4,050 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Impacts of Subsidies on Innovation Activities in Germany

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    Innovations are a key factor to ensure the competitiveness of establishments as well as to enhance the growth and wealth of nations. But more than any other economic activity, decisions about innovations are plagued by failures of the market mechanism. As a response, public instruments have been implemented to stimulate private innovation activities. The effectiveness of these measures, however, is ambiguous and calls for an empirical evaluation. In this paper we make use of the IAB Establishment Panel and apply various microeconometric methods to estimate the effect of public measures on innovation activities of German establishments. We find that neglecting sample selection due to observable as well as to unobservable characteristics leads to an overestimation of the treatment effect and that there are considerable differences with regard to size class and between West and East German establishments. --R&D policy,innovation,microeconometric evaluation

    Shareholder value creation in Japanese banking

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    This paper advances the study of Fiordelisi and Molyneux (2010) by examining the shareholder value efficiency and its determinants for a large sample of Japanese banks between 1999 and 2011. A new, specifically tailored measure of the Economic Value Added approach, based on the shadow price of equity, is developed in order to account for specific characteristics of the Japanese banking system. This new “shareholder value measure” is then used in a dynamic panel data model as a linear function of various bank-risk, bank-specific, and macroeconomic variables. This study finds that cost efficiency gains, credit risk and bank size are the most important factors in explaining the shareholder value creation in Japanese banking. Cost efficiency changes are also found to significantly influence cost of equity capital

    Vasculitis and Vasculopathy in Rheumatic Diseases

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    Sport i zdravlje: istoznačnost ili suprotnost

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    Playing sports is a widely known method of health promotion. Balanced exercise and diet are keys to healthy life. However, sports activities can cause different injuries, from joint to head injuries. Although head injuries cause a variety of acute and chronic disorders, they are often undertreated. There are 1.6 million injured people examined at emergency departments throughout Europe every year. In sports like boxing, football, soccer, hockey, handball, basketball and bicycling, head injuries occur at a frequency of 4% to 22%. Particularly significant are chronic difficulties that occur after recurrent head injuries, i.e. cognitive deficits and changes in electroencephalogram. Qualifications of professional personnel are insufficient for professional evaluation and treatment of head injuries. The best way for sports to become an important link in health and disease prevention is to go back to sports basics while using acquired scientific knowledge.Bavljenje sportom je široko poznat način promicanja zdravlja. Za zdravlje je potrebno uravnoteženo vježbanje i zdrava i uravnotežena prehrana. Međutim, većina sportova uzrokuju različite ozljede, od ozljeda zglobova do ozljeda glave. Ozljede glave su često, iz različitih razloga, nedovoljno liječene, iako uzrokuju akutne i kronične smetnje. Godišnje se u Europi u hitnoj službi pregleda oko 1.600.000 ozljeđenika. U različitim sportovima ozljede glave se javljaju po učestalosti od 4% do 22% i nastaju poglavito u sportovima kao što su boks, američki nogomet, nogomet, hokej, rukomet, košarka, biciklizam. Osobito su značajne kronične poteškoće ponavljajućih ozljeda glave: kognitivni deficit i promjene u elektroencefalogramu. Osposobljenost stručnog osoblja nedovoljna je za stručnu procjenu i liječenje ozljeda glave. Povratak na temeljne postavke sporta uz korištenje svih znanstvenih spoznaja su najbolja prevencija da sport postane bitna karika zdravlja

    Do Islamic and conventional banks have the same technology?

