62 research outputs found

    Preditores do Desempenho em Matemática de Estudantes do Ensino Médio

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    Acknowledging the relevance of mathematics education, as well the evidence about predictors related to achievement in this domain, the present study performed a predictive analysis of students’ mathematics achievement in the National Exam for Secondary Education, employing the Regression Tree Method and a model with 53 predictors. Results indicated that the model explained 29.97% of the mathematics achievement variance. Certain variables are related to worse achievement in mathematics: Students’ family monthly income equal or smaller than 2 minimum wages, be female, have not attended Primary and Secondary Education in private schools, live in North, North East and Center West regions of Brazil, be highly motivated to perform the exam to obtain Secondary Education certificate or scholarship. The results obtained highlight the role of variables related to the individual, school and family as predictors of mathematics achievement.   Considerando a relevância da formação em matemática, assim como a evidência de preditores relacionados ao desempenho nesse domínio, realizou-se no presente estudo uma análise preditiva do desempenho matemático de inscritos no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio de 2011, empregando a abordagem de Regressão em Árvore e um modelo com 53 preditores. Os resultados indicam que o modelo explicou 29,97% da variância do desempenho em matemática na amostra teste. Determinadas variáveis relacionam-se a um pior rendimento em matemática: renda familiar de até dois salários mínimos, sexo feminino, não ter cursado escolas particulares no ensino fundamental e no ensino médio, residir nas regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste, e estar altamente motivado para fazer o Exame para obter certificação ou bolsa de estudos. Os resultados obtidos salientam o papel de variáveis relacionadas ao indivíduo, à escola e à família como preditoras do desempenho em matemática

    Industrial engineering and management curriculum profile: Developing a framework of competences

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    This paper presents a framework of competences developed for Industrial Engineering and Management that can be used as a tool for curriculum analysis and design, including the teaching and learning processes as well as the alignment of the curriculum with the professional profile. The framework was applied to the Industrial Engineering and Management program at University of Minho (UMinho), Portugal, and it provides an overview of the connection between IEM knowledge areas and the competences defined in its curriculum. The framework of competences was developed through a process of analysis using a combination of methods and sources for data collection. The framework was developed according to four main steps: 1) characterization of IEM knowledge areas; 2) definition of IEM competences; 3) survey; 4) application of the framework at the IEM curriculum. The findings showed that the framework is useful to build an integrated vision of the curriculum. The most visible aspect in the learning outcomes of IEM program is the lack of balance between technical and transversal competences. There was not almost any reference to the transversal competences and it is fundamentally concentrated on Project-Based Learning courses. The framework presented in this paper provides a contribution to the definition of IEM professional profile through a set of competences which need to be explored further. In addition, it may be a relevant tool for IEM curriculum analysis and a contribution for bridging the gap between universities and companies.(undefined

    Educational evaluation : a competence-based approach

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    Neste artigo, discutem-se os referenciais utilizados na compreensão do conceito de competência, com o objetivo de clarificar e ampliar sua abrangência. No âmbito educacional, a avaliação é um processo amplo, complexo, que ultrapassa sobremaneira o nível do indivíduo, com desdobramentos coletivos e institucionais. Com características e finalidades educativas e pedagógicas, o processo vai muito além do estabelecimento de indicadores de classificação meritocrática de estudantes, cursos e instituições, devendo ocupar-se da investigação acerca da formação humana e da construção da cidadania, considerando questões subjetivas e contextuais. O processo de avaliação deve ter caráter formativo e de desenvolvimento, de modo a influenciar a reconfiguração de contextos, condições sociais e propostas pedagógicas, para que esses se constituam em opções mais favoráveis à construção das competências necessárias ao perfil que se deseja formar. Na última década, estudos, pesquisas e políticas educacionais têm utilizado a avaliação de competências como orientação para elaboração de instrumentos, bem como para processos de monitoramento da qualidade da educação e da formação profissional. Sinalizando, desse modo, os desafios das propostas que envolvem estudos da dinâmica do processo de desenvolvimento de competências e de sua avaliação, discute-se também, neste artigo, a matriz de competências como opção teórico-metodológica para fundamentar procedimentos em avaliação e oportunizar indicadores, ações e estratégias que promovam escolhas mais favoráveis à formação educacional e profissional com base em competências, levando em consideração um contexto mais global.In this article, we discuss the references used in the understanding of the concept of competences, in order to clarify and broaden its range. In the educational field, evaluation is a wide and complex process that greatly exceeds the level of the individual, with both collective and institutional consequences. The process goes far beyond the meritocratic classification of students, programs and institutions and should concern the investigation of human development and the construction of citizenship, considering subjective and contextual issues. The characteristics of the evaluation process should be formative and developmental, aiming to influence the reconfiguration of contexts, social conditions and pedagogical proposals, in order to create more favorable options for the construction of the necessary competences for the profile that one wants to build. Over the past decade, studies, researches and educational policies have used the competence assessment as a guide to design instruments, as well as to monitor the quality of the educational and professional processes. Thus, considering the challenges of the proposals that involve studies of the dynamic process of competence development and its evaluation, this article also discusses the competency matrix as a theoretical and methodological option to consolidate evaluation procedures. The matrix aims to provide indicators, strategies and actions that promote more favorable choices for the educational and professiona

