43 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Issue of Special Clothing in the Operation of Fire Protection Units

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    Aim: The paper is aimed at presenting selected problems of the impact of the incident environment on the body of a firefighter-rescuer who is protected with standard personal protective equipment (PPE). The article is an overview and presents the hazards associated with working in harsh environmental conditions, followed by the characteristics of firefighters’ PPE (in particular, special clothing) that play a key role in such conditions. Introduction: The safety of those involved in a fire incident is a very important issue – both in terms of proper management of human resources and the organization of activities in the situation of the incident and after it. The article presents content related to the impact of selected environments on firefighter-rescuers and the importance of firefighters’ “special clothing” during operations. The information on the influence of hot and cold microclimate environments and chemical activity as a consequence of processes occurring during a fire is presented. The issue of the operation of the complex environment of the tactical field and its impact on those involved in incidents was addressed. Methodology: The article is based on a review of selected literature on the addressed subject. Conclusions: During an incident involving not only operations during a fire, but also after the fire is extinguished, a firefighter-rescuer is simultaneously exposed to many factors. In addition to the stress that accompanies such activities, physical and chemical factors that occur side by side should also be considered, often broadening and intensifying the negative impact. The analysis should cover the fullest possible range of factors to which a person is subjected and allow him/her to be equipped with the appropriate protective tools, which are the firefighter’s PPE. The introduced innovations should be multidirectional and include minimizing the risk of high or low temperatures, inhalation poisoning, or skin contact with toxins. In doing so, it should be kept in mind that changes in the structure and properties of clothing must correspond to both the trends observed in the market, the economy and the dynamics of the course of fire. Therefore, it is necessary to work in parallel in many areas, taking into account the properties of the used materials, the spread and nature of incidents, and the tools at the disposal of the firefighter-rescuer. Keywords: hazard factors, firefighter’s personal protective equipment, firefighter’s special clothing, innovation

    Selected Aspects of Transformation of Textile Elements of Firemen's Personal Protection

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    Aim: The purpose of the article is to present selected problems related to the directions of changes in the clothing that is the equipment of the rescuer firefighter and that is part of standard personal protective equipment. Introduction: Development in technology and the economy is resulting in products with increasingly complex structures in our environment. In the event of a fire, substances can be emitted that threaten the health and life of the firefighter. Therefore, personal protective equipment used by firefighters (including clothing) must be constantly adapted to the changing environment. Both the fibres and the structure or layering of the garment are modified. Increasingly, users of these products expect adequate resistance to biological and chemical agents. This is a result of the increasing number of factors that pose a risk when firefighters are working. Despite the clothing modifications used to date, it is still not possible to exclude the risk of toxic substanc- es, such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which are products of combustion in a fire environment, and acid gases penetrating the firefighter’s skin. The simultaneous exposure to radiant heat in the fire environment and the physical work performed by the firefighter significantly intensify the heat and mass exchange in the personal protection. Therefore, the interaction of protective structures with the rescuer’s body is playing an increasingly important role. Modifications based on nanotechnology are being used to make garments more resistant while maintaining or even reducing their weight. However, it should be pointed out that sometimes the changes concern one aspect, such as humidity, to the exclusion of other hazards arising from the physical and chemical characteristics of the substances emitted during the event. Methodology: The article is based on a review of selected literature on the topic covered. Conclusions: Modifications made to the fibres or to the structure and composition of the garment make it possible to obtain a product with improved performance in terms of protecting the firefighter. It is important to note, however, that they should consider all possible exposure pathways and not focus on one selected parameter. Therefore, further work is needed to adapt clothing to the emerging risks. Keywords: innovations, firefighter’s personal protective equipment, firefighter’s special clothin

    Atomic spectrometry update – a review of advances in environmental analysis

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    Zarządzanie emisją CO₂ w energetyce a polityka klimatyczna

