakciji izmeĊu uvjerenja nastavnika o nastavi i uĉenju i njihove svakodnevne prakse u uĉionici. Izabrani su tipiĉni predstavnici svakog od tipova nastavnika, a zatim su snimljena dva ĉasa izabranih nastavnika. Rezultati ukazuju na razlike u obrascima interakcije nastavnik-uĉenik s obzirom na profil nastavnika; kao i razlike u naĉinu organizacije pojedinih aktivnosti na ĉasu, specifiĉnih za predmet. TakoĊer rezultati potvĊuju i poĉetnu pretpostavku o nepotpunoj korespodenciji izmeĊu uvjerenja i svakodnevnih praksi nastavnika.The research focuses on teachers‟ beliefs on teaching and learning exploring how everyday classroom activities and practices are affected by these beliefs and expectations and what learning possibilities for the students in the light of those beliefs are therefore created. Study employs a sequential explanatory mixed methods research design involving a sample of 96 upper secondary teachers teaching mathematics and Serbian language and literature. To identify teachers‟ beliefs we employed three Likert type questionnaires (Teachers‟ beliefs scale, Teachers‟ Sense of Efficacy Scale and Teachers‟ practices list). Basic dimensions around which teachers‟ beliefs on teaching and learning could be organized are identified by the factor analysis. In total seven dimensions were derived (reliabilities from 0.743 to 0.866) which were then used in a cluster analysis to distinguish among different types of teachers in respect to their reported beliefs and dominant practices in the classroom. Four groups of teachers were distinguished: (1) “laissez faire” (eclectic approach to teaching, absence of structuring and creating atmosphere practices with experience of low capacity in maintaining discipline); (2) “traditional” (absence of participating and creating atmosphere practices, more traditional approach to teaching); (3) “traditional stressing atmosphere” (structures activities in class, stresses atmosphere, experience of high capacity in maintaining discipline) and (4) “modern” (creates atmosphere, stresses students‟ participation, more modern approach to teaching). Qualitative methods (videotaping of classroom interaction and interviews) have been made with each of the selected type representative to deepen the understanding of reported teacher practices and meaning that is prescribed to each. All videotaped interactions have been transcribed using conversational analysis approach. Classes have been analyzed from two different aspects; interactional patterns ongoing in class between teacher and his/her student(s) and activit ies presented throughout the lesson. Results suggest differences exist in respect to interaction patterns present in class among different teacher profiles. Furthermore although set of activities specific for each of the subject matter was determined, different teacher profiles structure activities in accordance with registered beliefs on teaching and learning. However results also confirm the beginning assumption on incomplete correspondenc

    Unfolding the assessment process in a whole class mathematics setting

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    Aktivnosti ocenjivanja na času predstavljaju važan aspekt prakse u učionici. U isto vreme, debata o prednostima i značaju formativnog ocenjivanja spram sumativnog i dalje se nastavlja. Ocenjivanje se ne odvija izvan okvira svakodnevne prakse u učionici, pa se, samim tim, na ocenjivanje gleda kao veoma kompleksan proces. U ovom radu želimo da istražimo način na koji se ocenjivanje stavlja u službu učenja učenika i da li se informacije koje nastavnik kroz ocenjivanje prikuplja koriste (ili ne) kako bi se svakodnevna praksa nastavnika u nastavi matematike prilagodila raznovrsnim potrebama učenika. Za potrebe ovog rada autori su pratili nastavnu praksu iskusnog nastavnika matematike u jednoj gimnaziji u Beogradu. Prakse ocenjivanja nastavnika posmatrane su u periodu od tri nedelje. Analiza pokazuje da nastavnik poseduje kompleksnu predstavu o tome kako ocenjivanje u učionici treba da izgleda, ali je percepcija toga u velikoj meri odvojena od nastave, što je u skladu s prethodnim nalazima. Međutim, elementi formativnog ocenjivanja se pojavljuju, pa doprinose tome da se ocenjivanje nađe u službi učenja. Uprkos tome, kada se pobliže posmatra način na koji nastavnik prati napredak učenika, evidentiran je ograničen skup praksi. Uočen je i nesklad između percepcija učenika i nastavnika u vezi s procesom ocenjivanja i primenjenim praksama. Takođe, nastavnik se suočava s teškoćama kada treba da verbalizuje neke od aspekata sopstvene prakse, naročito ako se oni vezuju za formativne karakteristike procene postgnuća učenika. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179034 i br. 179018. .Assessment activities in the class are an important aspect of classroom practice, while there is much debate with respect to the formative vs. summative assessment routines and the outcomes that each of them provides for students' learning. As classroom assessment does not occur in seclusion of other aspects of classroom life, the process is seen as rather complex. In this study we wished to explore how assessment serves the function of supporting students' learning and whether this evidence is used to adapt teacher's practices in meeting different learning needs in the mathematics classroom. The authors observed assessment practices of an experienced math teacher in a grammar school in Belgrade. Teacher's assessment practices were observed during a three week period. The analysis has shown the teacher to hold a somewhat complex perception of assessment, yet the perception is largely detached from teaching, which is in line with the previously reported results. However, the elements of formative assessment do emerge, thus contributing to the assessment being in service of learning. In spite of this, a narrow set of practices are visible when observing how the teacher keeps track of students' progress. A mismatch is visible between students' and teacher's perceptions of the assessment as a whole and some of the practices exercised in the process. The teacher struggled to verbalize some aspects of own assessment practices, especially those related to more formative aspects

    A comparative study of variations in arithmetic fluency between Norwegian and Finnish third graders

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    The study aimed to investigate variations in addition and subtraction fluency by observing grade three students in Norway (n = 253, M-age = 8.38 y.) and Finland (n = 209, M-age = 9.35 y.) while controlling for their age and non-verbal reasoning. Gender differences were also examined. The focus of the study was on the performance of the low-achieving (LA) students in comparison to the typically achieving (TA) group, not neglecting differences in how early educational support was organised across the two countries. Two-minute speed tests in both addition and subtraction within the 1-20 number range were used to assess fluency. The Finnish students outperformed students in the Norwegian sample both in addition and subtraction fluency. There were more Norwegian students in the LA group (i.e. performance at or below the 25th percentile) in both addition (37.9% vs. 20.1%) and subtraction (39.1% vs. 15.8%). In comparison to the TA students, the LA students made more errors and skipped over more arithmetic tasks in an attempt to solve them. Observed differences are discussed in relation to both country characteristics concerning early mathematics education and early educational support.Peer reviewe

    Mathematics related anxiety: Mathematics bogeyman or not?

