490 research outputs found

    Navigating the Arctic-Space Nexus: Norway’s security in a new era of great power rivalry

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    ‱ As great power rivalry intensifies, maneuvering Arctic tensions is likely to remain a challenge for Norwegian security- and defense in the coming years. Changed Arctic dynamics also happen to coincide with developments in another domain, outer space, similarly impacted by great power competition. ‱ Norwegian space efforts are closely tied to its location, and the country’s northernmost regions hosts a significant portion of its space infrastructure. Likewise, the nation’s long coastline has provided several opportunities for the space sector. Previous and current projects demonstrate the significance of security considerations in Norway’s approach to space. ‱ Norway’s status as a small state has been central to its approach to the space domain. Norway considers it necessary to leverage relevant assets in a bid to make itself attractive for international cooperation and valuable within NATO, and over time, space capabilities have emerged as a means to do so. ‱ The interconnection between the High North and space reinforces the usefulness of this approach – the Northern Flank is already strategically important to NATO, and possessing valuable space assets in the High North will make it more critical for NATO and the US to defend Norwegian territory in a conflict scenario

    Fiskesamfunnene i de dypere omrÄdene av Oslofjorden : med hovedvekt pÄ dominerende arter, samt vekst og diett hos skrubbe Platichthys flesus (L.)

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    Sammendrag 37 arter fisk ble samlet inn ved hjelp av 28 trÄldrag ved lokaliteter som er representative for dypvannsomrÄdene (65-190 meter) i Oslofjorden i preioden Oktober 2004-Mai 2006. Totalt ble det samlet inn 5466 fisk. Individfordelingen av de 37 artene kan grovt tilnÊrmes en trunkert lognormal fordeling. UndersÞkelsen viser at dypvannet i Oslofjorden hovedsakelig domineres av 5 arter (hvitting, ÞyepÄl, gapeflyndre, hyse og torsk). Det ble funnet signifikante forskjeller i artskomposisjon mellom ulike avsnitt av fjorden og individantallet per 30 minutter trÄling hadde en signifikant positiv lineÊr sammenheng med temperaturen i dypvannet. 43 skrubbe ble samlet inn fra Lysakerfjorden i Indre Oslofjord for analyse av vekst og fÞdevalg. UndersÞkelsen viser at yngre aldersgrupper domineres av hanner, eldre av hunner noe som tyder pÄ at hanner har hÞyere dÞdelighet. Det var en signifikant korrelasjon mellom lengde og vekt. Lengde og vekt for hver aldersgruppe viste imidlertid stor variasjon. BÞrstemark og muslinger utgjorde majoriteten av skrubbens fÞde i Lysakerfjorden. Abstract 37 species of fish was sampled in the deeper areas of the Oslofjord (65-190 m) between October 2004 and May 2006. A total of 5466 fish collected from 28 trawl hauls. The species abundance distribution fits a lognormal curve. This survey shows that 5 species of fish (whiting, norway pout, american place, haddock and cod) dominates the deep sea areas of the Oslofjord. Sub-areas of the fjord show different species composition, and there was a significant relationship between bottom temperature and total abundance. 43 flounder was collected from Lysakerfjorden. A description of population parameters concerning growth and feeding preferences of a local population of flounder, Platichthys flesus (L.) in the inner Oslofjord is given. Male flounder have a higher natural mortality rate than female flounder. There was a significant relationship between length and weight. There was large variation in weight and length for each age group. Polychetaes and mussels appears to be the most important categories of prey for flounder in Lysakerfjorden

    Criteria for the determination of maximal oxygen uptake in patients newly diagnosed with cancer : Baseline data from the randomized controlled trial of physical training and cancer (Phys-Can)

