841 research outputs found

    Development of a New Method of Storage and Maximum Separation of Chlorophils From Chlorophylcontaining Vegetables at Reception of Healthfull Nanoproducts

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    The aim of the work is the development of a new way of deep processing of chlorophyll-containing vegetables that gives a possibility not only to preserve chlorophylls a and b and other biologically active substances (BAS) of raw materials, but also to transform hidden bound (inactive) forms of chlorophyll in the free easy-digestible form at getting steam-thermally processed semi-products and healthy food products in the nanoform.For achieving the aim, the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and mechanolysis at fine-dyspersed comminution using the new equipment was applied as an innovation for thermal processing and comminution.There was developed the new method of getting healthy products of chlorophyll-containing vegetables (broccoli, spinach, Brussels cabbage, green leguminous haricot bean), steam-thermally processed (by hot steam) in the steam-convectional stove and fine-dyspersed with high contents of chlorophylls and other BAS and prebiotics. The method is based on the complex effect of processes of thermodestruction, mechanodestruction and non-enzymatic catalysis on raw materials at fine-dyspersed comminution. It was demonstrated, that at steam thermal processing of chlorophyll-containing vegetables (CCV) in the steam-convectomat during 5 minutes, there takes place not only preservation of chlorophylls a and b, but more full separation (in 1,33…1,4 times) from the hidden (bound) form, comparing with fresh vegetables. There was elucidated the mechanism of this process. The more full extraction of hidden forms of β-carotene (2 times more than in fresh CCV) takes place in parallel.The essentially more effect of transforming hidden forms was revealed at fine-dyspersed comminution of steam-thermally processed CCV. It was demonstrated, that thermally processed nanoproducts of CCV contain 2…2,1 more chlorophylls a and b, 2,0…3,3 times more carotenoids in the bound form than fresh vegetables.The quality of obtained new types of fine-dyspersated steam-thermally processed green products as puree and soups-purees of CCV exceeds one of known analogues by contents of chlorophylls a and b, β-carotene and other BAS, which are in nanosize easy-digestible form.Using new types of fine-dyspersated purees of CCV, there was developed the new green line of healthy nanoproducts: soups-purees, nanodrinks, nanosorbets, sauces-dressings, sauces-deeps, ice-cream, snacks and so on. It was demonstrated, that new products exceed existing analogues by BAS content (chlorophylls, β-carotene, L-ascorbic acid, phenol compounds)

    Optimization of Bank Expenses on Marketing Communications

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    Dynamic changes in the banking services market that have taken place over the last decade, in particular, increased competition, expansion of banks with foreign capital, restructuring of the branch network of banks, situations of the market by the same type of services, etc., an increase in the level of supply in this market, which encourages banks to intensify efforts to strengthening its competitive position, attract new and maintain existing customers. At the same time as the supply on the market of banking services increased, demand for them decrease as a result of the general instability in the economy as a whole and in the labor market, in particular, a decrease in the profitability of the enterprises of the real sector of the economy, the solvency of the population and customer confidence in banks due to the global financial crisis. Under these conditions, most banks focus their efforts on finding effective tools for promoting their services, promoting sales, improving their image, conducting promotions and establishing public relations (PR), etc., which necessitates the development and application of a set of measures to manage the marketing communications of the bank

    Influence of correlated impurities on conductivity of graphene sheets: Time-dependent real-space Kubo approach

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    Exact numerical calculations of the conductivity of graphene sheets with random and correlated distributions of disorders have been performed using the time-dependent real-space Kubo formalism. The disorder was modeled by the long-range Gaussian potential describing screened charged impurities and by the short-range potential describing neutral adatoms both in the weak and strong scattering regime. Our central result is that correlation in the spatial distribution for the strong short-range scatterers and for the long-range Gaussian potential do not lead to any enhancement of the conductivity in comparison to the uncorrelated case. Our results strongly indicate that the temperature enhancement of the conductivity reported in the recent study (Yan and Fuhrer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 206601 (2011)) and attributed to the effect of dopant correlations was most likely caused by other factors not related to the correlations in the scattering potential.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Конституційно-правова характеристика інституту присяги народного депутата України

