96 research outputs found
Four aeroterrestrial algae grown at aspecial substrate of deglaciated coastal areas of Petuniabukta, Svalbard
The bone remnants of sea mammals are frequently dispersed everywhere in coastal areas of Svalbard Archipelago represent aspecific natural habitat which is colonized by aeroterrestrial microscopic algae. Such bone habitat might be considered an analogue to stone substrates. However, bone habitats are not included in ecological studies of polar region. In the present study, thorough observations were made on some algal strains isolated to laboratory cultures. They included two green algal species Pseudodictyo-chloris multinucleata and Tetracystis pulchra, as well as two stramenopile algal species Heterococcus papillosus and Xanthonema debile. All these taxa are new additions to the Svalbard flora
Phototrophic microflora colonizing substrates of man-made origin in Billefjorden Region, Central Svalbard
Substrates created by human have a significant impact on Arctic terrestrial environment. These substrates are new potential niche for microbial biota, which may have several essential chemical agents supporting microbial growth. Wood, concrete, brick, ceramic and other different building materials, which have been introduced by human in this iso-lated environment, are colonized with terrestrial and aero-terrestrial microorganisms living in the natural niches near the substrates like soil, rocks, etc., but these materials newly-introduced to Svalbard terrestrial ecosystems can also work as vectors for invasion of new species into the environment. We have collected different types of artificial substrates mainly in the region of Petuniabukta bay and studied the species composition of microbial phototrophs living there. A total of 25 taxa of cyanobacteria and algae were documented on different types of substrates like brick walls, concrete, glass, iron, wood and plastic. A commonality in species diversity was observed with similar substrates in temperate climatic regions. Fottea stichococcoides, Sphaerococcomyxa olivacea, Polysphaera composita and Diplosphaera chodatii were first time recorded from Svalbard Archipelago
A revision of the genus Geitlerinema and a description of the genus Anagnostidinema gen. nov. (Oscillatoriophycidae, Cyanobacteria)
The simple filamentous cyanobacterial genus Geitlerinema is heterogeneous. At least two distinct phylogenetic clades can be derived from the set of most common freshwater Geitlerinema species. Our revision is based on the original description of the type species G. splendidum aka Oscillatoria spendida and on molecular sequencing of morphologically relevant strains. The revised Geitlerinema contains only one species according to morphological similarity with its original description. Consequently, the majority of other freshwater species inferred from molecular sequencing of 16S rRNA gene and 16S–23S ITS analysis (related both genetically and morphologically to G. pseudacutissimum) must be classified as a special taxon on the generic level. The name Anagnostidinema is proposed for this genus, which was selected in memory of the prominent late cyanobacterial specialist Konstantinos Anagnostidis. The genetic position, short review and characteristics of the newly defined genus Anagnostidinema is presented in this paper. The taxonomy of the rest of species (including the marine taxa), which are currently unable to be classified taxonomically with certainty, remain to be resolved in future studies
Whole-genome genotyping of grape using a panel of microsatellite
The use of microsatellite markers in large-scale genetic studies is limited by its low throughput and high cost and labor requirements. Here, we provide a panel of 45 multiplex PCRs for fast and cost-efficient genome-wide fluorescence-based microsatellite analysis in grapevine. The developed multiplex PCRs panel (with up to 15-plex) enables the scoring of 270 loci covering all the grapevine genome (9 to 20 loci/chromosome) using only 45 PCRs and sequencer runs. The 45 multiplex PCRs were validated using a diverse grapevine collection of 207 accessions, selected to represent most of the cultivated Vitis vinifera genetic diversity. Particular attention was paid to quality control throughout the whole process (assay replication, null allele detection, ease of scoring). Genetic diversity summary statistics and features of electrophoretic profiles for each studied marker are provided, as are the genotypes of 25 common cultivars that could be used as references in other studies
Plants as source of isoflavonoids
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FARMACEUTICKÁ FAKULTA V HRADCI KRÁLOVÉ KATEDRA FARMACEUTICKÉ BOTANIKY A EKOLOGIE Název bakalářské práce: ROSTLINY JAKO ZDROJE ISOFLAVONOIDŮ Kandidát: Karin Raabová Školitel: PharmDr. Jana Karlíčková, Ph.D. Bakalářská práce 2014/2015, s. 65 Isoflavonoidy patří mezi nízkomolekulární sekundární metabolity rostlin produkované mnoha rostlinnými čeleděmi, zejména pak rostlinami z čeledi bobovitých (Fabaceae). Jsou běžnou součástí lidské stravy (hrách, fazole, sója) a mají mnoho biologických účinků, jako jsou například estrogenní nebo antioxidační účinky, ale mohou vykazovat i larvicidní aktivitu. K následnému průkazu přítomnosti těchto látek v rostlinách se nejčastěji používají speciální instrumentální (HPLC, MS, DAD) nebo imunologické (ELISA, RIA) metody. Tato bakalářská práce je literární rešerší, jejímž cílem bylo shromáždit informace o rostlinných zdrojích isoflavonoidů. Mezi jejich významné zdroje z rostlinné říše patří např. Pueraria, Dalbergia, Astragalus, Belamcanda a Gynerium. Klíčová slova: isoflavonoidy, rostliny, biologická aktivita, identifikaceCHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE PHARMACEUTICAL FACULTY IN HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL BOTANY AND ECOLOGY Title of the Bachelor thesis: PLANTS AS SOURCE OF ISOFLAVONOIDS Candidate: Karin Raabová Supervisor: PharmDr. Jana Karlíčková, Ph.D. Bachelor thesis 2014/2015, pp. 65 Isoflavonoids belong to the low molecular weight secondary metabolites of plants produced by many plant families, particularly plants of the family Fabaceae. They are a common part of the human diet (peas, beans, soybeans) and have many biological effects, such as the estrogenic and antioxidant effects, but also can exhibit larvicidal activity. To subsequent establish the presence of these substances in plants are most often used special instrumental (HPLC, MS, DAD) or immunological (ELISA, RIA) methods. This thesis is a literature review, which aimed to gather information about plant sources of isoflavonoids. Among their significant sources of the Kingdom Plantae belong for example Pueraria, Dalbergia, Astragalus, Belamcanda and Gynerium. Keywords: isoflavonoids, plants, biological activity, identificationDepartment of Pharmaceutical Botany and EcologyKatedra farmaceutické botaniky a ekologieFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov
