660 research outputs found

    Nucleocapsid Protein of Newcastle Disease Virus as an Antigenic Carrier

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    Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is an economically important avian virus that causes loss to the poultry industry. It has a wide host range infecting 27 of the 50 orders of birds. Generally, the virus consists of six structural proteins: nucleocapsid (NP), phosphoprotein (P), matrix (M), fusion (F), haemagglutinin-neuramidase (HN) and large (L). The NP protein resembles the classical herringbone morphology when observed under electron microscope. However, the morphology changed into individual ring-like particles when the myc epitope and six histidine residues were fused to the C-terminal end of the protein. Further investigation showed that the C-terminus of this protein derivative is exposed on the surface of the ring-like particles. In this project, several chimeric proteins have been constructed in which the antigenic regions of the HN or F protein of NDV strain AF2240, myc epitope and six histidine residues were linked to the C-tenninus of the NP protein. The chimeric proteins were expressed efficiently in Escherichia coli as detected by Western blot analysis. Electron microscopic analysis on these proteins revealed that they assembled into ring-like particles. These chimeric NP proteins exhibited antigenicity of the myc epitope suggesting that the foreign sequences were exposed on the surface of the particles. Chickens vaccinated with the chimeric particles exhibited an immune response against NDY. However, no protection was observed when the vaccinated chickens were challenged by the virus

    Classroom Challenges of Secondary Level English Teachers at Remote Government Schools in Nepal

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    The study was conducted to explore Secondary level English teachers’ classroom challenges in the government schools of remote Nepal. The purpose of the study was to identify classroom challenges of English teachers at the secondary level and analyze how the factors affect English Language Teaching in the classroom. Twenty English teachers responded to the questionnaire, four were selected for the interview and five agreed to participate in focus group discussion. The main findings of the study were; the teachers do not understand students’ local language, overcrowded classrooms, students’ mostly use their native language to communicate, limited lesson hours, students’ poor linguistic background and poor classroom condition. The most interesting finding is that none of the teachers was English graduates. They were from other streams like Major Nepali, Math, Commerce etc. Learning and applying various teaching methods and classroom management techniques, matching students’ linguistic level and the learning situation, making use of time, and self-reflection can help tackle English teachers’ challenges.Keywords: Challenges; English teachers; Government School; Remote; Secondary level

    A case study: misconduct problem in a POS Malaysia Berhad / Nur Salafina Rabu Salim

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    The purpose of this study is about how to find a ways to avoid the employee to commit misconduct while serving in the Pos Malaysia Berhad. The employee that commits misconduct will create some losses and problem to the company. The main objective of this study is to know what the causes for the employee to commit misconduct that can give impact to the company performance and the corporate image of the company. The finding shows the cases of misconduct commit by the employee arise while they served for the Pos Malaysia Berhad and there are ways to maximize the problem or cases in order avoiding the misconduct from happen. The conclusion of this study was the outcome from the findings and recommendations for the alternative solution in order to avoid misconduct from happen

    Metodologi penulisan Syed Qutb dalam kitab Fi Zilal al-Quran / Halipah Hamzah and Noormala Rabu

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    Kertas kerja ini membincangkan beberapa aspek berkaitan penulisan kitab Fi Zilal al-Quran, pendekatan tafsir, metodologi penulisan kitab, dan lain-lain. Fi Zilal al-Quran merupakan sebuah tafsir yang unik dan secara adil dapat diletakkan di kemuncak seluruh kitab tafsir sama ada yang lama atau yang baharu. Dalam tafsir ini terhimpun penjelasan yang lengkap, gugusan ilmu, penjelasan yang menarik, dan dakwah yang berkesan menuju penghayatan semula kehidupan Islam. Fi Zilal al-Quran juga bukan sekadar sebuah kitab tafsir yang hanya menghurai pengertian lafaz, keindahan, dan kemukjizatan ungkapan al-Quran meskipun aspek-aspek ini dipaparkan. Kitab tafsir ini lebih mengutamakan aspek keimanan dari segi pertumbuhan dan kesannya dalam melahirkan penghayatan realiti, menterjemahkan kandungan al-Quran kepada realiti seterusnya mewujudkan Islam sebenar dengan mempraktiskan seluruh aspek kehidupan berlandaskan al-Quran

    "A Novel of Character": Towards the Automatic Annotation of Characters in a Large Corpus of French Novels

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    International audienceIn this paper, we apply named entity recognition techniques to a corpus of literary texts, i.e. French novels from the 18 th , 19 th and 20 th century. We obtain results that are usable but could be improved by using advanced annotation techniques. We discuss the use of active learning in this context, as well as the different applications that could be derived from this kind of annotation. In particular, we show that the automatic annotation of large literary corpora makes it possible to check whether traditional classifications exhibit specific structural patterns that could be identified automatically