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    Radchenko, O.I. (2015), “Constitutional and legal characteristics of the oath institution of MP of Ukraine” [“Konstytutsiino-pravova kharakterystyka instytutu prysiahy narodnoho deputata Ukrainy”], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 3, pp. 44-50.Радченко, О. І. Конституційно-правова характеристика інституту присяги народного депутата України // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 3 (70). - С. 44-50.Радченко О. І. "Конституційно-правова характеристика інституту присяги народного депутата України." Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ 3 (2015): 44-50.Досліджено присягу як один з елементів правового становища народного депутата України. Здійснено загальний аналіз інституту присяги крізь призму однієї із засад взаємовідносин особи, яка влаштовується на державну службу (в широкому розумінні), та власне самої держави – принципу лояльності (вірності) до суспільства і держави. Наголошено на суттєвому впливі присяги на такі елементи статусу народного депутата України, як повноваження та гарантії діяльності. Обґрунтовано висновок про необхідність більш чіткої конституційно-правової регламентації присяги народного депутата України з метою перетворення її з формального інституту на правову категорію, яка визначає зміст його діяльності, етичні та юридичні підвалини його поведінки як у парламенті, так і за його межами.The oath as one of the elements of the legal status of MP of Ukraine has been studied. The author has realized general analysis of the oath institution in the light of one of the foundations of the relationship of a person, who is appointed to a position within state agencies (in the broad sense), and the state itself– the principle of loyalty (faith) to the society and the state. It is stated that today taking the oath is an inherent part of any cooperation of an official and the state. Comparative analysis of the oath of MP of Ukraine and a judge has been made. It is indicated that the provisions of the current constitutional legislation of Ukraine governing the matters of the oath of MP in the part of the need to its compliance, in fact have no features of normativity. Therefore, parliamentary oath has become into only declarative, symbolic and ceremonial institution of constitutional law. It actually does not involve (in the case of its break or non-compliance) for MP of Ukraine any legal consequences in the form of disciplinary or early termination of parliamentary powers. It is emphasized on the significant impact of such oath element as the status of MP, as the powers and guarantee of the activities. Based on the systematic analysis the author has grounded the final conclusion about the necessity of a clear constitutional and legal regulation of the oath of MP of Ukraine in order to transform it from a formal institution to legal category, which defines the content of the activities, ethical and legal foundations of the conduct both in the Parliament and on its beyond.Исследована присяга как один из элементов правового положения народного депутата Украины. Проведён общий анализ института присяги сквозь призму одной из основ взаимоотношений лица, которое устраивается на государственную службу (в широком понимании этого термина), и собственно государства – принципа лояльности (верности) обществу и государству. Акцентировано внимание на влиянии, которое оказывает этот институт на такие составляющие статуса народного депутата Украины, как полномочия и гарантии деятельности. Обоснован вывод о необходимости более точного конституционно-правового регламентирования присяги народного депутата Украины в целях её трансформации из исключительно формального института в правовую категорию, которая определяет содержание его деятельности, этические и юридические основы его поведения как в парламенте, так и за его пределами

    СУБ’ЄКТ-СУБ’ЄКТНІСТЬ ЯК МЕТОД МОРАЛЬНОГО ВПЛИВУ НА СУЧАСНУ УКРАЇНСЬКУ МОЛОДЬ ( Subject-subjectness as a Method of Moral Influence on Contemporary Ukrainian Youth )

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    У статті розкриваються причини втрати людиною та спільнотою суб’єктності. Окреслено можливі моральні шляхи відновлення суб’єкт-суб’єктної взаємодії як необхідної складової гармонійного розвитку особистості та суспільства загалом та в українському молодіжному середовищі зокрема (In this article the causes of loss of subjectness by human and community are opened up. The possible ways of recovery of subjectsubjective interaction as a necessary component of the harmonious development of personality and society in general and among youth in particular are outlined

    The Level of somatic Health of female Students of LNTU.

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    У статті розглянуто рівень соматичного здоров’я студенток 1−4 курсів Луцького національного технічного університету. In the article the level of somatic health of female students of 1-4 courses of Lutsk National Technical University is examined

    Lung function testing according leptin levels in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) belongs to urgent medical and social problems of our time. Prognosis of COPD is often determined by a comorbidity, in particular obesity. The key chain, which unites COPD and obesity, is systemic inflammation, in the development of which the hormone of fatty tissue leptin plays an important role. The presence of receptors to leptin in the alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells, in smooth muscle tissue and submucous bronchial membrane allowes to assume that leptin takes pathogenetic part in COPD progression. The aim of our research was to estimate the leptin level in COPD patient and analyze changes of the respiratory function depending on it. Methods. We have been examined 26 patients with exacerbation of COPD (13 male and 13 female, 58 y.o.) and 20 healthy people representative by gender, age and body mass. The level of serum leptin has been defined by the solid phase enzyme linked immunosorbent analysis, lung function – by computed testing. Results and conclusion. With the leptin level increase all of the lung function parameters progressively decreased, most significant - forced vital capacity and peak expiratory flow. Patients with hyperleptinemia had significantly lower measurements of forced expiratory volume in 1 second and vital lungs capacity. Severe degree of both obstructive and restrictive changes has been found more often among patients with hyperleptinemia and leptin level has been associated with the bronchial obstruction severity