    Evidências de Validade de uma Escala sobre Expectativas Acadêmicas para Educação Superior

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    A partir del empleo de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, este estudio investigó la dimensionalidad y la invariancia de la Escala Brasileña de Expectativas Académicas para Ingresantes en Educación Superior, versión abreviada. La muestra consistió en 6.913 estudiantes de una universidad pública brasileña. Los resultados apuntaron una buena adaptación de la solución propuesta con siete factores: Calidad de la Formación Académica, Compromiso Social y Académico, Expansión de las Relaciones Interpersonales, Oportunidad de Internacionalización e Intercambio, Perspectiva de Éxito Profesional, Preocupación por la Autoimagen y Desarrollo de Competencias Transversales. Esto indica que la escala es invariante considerando diferentes grupos: estudiantes que ingresaron a la universidad mediante el sistema universal y aquellos que ingresaron por medio de programas sociales para minorías, estudiantes del sexo masculino y femenino, y estudiantes que trabajan a tiempo parcial y a tiempo completo o que no trabajan. La escala puede servir de soporte a las instituciones de educación superior en el desarrollo de políticas educativas, programas y servicios académicos.Usando a modelagem por equações estruturais, este estudo investigou a dimensionalidade e invariância da Escala Brasileira de Expectativas Acadêmicas para Ingressantes na Educação Superior - versão abreviada. A amostra consistiu de 6.913 estudantes de uma universidade pública brasileira. Os resultados apontaram um bom ajustamento da solução proposta de sete fatores: Qualidade da Formação Acadêmica, Compromisso Social e Acadêmico, Ampliação das Relações Interpessoais, Oportunidade de Internacionalização e Intercâmbio, Perspectiva de Sucesso Profissional, Preocupação com Autoimagem e Desenvolvimento de Competências Transversais. Os resultados sugeriram que a escala é invariante considerando diferentes grupos: estudantes que ingressaram na universidade pelo sistema universal e os que ingressaram por meio de programas sociais para minorias, estudantes do sexo masculino e do feminino, e estudantes trabalhadores em tempo parcial e total ou não trabalhadores. A escala pode subsidiar instituições de educação superior no desenvolvimento de políticas educacionais, programas e serviços acadêmicos.By using structural equation modeling, this study investigated the dimensionality and invariance of the Brazilian scale of Academic Expectations for Higher Education - short version. The sample consisted of 6,913 students from a Brazilian public university. The results showed good adjustment of the proposed solution containing seven factors: Quality of Academic Education, Social and Academic Commitment, Expansion of Interpersonal Relationships, Opportunity for Student Exchange and Internationalization, Perspective of Professional Success, Concern with Self-Image, and Development of Transversal Skills. The results indicate that the scale is invariant with regard to different groups: students who entered university traditionally and those who entered through social programs for minorities, male and female students, and part-time, full-time or non-working students. The scale can support higher education institutions in the development of educational policies, programs and academic services

    Conteúdo de flúor em diversos cereais matinais e salgadinhos encontrados no Brasil