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    Introduction: Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is a measure of cardiorespiratory fitness often used to monitor changes in fitness during and after treatment in cancer patients. There is, however, limited knowledge in how criteria verifying VO2max work for patients newly diagnosed with cancer. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of fulfillment of typical criteria verifying VO2max and to investigate the associations between the criteria and the test leader’s evaluation whether a test was performed “to exhaustion”. An additional aim was to establish new cut-points within the associated criteria. Methods: From the Phys-Can randomized controlled trial, 535 patients (59 ±12 years) newly diagnosed with breast (79%), prostate (17%) or colorectal cancer (4%) performed an incremental VO2max test on a treadmill. The test was performed before starting (neo-)adjuvant treatment and an exercise intervention. Fulfillment of different cut-points within typical criteria verifying VO2max was described. The dependent key variables included in the initial bivariate analysis were achievement of a VO2 plateau, peak values for maximal heart rate, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), the patients’ rating of perceived exertion on Borg’s scale 6-20 and peak breathing frequency (fR). A receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed to establish cut-points for variables associated with the test leader’s evaluation. Last, a cross-validation of the cut-points found in the receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed on a comparable sample of cancer patients (n = 80). Results: The criteria RERpeak (<0.001), Borg’s RPE (<0.001) and fR peak (p = 0.018) were associated with the test leader’s evaluation of whether a test was defined as “to exhaustion”. The cut-points that best predicted the test leader’s evaluation were RER ≄ 1.14, RPE ≄ 18 and fR ≄ 40. Maximal heart rate and VO2 plateau was not associated with the test leader’s evaluation. Conclusion: We recommend a focus on RER (in the range between ≄1.1 and ≄1.15) and RPE (≄17 or ≄18) in addition to the test leader’s evaluation. Additionally, a fR peak of ≄40 breaths/min may be a cut-point to help the test leader evaluate the degree of exhaustion. However, more research is needed to verify our findings, and to investigate how these criteria will work within a population that are undergoing or finished with cancer treatment.publishedVersio

    The Slow Depolarization Following Individual Spikes in Thin, Unmyelinated Axons in Mammalian Cortex

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    An important goal in neuroscience is to understand how neuronal excitability is controlled. Therefore, Gardner-Medwin's 1972 discovery, that cerebellar parallel fibers were more excitable up to 100 ms after individual action potentials, could have had great impact. If this long-lasting effect were due to intrinsic membrane mechanisms causing a depolarizing after-potential (DAP) this was an important finding. However, that hypothesis met resistance because the use of K+ sensitive electrodes showed that synchronous activation, as commonly used in excitability tests, increased extracellular K+ concentration sufficiently to explain much of the hyperexcitability. It is still controversial because intra-axonal recordings, which could have settled the debate, have not been made from parallel fibers or other axons of similar calibers. If it had not been for the fact that such thin axons are, by far, the most common axon type in cortical areas and control almost all glutamate release, it would be tempting to ignore them until an appropriate intra-axonal recording technique is invented. I will go through the literature that, taken together, supports the hypothesis that a DAP is an intrinsic membrane mechanism in cerebellar parallel fibers and hippocampal Schaffer collaterals. It is most likely due to a well-controlled process that stops the fast repolarization at a membrane potential positive to resting membrane potential, leaving the membrane more excitable for ~100 ms during a slow, passive discharge of the membrane capacitance. The DAP helps reduce failures but can also cause uncontrolled bursting if it is not properly controlled. The voltage at which the fast repolarization stops, and the DAP starts, is close the activation range of both Na+ and Ca2+ voltage activated channels and is therefore essential for neuronal function

    Aminoacidemia after ingestion of protein hydrolysate produced from poultry carcasses: A comparison against whey protein in a randomized, double-blinded cross-over study in healthy young and old individuals

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    This study investigated the aminoacidemia after ingestion of a poultry protein hydrolysate (PPH) and whey protein in healthy young and old participants. Protein-drinks were also digested using the INFOGEST static in vitro digestion model to simulate gastrointestinal changes in young and old adults. In fasted state, 10 young (20-40y) and 10 old (70-80y) ingested PPH or whey as a 20 g protein-drink and blood samples were collected. Plasma leucine concentration increased more when ingesting whey than PPH (young 62 ± 27 vs. 48 ± 27%, old 94 ± 57 vs. 66 ± 26%) but the peak concentration was reached faster after drinking PPH (p < 0.05). The in vitro digestion of PPH was consistent with the observed changes in plasma amino acid concentrations, but whey digestibility was lower under ageing conditions. These results show that PPH is rapidly digested and absorbed due to the hydrolysis into short peptide chains, and that healthy elderly have similar absorption as younger individuals.Aminoacidemia after ingestion of protein hydrolysate produced from poultry carcasses: A comparison against whey protein in a randomized, double-blinded cross-over study in healthy young and old individualspublishedVersio

