78 research outputs found

    Foreign tourists perception towards personal safety in Republic of Croatia and finding solution to safety challenges in tourism

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    Hrvatska je postala popularna turistička destinacija u posljednjih nekoliko godina. Međutim, s obzirom na povećan broj dolazaka stranih turista s jedne strane, kao i brojne terorističke napade s druge strane, treba se postaviti pitanje: “Osjećaju li se turisti sigurno u Hrvatskoj?” Iako nije izravno pogođena s terorističkim napadom, Hrvatska kao i druge zemlje ima obvezu omogućiti turistima da njihovo kratko putovanje prođe što sigurnije. Polazna točka u tome jest dobiti percepciju turista o osobnoj sigurnosti tijekom putovanja. Ovaj rad sadrži rezultate istraživanja o percepciji osobne sigurnosti hrvatskih turista. Rezultati su dobiveni metodom ispunjavanja upitnika koji je sastavljen od 12 pitanja o osobnom osjećaju sigurnosti turista u Hrvatskoj.Croatia has become a popular tourist destination over the last few years. However, considering the large number of tourists on the one side and increased number of terrorist attacks as well as political instability in Europe and the rest of the world on the other side, there is a question to be asked and that is: "Do tourists feel safe while visiting Croatia?" Although not directly affected by terrorist attack, Croatia like other countries also has the obligation to make its tourists feel safe as much as possible. The starting point is to get tourists' perspective on personal safety while traveling abroad. This paper contains research data about tourists’ perception of safety while staying in Croatia. Data is generated from the questionnaire which is made up of a list of 12 questions about tourists’ personal view of safety while staying in Croatia


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    U ovom radu se prikazuju osnovne zadaće i postupci primalje prvog prihvata i opskrbe novorođenčeta neposredno nakon rođenja, uz osvrt na fiziološke karakteristike i prilagodbu novorođenčeta na izvanmaterični život. Novorođenče u maternici živi u idelanim uvjetima, u mraku i tišini uz konstantnu temperaturu okoline, plutajući u amnijskoj tekućini. Dolaskom na svijet novorođenče je izloženo vanjskim uvjetima na koje nije naviklo te je potrebna maksimalna potpora osoblja kako bi se majka i njeno novorođenče što lakše i nježnije privikli na nove uvjete i jedno na drugo (8). Od velike važnosti je i priprema prostorije, tima i opreme za prvu opskrbu novorođenčeta, koji mora imati: aspirator, spremnik sa kisikom, vagu, sterilan set za porođaj, sterilne rukavice, sterilan set za prvu njegu, sterilne rukavice, stredstvo za dezinfekciju pupka, identifikacijsku narukvicu za novorođenče i majku. Prva opskrba novorođenčeta neposredno nakon rođenja uvelike će ovisiti o stanju vitalnosti. Važno je zaželjeti mu dobrodošlicu na ovaj svijet u toploj prostoriji. Novorođenče će neposredno po porođaju, odnosno tijekom prve minute udahnuti, primalja će ga obrisati toplom pelenom, položiti majci na trbuh te pokriti suhom toplom dekicom. Ovdje će početi upoznavanje majke sa svojim djetetom, ovdje će se dogoditi ljubav na prvi pogled. Trenutak će biti čaroban i zbog toga što su još uvijek jedno, pupkovina još uvijek pulsira, a majci se omogući da sama osjeti pulsiranje pupkovine te odluči kada će se pupkovina prerezati, što može učiniti i ona sama ili djetetov otac. Za brzu ocjenu vitalnosti djeteta primjenjuje se ocjenjivanje metodom bodovanja po Apgarovoj ljestvici. Brzi pregled obavlja se u prvoj i petoj minuti, a ocjenjuju se boja kože, disanje, frekvencija srca, tonus muskulature i refleksna podražljivost. Slijedi prvi sat u djetetovu životu, u kojem će se ostvariti prvi podoj i omogućiti djetetu što lakši i bolji početak (8).This paper presents the main tasks and procedures midwife first accept and supply the newborn immediately after birth, with reference to the physiological characteristics and adaptation of the newborn to extrauterine life. A newborn baby in the womb lives in ideal conditions, in the dark and quiet environment with constant temperature, floating in amniotic fluid. With the arrival of a newborn baby into the world is exposed to external conditions that are not accustomed to and need maximum support staff to help the mother and her newborn baby easier and gentler accustomed to the new conditions and to each other. Of great importance is the preparation room, the team and the equipment for the first supply of the newborn, which shall consist of: aspirator, canister, scales, sterile set for delivery, sterile gloves, a sterile set of first care, sterile gloves, official legal to disinfect the navel, identification bracelet for infant and mother. The first supply of the newborn immediately after birth will depend largely on the state of vitality. The important thing is to wish him welcome to this world in a warm room. Newborn immediately after birth or during the first minute to breathe, midwives will delete it warm diaper, her mother lay on her stomach and cover with a dry warm blanket. . Here you will begin dating a mother with her child, this will happen love at first sight. Trenutakće be magical and because they are still single, umbilical cord still pulsating, and mother to allow herself to feel the pulsation of the umbilical cord, and deciding when to cut the umbilical cord, which can make herself or the baby's father. For a quick assessment of the vitality of the child shall be applied evaluation method Apgar score rankings. Quick review carried out in the first and fifth minute, and assessed skin color, breathing, heart rate, muscle tone and reflex excitability. The following is the first lesson in a child's life, which will be realized first feeding and allow your child easier and better start


