10 research outputs found


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    Desa Ciburial mengembangkan sistem informasi melalui media sosial sebagai media penyebaran informasi desa. Media sosial yang aktif dikelola Desa Ciburial terdiri dari Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, dan Pinterest. Pengelolaan informasi di media sosial membawa Desa Ciburial sebagai peraih Juara Pertama Pengelolaan Media Sosial Terbaik Se-Jawa Barat pada ajang Jabar Juara Award tahun 2020. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan kompetensi literasi data dan informasi aparatur pemerintah desa ciburial dan kelompok masyarakat informasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data secara primer dilakukan melalui observasi non partisipan, wawancara mendalam dan focus group discussion, sedangkan data sekunder didapatkan melalui studi literatur buku, jurnal, arsip atau dokumen pemerintah desa, serta pencarian internet. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah model Miles dan Huberman serta triangulasi data dilakukan dengan triangualasi data, sumber dan waktu sebagai teknik keabsahan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kompetensi literasi data ditunjukkan pada keahlian ASN dan Kelompok masyarakat Informasi Desa Ciburial dalam mengaktifkan media sosial sebagai penunjang perluasan penyebaran informasi desa. Kebutuhan informasi disesuaikan dengan keperluan masyarakat yakni kegiatan desa dan potensi desa sebagai desa wisata. Evaluasi yang dilakukan adalah mengevaluasi keaktifan masyarakat dalam mengakses Instagram, karena masih banyak masyarakat yang belum sepenuhnya mengakses media sosial.   Kata Kunci: Kompetensi, Literasi, Media Sosial, InstagramCiburial Village developed an information system through social media as a medium for disseminating village information. The social media that are actively managed by Ciburial Village consist of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Pinterest. Information management on social media brought Ciburial Village as the first winner of the Best Social Media Management in West Java at the Jabar Juara Award event in 2020. This study aims to reveal the competence of data and information literacy of ciburial village government officials and information community groups. The research method used is qualitative with case studies. The primary data collection technique is through non-participant observation, in-depth interviews, and focuses group discussions, while secondary data is obtained through literature studies of books, journals, archives or village government documents, and internet searches. The data analysis used is the Miles and Huberman model and data triangulation is carried out by triangulation of data, source, and time as a data validity technique. The results of the study show that data literacy competence is shown in the expertise of ASN and Ciburial Village Information Community Groups in activating social media to support the expansion of village information dissemination. Information needs are adjusted to the needs of the community, namely village activities and the potential of the village as a tourist village. The evaluation carried out is to evaluate the activity of the community in accessing Instagram, because there are still many people who have not fully accessed social media.   Keywords: Competence, Literacy, Social Media, Instagra

    Komunikasi Terapeutik Konselor Adiksi Pada Korban Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Di Rumah Palma Therapeutic Community Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    PProgram rehabilitasi pecandu narkoba yang dilakukan secara komunitas, didasarkan atas penggunaan komunikasi dalam komunitas sebagai metode terapi dan rehabilitasi. Program rehabilitasi narkoba yang dimiliki pemerintah Jawa Barat dengan berbasis rumah sakit menggunakan pelayanan metode rehabilitasi therapeutic community. Rumah Palma Therapeutic Community dijadikan sebagai pusat rujukan terapi dan rehabilitasi adiksi dalam membina pecandu narkoba bertujuan membangun kesadaran dalam diri pecandu agar membentuk perilaku yang bernilai dan sesuai dengan pemulihan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan metode terapi komunikasi konselor adiksi dalam membantu pemulihan residen, dukungan keluarga pada komunikasi terapeutik konselor adiksi, dan alasan mantan pecandu yang menjadi konselor adiksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus eksplanatoris. Informan penelitian adalah konselor adiksi yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipan, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan metode terapi komunikasi yang dilakukan konselor adiksi adalah static counseling dan individual counseling. Metode terapi komunikasi tidak terlepas dari kedekatan, Kenyamanan, kepercayaan diantara konselor dan residen. Penggunaan komunikasi diantara mereka ditunjukkan dengan bahasa verbal dan nonverbal. Dukungan keluarga residen ditunjukkan dengan adanya komitmen terhadap treatment pemulihan, keaktifan keluarga pada family support group dan family dialog. Alasan mantan pecandu menjadi konselor adiksi karena mereka dapat menjadi role model bagi residen dalam program pemulihan, adanya panggilan hati untuk membantu sesama pecandu, dan sebagai bentuk recovery maintainance setelah mereka selesai menjalani program pemulihan

    Implementasi Keterbukaan Informasi Publik Melalui Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Desa Pada Website Pemerintah Desa