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    Is there a technology gap between Islamic and conventional banks? Do Islamic and conventional banks have different cost efficiency levels? We show that conventional and Islamic banks have similar mean (aggregate) cost efficiency levels in the MENA area and there is no technology gap between the two types of banks. At the country level, Islamic banks are more cost efficient than conventional banks in Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey and United Arab Emirates, and less efficient in Bangladesh, Kuwait, Malaysia and Tunisia. We analyse a very large sample of banks in twelve MENA and South East Asian countries between 2000 and 2006 and we use the meta-frontier approach to account for the sample heterogeneity

    Synthesis of nucleosides

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    Nukleozidi su organski spojevi u kojima je purinska ili pirimidinska heterociklička baza povezana s ugljikohidratom ribozom ili deoksiribozom. Oni kao takvi izgrađuju biološki važe makromolekule-nukleinske kiseline. Veza između njih je N-glikozidna veza koja može postojati u anti ili sin konformaciji. Nukleozidi se mogu razlikovati prema vrsti ugljikohidrata i heterocikličke baze. Za potrebe sinteze nukleozida potrebno je adekvatno zaštititi ključne podstrukture (ugljikohidrate i baze). Najčešće zaštitne skupine baza su acilna i benzilna, a ugljikohidrata sililna, eterska, esterska i acetalna. Pažljivim odabirom i kombinacijama zaštitnih skupina ugljikohidrata i baza mogu se dobiti bolja iskorištenja. Tri metode koje se najčešće koriste prilikom sinteze nukleozida su Koenigs-Knorrova metoda, Fischer-Helferich te Hilbert-Johnsonova metoda. Svaka od ovih metoda sinteze N-glikozidne veze ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Dobrom kombinacijom reagenasa i uvjeta, mogude je kontrolirati stereoselektivnost i regioselektivnost reakcija. Naime, kako bi nastao termodinamički povoljniji produkt važano je odabrati najpogodniji glikozil-donor i glikozil-akceptor, otapalo i Lewisovu kiselinu te kontrolirati temperaturu. Nukleozidi nalaze svoju primjenu u agrokemiji, biotehnologiji, a najviše u medicini kao antitumorski i antiviralni lijekovi. Nukleozidni analog s modificiranom ugljikohidratnom komponentom, oksetanocin često je korišten antiviralni reagens te je u ovome radu prikazana njegova sinteza

    Srpska pravoslavna crkva tokom 90-ih

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    This paper is based on the earlier works of the author (incurred mainly on the analysis of the press of state and Church provenance), surveys of sociologists of religion, and findings of other researchers dealing with the issues of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Several characteristic points could be drawn that marked the history of the Church in the late 80s and throughout the 90s: the Church’s return from the margins and its more significant presence in society; accelerated process of desecularization; complicated relationship to authorities, ranged from the first closeness to the complete break and disappointment over unfulfilled expectations of the Church; refusal to admit the divisions and the creation of new states formed into the wars on 90s, which for the Church constituted acts of violent secession to detriment of the Serbian people; negative attitudes to the West, ecumenism, Vatican and interfaith dialogue; efforts to resolve the issue of schism within the Church; and growing internal contradictions in the episcopate. Entering unprepared for transition processes that led from one political system to another, followed by the wars and the collapse of the state, and movements into the Church, the Serbian Orthodox Church has tried to oscillate between maintenance of the traditional role of the national Church, and a gradual adjustment to the changes, in aim to avoid major consequences for ecclesiastical organization.This paper is based on the earlier works of the author (incurred mainly on the analysis of the press of state and Church provenance), surveys of sociologists of religion, and findings of other researchers dealing with the issues of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Several characteristic points could be drawn that marked the history of the Church in the late 80s and throughout the 90s: the Church’s return from the margins and its more significant presence in society; accelerated process of desecularization; complicated relationship to authorities, ranged from the first closeness to the complete break and disappointment over unfulfilled expectations of the Church; refusal to admit the divisions and the creation of new states formed into the wars on 90s, which for the Church constituted acts of violent secession to detriment of the Serbian people; negative attitudes to the West, ecumenism, Vatican and interfaith dialogue; efforts to resolve the issue of schism within the Church; and growing internal contradictions in the episcopate. Entering unprepared for transition processes that led from one political system to another, followed by the wars and the collapse of the state, and movements into the Church, the Serbian Orthodox Church has tried to oscillate between maintenance of the traditional role of the national Church, and a gradual adjustment to the changes, in aim to avoid major consequences for ecclesiastical organization

    The effect of rural tourism experience on overall satisfaction, happiness and behavioural intentions: insights from Dalmatia in Croatia