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    Aim: The article presents information on the issue of CO2 emission (called greenhouse gas) from the energy sector, along with tools enabling the determination of CO2 emissivity used to manage this process and the directions of actions taken to minimize the negative impact on the climate. Introduction: CO2 is one of the substances essential for the functioning of life on Earth. On one hand, it is an important element of the carbon cycle in nature, being the basis for the synthesis of carbohydrates. On the other hand, it belongs to the group of greenhouse gases responsible for the climate change – and for this reason, it must be subject to constant control. Due to this fact, appropriate measures are taken, including changes in law, in the scope of emission, as well as the introduction of modern technological solutions aimed at monitoring and reducing CO2 emission. Activities undertaken in the area of energy, the branch of the economy generating the largest amounts of anthropogenic CO2, accounting for 41% of global emissions of this gas, are of significant importance [1]. The developed tools, allowing to calculate the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, expressed by emission indicators, allow for the assessment of the activities undertaken both in terms of ecology and economy. Methodology: The article was prepared on the basis of a review of selected literature, and reports as well as applicable legal requirements in the field of the discussed subject. Conclusions: The implemented measures aimed at the application of emission indicators in the area of energy allowed for the definition of forecasts and the determination of the directions of activities, in order to reduce the emission of CO2. The gradual implementation of new technological solutions, enabling energy production based on biomass or other renewable energy sources, allows for the reduction of the emission of this gas. However, given the constantly increasing energy demand, it is a slow process which is not sufficient to stop the observed changes. Therefore, it is necessary to take further steps, to develop more reliable and homogeneous tools that would make it possible to compare the results regardless of the place of emission or the type of fuel used. However, it should be noted that it is necessary to cover all stages of the construction and operation of the energy sector with the measures mentioned above, which generate CO2 emission, and not only the combustion process itself.Cel: Artykuł przedstawia informacje na temat problematyki emisji CO2 (nazywanego gazem cieplarnianym) z obszaru energetyki wraz z narzędziami umożliwiającymi określenie emisyjności CO2 służącej do zarządzania tym procesem oraz kierunki podejmowanych działań celem minimalizacji negatywnego wpływu na klimat. Wprowadzenie: CO2 należy do substancji istotnych dla funkcjonowania życia na Ziemi. Z jednej strony stanowi istotny element obiegu węgla w przyrodzie, będąc podstawą do syntezy węglowodanów. Z drugiej natomiast należy do grupy gazów cieplarnianych, odpowiedzialnych za zmiany klimatyczne – między innymi z tego powodu musi podlegać stałej kontroli. W tym celu podejmowane są odpowiednie działania obejmujące zmiany w prawie, zakresie wielkości emisji, jak i wprowadzania nowoczesnych rozwiązań technologicznych, których celem jest monitoring i redukcja emisji CO2. Istotne znaczenie mają aktywności podejmowane w obszarze energetyki, gałęzi gospodarki generującej największe ilości antropogenicznego CO2, odpowiadającej za 41% globalnej emisji tego gazu [1]. Opracowywane narzędzia, pozwalające na obliczenie wielkości emisji ditlenku węgla, wyrażonej przez wskaźniki emisyjności, pozwalają na ocenę podejmowanych działań zarówno pod względem ekologicznym, jak i ekonomicznym. Metodologia: Artykuł został opracowany na podstawie przeglądu wybranej literatury, raportów i sprawozdań oraz obowiązujących wymagań prawnych z zakresu poruszanej tematyki. Wnioski: Wprowadzone działania mające na celu zastosowanie wskaźników emisyjności w obszarze energetyki pozwoliły na określenie prognoz i wyznaczenie kierunków działań, których efektem jest redukcja emisji CO2. Stopniowa implementacja nowych rozwiązań technologicznych, umożliwiających produkcję energii w oparciu o biomasę czy inne odnawialne źródła energii, pozwala na zmniejszanie wielkości emisji tego gazu. Jest to jednak proces powolny, który przy stale wzrastającym zapotrzebowaniu na energię nie jest wystarczający do tego, aby zatrzymać obserwowane zmiany. Konieczne jest zatem podejmowanie kolejnych działań, opracowanie bardziej wiarygodnych i jednorodnych narzędzi, które pozwoliłyby na porównywanie wyników bez względu na miejsce emisji czy też rodzaj zastosowanego paliwa. Należy jednak zaznaczyć, że niezbędne jest objęcie wspomnianymi działaniami wszystkich etapów budowy i funkcjonowania sektora energetycznego, które generują emisję CO2, a nie jedynie samego procesu spalania

