1,056 research outputs found

    A professional development scheme for non-native speaking teachers of English from the Arab world: an action research study

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    Following an action research framework, my research investigates professional development for English Language teachers in the Arab World, who are non-native speakers of English themselves. The thesis has five chapters: Literature Review, Critical Contexts, Methodology of the Study, Data Analysis and Presentation, and finally the Discussion and Findings of the research. The Literature Review covers works relevant to the area of the study in relation to existing teacher practices, teacher effectiveness and current professional development opportunities. The second chapter presents some critical contexts of the study; the researcher’s personal and professional contexts, and the research sites. These provide accounts of the researcher’s background as an English language teacher, trainer and researcher. This section clarifies the need for focused research in the area of professional development of English language teachers. The next section provides an overview of the United Arab Emirates, teaching population and study sample. After reviewing a range of educational research methodologies, the Methodology of the Study explains why Action Research was found to be the most appropriate framework for the project, and most particularly the Deakin participatory action research approach. Characteristics of the research population and study sample are then discussed. Thereafter, the data collection instruments (needs assessment questionnaires, interviews, observation checklists, discussions, feedback forms and documents) are discussed in relation to their role and purposes in the study. The chapter concludes by outlining the research phases, intervention strategy and the ethical dimensions of the study, particularly in relation to researcher identity and power relations. The Data Analysis and Presentation chapter focuses on summarising the data and identifying the general themes and clusters to be addressed by the interventions. The thesis concludes with the Discussion and Findings of the research. This final chapter covers the design and operation of the first and second interventions. It also aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the action research framework. This is followed by the research statement and discussion of the main findings, particularly how the findings of the research have affected the decision making policy in the professional development of teachers working for the UAE Ministry of Education. The findings of the research section also provides recommendations for policy and practice

    Resource Nexus: Water, Energy, Food: Water Forum and Technology Roadmap

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    The Texas A&M University System and Area 41 co-hosted with Texas A&M University-San Antonio the Resource Nexus: Water Forum. Centering on the WEF Nexus Initiative of Texas A&M University, the two-day event held November 17-18, 2015, in San Antonio, Texas, focused on expanding the scope of the Water, Energy, Food (WEF) Nexus dialogue. Topics included identifying and responding to local, state, national and global challenges and opportunities relative to water resources in research, education, outreach and policy implementation. Other topics included holistic solutions to water security in Texas, and engaging stakeholders at home and worldwide in dialogues that will lead to resolution and prevention of conflict over WEF Nexus-related resources. The National Science Foundation-supported Texas Research Coordination Network, RCN-CE3SAR served as an independent facilitator. There was consensus among participants on consequences of failure to educate decision makers and the public about nexus, changes needed in education systems, barriers to action, and benefits if action is taken.https://digitalcommons.tamusa.edu/water_books/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Water-Energy-Food Nexus Stakeholder Information Sharing and Engagement Workshop

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    On January 10, 2018, the Texas A&M University System Water-Energy-Food Initiative held the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Stakeholder Information Sharing and Engagement Workshop on the campus of Texas A&M University-San Antonio. The workshop involved over 70 stakeholders drawn from the water, energy, and food sectors in San Antonio and surrounding region. Stakeholders attending the workshop heard presentations on the status of San Antonio Case Study pilot projects and other WEF nexus work. Facilitated small-group sessions were held at the workshop to obtain stakeholder input on research questions to be asked, and on limitations and opportunities for stakeholder engagement on WEF nexus-related work in the San Antonio and the South Texas Region. Workshop participants also took before and after surveys to gauge knowledge about the WEF nexus. This report provides information on the outcomes of surveys, the workshop presentations and discussions, and the facilitated stakeholder sessions.https://digitalcommons.tamusa.edu/water_books/1002/thumbnail.jp


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    Over the last two decades, a comprehensive mathematical model and its corresponding computational program, aimed to simulate steady-state operations of bubbling fluidized bed equipments, has been continuously improved and tested. Despite its success, the simulator has employed a simple approach for radiative heat transfers. In cases of high temperatures, thermal radiation becomes an important energy transfer mode and the original model could lead to deviations above acceptable levels. The purpose of the present work was to improve the model for thermal radiation heat transfer between all solid particles in the bed section by applying a two-flux method to a non-homogeneous polydispersed particulate media in radiative equilibrium. Gases in the emulsion and in the bubbles were assumed transparent to thermal radiation. This first part of the paper presents and discusses the basic structure of the former mathematical model and of the new one

    Implementasi Kontrol Pid pada Pergerakan Laras Mortir 81mm Sesuai dengan Hasil Perhitungan Koreksi Tembakan