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    Podaci PISA testiranja iz 2003. godine ukazuju na visok nivo matematičke anksioznosti učenika u Srbiji. Više od polovine naših učenika brine da će imati teškoće na časovima matematike i da će dobiti loše ocene. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja jesu: ispitivanje veza između matematičke anksioznosti i postignuća na skali matematičke pismenosti; utvrđivanje mogućih prediktora matematičke anksioznosti i identifikovanje grupa učenika koje se razlikuju u njihovom odnosu prema matematici. Matematička anksioznost je u statistički značajnoj negativnoj korelaciji i sa školskim postignućem i sa postignućem na skali matematičke pismenosti. Sociodemografski faktori, motivacioni i kognitivni aspekti učenja matematike, doživljaj školske klime i klime na času objašnjavaju 40% varijanse matematičke anksioznosti. Na osnovu odnosa prema matematici učenici se mogu svrstati u tri grupe; dimenzije koje ih razdvajaju jesu nezainteresovanost -zainteresovanost i prisustvo - odsustvo anksioznosti. Grupa koja pokazuje anksioznost ima najlošije postignuće. Primenom kvalitativne analize ispitivani su stavovi učenika i nastavnika o specifičnim problemima u vezi sa nastavom i savlađivanjem gradiva iz matematike.Data of the PISA 2003 survey indicate high levels of mathematics anxiety of students in Serbia. More than half of our students worry whether they will have difficulties in mathematics class or whether they will earn poor marks. Aims of this study therefore are: examining relationship between math anxiety and achievement at mathematics literacy scale; establishing possible predictors of math anxiety and identification of students' groups in relations to their relationship towards mathematics as a subject. Mathematics anxiety is statistically negatively correlated with school achievement and achievement at mathematics literacy scale. Socio-demographic factors, motivational and cognitive aspects related to learning mathematics, perception of school and classroom climate explain 40% variance of mathematics anxiety. Based on students' relationship towards mathematics they cam be divided into three groups; while dimensions that apart them are uninterested-interested in mathematics and presence-absence of anxiety. The group displaying anxiety scores lowest among the three. Applying qualitative analysis students' and teachers' attitudes on specific issues related to teaching and learning mathematics was examined

    Static Sensitivity of the Aerial Load Transport by Two Rotocopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Aerial load transport by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be performed either using a single UAV or using a group of cooperative UAVs. The latter option is assumed more reliable, yet more demanding regarding the control and required power, than the former one. This article theoretically evaluates power consumption for aerial load transport by the use of two UAVs and compares it with the power consumption in case of a single UAV. In all treated cases, we assume a stationary level flight. For the stated comparison the theoretical model for aerial load transport by two identical UAVs is formulated. Generic flight characteristics and UAVs characteristics are prescribed, and corresponding solutions of the model evaluated. Independent parameters of the model are masses of the UAVs and the load, as well as flight velocity. Variables in the model are vertical and horizontal distances between the UAVs. The emphasis is put on the available instantaneous power and sensitivity to occasional wind gusts. We extract intervals of the model parameters for which each of the two UAVs is less loaded than a UAV which solitary carries a load. The sensitivity to wind gusts is lesser in configurations in which one UAV carries most of the load while the other provides the additionally needed instantaneous power

    The Challenges While Measuring Enterprise Innovative Activities - the Case from a Developing Country

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    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME sector) carry a significant component of an overall economy performance in both developed and developing countries. This paper presents the results of innovation activities analysis on a given sample of SMEs from the Republic of Serbia. By implementing a complex questionnaire for assessing innovation activities authors investigate what innovation activities are conducted in sampled enterprises. Results are processed with Cochran Q, McNemar and statistical significance tests and indicate what particular innovation activities measures enterprises focus on, as well as what measures are considered as relevant by enterprises but are not used. At the same time, the factor analysis was performed to test the quality and structure of the questionnaire itself, namely whether measures of achieved innovation performances of enterprises are properly divided into categories. Additionally, specific innovation activities were analyzed and their implementation modalities by the sampled enterprises. The results contribute in the domain of better understanding of innovation activities measurement within SMEs coming from developing countries. Based on the research results, we got the insight into specific innovation activities SMEs perform, as well as key innovation performance indicators SMEs use

    SPACE Analysis as a Tool for Internal Development Factors Measurement within Companies

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    This paper presents the analysis of internal development factors in manufacturing and services companies from the selected SEE countries, by using strategic planning model - modified SPACE (Strategic Position and ACtion Evaluation) analysis. The advantage of the SPACE model, as A. Rowe defined it, is a possibility to apply it with the excellent results when analysing companies in highly developed countries as well as in developing countries. The structure of the differences among manufacturing and service companies was performed using canonical discriminative analysis. The most significant development factors were chosen from the modified SPACE strategic planning model and correlated with companies’ internal development factors. Research results indicate that service companies perceive internal development factors more importantly for the market successes than manufacturing ones. At the same time, they experienced more aggressive strategic posture