233 research outputs found


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    Performance Measurement in Local Government: Institutional Factors

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    The purpose of this research is to give empirical evidence of the impact of management commitment, resources, legislative mandate, management innovation, and reward/incentive on performance measurement. This research data was collected through a Google Form, in which 64 questionnaires were sent to the Head of the Planning Subdivision and their staff in each of the Regional Apparatus Organizations in the South Tangerang City Government. With the technique used, census sampling, this study took a quantitative approach employing non-probability sampling. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using PLS version 3.0 was used to evaluate the data. Management commitment and legislative mandate have a considerable impact on performance measurement. Meanwhile, resources, management innovation, and reward/incentive do not. This study has implications for local governments in terms of describing how performance measurement is carried out based on institutional factors, as well as making recommendations for improving local government performance measurements in the future to make them more reliable, effective, and efficient

    Government Information For Your Mobile Phone

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    A tasting menu of selected apps, created by U.S. government agencies, that provides information accessible from your mobile phone

    Reference Services to Incarcerated People, Part II: Sources and Learning Outcomes

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    During the 2013/14 academic year, students taking a required general reference course in a library and information science program answered reference questions from incarcerated individuals. The assignment was designed as a service-learning project. Here we examine how well the assignment met the course and program-level learning objectives that students are expected to attain. We described the data collection and analysis, present our findings and make recommendation in ways to increase student learning outcome and ALA professional competencies from a services learning projects. Specifically we discuss the need to increase education in e-government sources since our findings indicated they are most useful for answering reference questions from incarcerated people

    Reference Services to Incarcerated People, Part I: Themes Emerging From Answering Reference Questions From Prisons and Jails

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    Incarcerated people face significant information poverty, both because of limited access to information resources and because incarceration itself produces information needs that cannot be easily met. Through a content analysis of reference questions directed to the New York Public Library’s Correctional Services Program, this study articulates the particular information needs of these users. Information needs cluster around self-help and re-entry information, along with general reference queries that typically go unanswered due to the lack of access to the Internet and robust general libraries in correctional facilities. Understanding these needs offers insight for librarians and libraries seeking to better serve incarcerated populations

    Transformasi Pola Pengasuhan Anak Pada Keluarga Etnis Bugis di Perkotaan (Studi Kasus Kelurahan Tamalanrea Indah Kota Makassar)

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    This article aims to identify and analyze (1) parenting patterns in Bugis culture in relation to the views of Bugis parents in child care. The results show that parenting patterns for children in Bugis ethnic families, especially in Makassar City, have now undergone changes or shifts and even value adjustments to modern values ​​both in form and nature. Some of the factors that caused this to happen were (1) factors of change and differences in times from the previous generation, (2) psychological factors of children, and (3) factors of binding legislation. The implementation of Bugis ethnic values ​​such as Siri' and Mappatabe' is still being applied by the Bugis family but the values ​​seem to have adjusted to the new values ​​that were born by the modernization of technology, information, and communication. The parenting pattern of the first-generation Bugis ethnic family tends to be authoritarian, while the second generation tends to lead to a democratic parenting pattern. Keyword: parents, parenting, transformation

    The Government's Role in Stabilizing Rice Prices in Central Sulawesi

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    This research aims to find out the government's role in stabilizing rice prices. This research focuses on what things are being done by the government, in this case Perum Bulog and Disperindag, Central Sulawesi to reduce the increase in rice prices. The method used is qualitative. Collection uses observation, interviews, documents and internet searching. The location of this research includes the city of Palu, Kab. Parigi Moutong, Kab. Donggala, and Kab. Sigi. The theory used is the role of government in the economy based on its activities which consist of the role of government as regulator, producer and consumer. The results of the research show that the government's role is not optimal, it can be seen from the government's role as a regulator, to implement various policies and programs, the government has a basis, namely the government purchasing price (HPP) and the highest retail price (HET), which then created the SPHP rice program by Bulog and cheap market by Disperindag. The role of the government as a producer, the government has constraints or problems with the amount of rice stock, the lack of stock it has means that the efforts made do not run optimally so that it has not been able to stabilize or withstand the increase in rice prices. The role of the government as a consumer, the government has difficulty absorbing local rice and imported rice, HPP regulations seem to make it difficult for the government because prices at the milled farmer level are high above HPP and importing countries impose export restrictions and some even stock exports

    Knowledge of the Pineapple Growers toward Improved Pineapple Production Practices in Imphal East District of Manipur

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    This study has been conducted to find out the knowledge of the respondents towards recommended pineapple production practices. The study was conducted in Keirao Block in Imphal East district which were selected purposively. A descriptive research designed was applied for this study. The primary data was collected from 120 respondents which were selected randomly by personal interview method using pre-structure interview schedule. It was observed that, maximum number of the respondents were having medium level of extension contact, a medium level (65.83) was found in regards to the knowledge of the respondents. The Study indicates that a sum number of the population had incorporated the new technologies while others have still yet to adopt and use the new recommended pineapple cultivation practices. The socio-economic variables associated with the respondents, such as age, land holding, education, annual income and mass media exposure, extension contact and personal contact were positively and significantly associated with the overall knowledge of the respondents. The above results compel that the research and extension system to work on the gaps which will improve knowledge of the pineapple growers of the area. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i8.01