1,887 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian of a spinning test-particle in curved spacetime [Erratum: Phys. Rev. D 80, 104025 (2009)]

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    Using a Legendre transformation, we compute the unconstrained Hamiltonian of a spinning test-particle in a curved spacetime at linear order in the particle spin. The equations of motion of this unconstrained Hamiltonian coincide with the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Pirani equations. We then use the formalism of Dirac brackets to derive the constrained Hamiltonian and the corresponding phase-space algebra in the Newton-Wigner spin supplementary condition (SSC), suitably generalized to curved spacetime, and find that the phase-space algebra (q,p,S) is canonical at linear order in the particle spin. We provide explicit expressions for this Hamiltonian in a spherically symmetric spacetime, both in isotropic and spherical coordinates, and in the Kerr spacetime in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates. Furthermore, we find that our Hamiltonian, when expanded in Post-Newtonian (PN) orders, agrees with the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) canonical Hamiltonian computed in PN theory in the test-particle limit. Notably, we recover the known spin-orbit couplings through 2.5PN order and the spin-spin couplings of type S_Kerr S (and S_Kerr^2) through 3PN order, S_Kerr being the spin of the Kerr spacetime. Our method allows one to compute the PN Hamiltonian at any order, in the test-particle limit and at linear order in the particle spin. As an application we compute it at 3.5PN order

    The far-reaching implications of China’s AI-powered surveillance state post-Covid

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has vastly accelerated the digitalization of public health practices worldwide. In doing so, it has fostered a new class of pandemic-related technological solutions, a subset of which utilize artificial intelligence for contact tracing purposes. The People’s Republic of China has not been immune from this rush to implement these novel tools. But there is a darker element to the country’s Alipay Health Code mobile application that extends beyond pandemic preparedness. With ambitions to further incorporate the app into their already vast surveillance apparatus, China is on the precipice of setting a dangerous precedent for pervasive, state-sponsored automated social control. In such a world, we may see health tools co-opted into systems that score individuals on their political fealty. As such, they have the potential to severely undercut democratic ideals by restricting the freedom to dissent necessary to uphold such values. They would do all this under the guise of promoting collective wellbeing

    Dome C site testing: surface layer, free atmosphere seeing and isoplanatic angle statistics

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    This paper analyses 3.5 years of site testing data obtained at Dome C, Antarctica, based on measurements obtained with three DIMMs located at three different elevations. Basic statistics of the seeing and the isoplanatic angle are given, as well as the characteristic time of temporal fluctuations of these two parameters, which we found to around 30 minutes at 8 m. The 3 DIMMs are exploited as a profiler of the surface layer, and provide a robust estimation of its statistical properties. It appears to have a very sharp upper limit (less than 1 m). The fraction of time spent by each telescope above the top of the surface layer permits us to deduce a median height of between 23 m and 27 m. The comparison of the different data sets led us to infer the statistical properties of the free atmosphere seeing, with a median value of 0.36 arcsec. The C_n^2 profile inside the surface layer is also deduced from the seeing data obtained during the fraction of time spent by the 3 telescopes inside this turbulence. Statistically, the surface layer, except during the 3-month summer season, contributes to 95 percent of the total turbulence from the surface level, thus confirming the exceptional quality of the site above it

    Analysis of spin precession in binary black hole systems including quadrupole-monopole interaction

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    We analyze in detail the spin precession equations in binary black hole systems, when the tidal torque on a Kerr black hole due to quadrupole-monopole coupling is taken into account. We show that completing the precession equations with this term reveals the existence of a conserved quantity at 2PN order when averaging over orbital motion. This quantity allows one to solve the (orbit-averaged) precession equations exactly in the case of equal masses and arbitrary spins, neglecting radiation reaction. For unequal masses, an exact solution does not exist in closed form, but we are still able to derive accurate approximate analytic solutions. We also show how to incorporate radiation reaction effects into our analytic solutions adiabatically, and compare the results to solutions obtained numerically. For various configurations of the binary, the relative difference in the accumulated orbital phase computed using our analytic solutions versus a full numerical solution vary from about 0.3% to 1.8% over the 80 - 140 orbital cycles accumulated while sweeping over the orbital frequency range 20 - 300 Hz. This typically corresponds to a discrepancy of order 5-6 radians. While this may not be accurate enough for implementation in LIGO template banks, we still believe that our new solutions are potentially quite useful for comparing numerical relativity simulations of spinning binary black hole systems with post-Newtonian theory. They can also be used to gain more understanding of precession effects, with potential application to the gravitational recoil problem, and to provide semi-analytical templates for spinning, precessing binaries.Comment: version published in Phys. Rev. D, with improved figures and more detailed discussion of cubic anharmonic oscillato

    Treatment of endometriosis by aromatase inhibitors: efficacy and side effects

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    The recent demonstration that aromatase is expressed at higher levels in endometriosis implants than in normal endometrium has led to pilot studies using inhibitor aromatasis in patients with endometriosis. We conducted a systematic review of the literature and studied the efficacy of aromatase inhibitors on endometriosis. There were seventeen studies (case reports/series) evaluating outcomes of aromatase inhibitors. Studies suggest that aromatase inhibitors alone or co-administered with progestins, oral contraceptives or gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist could reduce pain and endometriosis. There is only one randomized controlled trial comparing aromatase inhibitor+GnRH agonist and GnRH agonist and one study with eighty patients. Side-effects profiles of aromatase inhibitor regimens are favorable; it does not appear a significant bone loss. Aromatase inhibitors seem to have a promising effect on endometriosis but randomized controlled trials are needed to prove their effects and their safety
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