    Barcelona, Sagunto, Madrid : tracks of Polish artists in Spain during The First World War

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    W niniejszym artykule chciałabym przybliżyć działalność artystyczną i literacką grupy Polaków, którzy po wybuchu I wojny światowej schronili się na terenie Hiszpanii. Czołową postacią wśród nich był Józef Pankiewicz, który w sierpniu 1914 roku wraz z żoną przekroczył granicę francusko-hiszpańską. Pankiewiczowie zatrzymali się początkowo w Barcelonie, jednak wkrótce przenieśli się do stolicy Hiszpanii. W Madrycie dołączyli do nich artyści Wacław Zawadowski i Władysław Jahl z żoną Łucją, krytyk sztuki i filozof Marian Paszkiewicz, etnograf Eugeniusz Frankowski, poeta Tadeusz Peiper, Zdzisław Milner - romanista i tłumacz, poeta Janusz Herlain oraz ksiądz Józef Borodzicz. Opera madrycka zatrudniała polską śpiewaczkę Wandę Lachowską, a pianista Artur Rubinstein triumfował na scenach Barcelony, Madrytu i San Sebastian. Polacy bardzo wyraźnie zaznaczyli swą obecność w intelektualnych kręgach stolicy Hiszpanii. W prasie z tego okresu odnaleźć można wzmianki na temat badań Frankowskiego, występów Lachowskiej i Rubinsteina oraz odczytów na temat sztuki, które dawał Paszkiewicz. Jednak najgłośniejszym przedsięwzięciem artystycznym Polaków była wystawa zorganizowana w kwietniu 1918 roku w Ministerio de Estado. Był to pierwszy pokaz polskiej sztuki w stolicy Hiszpanii.In the course of this article, I would like to present the artistic and literary activity of a group of Poles, who after the outbreak of The First World War sought refuge in Spain. The leading figure among them was Józef Pankiewicz, who crossed the French-Spanish border with his wife in August 1914. Initially, Mr and Mrs Pankiewicz stayed in Barcelona, but they soon moved to the Spanish capital. In Madrid they were joined by other artists such as: Wacław Zawadowski, and Władysław Jahl with his wife Łucja, art critic and philosopher Marian Paszkiewicz, etnographer Eugeniusz Frankowski, poet Tadeusz Peiper, Romanist and translator Zdzisław Milner, poet Janusz Herlain and priest Józef Borodzicz. Polish singer, Wanda Lachowska was employed at the Madrid Opera, and pianist Arthur Rubinstein triumphed on the stages of Barcelona, Madrid and San Sebastian. The presence of the Poles was clearly felt in the intellectual circles of the Spanish capital. In the press from this period references can be found to the research conducted by Frankowski, performances given by Lachowska and Rubinstein and Paszkiewicz's lectures on art. However, the most important artistic enterprise of the Poles was an exhibition, organized in April 1918 in the Ministerio de Estado. It was the first time Polish art was shown in the Spanish capital

    The Use of Polymer Membranes to Counteract the Risk of Environmental of Soil and Water Contamination

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    Chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) contamination of the environment is a significant threat to human health and life as well as environmental safety. It is then necessary to take actions aimed at minimizing and eliminating the threat. Depending on the type of contamination, various methods are used, including sorption, biodegradation, separation, or ion exchange processes in which membranes play an important role. The type of membrane is selected in respect of both the environment and the type of neutralized pollutants. Therefore, the production and modification of membranes are being adapted to the type of contamination and the purpose of the work. This article presents examples of membranes and their possible applications depending on the part of the environment subject to reclamation and the type of contamination

