158 research outputs found

    Metabolite concentrations, fluxes and free energies imply efficient enzyme usage.

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    In metabolism, available free energy is limited and must be divided across pathway steps to maintain a negative ΔG throughout. For each reaction, ΔG is log proportional both to a concentration ratio (reaction quotient to equilibrium constant) and to a flux ratio (backward to forward flux). Here we use isotope labeling to measure absolute metabolite concentrations and fluxes in Escherichia coli, yeast and a mammalian cell line. We then integrate this information to obtain a unified set of concentrations and ΔG for each organism. In glycolysis, we find that free energy is partitioned so as to mitigate unproductive backward fluxes associated with ΔG near zero. Across metabolism, we observe that absolute metabolite concentrations and ΔG are substantially conserved and that most substrate (but not inhibitor) concentrations exceed the associated enzyme binding site dissociation constant (Km or Ki). The observed conservation of metabolite concentrations is consistent with an evolutionary drive to utilize enzymes efficiently given thermodynamic and osmotic constraints

    Integration of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Metabolism in Escherichia coli--Final Report

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    A key challenge for living systems is balancing utilization of multiple elemental nutrients, such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, whose availability is subject to environmental fluctuations. As growth can be limited by the scarcity of any one nutrient, the rate at which each nutrient is assimilated must be sensitive not only to its own availability, but also to that of other nutrients. Remarkably, across diverse nutrient conditions, E. coli grows nearly optimally, balancing effectively the conversion of carbon into energy versus biomass. To investigate the link between the metabolism of different nutrients, we quantified metabolic responses to nutrient perturbations using LC-MS based metabolomics and built differential equation models that bridge multiple nutrient systems. We discovered that the carbonaceous substrate of nitrogen assimilation, ñ-ketoglutarate, directly inhibits glucose uptake and that the upstream glycolytic metabolite, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, ultrasensitively regulates anaplerosis to allow rapid adaptation to changing carbon availability. We also showed that NADH controls the metabolic response to changing oxygen levels. Our findings support a general mechanism for nutrient integration: limitation for a nutrient other than carbon leads to build-up of the most closely related product of carbon metabolism, which in turn feedback inhibits further carbon uptake

    Why do white Americans oppose race-targeted policies? Clarifying the impact of symbolic racism

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    Measures of symbolic racism (SR) have often been used to tap racial prejudice towar

    Specific Control of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Surface-Associated Behaviors by Two c-di-GMP Diguanylate Cyclases

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    The signaling nucleotide cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) regulates the transition between motile and sessile growth in a wide range of bacteria. Understanding how microbes control c-di-GMP metabolism to activate specific pathways is complicated by the apparent multifold redundancy of enzymes that synthesize and degrade this dinucleotide, and several models have been proposed to explain how bacteria coordinate the actions of these many enzymes. Here we report the identification of a diguanylate cyclase (DGC), RoeA, of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that promotes the production of extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) and contributes to biofilm formation, that is, the transition from planktonic to surface-dwelling cells. Our studies reveal that RoeA and the previously described DGC SadC make distinct contributions to biofilm formation, controlling polysaccharide production and flagellar motility, respectively. Measurement of total cellular levels of c-di-GMP in ∆roeA and ∆sadC mutants in two different genetic backgrounds revealed no correlation between levels of c-di-GMP and the observed phenotypic output with regard to swarming motility and EPS production. Our data strongly argue against a model wherein changes in total levels of c-di-GMP can account for the specific surface-related phenotypes of P. aeruginosa

    The inflammatory response of human pancreatic cancer samples compared to normal controls.

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a poor prognosis cancer with an aggressive growth profile that is often diagnosed at late stage and that has few curative or therapeutic options. PDAC growth has been linked to alterations in the pancreas microbiome, which could include the presence of the fungus Malassezia. We used RNA-sequencing to compare 14 matched tumor and normal (tumor adjacent) pancreatic cancer samples and found Malassezia RNA in both the PDAC and normal tissues. Although the presence of Malassezia was not correlated with tumor growth, a set of immune- and inflammatory-related genes were up-regulated in the PDAC compared to the normal samples, suggesting that they are involved in tumor progression. Gene set enrichment analysis suggests that activation of the complement cascade pathway and inflammation could be involved in pro PDAC growth