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    Breakfast cereals and snacks are foodstuffs highly appreciated by children, and the possibility that they contain substantial amounts of fluoride, associated with their widespread consume, may make them important contributors to the total daily fluoride intake. The aim of this study was to analyze the fluoride content on several breakfast cereals (A) and snacks (B) purchased in Brazil. The analysis were made after HMDS-facilitated diffusion (Taves) using the ion-specific electrode (9609). Mean fluoride concentrations ± SD (range, unit mg F/g) were: A= 0.76 ± 0.60 (0.08-1.86, n=15) and B= 0.32 ± 0.09 (0.22-0.55, n=18). Our results suggest that the total amount of fluoride available in some products may contribute to the total daily fluoride intake. The product labels should provide information on their fluoride content to prevent fluorosis at the age of risk.Cereais matinais e salgadinhos são guloseimas altamente apreciadas pelas crianças, e a possibilidade de conterem quantidades substanciais de flúor, associada ao seu indiscriminado consumo, pode torná-los importantes contribuintes para a ingestão diária total de flúor. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o conteúdo de flúor em diversos cereais matinais (A) e salgadinhos (B) adquiridos no Brasil. As análises foram feitas após difusão facilitada por HMDS (Taves), usando o eletrodo íon específico (9609). As concentrações médias de flúor ± SD (amplitude, unidade mg F/g) foram: A= 0,76 ± 0,60 (0,08-1,86, n=15) e B= 0,32 ± 0,09 (0,22-0,55, n=18). Nossos resultados sugerem que a quantidade de flúor presente em alguns produtos pode contribuir com a ingestão diária total de flúor. Os rótulos dos produtos deveriam informar seu conteúdo de flúor para prevenir fluorose no período de risco

    Chemical control of adult sourgrass in coffee crops, through various associations

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    Weed management in coffee plants is carried out largely through the adoption of chemical control, with the use of herbicides. In this context, one of the species that most affects the development of coffee plants, and due to its difficulty in control, is sourgrass. Above all, most sourgrass biotypes are not efficiently controlled with the herbicide glyphosate, which is the most used in coffee growing. Thus, the search for strategies that can minimize the damage caused by this weed, appears with increasing demand, due to the great damage to coffee plants. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical control of adult sourgrass in coffee plants, through several associations. Treatment control efficiency was visually evaluated, where a scale ranging from 0 to 100 was used, with 0 corresponding to the absence of symptoms and 100 corresponding to the total control of weed plants by the action of herbicides, respectively. This evaluation method was used at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days after application. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance using the SISVAR statistical software. The association of the herbicides Fluazifop-p-butyl and Clethodim, implies greater efficiency in controlling sourgrass over time. The association of the herbicide ammonium glufosinate with systemic herbicides implies a reduction in the control capacity of sourgrass plants over time.Weed management in coffee plants is carried out largely through the adoption of chemical control, with the use of herbicides. In this context, one of the species that most affects the development of coffee plants, and due to its difficulty in control, is sourgrass. Above all, most sourgrass biotypes are not efficiently controlled with the herbicide glyphosate, which is the most used in coffee growing. Thus, the search for strategies that can minimize the damage caused by this weed, appears with increasing demand, due to the great damage to coffee plants. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical control of adult sourgrass in coffee plants, through several associations. Treatment control efficiency was visually evaluated, where a scale ranging from 0 to 100 was used, with 0 corresponding to the absence of symptoms and 100 corresponding to the total control of weed plants by the action of herbicides, respectively. This evaluation method was used at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days after application. The mixture of the herbicides Fluazifop-p-butyl and Clethodim is more efficient in controlling sourgrass over time. The association of the herbicide ammonium glufosinate with systemic herbicides implies a reduction in the control capacity of sourgrass plants over time

    Toward a methodology for the study of good practices in international health cooperation

