37 research outputs found


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    Smart farming 4.0 based on artificial intelligence is a flagship launched by the Ministry of Agriculture. Smart farming 4.0 encourages the farmers to work more efficient, measurable, and integrated. Through technology, farmers are able to carry out farm practice by relying on mechanization, not on the planting season, from planting to harvesting accurately. Several smart farming technologies such as blockchain for modern off farm agriculture, agri drone sprayer, drone surveillance (drone for land mapping), soil and weather sensors, intelligent irrigation systems, Agriculture War Room (AWR), siscrop (information systems) 1.0 have been implemented in some areas. However, farmers deal with various educational backgrounds, aging farmers phenomenon, and high cost of smart farming technology tools to implement smart farming. This paper aims to analyze the huge opportunities of smart farming by utilizing the potential of millennial farmers as actors and analyzing various government policies to support smart farming 4.0. The Ministry of PDTT has carried out pilot projects to implement smart farming in several locations. The Ministry of Agriculture also needs to play a role by creating a smart farming roadmap. The Government's Strategic Project 2020–2024 through food estate based on farmer corporations may support massive smart farming applications

    PERAN PEMERINTAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN VETERAN DAN KELUARGA (Studi kasus Veteran Seroja Timor Timur tahun 1975-1976 di Wisma Seroja, Bekasi, Harapan Jaya)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara menyeluruh, rinci, lengkap dan mendalam untuk mengetahui peran pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan Veteran Seroja dan keluarga di Bekasi: Upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk kesejahteraan Veteran Seroja dan keluarga di Wisma Seroja Bekasi. Penelitian dilakukan di Wisma Seroja, Jalan Macan Raya, Kelurahan Harapan Jaya, Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, Kota Bekasi selama lebih dari empat bulan dari bulan Februari sampai dengan bulan Juni 2019. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Sumber data yang dalam penelitian ini yaitu informan kunci dan informan inti yang terdiri dari Ketua Legiun Veteran Republik Indonesia (LVRI) dan Ketua Warakawuri Wisma Seroja Bekasi Sebagai informan kunci dan empat Veteran Seroja serta sebelas anggota Warakawuri dan empat Veteran Seroja sebagai informan inti. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa peran pemerintah untuk mensejahterakan Veteran Seroja dan keluarga belum bisa mencangkup semua bidang kehidupan serta kesejahteraan Veteran Seroja dan keluarga di Wisma Seroja Bekasi belum bisa dikatakan mereka semua sudah sejahtera. Pemerintah seharusnya dapat memberikan perhatian berupa bantuan kemudahan-kemudahan bagi Veteran lanjut usia dan meningkatkan tambahan fasilitas-fasilitas bagi para Veteran lanjut usia. Kata Kunci : Veteran, Kesejahteraan Veteran, Veteran Seroja. ABSTRACT Rika Rachmawati. The Role of the Government in Improving Seroja Veterans Welfare and Families at Wisma Seroja, Harapan Jaya, Bekasi: Thesis, Jakarta: Sosial Science Education Major, Jakarta State University.This study aims to explain, discuss, complete and in-depth to discuss the role of government in improving the welfare of Seroja Veterans and their families in Bekasi: Efforts by the government for the welfare of Seroja Veterans and families at Wisma Seroja Bekasi. The study was conducted at Wisma Seroja, Jalan Macan Raya, Harapan Jaya, Bekasi for more than four months from February to June 2019. The research method used with qualitative research methods, with data research methods through interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). The data sources in this study were key informants and core informants consisting from Head of the Veterans Legion of Republic Indonesia (LVRI) and Head of Warakawuri Wisma Seroja Bekasi as key informants and four Veteran Seroja and eleven members of Warakawuri as core informants. Seroja Veterans and families have not been able to cover all fields of life and welfare of Seroja Veterans and families at the Seroja Bekasi residence have not been able to support those who are already prosperous. The government can give attention in the form of assistance to elderly Veterans and increase additional facilities for elderly Veterans. Keywords: Veterans, Welfare Veterans, Seroja Veterans