    Riboneogenesis in Yeast

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    SummaryGlucose is catabolized in yeast via two fundamental routes, glycolysis and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, which produces NADPH and the essential nucleotide component ribose-5-phosphate. Here, we describe riboneogenesis, a thermodynamically driven pathway that converts glycolytic intermediates into ribose-5-phosphate without production of NADPH. Riboneogenesis begins with synthesis, by the combined action of transketolase and aldolase, of the seven-carbon bisphosphorylated sugar sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate. In the pathway's committed step, sedoheptulose bisphosphate is hydrolyzed to sedoheptulose-7-phosphate by the enzyme sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SHB17), whose activity we identified based on metabolomic analysis of the corresponding knockout strain. The crystal structure of Shb17 in complex with sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate reveals that the substrate binds in the closed furan form in the active site. Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate is ultimately converted by known enzymes of the nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway to ribose-5-phosphate. Flux through SHB17 increases when ribose demand is high relative to demand for NADPH, including during ribosome biogenesis in metabolically synchronized yeast cells

    The return of metabolism: biochemistry and physiology of the pentose phosphate pathway.

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    The pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) is a fundamental component of cellular metabolism. The PPP is important to maintain carbon homoeostasis, to provide precursors for nucleotide and amino acid biosynthesis, to provide reducing molecules for anabolism, and to defeat oxidative stress. The PPP shares reactions with the Entner-Doudoroff pathway and Calvin cycle and divides into an oxidative and non-oxidative branch. The oxidative branch is highly active in most eukaryotes and converts glucose 6-phosphate into carbon dioxide, ribulose 5-phosphate and NADPH. The latter function is critical to maintain redox balance under stress situations, when cells proliferate rapidly, in ageing, and for the 'Warburg effect' of cancer cells. The non-oxidative branch instead is virtually ubiquitous, and metabolizes the glycolytic intermediates fructose 6-phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate as well as sedoheptulose sugars, yielding ribose 5-phosphate for the synthesis of nucleic acids and sugar phosphate precursors for the synthesis of amino acids. Whereas the oxidative PPP is considered unidirectional, the non-oxidative branch can supply glycolysis with intermediates derived from ribose 5-phosphate and vice versa, depending on the biochemical demand. These functions require dynamic regulation of the PPP pathway that is achieved through hierarchical interactions between transcriptome, proteome and metabolome. Consequently, the biochemistry and regulation of this pathway, while still unresolved in many cases, are archetypal for the dynamics of the metabolic network of the cell. In this comprehensive article we review seminal work that led to the discovery and description of the pathway that date back now for 80 years, and address recent results about genetic and metabolic mechanisms that regulate its activity. These biochemical principles are discussed in the context of PPP deficiencies causing metabolic disease and the role of this pathway in biotechnology, bacterial and parasite infections, neurons, stem cell potency and cancer metabolism.We acknowledge funding from the European Commission (Brussels) Role ofMitochondria in Conserved Mechanisms of Aging (MIMAGE) Project (Contract 512020, to M.B.), the Cancer Research Programme Grant (C197/A3514 to K.M.B.), Cancer Research UK and ERC Grants 322842-METABOp53 (supporting E.C.), the Wellcome Trust (RG 093735/Z/10/Z to M.R.), the ERC (Starting grant 260809 to M.R.), the German Research Foundation DFG (PR 1527/1-1 to A.P.), and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) S9302-B05 (to M.B.). V.O.-S. is supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT) Mexico postdoctoral fellowship 203450, M.A.K. by the FWF (Austria) by an Erwin Schroedinger postdoctoral fellowship (J 3341). M.R. is a Wellcome-Trust Research career development and Wellcome-Beit prize fellow.This is the final published version. It is also available from Wiley at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/brv.12140/abstract

    SLC25A51 is a mammalian mitochondrial NAD+ transporter

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    Mitochondria require nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) to carry out the fundamental processes that fuel respiration and mediate cellular energy transduction. Mitochondrial NAD+ transporters have been identified in yeast and plants1,2, but their existence in mammals remains controversial3,4,5. Here we demonstrate that mammalian mitochondria can take up intact NAD+, and identify SLC25A51 (also known as MCART1)—an essential6,7 mitochondrial protein of previously unknown function—as a mammalian mitochondrial NAD+ transporter. Loss of SLC25A51 decreases mitochondrial—but not whole-cell—NAD+ content, impairs mitochondrial respiration, and blocks the uptake of NAD+ into isolated mitochondria. Conversely, overexpression of SLC25A51 or SLC25A52 (a nearly identical paralogue of SLC25A51) increases mitochondrial NAD+ levels and restores NAD+ uptake into yeast mitochondria lacking endogenous NAD+ transporters. Together, these findings identify SLC25A51 as a mammalian transporter capable of importing NAD+ into mitochondria.acceptedVersio