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    Rural tourism in Croatia is a niche tourism in its first steps. This dissertation presents a characterization of rural tourism in Croatia (Dalmatia) and analyze the specificities of rural experience. Therefore, the main objectives are understand the perspective of rural tourism experience from the point of view of the owners of establishments and explore the influence of the four rural tourism experience dimensions on Overall Satisfaction, happiness and behavioural intentions. From the point of view of rural lodgings owners or establishments owners, relaxation, contemplation and food are the main elements contributing to attract rural tourist to Dalmatia (Croatia). Rural tourists consider that Entertainment and Escapism do not influence significantly their Overall satisfaction. Moreover, Escapism does not contribute significantly to tourists’ behavioural intentions (recommend to other and intentions to come again) and also does not contribute to happiness. Managers of rural place should provide different activities, show different cultural characteristics and way of living into the rural context that lead tourist really escape from reality. The current study also provides implications, limitation and further research.O turismo rural na Croácia é um turismo de nicho em seus primeiros passos. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se uma caracterização do turismo rural na Croácia (Dalmácia) e analisam-se as especificidades da experiência rural. Portanto, os principais objectivos são compreender a perspectiva da experiência do turismo rural a partir do ponto de vista dos proprietários de estabelecimentos e explorar a influência das quatro dimensões de experiência turismo rural na satisfação geral, na felicidade e nas intenções comportamentais. Do ponto de vista dos proprietários de alojamentos e estabelecimentos rurais, o relaxamento, a contemplação e as refeições são os principais elementos que contribuem para atrair o turista rural para a Dalmácia (Croácia). Turistas rurais consideram que Entretenimento e Escapismo parecem não influenciar significativamente a sua Satisfação Geral. Além disso, Escapismo não contribui de forma significativa para as intenções comportamentais dos turistas (recomendar a outros e as intenções de vir de novo) e também não contribui para a felicidade. Gestores de alojamentos e destinos rurais devem proporcionar atividades diferentes, mostrar diferentes características culturais e modos de viver no contexto rural que levem os turistas realmente a escapar da realidade. Este estudo também propõe implicações, limitação e sugestões para investigações futuras

    Content and organization of the introductory part of a physical education class with preschool children

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    Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati sadržaj i organizaciju uvodnog dijela sata tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture s djecom predškolske dobi, te prikazati 15 novih sadržaja koji mogu biti upotrebljivi za taj dio sata. Metode istraživanja su teorijska tema i pregled literature. S obzirom na već postojeće, uobičajene sadržaje ovaj završni rad donosi nove, originalne vježbe/igre za mlađu, srednju i stariju skupinu djece predškolske dobi. Uz uvodni dio sata ukratko su objašnjeni ostali dijelovi: pripremni, glavni A i glavni B dio sata, te završni dio. U ovom završnom radu su prikazani ciljevi tjelesnog vježbanja, struktura kinezioloških aktivnosti koje se dijele u 5 skupina s obzirom na kretne strukture, te struktura kineziologije koja se dijeli u četiri grupe znanstvenih disciplina. Objašnjava se na koji način započeti sa satom tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture, kako organizirati vježbanje te se navode svrha i zadaće svakog pojedinog dijela sata i njegovo trajanje. Rad je baziran na uvodnom dijelu sata stoga su opisane vježbe koje se mogu provoditi i na koji način.The aim of this final work is to show content and organization of the introductory part of the phisical education with pre-school children and represent 15 new contents which can be used for that part of the class. Research methods are a theoretical theme and literature review. Considering already existing ones, usual content this final work brings new, original exercises for toddlers and preschoolers. Except introductory, there are some words about other parts of the phisical education: preparatory, main A and main B part and final part. This final work shows goals of physical exercise, structure kineziological activities which are separated into five group, and structure of kinesiology which is divided into four groups of scientific disciplines. This work also explains how to start phisical education, how to organize exercises and also purpose of each one part of the class and it's duration. The work is based on introductory part so there are described exercises which you can use and on what way