    Low Fiber Intake Increase Risk of Diabetes Mellitus in Overweight People

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    Background: A diet with unbalanced foods and low in fiber among others are the causes of Diabetes mellitus (DM). The purpose of this paper was to assess the risk of low fiber intake and several other factors on DM in overweight people in Indonesia. Methods: As part of Riskesdas 2007 data, we assessed and were overweight [body mass index (BMI) ≥ 23] and aged ≥ 15 years old among subjects who had laboratory test. They were divided into 2 groups based on reference value of the Indonesian Endocrinology Associations (Perkeni) in 2006: Non DM=<200 mg/dl; DM=≥ 200 mg/dl, Results: Out of 7,807 who underwent laboratory for glucose tests, 2.550 subjects were overweight and aged 15 years or over. Furthermore, 201 (7,9%) had DM dan 2.349 (92,1%) did not have DM. Compared to those with sufficient fiber intake, those with low fiber intake had a 2-fold risk for DM (adjusted odds ratio (ORa)=2.02; 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.00-4.08). Risk of DM increased along with increased of age. Compared to those in the 15-39 years age group, those in the ≥56 years age group had a 4.9-fold risk for DM (ORa=4.88; 95% CI=3.18-7.49), whereas the 40-55 age group had a 2.4-fold risk for DM (ORa=2.42, 95% CI=1.66-3.51). In term of hypertension, those with hypertension had 57% more for DM (OR=1.57, 95% CI=1.15-2.16). Compared with those with no/sometimes/never smoking, daily smokers had a 40% less risk for DM (ORa=0.60, 95% CI=0.4-0.91). Conclusion: In overweight people, low fiber intake, older age, and hypertension may increase the risk of DM. (Health Science Indones 2011;2:28-33

    An Analysis of Male and Female Students’ critical Thinking in Debate Classroom Interaction (A Descriptive Study at One of the Private Universities in Ciamis)

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    This study deals with an analysis of male and female students’ critical thinking in debate classroom interaction. This study aimed to find out the debate impact on male and female students’ critical thinking and identify which gender tends to have more critical thinking. This study applied a descriptive qualitative research design with document analysis. The data material consists of students’ comments on google classroom with 27 participants in two classes which are 12 male students and 15 female students. The data was analyzed using a critical thinking rubric by identified and converted into a percentage. The result shows that debate has an impact on students’ critical thinking. Both male students and female students already can give a logical statement. The students’ critical thinking has an impact at a high level. The result also indicates that male students’ scores on critical thinking were lower than female students’ scores. Male and female has a different percentage where the male has 159 scores (40%) while the female has 236 scores (60%). At last, the researcher provides some suggestions for the teacher who guides this activity should give the students more variations in building interaction and make the students feel comfortable in joining the online classroom. The researcher expects the next researcher who is interested in the analysis of critical thinking and classroom interaction to conduct another research in the online classroom

    Perancangan Promosi Rumah Pintar Juanda Cendekia Dalam Website

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    Pendidikan merupakan bantuan yang diberikan kepada peserta didik untuk menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan jasmani maupun rohani secara optimal untuk mencapai tingkat kedewasaan. Pendidikan bisa didapat dari berbagai lingkungan. Lingkungan pendidikan tersebut diantaranya, lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan sekolah dan lingkungan masyarakat. Di zaman yang modern ini, perkembangan teknologi mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Memungkinkan promosi untuk dilakukan secara online. Salah satunya website yang memungkinkan untuk melakukan komunikasi dua arah. Tujuannya adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi sesuai kebutuhan dan mendapatkan berbagai layanan online secara mudah. Dalam membuat perancangan promosi Rumah Pintar Juanda Cendikia, perancangan ini diharapkan dapat mendapatkan informasi dan membuat anak-anak menajadi berkembang