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    U ovom radu se prikazuju osnovne zadaće i postupci primalje prvog prihvata i opskrbe novorođenčeta neposredno nakon rođenja, uz osvrt na fiziološke karakteristike i prilagodbu novorođenčeta na izvanmaterični život. Novorođenče u maternici živi u idelanim uvjetima, u mraku i tišini uz konstantnu temperaturu okoline, plutajući u amnijskoj tekućini. Dolaskom na svijet novorođenče je izloženo vanjskim uvjetima na koje nije naviklo te je potrebna maksimalna potpora osoblja kako bi se majka i njeno novorođenče što lakše i nježnije privikli na nove uvjete i jedno na drugo (8). Od velike važnosti je i priprema prostorije, tima i opreme za prvu opskrbu novorođenčeta, koji mora imati: aspirator, spremnik sa kisikom, vagu, sterilan set za porođaj, sterilne rukavice, sterilan set za prvu njegu, sterilne rukavice, stredstvo za dezinfekciju pupka, identifikacijsku narukvicu za novorođenče i majku. Prva opskrba novorođenčeta neposredno nakon rođenja uvelike će ovisiti o stanju vitalnosti. Važno je zaželjeti mu dobrodošlicu na ovaj svijet u toploj prostoriji. Novorođenče će neposredno po porođaju, odnosno tijekom prve minute udahnuti, primalja će ga obrisati toplom pelenom, položiti majci na trbuh te pokriti suhom toplom dekicom. Ovdje će početi upoznavanje majke sa svojim djetetom, ovdje će se dogoditi ljubav na prvi pogled. Trenutak će biti čaroban i zbog toga što su još uvijek jedno, pupkovina još uvijek pulsira, a majci se omogući da sama osjeti pulsiranje pupkovine te odluči kada će se pupkovina prerezati, što može učiniti i ona sama ili djetetov otac. Za brzu ocjenu vitalnosti djeteta primjenjuje se ocjenjivanje metodom bodovanja po Apgarovoj ljestvici. Brzi pregled obavlja se u prvoj i petoj minuti, a ocjenjuju se boja kože, disanje, frekvencija srca, tonus muskulature i refleksna podražljivost. Slijedi prvi sat u djetetovu životu, u kojem će se ostvariti prvi podoj i omogućiti djetetu što lakši i bolji početak (8).This paper presents the main tasks and procedures midwife first accept and supply the newborn immediately after birth, with reference to the physiological characteristics and adaptation of the newborn to extrauterine life. A newborn baby in the womb lives in ideal conditions, in the dark and quiet environment with constant temperature, floating in amniotic fluid. With the arrival of a newborn baby into the world is exposed to external conditions that are not accustomed to and need maximum support staff to help the mother and her newborn baby easier and gentler accustomed to the new conditions and to each other. Of great importance is the preparation room, the team and the equipment for the first supply of the newborn, which shall consist of: aspirator, canister, scales, sterile set for delivery, sterile gloves, a sterile set of first care, sterile gloves, official legal to disinfect the navel, identification bracelet for infant and mother. The first supply of the newborn immediately after birth will depend largely on the state of vitality. The important thing is to wish him welcome to this world in a warm room. Newborn immediately after birth or during the first minute to breathe, midwives will delete it warm diaper, her mother lay on her stomach and cover with a dry warm blanket. . Here you will begin dating a mother with her child, this will happen love at first sight. Trenutakće be magical and because they are still single, umbilical cord still pulsating, and mother to allow herself to feel the pulsation of the umbilical cord, and deciding when to cut the umbilical cord, which can make herself or the baby's father. For a quick assessment of the vitality of the child shall be applied evaluation method Apgar score rankings. Quick review carried out in the first and fifth minute, and assessed skin color, breathing, heart rate, muscle tone and reflex excitability. The following is the first lesson in a child's life, which will be realized first feeding and allow your child easier and better start