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    Em 2008, a Representação da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (Opas-OMS) no Brasil iniciou a elaboração de uma metodologia para o estudo das boas práticas de sua cooperação internacional no país. Uma equipe de consultores foi contratada para auxiliar nessa construção. A iniciativa é pioneira, pois desde sua criação e em função de sua especialidade, os estudos da Opas-OMS tradicionalmente abordam questões atinentes à saúde. E apesar de um histórico de importantes iniciativas de diálogo com as relações internacionais desde o início da década de 1990, a Opas-OMS não dispõe de metodologias sistematizadas que permitam rever e melhorar suas práticas de cooperação internacional. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar o processo de construção dessa metodologia, bem como apresentá-la, segundo está concebida até o presente momento. Apresentam-se considerações preliminares à sua construção, seguidas de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre boas práticas e cooperação internacional e relata-se a metodologia proposta. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIn 2008, the Office of the Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) in Brazil, also PAHO’s American Regional Office (AMRO), began to plan a methodology for the study of good practices in its international cooperation in the country. A team of consultants was hired to help with this plan. It is a pioneer initiative considering the fact that PAHO is a specialized regional organization and, as a natural consequence, its studies have traditionally dealt with health-related matters. And despite a history of important initiatives of dialogue with international relations specialists from the early 1990s, PAHO does not possess systematized methodologies that allow it to review and improve its international cooperation practices on a regular basis. This article’s objective is to report the process of constructing this methodology, as well as to present it as it has been conceived up to the present moment. Considerations prior to its construction are presented, followed by a bibliographical review of good practices and international cooperation. The core of the text presents the proposed methodology for the study. Finally, next steps for the actual implementation of the methodology are indicated

    Educação superior brasileira: perfil dos concluintes e sua percepção sobre a formação

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    The Brazilian National Evaluation System of Higher Education (Sinaes) organizes the assessment of higher education taking into account the formative and regulatory dimensions. The system combines various instruments and generates a set of indicators of education quality in institutional, regional and national levels. In this paper, we present the results of the analysis of student questionnaire, answered by more than 160 thousand Brazilian seniors university students in 2013, showing the socio-economic profile of students and their perception about the infrastructure and support services offered, the didactic-pedagogical organization of the course, and the opportunities for expansion of academic and professional experienced throughout the course.O Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (Sinaes) brasileira organiza a avaliação da educação superior levando em conta a dimensão formativa e de regulação. O Sistema combina diversos instrumentos e gera um conjunto de indicadores da qualidade da educação nos níveis institucional, regional e nacional. Neste trabalho, apresentamos os resultados da análise do Questionário do Estudante, respondido por mais de 160 mil concluintes da educação superior brasileira em 2013, apresentando o perfil socioeconômico dos discentes e sua percepção acerca da infraestrutura e serviços de apoio oferecidos, da organização didático-pedagógica do curso e das oportunidades de ampliação da formação acadêmica e profissional vivenciada ao longo do curso

    Data on social transmission of food preference in a model of autism induced by valproic acid and translational analysis of circulating microRNA

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    This article contains data of Social Transmission of Food Preference in an animal model of autism and the evaluation of a set of microRNA analyzed in autistic patients and animal model of autism. The analyses of the absolute consumption of two flavored food by male rats prenatally exposed to valproic acid (VPA) and treated with resveratrol (RSV), showed that VPA animals show a trend to eat less of the flavored food presented by a demonstrator rat. We also identified 13 microRNA with similar levels among rodents' experimental groups, as well as 11 microRNA with no alterations between autistic and control subjects. Further evaluation of mechanisms of VPA and RSV actions on behavioral and molecular alterations can shed light in important biomarkers and etiological triggers of autistic spectrum disorders

    Desempenho da argamassa técnica decorativa antes e após envelhecimento acelerado em câmara de intemperismo

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    O sistema monocamada se apresenta como uma alternativa ao sistema de revestimentos convencionais em argamassa e pintura decorativa. Neste trabalho foi realizada a análise do desempenho do sistema monocamada em relação a resistência de aderência à tração e estanqueidade pelo método do cachimbo antes e após a submissão de placas de substrato padrão ao envelhecimento acelerado em câmara de intemperismo. Protótipos foram submetidos a ciclos de envelhecimento, equivalentes à 6 anos e 3 meses de exposição natural. Conclui-se que os substratos não intemperizados são mais permeáveis que os intemperizados. A resistência de aderência à tração dos substratos com e sem intemperismo, atenderam aos parâmetros estabelecidos pela norma ABNT NBR 16648 [1].Palavras-chave: revestimento, argamassa, monocamada, desempenho, durabilidade.