    Gratis skolemÄltid - et virkemiddel for Ä nÄ bÊrekraftsmÄl? En kvalitativ studie av hvordan koblingen til bÊrekraft oppfattes av ansatte pÄ to videregÄende skoler som tilbyr gratis skolemÄltid, og deres erfaringer med innfÞring av skolemÄltidsprosjektet

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    Introduksjon: Produksjon og forbruk av mat har konsekvenser for jordens bĂŠrekraft. Økosystemene er truet, klimaendringene Ăžker og antall innbyggere pĂ„ kloden vokser. Menneskers kosthold pĂ„virker samtidig helse og livskvalitet. Mange elever pĂ„ videregĂ„ende skole spiser for lite grĂžnnsaker og frukt, og for mye usunn snacks. SosioĂžkonomiske forhold bidrar til ulikheter i helse og livskvalitet. En skolemĂ„ltidsordning har et potensiale for Ă„ nĂ„ elever med ulik sosioĂžkonomisk bakgrunn. MĂ„ltidene kan pĂ„virke nĂŠringsinntak, og samtidig skape bevissthet rundt gode vaner som bĂ„de kan vĂŠre helsefremmende og bidra til bedre bĂŠrekraft for fremtiden, i trĂ„d med De forente nasjoners (FN) bĂŠrekraftsmĂ„l. Viken fylkeskommunes pilotprosjekt «Gratis skolemĂ„ltid og bĂŠrekraftige kantiner» ble innfĂžrt pĂ„ 13 videregĂ„ende skoler skoleĂ„ret 2021-2022, som medfĂžrte Ăžkonomisk tilskudd til Ă„ servere gratis skolemĂ„ltider til elevene. Hensikt: Studien hadde til hensikt Ă„ fĂ„ en bredere forstĂ„else av hvordan ansatte som jobber med skolemĂ„ltidsprosjektet pĂ„ to videregĂ„ende skoler i Viken oppfatter koblingen mellom gratis skolemĂ„ltider og bĂŠrekraft. I tillegg utforsket studien de ansattes erfaringer med innfĂžringen av skolemĂ„ltidene. Metode: Studien hadde en kvalitativ tilnĂŠrming. Semistrukturerte dybdeintervjuer med syv informanter ble gjennomfĂžrt pĂ„ to videregĂ„ende skoler (VGS) i mars-april 2022. Systematisk tekstkondensering (STC) ble benyttet til analysen. Resultater: Informantene i studien uttrykte en generell forstĂ„else for at en skolemĂ„ltidsordning kan bidra til Ă„ nĂ„ bĂŠrekraftsmĂ„lene. Å ta vare pĂ„ jordens ressurser, og Ă„ benytte Ăžkologiske og lokalproduserte rĂ„varer i preparering av skolemĂ„ltidene, var informantene opptatt av. Praktiske utfordringer skapte hindringer for Ă„ ta bĂŠrekraftige valg, som pĂ„virket deres eierskap til skolemĂ„ltidsprosjektet. Enkelte kjente ikke pĂ„ like stort engasjement for bĂŠrekraft, mens andre sĂ„ behov for en sterkere teoretisk kobling mellom mĂ„ltidene og deres hensikt, og etterspurte elevmedvirkning for Ă„ skape Ăžkt bevisstgjĂžring. Informantene mente at det sosiale bĂŠrekraftsaspektet er spesielt viktig. SkolemĂ„ltidsprosjektet har ifĂžlge informantene bidratt til bedre fellesskap pĂ„ skolene. Informantene mente ogsĂ„ at gratis skolemĂ„ltider kan fĂžre til likeverd og utjevning av sosial ulikhet blant elevene, og sĂ„ endringer i elevatferd etter at skolen begynte med ordningen. Prosjektet har gitt de ansatte nyttige erfaringer rundt reduksjon av matsvinn, valg av mer bĂŠrekraftige rĂ„varer og mer effektive metoder for mĂ„ltidsproduksjon. Konklusjon: Informantene sĂ„ en kobling mellom skolemĂ„ltidsprosjektet og pĂ„virkning pĂ„ bĂŠrekraft. Resultatene viser at det finnes et potensiale for utvikling av skolemĂ„ltidssatsingen, bĂ„de pĂ„ skolene og hos beslutningstakere pĂ„ fylkeskommunalt nivĂ„. For Ă„ kunne ta mer bĂŠrekraftige valg og Ăžke bevisstgjĂžring rundt hensikten med skolemĂ„ltidene i prosjektet, vil det vĂŠre hensiktsmessig Ă„ endre bestillingsmuligheter og Ă„ involvere elevene mer.Introduction: Production and consumption of food affects sustainability. Eco systems are threatened, climate change increases and the world’s population is growing. The human diet influences people’s health and well-being. High school students eat less vegetables and fruit than recommended, and have a high intake of unhealthy snacks. Socio-economic conditions cause differences in health and well-being. School meal programs have the potential to reach students from different socio-economic backgrounds. The meals can affect nutritional intake and create awareness of good habits that can be both health promoting and more sustainable for the future, in line with the UN’s (United Nations) sustainability goals. The Viken county council’s pilot project «Free school meals and sustainable canteens» was introduced in 13 high schools in 2021, which resulted in funding to serve school meals to students through the school year of 2021-2022. Purpose: The aim of this study was to gain a broader understanding of how employees who work with the free sustainable school meal project at two high schools in Viken perceive the connection between free school meals and sustainability. Furthermore, the intention was to explore their experiences with the introduction of these school meals. Methods: The study used a qualitative approach. Semi-structured in-depth interviews with seven informants were conducted at two high schools in March and April 2022. Systematic Text Condensation (STC) was used for the analysis. Findings: The informants in the study expressed a general understanding that a school meal project can contribute to achieving sustainability goals. The informants were concerned with taking care of the earth’s resources, and preferred organic, locally produced ingredients in the preparation of school meals. Practical challenges created obstacles for the informants to making sustainable choices, which affected their feeling of ownership in the project. Some did not feel as committed to sustainability, while others demanded a stronger theoretical connection between the meals and their purpose, as well as better student participation for increased awareness. The informants believed that the social sustainability aspect is particularly important. According to the informants, the school meal project had contributed to a greater feeling of community in the two schools. The informants claimed that such meals can lead to social equality among students, and they saw changes in student behavior after the school introduced the school meal project. The project provided useful experiences with how to reduce food waste, using more sustainable ingredients and more efficient methods for meal production. Conclusion: The informants believed that there is a connection between the school meal project and sustainability. There is a potential for the development of school meals, both in the schools and by decision makers at county level. To make more sustainable choices and create greater awareness, changing ordering options and increasing student involvement is recommended