    Trust Me, I am Lying to You: Children’s Ability to Give False Statements and Its Correlates

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    Lying emerges early during preschool age. The focus of previous research has been mainly related to the ability to lie in preschool children. In this research, which uses a new procedure to lie, the aim was to examine the ability to make a false statement in school-age children, as well as the cognitive and social correlates of children's success in making a fabricated narrative. A total of 48 children, 16 children in each studied grade of elementary school (first, fifth and eighth), had the task to construct false autobiographic narratives and report them as convincingly as possible in order to convince others that it really happened to them. The persuasiveness of their video-recorded narratives was assessed by 15 independent observers. Using a specially constructed inventory, assessments of the intelligence, verbal ability, peer group popularity, and antisocial behavior of each child were collected from the class teachers. The results show that children aged 10 to 11 years and children aged 13 to 14 years were assessed as more convincing compared to younger children aged 6 to 7 years. However, there was no difference in the ability to make a fabricated narrative between children aged 10 to 11 and children aged 13 to 14, nor a difference in this ability between girls and boys. Children with higher school achievement and those who were assessed by the class teacher as more intelligent, verbally capable, and more popular among peers were also assessed as more convincing by the group of independent assessors while reporting false autobiographic narratives

    Implicit theories of mental health and illness: importance and methodology of examination

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    В статье обсуждаются важность и методология изучения имплицитных теорий в целом, а также конкретных имплицитных теорий о психических заболеваниях. Упоминаются результаты исследований неявных теорий о конкретных психических заболева- ниях. Обсуждается важность результатов исследований для их использования в дальнейшей клинической, терапевтической и обра- зовательной практике.The paper discusses the importance and methodology of examining implicit theories in general as well as specific implicit theories about mental illnesses. Research findings on implicit theories about specific mental illnesses are mentioned and the importance of the findings for research, clinical, therapeutic, and educational practice is discussed.Приверженность вопросам психического здоровья: Материалы III международной научнопрактической конференции, Москва, РУДН, 5–7 октября 2022 г

    The influence of the interactive form of repetition on the success of learning Science in the 5th grade of elementary school

