599 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Kacang Bogor (Vigna Subterranea (L.) Dengan Pemberian Pupuk P Dan Arang Sekam Padi

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    Pemberian pupuk anorganik dan organik dapat menyediakan unsur hara yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman kacang bogor seperti unsur hara P. Sebagian fosfor di dalam tanah umumnya tidak tersedia untuk tanaman. Salah satu bahan organik yang mampu melepaskan unsur hara P adalah arang sekam padi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respons pertumbuhan dan produksi kacang bogor terhadap pemberian pupuk P dan arang sekam padi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera pada Juli – Oktober 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial dengan 2 faktor dan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama yaitu pemberian pupuk P dengan 4 taraf (0; 30; 60 dan 90 kg SP-36/ha) dan faktor kedua yaitu komposisi top soil dan arang sekam padi dengan 4 taraf (1:0; 1:1; 1:2 dan 2:1). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan. Peubah amatan yaitu jumlah cabang, umur berbunga, bobot polong, dan bobot biji. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk P berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan jumlah cabang, umur berbunga, bobot polong dan bobot biji. Pemberian arang sekam padi meningkatkan jumlah cabang Interaksi antara pemberian pupuk P dan arang sekam padi berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap semua peubah amatan

    Theory of resonance energy transfer involving nanocrystals: the role of high multipoles

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    A theory for the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between a pair of semiconducting nanocrystal quantum dots is developed. Two types of donor-acceptor couplings for the FRET rate are described: dipole-dipole (d-d) and the dipole-quadrupole (d-q) coupling. The theory builds on a simple effective mass model which is used to relate the FRET rate to measureable quantities such as the nanocrystal size, fundamental gap, effective mass, exciton radius and dielectric constant. We discuss the relative contribution to the FRET rate of the different multipole terms, the role of strong to weak confinement limits, and the effects of nanocrystal siz-es.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    A Fully Self-Consistent Treatment of Collective Fluctuations in Quantum Liquids

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    The problem of calculating collective density fluctuations in quantum liquids is revisited. A fully quantum mechanical self-consistent treatment based on a quantum mode-coupling theory [E. Rabani and D.R. Reichman, J. Chem. Phys.116, 6271 (2002)] is presented. The theory is compared with the maximum entropy analytic continuation approach and with available experimental results. The quantum mode-coupling theory provides semi-quantitative results for both short and long time dynamics. The proper description of long time phenomena is important in future study of problems related to the physics of glassy quantum systems, and to the study of collective fluctuations in Bose fluids.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Synchronization in Scale Free networks: The role of finite size effects

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    Synchronization problems in complex networks are very often studied by researchers due to its many applications to various fields such as neurobiology, e-commerce and completion of tasks. In particular, Scale Free networks with degree distribution P(k)∼k−λP(k)\sim k^{-\lambda}, are widely used in research since they are ubiquitous in nature and other real systems. In this paper we focus on the surface relaxation growth model in Scale Free networks with 2.5<λ<32.5< \lambda <3, and study the scaling behavior of the fluctuations, in the steady state, with the system size NN. We find a novel behavior of the fluctuations characterized by a crossover between two regimes at a value of N=N∗N=N^* that depends on λ\lambda: a logarithmic regime, found in previous research, and a constant regime. We propose a function that describes this crossover, which is in very good agreement with the simulations. We also find that, for a system size above N∗N^{*}, the fluctuations decrease with λ\lambda, which means that the synchronization of the system improves as λ\lambda increases. We explain this crossover analyzing the role of the network's heterogeneity produced by the system size NN and the exponent of the degree distribution.Comment: 9 pages and 5 figures. Accepted in Europhysics Letter

    Protein-mediated dethreading of a biotin-functionalised pseudorotaxane

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    In this article, we describe the synthesis of new biotin-functionalised naphthalene derivatives 3 and 4 and their complexation behaviour with avidin and neutravidin using a range of analytical techniques. We have shown using 2-(4prime or minute-hydroxyazobenzene)benzoic acid displacement and ITC experiments{,} that compounds 3 and 4 have the propensity to form reasonably high-affinity bioconjugates with avidin and neutravidin. We have also demonstrated using 1H NMR{,} UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy that the naphthalene moiety of 3 and 4 facilitates the formation of pseudorotaxane-like structures with 1 in water. We have then investigated the ability of avidin and neutravidin to modulate the complexation between 1 and 3 or 4. UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy has shown that in both cases the addition of the protein disrupts complexation between the naphthalene moieties of 3 and 4 with 1

    Effect of the selected physico-chemical parameters on growth of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in raceway system in Iran

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the correlation between selected physico-chemical parameters of water and their effects on growth of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in raceway system in the area of Sarab Gerdu, Iran. The samples were collected from twenty raceways (270-day old fish, surface area 55m^2 flow rate 150 ls^-1 total production 15 T). Physico-chemical parameters were the fluctuations of total ammonia nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nitrogen (nitrates), phosphorous (phosphates), total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, fluoride, boron, pH, temperature, total hardness, and alkalinity. Multivariate analyses were conducted employing three categories of parameters including A, B, and C. The results of the study showed that temperature and pH variations were similar. Dissolved oxygen with negative similarity coefficient, _0.618 was located in the third category while positive coefficient, 0.479 of other parameters except for pH and temperature (second category) and dissolved oxygen (third category) was located in the first one. pH value was not in a standard range due to increase in water temperature. This, in turn had impact on other parameters, such as unionized ammonia, a toxic chemical, to fish. Our result demonstrated that nitrate concentration is the most significant chemical parameter for fish growth in this area. Similarity, increase in concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water (from 3.30 mgl^-1 up to 12 mgl^-1) was necessary to promote productivity
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