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    Pergerakan Laras Mortir 81mm ini secara umum masih menggunakan manual atau dengan tenaga personil. Dalam pengoperasian Mortir dibutuhkan kecepatan pembidikan agar tembakan mengenai sasaran secara tepat dan cepat. Oleh karena itu perancangan alat ini bertujuan untuk mempercepat pergerakan yang sesuai dengan pembidikan terhadap sasaran yang akan dituju. Perencanaan dan pembuatan alat dibangun dengan meggunakan alat perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Perangkat keras yang digunakan yaitu motor DC, mikrokontroler Arduino Uno, driver ULN2003, sensor Compass GY271, sensor Accelerometer. Sedangkan perangkat lunak yang digunakan yaitu Software IDE sebagai alat pengendali pada mikrokontroler Arduino. Dalam pembuatan alat yang dimaksud supaya dapat berfungsi dengan baik, maka diperlukan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang karakteristik dan cara kerja komponen-komponen yang digunakan. Hal ini perlu dikuasa sebaik-baiknya untuk menghindari kesalan penggunaan komponen yang mengakibatkan kegagalan dalam pembuatan alat.Pada perencanaan hardware akan meliputi seluruh perihal yang digunakan pada sistem. Pada perencanaan software merupakan piranti lunak meliputi flowchart dan software secara umum. Perangkat tersebut saling terintegrasi sehingga dalam kerjanya akan maksimum sesuai apa yang diharapkan. Software ini diharapkan mampu memenuhi tugas pokok TNI AD khususnya keahlian menembak agar lebih efektif, akurat dan tepat dalam melaksanakan latihan menembak di satuan TNI AD

    Biospecific Affinity Chromatography: Computational Modelling via Lattice Boltzmann Method and Influence of Lattice-Based Dimensionless Parameters

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    Based on a dynamic (i.e. time-dependent) one-dimensional approach, this work applied lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) to computationally model biospecific affinity chromatography (BAC). With governing equations expressed in lattice-based dimensionless form, LBM was implemented in D1Q2 lattice by assigning particle distribution functions to adsorbate concentration in both fluid and solid phases. The LBM simulator was firstly tested in view of a classic BAC work on lysozyme and the streaming step relating to adsorbate concentration in the solid-phase was suppressed from the LBM code with no loss of functionality. Expected behaviour of breakthrough curves was numerically reproduced and the influence of lattice-based dimensionless parameters was examined. The LBM simulator was next applied so as to assess lattice-based dimensionless parameters regarding an experimental BAC work on lipase

    Penilaian Lesan Dada Tidak Bernilai Pada Ttc Menggunakan Morfologi Citra Digital

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    Sistem Latihan menembak merupakan salah satu hal terpenting dalam dunia militer. Pelaksanaan latihan tersebut terdapat beberapa materi yang diterapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan TNI AD.. Setiap prajurit TNI AD diwajibkan untuk memperoleh sertifikat tersebut. Salah satu materi latihan menembak dalam TNI AD yaitu Tembak Tempur Cepat. Tembak tempur cepat adalah latihan menembak dengan berjalan yang diperumpamakan bertemu dengan musuh secaa tiba-tiba. Lesan yang digunakan adalah lesan dada tidak bernilai yang bergerak secara tiba-tiba. Dimana sistem pelaksanaannya masih manual yaitu masih menggunakan tenaga manusia baik untuk menggerkan lesan maupun sistem penilaiannya. Sistem penilaian yang masih manual membuat sistem penilaian tidak obyektif. Sistem penilaian masih manual yaitu dengan melihat secara mata visual. Dengan memanfaatkan sinar matahari maka sistem penilaian dapat menggunakan kamera dengan menggunakan metode pengolahan citra digital. Pengolahan citra digital adalah suatu metode yang digunakan untuk membedakan warna. Dengan memanfaatkan sinar matahari maka pengolahan citra sangat cocok digunakan untuk membedakan warna antara lesan yang tidak berlubang dan lesan yang berlubang karena hasil tembakan sehingga nilai tembakan petembak dapat dibaca oleh pengolahan citr

    Evaluation of Critical Control Points (CCPS) in the Production of ‘Daddawa’ (African Locust Bean Cake) in Dawakin –Tofa Local Government area, Kano State, Nigeria

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    Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) was carried out during the production of African locust bean seeds condiment (Daddawa) in a location that specialized in it’s manufacturing namely Kwanar – yandaddawa (Dawakin – Tofa Local Government Area) Kano State, Nigeria. The analyses consisted of determination of the aerobic, anaerobic mesophilic bacterial, staphylococcal and fungal counts. In addition, detection of E. coli 0157: H7, Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens on the raw seeds before processing and the processed daddawa were also carried out. The raw seeds, processed seeds, production stages and additives had high total microbial count in the range of 109 - 1011cfu/g, which is above the maximum acceptable limit of 105cfu/g. Bacteria isolated and biochemically characterized were Staphylococcus spp, Clostridium perfringens and E. coli 0157: H7. Mucor and Rhizopus were the fungal genera frequently isolated from most of the samples with Aspergillus fumigatus least isolated. Clostridium botulinum was not isolated at Kwanar yandaddawa. The raw seeds, sand used in dehauling, diluents, pawpaw leaves used as additives as well as final molding, comparing (tabletting) and display for sale to consumers are therefore regarded as a critical control points.Keywords: Aerobes, anaerobes, E. coli 0157: H7, Critical Control Points