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    Načini ponavljanja nastavnog sadržaja stalno se mijenjaju, primjenjuju se nove metode koje nerijetko daju bolje rezultate na kraju poučavanja. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi kako ponavljanje primjenom interaktivnih lekcija u online okruženju može utjecati na razumijevanje i povezivanje nastavnih sadržaja biologije. Istraživanje je provedeno 2022. godine, a vezano je uz nastavne teme Hrana kao izvor energije i Prilagodbe živih bića na život u vodi te Svojstva vode kao tema baziranu na terenskom istraživanju. Nastavne teme su odabrane uz dva biološka koncepta - koncept A (Energetski učinci prehrane živih bića) i koncept B (Prilagodbe živih bića kao posljedice evolucije) te uz poučavanje primjenom simulacija terenskih istraživanja. Uzorak je sačinjavalo šest razrednih odjeljenja petih razreda, koji su ponavljali nastavne sadržaje u online obliku uz pomoć Moodle lekcija platforme BUBO (na sustavu MoD, SRCE). Na kontrolnom uzorku primijenjeno je klasično ponavljanje. Svi učenici u istraživanju poučavani su uz pomoć istih nastavnih materijala. Lekcije za ponavljanje su izrađene na osnovu materijala koji su služili za poučavanje i učenje pojedine teme. Nakon ponavljanja, učenici su pisali završnu provjeru znanja koja je sadržavala po jedno pitanje iz svake teme s po tri čestice, od kojih je svaka čestica provjeravala jednu od kognitivnih razina znanja (reprodukcija, razumijevanje i primjena znanja, rješavanje problema). Uspješnost učenja uz interaktivno online ponavljanje u obliku Moodle lekcije prikazana je na osnovi praćenja ostvarenosti ishoda tijekom rješavanja zadataka u sklopu lekcije i na osnovi rezultata rješavanja završne pisane provjere. Za prikupljanje informacija o dojmovima učenja uz lekcije za ponavljanje korišten je anketni upitnik s trostupanjskom Likertovom skalom, kojim su učenici procjenjivali težinu pitanja, zanimljivost lekcije, kvalitetu uputa i kvalitetu sadržaja. Učenici većinom procjenjuju kako im je učenje uz pomoć lekcija praktično, jasno i jednostavnije od klasičnog ponavljanja. U velikoj većini slažu se da je ovaj način ponavljanja zanimljiv te da bi bilo dobro češće učiti na ovaj način, pri čemu navode kako je lakše ponavljati kada su postavljena pitanja koja ih vode u učenju, jer na taj način lakše uočavaju bitne sadržaje i poveznice između sadržaja.The ways of repeating the teaching content are constantly changing, new methods are applied that often give better results at the end of the teaching. The goal of the research is to determine how repetition using interactive lessons in an online environment can affect the understanding and connection of the teaching contents of biology. The research was conducted in 2022, and is related to the teaching topics Food as a source of energy and Adaptations of living things to life in water, and Properties of water as a topic based on field research. The teaching topics were selected with two biological concepts - concept A (Energy effects of nutrition of living beings) and concept B (Adaptations of living beings as consequences of evolution) and with teaching using field research simulations. The sample consisted of six fifth-grade classes, which repeated the teaching contents in online form with the help of Moodle lessons of the BUBO platform (on the MoD, SRCE system). A classic repetition was applied to the control sample. All students in the study were taught with the help of the same teaching materials. Lessons for repetition are created on the basis of materials that were used for teaching and learning a particular topic. After the repetition, the students wrote the final knowledge test, which contained one question from each topic with three parts, each part of which tested one of the cognitive levels of knowledge (reproduction, understanding and application of knowledge, problem solving). The success of learning with interactive online repetition in the form of a Moodle lesson is shown on the basis of monitoring the achievement of outcomes during the solving of tasks within the lesson and on the basis of the results of solving the final written test. In order to collect information about the impressions of learning with the repetition lessons, a survey questionnaire with a three-point Likert scale was used, with which the students assessed the difficulty of the questions, the interestingness of the lesson, the quality of the instructions and the quality of the content. Students mostly estimate that learning with the help of lessons is practical, clear and simpler than classic repetition. The vast majority agree that this method of repetition is interesting and that it would be good to learn this way more often, while they state that it is easier to repeat when questions are asked that guide them in learning, because in this way they can more easily notice important content and links between content

    Motivation as mediator of relations between home support for learning and educational achievement: example of reading literacy