    Supplementary Biscuits for the Recovery of Malnourished Children in Indonesia

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    The objective of this research was to study the nutritional status of children before receiving biscuits, the biscuit supplementation regularity, the adequacy of the biscuits received and consumed by the children according to recommendations, and the relationship between supplementary biscuits consumption and nutritional status. Using a cross-sectional study design, the study was conducted in 2017 involving 586 children in three regions (11 provinces) in Indonesia. A chi-square test was performed to see the relationship between supplementary biscuits consumption and nutritional status. The most common nutritional problems were stunting-wasting (34.1%), stunting (32.6%), and wasting (23.9%). The nutritional problems occurred most often in the eastern region (96.4%), followed by the central region (95.5%) and the western (87.1%). Within three months, 66–78% of respondents received supplementary biscuits regularly, but only 10–29% received the supplementary biscuits as recommended in the same period. Within the three months’ period, from respondents that received the supplementary biscuits as recommended, the region in which children consumed the biscuits according to the recommendations the most was the eastern region (45.2%), followed by the western (23.3%) and central regions (5.3%). Children who consumed biscuits as recommended in the three months’ period had a 2.9 times possibility of having a normal nutritional status (categorized based on the weight-for-age index) (p-value=0.049)


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    Statistical analysis that can be used if the response variable is quantified data is Poisson regression, assuming that the assumption must be met equidispersion, where the average response variable is the same as the standard deviation value. A negative binomial regression can overcome an unfulfilled equidispersion assumption where the mean is greater than the standard deviation value (overdispersion). This method is more flexible because it does not require that the variance be equal to the mean. The case studies used in this research are cases of anemia in women of childbearing age (WCA) in 33 provinces of Indonesia. This study aims to apply the Poisson regression method and negative binomial in the case data of anemia in WCA to prove the model's goodness and find the factors that influence anemia in WCA. This data was obtained from biomedical sample data for Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) and data obtained from the website of the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in 2013. By applying these two methods, the result is that negative binomial regression is the best model in modeling WCA cases with anemia in Indonesia because it has the smallest AIC value of 221.72; however, the difference is not too far from the AIC in the Poisson regression model, which is 221.83. It can also be supported that Poisson regression is unsuitable for the analysis because of the case of overdispersion. With a significance level of 10%, the number of WCA affected by malaria per 100 population influences cases of WCA anemia. At the same time, other independent variables have no effect

    Pemulihan gizi buruk rawat jalan dapat memperbaiki asupan energi dan status gizi pada anak usia di bawah tiga tahun

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    ABSTRACT Background: New approaches for the management of severe malnutrition such as outpatient rehabilitation complement the existing WHO inpatient protocols. Objective: The objectives of this study was to assess the improvement of energy intake as well as the nutritional status of severe malnourished children during comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation. Method: This study was conducted among severe malnourished children treated as outpatient rehabilitation at Nutrition Clinic at Center of Food and Nutrition Research and Development (CFNRD) in Bogor, Indonesia. The design of the study was one group pretest-posttest design and recruitment of sample was taken from health centers in Bogor District. The criteria of sample was severe acute malnutrition based on weight for height Z score (WHZ) < -3 or, having clinical sign and aged under three years old. During a-six-months-comprehensive rehabilitation, the treatment was performed including: treatment of infectious diseases, nutrition and health education, psychosocial stimulation, formula-milk and supplementary feeding. WHO formula-milk was provided as F-75 and F-100 and supplementary feeding was given such as blended food, biscuit. Results: From a total of 26 severely malnourished children were selected, 24 children included in the analysis, 1 child was died, 1 child was dropout. It was found that the average energy intake in baseline was 82 + 15 kcal/kg body weight/day. After 1 month and 3 months intervention, average energy intake increased significantly to 121 + 13 kcal/kgBW/day and to 148 + 21 kcal/kg BW/day, respectively (