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    Munculnya Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (KIP) menjadikan lembaga pemerintahan, instansi milik pemerintahan, dan badan publik wajib memenuhi hak masyarakat akan informasi publik. Hak masyarakat akan informasi publik merupakan hak asasi yang fundamental dan sudah terjamin dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Pada kemunculan awal implementasi keterbukaan informasi publik yang diamanatkan UU KIP ditujukkan untuk mewujudkan tata pemerintah yang baik melalui website lembaga pemerintah maupun instansi pemerintah tingkat pusat dan daerah. Baik tingkat pusat maupun daerah memang menyediakan kemudahan akses informasi terkait dengan urusan tata kepemerintahan, kebijakan publik, dan pelayanan publik. Hal tersebut diimplementasikan sesuai dengan adanya PP Nomor 61 Tahun 2010 tentang pelaksanaan UU KIP. Sejalan dengan UU KIP beserta peraturan pemerintah, implementasi keterbukaan informasi publik menjalar pada aspek kemudahan akses informasi di tingkat desa. Akses informasi di tingkat desa ini merupakan pengembangan sistem informasi desa, yang disesuaikan dari Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Sistem informasi desa bertujuan membuka akses informasi pada tingkat desa. Pengembangan sistem informasi desa ini diwujudkan melalui website pemerintah desa. Website yang dibuat harus memuat informasi sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam pasal 86 ayat 4 UU Desa. Informasi desa meliputi data desa, data pembangunan desa, kawasan perdesaan, serta informasi lain yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan desa serta kawasan perdesaan. Sistem informasi desa ini dikelola oleh pemerintah desa yang dapat diakses oleh masyarakat desa maupun stakeholder terkait. Namun, sejalan dengan peraturan-peraturan tersebut fenomena keterbukaan informasi publik dan sistem informasi desa harus disesuaikan dengan kemampuan literasi media. Kemampuan literasi media ini harus dimiliki oleh sumber daya manusia sebagai pengelola website pemerintah desa tersebut maupun masyarakat desa sebagai pengakses informasi. Untuk itu, perlu kajian mendalam mengenai implementasi keterbukaan informasi publik dan kesiapan literasi media pada masyarakat desa. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi literatur dan menggunakan teori difusi inovasi untuk melihat implementasi keterbukaan informasi melalui kebaharuan media informasi di masyarakat desa

    Lobbying and Negotiation Techniques to Enhance Business Communication Skills through Virtual Reality Training: A Preliminary Study

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    Lobbying and negotiation skills are some of the required skills to succeed in business and social life. Conventional universities may develop their students’ skills through real-life scenarios while this could be challenging for open and distance universities which students are scattered around the world. Virtual Reality is an alternative technology that allows students to experience real-life scenarios in a simulated environment. This research aims to develop website-based Virtual Reality training to enhance learning in the business communication subject, with a specific focus on lobbying and negotiation techniques in distance education. This research adopts the Borg & Gall Research & Development (R&D) Method for educational research. This paper focuses on the preliminary stage which gathered the data required to construct a high-quality mood board and flowchart aligned with stakeholder needs to produce high-quality virtual reality training to enhance negotiation skills. Primary data is gathered through Focus Group Discussions involving students, tutors, and business communication practitioners. Additionally, secondary data is derived from extensive literature and document reviews, including relevant studies and documents. The result shows that informants are passionate about the idea of using virtual reality to enhance negotiation skills. Options of background, gender, and situation settings as well as interchangeable roleplay are preferred in boosting the motivation and enhancing the practical knowledge of negotiation skills

    Pemanfatan Pelayanan E-Government Pada Website Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Provinsi Jawa Barat Sebagai Media Penyampaian Informasi

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    E-government services are not only built in the government environment, but the legislative also implements these services through the website of dprd.jabarprov.go.id. The website was built as an online data and information management activity towards Jabar Cyber Province aims to build a media link between the institutions of the Local Legislative (DPRD) of West Java Province and the community, executive, and the business (private) world. This study aimed to explain the service benefits of publishing, interacting, and transacting on the website of the Local Legislative (DPRD) of West Java Province as a medium for delivering information. The research method used descriptive qualitative with the selection of informant using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques carried out by in-depth interviews, observation, documentation, and internet search. The data analysis technique used the cycle model of Miles and Huberman. The research results related to the publish service were the dprd.jabarprov.go.id website presented the display of information on the agenda and news on the activities of each commission, faction, and congregation agreement. Publish services allowed the public to access information about profiles as well as a brief description of the functions of the Local Legislative of West Java Province and secretariat institutions. The interacting service was displayed in the form of an e-aspiration portal on the dprd.jabarprov.go.id website which made it easier for the public to deliver aspiration related to responses to legislative products or problems in the community as input for policy making. This website also had a channel that connected to the social media accounts of the Local Legislative of West Java Province such as Facebook and Twitter which function as a two-way communication media. Transaction on the service of this website did not function as a money transfer transaction, but the transactions contained on the website were only limited to community consultations for the needs of board members to make regional policies that could eventually be downloaded by the entire communities. In conclusion the use of the Local Legislative of West Java Provincial website was as a medium for delivering information included publish services, interaction that were related to information on the activities of board members, while the service transaction had not been yet clearly seen as a fuction of service