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    Teoretičari društvene reprodukcije skloni su da tvrde da porodični faktori, pored toga što utiču na obrazovno postignuće učenika, definišu i odnos učenika prema obrazovanju. Istovremeno, među brojnim pedagozima je ustaljena ideja da motivacija učenika direktno doprinosi njihovom obrazovnom postignuću. Uzimajući u obzir dva pomenuta teorijska polazišta, cilj našeg istraživanja je da se ispita da li je povezanost između podrškeza učenje koju učenik ima kod kuće i obrazovnog postignuća posredovana motivacijom učenika. Kako bismo na ovo pitanje odgovorili, koristili smo podatke prikupljene u više od 50 zemalja u okviru međunarodnog istraživanja razvoja čitalačke pismenosti ‒ PIRLS 2016. Od svih zemalja koje su učestvovale u ovom ispitivanju, u naše istraživanje uključene su tri zemlje u kojima je korelacija između podrške za učenje kod kuće i postignuća na testu čitalačke pismenosti najviša: Slovačka (r = ,57), Bugarska (r = ,52) i Mađarska (r = ,52). Uzorak je činilo 14355 učenika četvrtog razreda osnovne škole, oba pola (50,8% dečaka). Podrška koju učenik ima kod kuće operacionalizovana je preko opremljenosti domaćinstva (npr. broj knjiga i broj knjiga za decu) i obrazovno-karijernih karakteristika roditelja (najviši nivo obrazovanja i radna pozicija). Motivacija za čitanje merena je na osnovu odgovora učenika na 10 pitanja kojima je ispitivan njihov odnos prema nastavi čitanja i čitanju u slobodno vreme. Za obradu podataka korišćen je makro PROCESS za SPSS. Rezultati pokazuju da podrška za učenje kod kuće direktno pozitivno predviđa postignuće (b = 22,52, p < ,01), ali ga predviđa i indirektno preko motivacije (b = 0,47, 95% CI [0,37, 0,58]). Budući da podrška kod kuće ostvaruje samo mali deo svog efekta na postignuće preko motivacije (2,1%), u narednim istraživanjima bi trebalo ispitati dodatne potencijalne posrednike ove veze, ne samo u slučaju čitalačke pismenosti, već i u okviru ostalih sposobnosti, kako bi se detaljnije objasnili mehanizmi preko kojih podrška koju učenici dobijaju u okviru porodičnog sistema doprinosi razvoju njihovih različitih sposobnosti.Social reproduction theorists tend to acknowledge that family factors, beside the influence on students’ educational achievement, also define the attitude towards education in general. Additionally, numerous pedagogists share a widespread idea that students’ motivation directly contributes to their educational achievement. Taking into consideration two aforementioned theoretical perspectives, the aim of our investigation is to examine whether the connection between the support for learning which student receives at home and educational achievement is mediated by the student’s motivation. In order to answer this question, we used data gathered in more than 50 countries which participated in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study ‒ PIRLS 2016. Among all the countries which participated in this survey, our examination looks into the three countries with the highest correlation between home support for learning and achievement on the reading literacy test: Slovakia (r = .57), Bulgaria (r = .52) and Hungary (r = .52). The sample consists of 14355 four-grade elementary school students of both genders (50.8% male). The support the student has at home is operationalized by the household resources (for example number of books and children books households possess) and parents’ educational and occupational features (the highest level of education and job position). Motivation for reading is measured using the students’ answers to 10 questions related to their attitude toward reading classes and free-time reading. For the data analysis, macro PROCESS for SPSS is used. Results indicate that home support for learning directly positively predicts the achievement (b = 22.52, p < .01), but it also predicts it indirectly via motivation (b = 0.47, 95% CI [0.37, 0.58]). As the home support realises only a small part of its effect on the achievement via motivation (2.1%), forthcoming research should examine additional potential mediators of this relation, not just in terms of reading literacy but also in terms of other abilities, so as to explain in a more detail the mechanisms through which the support that students receive within the family system contributes to development of their various abilities.Knjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksa"Book of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice

    Fizičke metode suzbijanja korova korišćenjem malčeva sa mogućnošću primene u lekovitom bilju