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    Memahami politik hukum suatu perundang-undangan merupakan hal yangpenting, mengingat pembuatan hukum atau perundang-undangan tidakterlepas dari system politik yang ada pada waktu itu. Hukum merupakanproduk politik, dimana hokum dipandang sebagai kristalisasi dari prosesinteraksi atau pergulatan dari kehendak-kehendak kekuatan politik yang ada.Pengaturan tata pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia, ada seiring denganberdirinya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia Bahkan jika ditarik kebelakang, sejak pemerintahan Hindia Belandapun sudah ada. Dalam rentangwaktu demikian, telah terjadi beberapa kali perubahan seiring denganperubahan UUD dan/atau perubahan sistem politik. Pada masa Orde Barupula pemerintahan menekankan stabilitas nasional dalam program politiknyadan untuk mencapai stabilitas nasional terlebih dahulu diawali dengan apayang disebut dengan konsensus nasional, Materi penting yang lain dalamperubahan UUD 1945 adalah bahwa Presiden R.I. dipilih langsung olehrakyat, dengan masa jabatan yang dibatasi untuk dua kali lima tahun.Memahami politik hukum suatu perundang-undangan merupakan hal yangpenting, mengingat pembuatan hukum atau perundang-undangan tidakterlepas dari system politik yang ada pada waktu itu. Hukum merupakanproduk politik, dimana hokum dipandang sebagai kristalisasi dari prosesinteraksi atau pergulatan dari kehendak-kehendak kekuatan politik yang ada.Pengaturan tata pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia, ada seiring denganberdirinya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia Bahkan jika ditarik kebelakang, sejak pemerintahan Hindia Belandapun sudah ada. Dalam rentangwaktu demikian, telah terjadi beberapa kali perubahan seiring denganperubahan UUD dan/atau perubahan sistem politik. Pada masa Orde Barupula pemerintahan menekankan stabilitas nasional dalam program politiknyadan untuk mencapai stabilitas nasional terlebih dahulu diawali dengan apayang disebut dengan konsensus nasional, Materi penting yang lain dalamperubahan UUD 1945 adalah bahwa Presiden R.I. dipilih langsung olehrakyat, dengan masa jabatan yang dibatasi untuk dua kali lima tahun

    Expression optimisation of recombinant α-Larabinofuranosidase from Aspergillus niger ATCC 120120 in Pichia pastoris and its biochemical characterisation

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    A gene encoding α-L-arabinofuranosidase (AnabfA) from Aspergillus niger ATCC 120120 was successfully cloned and expressed in Pichia pastoris under the control of the AOX1 promoter. The effect of cultural conditions on recombinant AnabfA production was studied and the enzyme was expressed as a soluble protein. Recombinant AnabfA was expressed as an active enzyme at 28°C when cultured in BMMY medium (pH 6.0) and induced with 2% methanol every 24 h. Maximum activity was observed 5 days after induction. The purified recombinant AnabfA before and after treatment with PNGase F migrated by SDS-PAGE had relative molecular masses of about 83 and 66 kDa, respectively, suggesting that the AnabfA contains N-linked oligosaccharides. Characterisation of the purified recombinant AnabfA showed an optimum temperature and pH of 50°C and 4, respectively. The enzyme was stable at a pH of 3 to 6 and retained more than 80% of its activity after pre-incubation at 40°C for 30 min. The recombinant AnabfA activity was stimulated by K+, Mn2+, Na2+ and triton X-100 and was strongly inhibited by Cu2+ and Fe2+ and the enzyme activity was relatively unaffected by Ca2+, CO2+, Mg2+ and EDTA. The Km and Vmax of the purified recombinant AnabfA activity towards ρNPA were 0.93 mM and 17.86 μmol/ml/min, respectively.Key words: Aspergillus niger, α-L-arabinofuranosidase, expression, Pichia pastoris, characterisation

    Studi Perdagangan Simplisia Nabati di Pasar Tradisional Pabean Surabaya

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai Perdagangan Simplisia Nabati di Pasar Tradisional Pabean Surabaya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan beberapa cara yaitu pengisian kuesioner, wawancara dan pengamatan langsung di tempat penelitian. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh data bahwa mayoritas pedagang mendapatkan simplisia langsung dari pengepul. Kebanyakan satu pedagang menjual simplisia > 10 macam. Simplisia yang paling banyak diminati/dibeli yaitu jahe (36%), kunyit (31,91%) lengkuas (19,15%), dan kencur (12,76%). Simplisia dengan harga termahal yaitu jahe (58,1%), kencur (41,9%), sedangkan yang termurah yaitu lengkuas (37,2%), temulawak dan temukunci (22,8%), serta kunyit putih (17,2%). Simplisia paling banyak dibeli oleh pihak konsumen atau pengguna langsung. Kendala yang dihadapi pedagang dalam berjual-beli simplisia yaitu apabila simplisia yang diperlukan rusak/kosong, atau simplisia yang tidak habis terjual Kata Kunci: Tanaman obat, Perdagangan simplisia, Obat tradisional, Pasar Pabea