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    Sex education for adolescents is needed in order to provide a correct understanding of sex. This study aims to analyze sex education by families through an interpersonal communication approach to adolescents in the Saritem area of ​​Bandung city. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques with passive participant observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and literature study. The results of the study show: The implementation of sex education is as follows: 1. The time for delivery of sex education is not certain but only as needed; 2). Seeing the right momentum; 3). Sex education material must be given comprehensively; 4) presented at a young age; 5) packaged in sharing, dialogue; 6), the child is positioned as an interlocutor; 7) without having to wait for events; 8), and adjust to the needs of the child. The role of parents in providing sex education is that of knowledge providers, evaluators, educators, companions, and monitors in sexual matters. Sex education is given according to the needs of the child without having to start with an event. Delivery is delivered by sharing and interaction is established in a warm atmosphere, by getting closer to children can create good social relations. Actions, are expected to obey parents as conveyed in sex education


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    Sex education for adolescents is needed in order to provide a correct understanding of sex. This study aims to analyze sex education by families through an interpersonal communication approach to adolescents in the Saritem area of ​​Bandung city. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques with passive participant observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and literature study. The results of the study show: The implementation of sex education is as follows: 1. The time for delivery of sex education is not certain but only as needed; 2). Seeing the right momentum; 3). Sex education material must be given comprehensively; 4) presented at a young age; 5) packaged in sharing, dialogue; 6), the child is positioned as an interlocutor; 7) without having to wait for events; 8), and adjust to the needs of the child. The role of parents in providing sex education is that of knowledge providers, evaluators, educators, companions, and monitors in sexual matters. Sex education is given according to the needs of the child without having to start with an event. Delivery is delivered by sharing and interaction is established in a warm atmosphere, by getting closer to children can create good social relations. Actions, are expected to obey parents as conveyed in sex education

    Print Mass Media Strategies in Central Java and Yogyakarta Provinces to Survive the Disruption Era

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    The emergence of the internet, which has the power of convergence and multiplatform, terminates the information boundaries. The information flow streaming through the internet creates numerous changes in various lifelines. One of the changes that are experienced is the information shift from print to online. This condition significantly affects print media companies, where customers and advertisers in newspapers begin migrating to a new platform, the internet. It becomes a big challenge for print media in addition to production costs that increase every year. In this era, if the print media do not immediately take action to adapt and innovate, it will be difficult to survive. Observing this development, it is essential to research to determine the strategies implemented by print media companies that currently exist to survive the disruption era. This study implemented a qualitative research method. This study’s results indicate that the print media's survival strategies are innovation, collaboration, maintaining good relationships with customers, and strengthening the journalistic content production to be more attractive. &nbsp


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    Digital literacy involved in social media management in government is unique and become something important for communicating within the community. With proper management of social media, information about government programs can be disseminated effectively and efficiently and can be directly responded to by the community as social media users. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to manage digital literacy in social media in Lebak Siliwangi and Cimahpar villages. The two urban villages were chosen for consideration as winners of the 2019 West Java Public Relations Cup, and have renewable social media activities. The results of the study concluded that the digital competence of social media managers in the Siliwangi and Cimahpar urban villages was considered sufficient, however, the level of competence was not at the professional level. The ability of social media management officers in the Siliwangi and Cimahpar urban villages is considered sufficient to be able to access and post information to residents. The desire to adopt content processing capabilities does exist but there are limited human resources. In disseminating information, officers are very careful disseminating information, by reconfirming the information to be posted to avoid misinformation


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    Desa Ciburial Kecamatan Cimeyan Kabupaten Bandung merupakan salah satu desa yang mendapatkan predikat desa digital serta desa wisata. Pemberian predikat desa digital tersebut tidak terlepas dari pencapaian Desa Ciburial yang mampu mengelola media digital dalam bentuk website hingga media sosial. Namun kompetensi yang dimiliki belum selaras dengan keahlian dan keterampilan digital dalam pengelolaan konten media sosial. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi dan membuat model penerapan kompetensi dan keterampilan literasi digital yang dimiliki aparatur pemerintah Desa Ciburial dari aspek keterampilan digital komunikasi, digital kreasi konten, dan strategi digital. Metode penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi non partisipan, wawancara mendalam dan focus group discussion, studi literatur buku, jurnal serta pencarian internet. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah model Miles dan Huberman serta triangulasi data dilakukan dengan triangualasi data, sumber dan waktu sebagai teknik keabsahan data. Keterampilan digital komunikasi terdiri dari keterampilan menggunakan perangkat keras teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, perangkat lunak, internet, media sosial, netiket, dan menyajikan berita sebagai solusi keresahan di masyarakat. Keterampilan digital kreasi konten terdiri dari penerapan 5W+1H pada konten, meriset lapangan untuk konten, penguasaan kerja tim, menguasai teknik dasar pembuatan konten, keterlibatan followers sebagai sumber referensi informasi. Keterampilan strategi digital adalah membuka ruang komunikasi, mengembangkan konten multiplatform, promosi desa, dan konten komersial