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    Physical methods for weeds suppression in cultivation encompass many methods but our article focuses on application of various mulches. They belong to integrated non-chemical weed management strategies and are very useful in organic farming. Mulching might be performed either by the use of biodegradable mulching materials or by various mulch films. The main benefits of organic mulches are that they can be collected from the nature, thus providing cheaper crop production. In addition, they use to be biodegradable and with no harmful effects on environment. Physical methods of weed control can cause both, positive and negative effects; they certainly influence weed suppression leading to a higher yield of cultivated herbs and vegetables but if applied as living mulches in a main crop production, they compete for essential resources. In addition, apart from the weeds, living cover crop at the same time also suppress the main crop. Therefore, a great attention should be paid when selecting the most appropriate living mulch for the purpose of weed suppression in any specific cultivation. In this article, experiences with various biodegradable mulches (straw, chopped newspapers, biodegradable and photodegradable films, gravel and compost) are well described, with a special attention devoted to their use in cultivation of medicinal plants. Presented data support application of physical methods of weeds control in cultivated crops and suggest them as efficient for use in cultivation of medicinal plants.Fizičke metode suzbijanja korova u lekovitom bilju obuhvataju veliki broj mera, a mi smo detaljnije opisali korišćenje živih malčeva i malč prostirki. Ove metode suzbijanja korova se mogu koristiti u kombinaciji sa drugim metodama u okviru integralnih mera suzbijanja korova, kao i u organskoj poljoprivredi. Malčiranje predstavlja prekrivanje zemljišta pri čemu se mogu koristiti biorazgradivi malčevi ili različite malč folije. Glavne prednosti organskih malčeva su te što se mogu sakupiti u prirodi i samim tim pojeftiniti proizvodnju. Pored toga, prednosti njihovog korišćenja se vide i u tome što su biorazgradive i što nemaju štetne efekte na životnu sredinu. Fizičke metode suzbijanja korova mogu da dovedu do pozitivnih efekata, s obzirom da suzbijaju korove u lekovitom bilju i povrću, pa tako doprinose povećanju prinosa. Ukoliko se koristi živi malč, koji pored pozitivnih mera suzbijanja korova može dovesti i do negativnih efekata potrošnje neophodnih materija iz zemljišta, pa se samim tim stvara kompeticija između gajene vrste i živog malča oko potrebnih materija iz zemljišta. Pored toga, živi malč može dovesti i do gušenja i smanjenja prinosa gajene vrste, a ne samo do smanjenja pojave korova. Zbog toga se mora posvetiti posebna pažnja u odabiru živog malča, da ne bi došlo do navedenih negativnih efekata. U ovom radu smo izdvojili iskustva prilikom korišćenja različitih biorazgradivih malčeva (slama, iseckane novine, biorazgradive folije, šljunak i kompost), a posebno je naglašena njihova primena u lekovitom bilju. Predstavljeni načini malčiranja, kao vrsta fizičke metode suzbijanja korova, imaju pozitivne efekte i predlaže se njihova upotreba u lekovitom bilju

    Discovery learning during the field class of Nature and Social Sciences

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    U današnjim izazovnim vremenima važno je učenike naučiti samostalno promatrati, rješavati probleme, otkrivati, zaključivati, kritički promišljati i primjenjivati stečeno znanje u svakodnevnom životu. Upravo je učenje otkrivanjem, koje se zasniva na konstruktivizmu, u kojem učenici rješavaju zadane probleme sa ili bez vodstva učitelja, primjenjivo u nastavi Prirode i društva. U ovom radu prikazuje se primjena strategije učenja otkrivanjem uz promatranje tijekom izvanučioničke terenske nastave. Terenska nastava provedena je u mjestu Trilj s učenicima trećega razreda osnovne škole. Učenici su tijekom terenske nastave poučavani o geografskim pojmovima orijentacije u prostoru uz poveznice na orijentaciju pomoću znakova u prirodi. Uz osnove orijentacije u prostoru, koju su savladali pomoću učenja otkrivanjem, učenici su koristeći fotografije i crteže prikupljene tijekom terenske nastave izradili fotoherbarij i dokumentirali prirodnu baštinu zavičaja u svrhu sistematizacije znanja vezanih uz nastavu Prirode i društva. Opažanja učenika i znanja usvojena tijekom terenske nastave provjerena su završnom pisanom provjerom znanja, u kojoj je naglasak stavljen na provjeru konceptualnog razumijevanja učenika. Ovaj primjer iz prakse prikazuje kako učenici primjenom učenja otkrivanjem te promatranjem prirode i bilježenjem vlastitih opažanja s lakoćom ostvaruju tražene odgojno-obrazovne ishode u nastavi Prirode i društva.In today\u27s challenging times, it is important to teach students how to observe independently, solve problems, discover, deduce, critically reflect, and apply the knowledge acquired in everyday life. Discovery learning, which is based on constructivism and helps students solve given problems with or without the teacher\u27s guidance, can be applied in classes of Nature and Social Sciences. The paper presents the application of the learning strategy of discovery learning and observing during the field class. The research was conducted in Trilj, on a sample of students in the third grade of elementary school. Students learned about geographical concepts of spatial orientation connecting them with orientation using signs in nature. Using the photos and drawings collected during the field class, the students created a photoherbarium, thus documenting their homeland’s natural heritage to systematize the knowledge. The students\u27 observations were compared with the results of the final exams with an emphasis on checking the students\u27 conceptual understanding. The research results show that students, by applying learning by discovering and observing nature and writing down their own observations, easily achieve the required educational outcomes in the teaching of Nature and Social Sciences