    Nanotechnology in Fire Protection—Application and Requirements

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    Nanotechnology is used, to an increasing extent, in practically every aspect of the economy and society. One area where nanotechnology is constantly advancing is fire protection. Nanostructures are found in elements used in direct protection, such as in protective clothing, filters, and helmets. Solutions in the field of nanotechnology are also used in elements reducing the fire risk and increasing the fire safety, such as building materials and structures, paints, coatings, or fire safety equipment (e.g., fire detectors). However, new solutions may also pose a threat to the safety of people and the environment. As a result of operation or combustion and degradation processes, the emission of nano-substances with toxic properties may occur. Therefore, knowledge in this field is necessary, as it allows for the appropriate targeting and use of nanotechnology

    Environmental threats resulting from methane clathrate extraction: an environmental impact assessment

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    Klatraty metanu, zwane również wodzianami metanu, występują na terenach wiecznej zmarzliny oraz pod osadami podmorskimi, przede wszystkim na stokach kontynentalnych. Związki te są stabilne tylko w określonych warunkach fizykochemicznych stanowiąc jednocześnie podstawę do życia specyficznych i wyspecjalizowanych organizmów. Dlatego też plany eksploatacji zasobów gazohydratu wywołują liczne dyskusje. Z jednej strony klatraty metanu stanowią nadzieję na uzyskanie ogromnych ilości "zielonego paliwa", alternatywnego do ropy naftowej oraz tradycyjnego węgla i gazu ziemnego. Z drugiej jednak budzą uzasadnioną obawę o środowisko, niebezpieczeństwo zmian w ekosystemach wodnych i ich konsekwencje, możliwość niekontrolowanego uwolnienia dużych ilości metanu do atmosfery i tym samym zagrożenie dla klimatu i życia na Ziemi. Niezbędna jest zatem dyskusja nad ocenę opłacalności podejmowanych działań zmierzających do eksploatacji osadów podmorskich wraz z uwzględnieniem kosztów i zmian środowiskowych, zarówno na etapie wydobycia, jak i po zakończeniu prac. Świadomość skali ingerencji w strukturę ekosystemów wodnych oraz konsekwencji środowiskowych pozwala na prowadzenie zrównoważonych pod względem środowiskowym prac oraz zmniejszenie negatywnego oddziaływania na środowisko.Methane clathrates, also known as methane hydrates, occur in permafrost regions as well as below marine sediments, in particular on continental slopes. These compounds are stable only under specific physico-chemical circumstances and they simultaneously provide the living conditions for specific specialised organisms. In consequence, plans for gas hydrate resource exploitation have provoked much heated debate. On the one hand, methane clathrates offer an opportunity for obtention of large amounts of "green fuel", an alternative to crude oil, traditional coal or natural gas. On the other hand, this breeds understandable anxiety as for the environment in terms of dangerous changes to water ecosystems and consequences thereof, or the possibility of uncontrolled release of large amounts of methane into the atmosphere, which would threaten the climate and life on Earth. In view of the above, discussion is needed to assess the cost-effectiveness of marine sediment exploitation, with focus on environmental cost and change, both at the stage of extraction and upon works completion. Understanding the scope of interference into the water ecosystem structure together with the consequences for the environment makes it possible to conduct environmentally sustainable works as well as limiting negative environmental impact

    Józef Czapski in Spain.

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    Józef Czapski was in Spain twice, in 1930 and 1981. He described his first journey to the Iberian Peninsula on the pages of “Pamiętnik Warszawski” [The Warsaw Diary] magazine under the title Notatki z podróży. Hiszpania [Notes from the journey. Spain]. For Czapski one of the most exciting artistic experiences during this trip was “discovering” El Greco and Francisco Goya in the Prado. In the 1920s and 1930s, when Czapski attended courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, and afterwards when he went with the Kapist group to Paris, the very El Greco was the most admired among Spanish old masters. The rank of this born on Crete and active in Spain artist was made firm thanks to tracing similarities between his and Paul Cézanne’s oeuvres. The latter gained more and more admirers in the period between the WWI and WWII. In the post-war artistic work of Czapski we are able to trace his inspirations by Spanish painting. In his Diaries he used to sketch some still-lifes by Juan Sánchez Cotán and Francisco Zurbarán, as well as some portraits by Goya. In his texts he also pointed out influences by Spanish masters on contemporary to him painting of Chaïm Soutine and Georges Braque