    Caffeine increases strength and power performance in resistance‐trained females during early follicular phase

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    The effects of 4 mg·kg‐1caffeine ingestion on strength and power were investigated for the first time, in resistance‐trained females during the early follicular phase utilizing a randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, crossover design. Fifteen females (29.8±4.0 years, 63.8±5.5 kg [mean±SD]) ingested caffeine or placebo 60 minutes before completing a test battery separated by 72 hours. One‐repetition maximum (1RM), repetitions to failure (RTF) at 60% of 1RM, were assessed in the squat and bench press. Maximal voluntary contraction torque (MVC) and rate of force development (RFD) were measured during isometric knee‐extensions, while utilizing interpolated twitch technique to measure voluntary muscle activation. Maximal power and jump height were assessed during countermovement jumps (CMJ). Caffeine metabolites were measured in plasma. Adverse effects were registered after each trial. Caffeine significantly improved squat (4.5±1.9%, effect size [ES]: 0.25) and bench press 1RM (3.3±1.4%, ES: 0.20), and squat (15.9±17.9%, ES: 0.31) and bench press RTF (9.8±13.6%, ES: 0.31), compared to placebo. MVC torque (4.6±7.3%, ES: 0.26), CMJ height (7.6±4.0%, ES: 0.50) and power (3.8±2.2%, ES: 0.24) were also significantly increased with caffeine. There were no differences in RFD or muscle activation. Plasma [caffeine] was significantly increased throughout the protocol and mild side‐effects of caffeine were experienced by only 3 participants. This study demonstrated that 4 mg·kg‐1 caffeine ingestion enhanced maximal strength, power and muscular endurance in resistance‐trained and caffeine‐habituated females during the early follicular phase, with few adverse effects. Female strength and power athletes may consider using this dose pre‐competition and ‐training as an effective ergogenic aid