    Preliminarna istraživanja efikasnosti mulčeva i drugih mehničkih mera borbe protiv korova primenjenih u usevu Mentha piperita L.

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    Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) is a perennial, medicinal and aromatic, cultivated plant species belonging to Lamiaceae family. In this study, survey of 9 organic mulches (straw, chopped pieces of the pine bark, sawdust of acacia, cardboard, dry pine needles, chopped maize sedge, chopped pieces of the acacia bark, herbal composts 1 and 2), 1 biodegradable (black mulch film) and 4 plastic mulch films (silver-brown, perforated black, black, black 'agrotextil') were tested in Mentha x piperita experimental cultivation, located in Serbia. Three different models were used for application of mulches and films in the early spring of 2015. The plots were separated on two parts, one with hand weeding and the other one without weeding. Identical rows with peppermint were used as a double control, with no use of mulches/films; one control was kept free of weeds (C1 - weeds were manually removed), while the second one was kept intact (C2 - no weeds removal). Comparing to control treatment silver-brown polyethylene film (sPE), black agrotextil film (BA) and two organic mulches (sawdust of acacia and pine needles), showed very good effects on peppermint yield and reduction of weed biomass. Therefore, we selected them for further investigation. The aim of this study was to evaluate and select the best application models of organic mulches and mulch films for further investigation which will lead to the achievement of the highest yield of good quality peppermint herbal drug.Pitoma nana (Mentha x piperita) je višegodišnja lekovita i aromatična biljka, koja pripada familiji Lamiaceae (usnatice). U ovom istraživanju je ispitivano 9 organskih malčeva (slama, usitnjena kora bora, bagremova piljevina, karton, suve iglice bora, usitnjena kukuruzovina, usitnjena kora bagrema, kompost od ostataka iz proizvodnje lekovitog bilja 1 i 2), biorazgradiva crna malč folija i 4 malč folije (srebrno-braon, perforirana crna, crna, crna 'agrotekstil') u eksperimentalnom ogledu pitome nane koji je postavljen na lokalitetu u Pančevu, u Srbiji. U proleće 2015. godine korišćene su tri različite metode za postavljanje malča. Ogled je podeljen na dva dela, jedan koji je ručno plevljen i drugi gde korovi nisu uklanjani. U ogled su uključene i dve kontrole bez postavke malča, s tim što su u jednoj kontroli korovi uklanjani redovno (C1), dok su se u drugoj korovi slobodno razvijali i rasli zajedno sa nanom (C2). U poređenju sa kontrolama, pozitivan efekat na prinos pitome nane, kao i na redukciju biomase korova pokazali su sledeći tretmani: srebrno-braon folija (sPE), crni 'agrotekstil' (BA) i dva organska malča (bagremova piljevina i iglice bora). Navedeni mačevi su uključeni u dalja istraživanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procena i odabir najboljeg modela primene organskog malča kao i malč folija za dalja istraživanja, koja će garantovati visok prinos gajene nane odličnog kvaliteta