Nano-fibers as a modern extraction sorbents for extraction of samples in chromatographic analysis
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Training workplace Department of Analytical Chemistry Doctoral degree program Pharmaceutical Analysis Candidate Mgr. Hedvika Raabová Supervisor prof. RNDr. Dalibor Šatínský, Ph.D. Advisor assoc. prof. PharmDr. Lucie Chocholoušová Havlíková, Ph. D. Title of Doctoral Thesis Nanofibers as modern extraction sorbents for sample extraction in chromatographic analysis Extraction techniques represent one of the most common approaches to sample handling. The analytes of interest can be isolated easily even from complex matrices, especially by solid-phase extraction (SPE). Therefore, this technique became very popular and routinely used in laboratories. The variety of commercially available sorbents has made this method even more attractive. Nevertheless, the new sorbent materials are still looked for because of the broadening spectrum of analyzed substances and the increasing demands on selectivity and extraction efficiency. Nanomaterials have been increasingly associated with these properties over the last ten years. Therefore, they are receiving more and more attention related to extraction procedures. The dissertation thesis is focused on the application of nanofibrous polymers as innovative sorbents for solid-phase extraction. First, the...Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Školicí pracoviště Katedra analytické chemie Doktorský studijní program Farmaceutická analýza Kandidátka / kandidát Mgr. Hedvika Raabová Školitelka / školitel prof. RNDr. Dalibor Šatínský, Ph.D. Konzultantka / konzultant doc. PharmDr. Lucie Chocholoušová Havlíková, Ph.D. Název disertační práce Nanovlákna jako moderní extrakční sorbenty pro extrakci vzorků v chromatografické analýze Extrakční techniky představují jeden z nejčastějších přístupů k úpravě vzorků před analýzou. Velkou oblibu si získala především extrakce na tuhou fázi (SPE), během které lze poměrně snadno izolovat požadovaný analyt i z velmi komplexních matric. Rozmanitost komerčně dostupných sorbentů na trhu dělá tuto metodu ještě atraktivnější. S vývojem analytických metod a stále se rozšiřujícímu spektru analyzovaných sloučenin roste však potřeba nových, inovativních sorbentů, disponujících patřičnou selektivitou a extrakční účinností. S těmito vlastnostmi jsou za posledních deset let stále častěji spojovány nanomateriály. Proto je jim v souvislosti s extrakcemi věnována rostoucí pozornost. Předkládaná disertační práce se věnuje využití nanovlákenných polymerů jakožto inovativních sorbentů pro extrakci na tuhou fázi. Extrakční účinnost nanovláken byla nejprve ověřena off-line...Katedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov
Relations between school and families
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to find out which relations exist and are developed between family and school. The thesis also focuses on the possibilities of cooperation and becoming a part of the school life offered by the institution of school to the parents and the way the parents use them. The thesis consists of two parts theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part explains main concepts relating to the family-school relations as well as the parent-teacher-pupil relations. It describes possible forms of cooperation and gives examples of literature that focuses on this problem. The empiric part is concerned with the research of pupils from selected elementary school classes and their parents who deal directly with teachers as well as school. The conclusion offers the evaluation of the results of the research and confronts them with the aims of this thesis
Local adaptation of the rare herb Aster amellus in fragmented landscape
This thesis aimed to test specific hypothesis conceming habitat differentiation, local adaptationand outbreedingdepressionof the rare herb of dry calcareous grasslands,lsler amellus. Chapter I examined habitat requirementsof diploid and hexaploid A. amellus and their role in segregationof the two cýotypes in the Czech Republic. I chose three diploid and six hexaploid populations belonging to two habitat types (with low and high productivity). To test for differences in fundamental niche between the two cýobpes' I analysedhabitatcharacteristicsof sites occupiedby each cýotype and usedreciprocalhansplantexperiments.Then,I testedtheeffectsofhabitattype,ploidy level andpopulationoforigin on plantperformancein theexperiments. Sites of diploid and hexaploid populationsdiffered significantly in vegetation and soil propertiesbut much overlap existed in habitat characteristicsof the two cytotypes. Diploids had overall higher flowering percentage than hexaploids, suggesting differences between the two cytotypes. However, plants frorn sites with low productivity also flowered more than plants from sites with high productivity. Moreover, the largest differences in survival, leaf length and flowering were found amongplants from different populations.This suggeststhatoverall performanceoťl. amellus differs more..
Charles Baudelaire
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literaturyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio
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