    Fjernledelse og Hjemmekontor

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    Bakgrunn FormÄlet ved studien har vÊrt Ä se pÄ hvordan ledere oppfatter omstillingen til fjernledelse og pÄ hvilken mÄte det har pÄvirket det psykososiale arbeidsmiljÞet under pandemien. I tillegg til hvilke virkemidler og tiltak som er satt i gang med fokus pÄ ansattes helse, og pÄ hvilken mÄte dette kan brukes i en «normal» arbeidshverdag etter pandemien. Problemstilling Oppgavens formÄl tar utgangspunkt i skiftet fra normal arbeidsdag til fjernledelse pÄ hjemmekontor under koronapandemien, hvor vi ser pÄ hvilken virkning dette skiftet har hatt for arbeidsmiljÞ, helse, motivasjon, og kommunikasjon bÄde faglig og sosialt. Problemstillingen blir derfor som fÞlgende: «PÄ hvilken mÄte har skiftet fra normal arbeidsdag til fjernledelse pÄ hjemmekontor under koronapandemien, etter en leders oppfatning, pÄvirket arbeidsmiljÞ, helse, motivasjon, og kommunikasjon bÄde faglig og sosialt?». Metode I oppgaven falt valget pÄ Ä bruke kvalitativ metode for Ä belyse problemstillingen. Videre forholdt vi oss til et semistrukturert intervju, som ble brukt til Ä intervjue fem ulike ledere ved forskjellige virksomheter og bedrifter. Resultat De viktigste temaene for resultatene ble delt inn i fem deler for Ä svare pÄ problemstillingen: Lederstil og omstilling til fjernledelse, hvordan tilrettelegge for helsefremmende arbeid og tiltak, autonomi, kompetanse og tilhÞrighet samt virkning av fjernledelse pÄ motivasjon og egeninnsats, og virkning av fjernledelse pÄ kommunikasjon Konklusjon Lederne bruker gode virkemidler og tiltak for Ä tilrettelegge for et godt psykososialt arbeidsmiljÞ pÄ hjemmekontor, likevel kan funnene tyde pÄ at det er individuelt hvorvidt fjernarbeid oppleves som positivt eller negativt

    Exploring moderators of the effect of high vs. low-to-moderate Intensity exercise on cardiorespiratory fitness during breast cancer treatment – Analyses of a subsample from the phys-can RCT

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    Introduction The results from the physical training and cancer randomized controlled trial (Phys-Can RCT) indicate that high intensity (HI) strength and endurance training during (neo-)adjuvant cancer treatment is more beneficial for cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF, measured as peak oxygen uptake [VO2peak]) than low-to-moderate intensity (LMI) exercise. Adherence to the exercise intervention and demographic or clinical characteristics of patients with breast cancer undergoing adjuvant treatment may moderate the exercise intervention effect on VO2peak. In this study, the objective was to investigate whether baseline values of VO2peak, body mass index (BMI), time spent in moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA), physical fatigue, age, chemotherapy treatment, and the adherence to the endurance training moderated the effect of HI vs. LMI exercise on VO2peak. Materials and Methods We used data collected from a subsample from the Phys-Can RCT; women who were diagnosed with breast cancer and had a valid baseline and post-intervention VO2peak test were included (n = 255). The exercise interventions from the RCT included strength and endurance training at either LMI, which was continuous endurance training at 40 – 50 % of heart rate reserve (HRR), or at HI, which was interval training at 80–90% of HRR, with similar exercise volume in the two groups. Linear regression analyses were used to investigate moderating effects using a significance level of p \u3c 0.10. Statistically significant interactions were examined further using the Johnson–Neyman (J-N) technique and regions of significance (for continuous variables) or box plots with adjusted means of post-intervention VO2peak (for binary variables). Results Age, as a continuous variable, and adherence, dichotomized into \u3c or \u3e 58% based on median, moderated the effect of HI vs. LMI on CRF (B = −0.08, 95% CI [−0.16, 0.01], pinteraction = 0.06, and B = 1.63, 95% CI [−0.12, 3.38], pinteraction = 0.07, respectively). The J-N technique and regions of significance indicated that the intervention effect (HI vs. LMI) was positive and statistically significant in participants aged 61 years or older. Baseline measurement of CRF, MVPA, BMI, physical fatigue, and chemotherapy treatment did not significantly moderate the intervention effect on CRF. Conclusion Women with breast cancer who are older and who have higher adherence to the exercise regimen may have larger effects of HI exercise during (neo-)adjuvant cancer treatment on CRF
