21 research outputs found

    Project Management Performance Drivers

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    The practice of project management has gained enormous importance over the past several years in various business industries. “In industries as diverse as pharmaceuticals, software, and aerospace, projects drive business” (Wheatley). This gain of importance can be attributed to the magnitude of the impact project performance results in terms of time, cost, and scope have over the project performing entity. “On the basis of data released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, part of the US Department of Commerce, they estimated in 2001 that the US public and private sectors combined spend some $2.3trn on projects every year, an amount equivalent to a quarter of America’s GDP” (Wheatley). The Project Management Performance Drivers research was conducted to demonstrate how project performance in terms of time, cost, and scope is dependent on applying generally recognized good project management practices. The research was based on a survey filled by project management professionals and regression analysis was used to elicit the relationship between good project management practice and project performance. The research revealed that a direct linear relationship seems to exist. The attained result demonstrates the importance of applying generally recognized good project management practices when managing projects


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    Rumusan masalah umum penelitian ini, yaitu Bagaimanakah administrasi keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu? Rumusan masalah umum tersebut dideskripsikan ke dalam Sub masalah sebagai berikut: (1) Darimanakah Sumber Dana keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu ? (2) Bagaimanakah administrasi perencanaan keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu? (3) Bagaimanakah administrasi pengalokasian keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu? (4) Bagaimanakah administrasi penatausahaan keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu? (5) Bagaimanakah administrasi pertanggungjawaban keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu? (6) Bagaimanakah administrasi pengawasan keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu?Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan bagaimana administrasi keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu. Tujuan khususnya adalah untuk mendiskripsikan : (1) Mendiskripsikan Sumber dana keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu (2) Mendiskripsikan administrasi perencanaan keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu. (3) Mendiskripsikan administrasi pengalokasian keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu. (4) Mendiskripsikan administrasi penatausahaan keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu. (5) Mendiskripsikan administrasi pertanggungjawaban keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu. (6) Mendiskripsikan administrasi pengawasan keuangan pada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggambarkan kejadian nyata yang di temui dilapangan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Kepala Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu, Kepala Sub Bagian Keuangan Kepala Sub Bagian Perencanaan dan Pelaporan serta bendahara penerimaan/pengeluaran. Teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan melalui 4 tahap, yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut: Pertama, Sumber dana yang digunakan untuk kegiatan di Badan Diklat adalah dari APBD. Sumber Penerimaan melalui PAD Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu berasal dari Biaya Diklat Kabupaten/Kota (Swadana) dan dari biaya sewa ruang kelas ruang aula dan arsama. Kedua, Administrasi Perencanaan Keuangan di Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu dimulai dari perencanaan anggaran kas guna mengatur ketersediaan dana yang cukup untuk mendanai pengeluaran-pengeluaran sesuai dengan rencana penarikan dana yang tercantum dalam DPA Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu. Ketiga, Administrasi pengalokasian Keuangan di Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu tertuang dalam Dokumen Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DPA). Yaitu untuk alokasi belanja pegawai, belanja barang/jasa dan belanja modal yang dikelompokkan menjadi alokasi belanja langsung dan alokasi belanja tidak langsung. Keempat, Administrasi Penatausahaan Keuangan dalam pelaksanaan terdiri dari penatausahaan penerimaan dan penatausahaan pengeluaran. Penatausahaan penerimaan menyelenggarakan administrasipenatausahaan terhadap seluruh penerimaan dan penyetoran atas penerimaan yang didapat baik dari penyelenggaraan diklat Swadana (Kabupaten/Kota) maupun dari biaya sewa ruang belajar, aula dan asrama. Sedangkan penatausahaan pengeluaran yang meliputi proses pengajuan SPD, SPP, SPM yang nantinya terbit SP2D. Kelima, administrasi pelaksanaan pertanggung jawaban keuangan di Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu meliputi pembuatan laporan realisasi keuangan oleh bendahara dengan semua bukti administrasi keuangan APBD. Keenam, Kegiatan administrasi Pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan keuangan terhadap penerimaan dan pengeluaran Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu dilaksanakan oleh Bagian Anggaran Biro Pengelolaan Keuangan Setda Provinsi, Pengawasan dilakukan per triwulan, semester maupun satu tahun sekali. Juga dilalukan pemeriksaaan rutin baik oleh pihak internal seperti Inspektorat Povinsi Bengkulu, Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Dalam Negeri, maupun pemeriksaan yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Perwakilan Bengkulu.Simpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa administrasi keuangan di Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu telah sesuai dengan kriteria yang di inginkan. Hal ini dimulai dari proses perencanaan, pengalokasian, penatausahaan, pertanggungjawaban dan pengawasan administrasi keuangan yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 13 Tahun 2006 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah. Saran yang dapat diberikan dalam menghadapi permasalahan- permasalahan terdiri dari : Pertama, Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu disarankan untuk mengusulkan sumber dana lain selain APBD, seperti alokasi anggaran APBN sehingga pelaksanaan administrasi keuangan akan menjadi lebih meningkat, Kedua, Administrasi Perencanaan Keuangan di Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu hendaknya melibatkan semua pihak yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan keuangan sehingga perencanaan bisa di alokasikan sesuai prosedur dan berdasarkan skala kebutuhan prioritas. Ketiga Administrasi Pertanggungjawaban keuangan disarankan kepada Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan pengetahuan Bendahara baik melalui pelatihan maupun bimbingan teknis sehingga pengelolaan pertanggungjawaban administrasi keuangan akan semakin baik kedepannya. Keempat Administrasi Pengawasan keuangan disarankan adanya pengawasan melekat dari masing-masing bagian/bidang yang mengelola administrasi keuangan sehingga kedepannya akan meminimalisir kesalahan administrasi ataupun penyimpangan dalam pengelolaan administrasi keuangan di Badan Diklat Provinsi Bengkulu

    Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and a unilateral babinski/plantar reflex

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    Acquired acute demyelinating peripheral polyneuropathy (AADP) is a general classification of pathologies that could affect secondary the peripheral nervous system. They are characterized by an autoimmune process directed towards myelin. Clinically they are characterized by progressive weakness and mild sensory changes. Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy often is referred to as Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). GBS is the major cause of acute nontraumatic paralysis in healthy people and it is caused by autoimmune response to viral agents (influenza, coxsackie, Epstein-Barr virus, or cytomegalovirus) or bacterial infective organisms (Campylobacter jejuni, Mycoplasma pneumoniae). A detailed history, with symptoms of progressive usually bilateral weakness, hyporeflexia, with a typical demyelinating EMG pattern supports the diagnosis. Progressive affection of respiratory muscles and autonomic instability coupled with a protracted and unpredictable recovery normally results in the need for ICU management. We present a case report of a patient with a typical GBS presentation but with a unilateral upgoing plantar reflex (Babinski sign). A unifying diagnosis was made and based on a literature search in Pubmed appears to be the first described case of its kind

    The Position of the American Administrations on the Issue of Jerusalem (1948-2017)

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    President Donald Trump’s decision on December 6, 2017 to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and his directives to transfer the U.S embassy to there, have signaled a sudden shift in the American adopted and declared policy towards the Arab-Israeli conflict. This decision is considered as one of the most dangerous regarding the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. This study examines the attitude of the American administrations towards the city of Jerusalem by monitoring the historical roots and studying their developments, through using the documents issued by American presidents from 1948 to 2017. It also analyses President Trump’s motives to move forward in the announcement of this decision. The study has concluded that the US administrations dealt with the issue of Jerusalem from the point of view of management rather than resolution and that the United States of America has deviated from its course and position on the issue of Jerusalem, in accordance with maintaining the strategic interests related to Israel

    Tendon length estimates are influenced by tracking location

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    Purpose Measurement of medial gastrocnemius (MG) tendon length using ultrasonography (US) requires the muscle-tendon junction (MTJ) to be located. Previously, the MG MTJ has been tracked from different proximo-distal locations near the MTJ, which could influence estimates of tendon length change due to the different characteristics of the aponeurosis and tendon. We used US to evaluate the effect of tracking point location on MG MTJ displacement during maximal and submaximal (10, 20 and 30% of the non-injured maximal) isometric plantar flexion contractions. Methods Displacement behaviour of MTJ was tracked from (1) the exact MTJ; and (2) from an insertion point of a muscle fascicle on the aponeurosis 1.3 +/- 0.6 cm proximal to the MTJ, in both limbs of patients with unilateral Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) (n = 22, 4 females, 42 +/- 9 years, 177 +/- 9 cm, 79 +/- 10 kg). Results In the non-injured limb, displacement (1.3 +/- 0.5 cm vs. 1.1 +/- 0.6 cm) and strain (6.7 +/- 2.8% vs. 5.8 +/- 3.3%) during maximal voluntary contraction were larger when tracking a point on the aponeurosis than when tracking the MTJ (both p < 0.001). The same was true for all contraction levels, and both limbs. Conclusion Tracking a point on the aponeurosis consistently exaggerates estimates of tendon displacement, and the magnitude of this effect is contraction intensity-dependent. When quantifying displacement and strain of the Achilles tendon, the MTJ should be tracked directly, rather than tracking a surrogate point proximal to the MTJ. The latter method includes part of the aponeurosis, which due to its relative compliance, artificially increases estimates of MTJ displacement and strain

    Impact of smoking status on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in cancer survivors

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    IntroductionThe Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) often declines among cancer survivors due to many factors. Some cancer patients who smoke before the cancer diagnosis continue this harmful habit, potentially contributing to a more significant decline in their HRQoL. Therefore, this study investigates the association between smoking status and HRQoL in cancer survivors.MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional study utilizing self-reported cancer history from 39,578 participants of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) database, leveraging 2016 and 2020 year questionaries. A multidimensional composite outcome was created to assess HRQoL, integrating four distinct dimensions - general health, mental health, physical health, and activity limitations. After accounting for the complex survey design, logistic regression models were used to analyze the association between smoking status and poor HRQoL, adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related confounders.ResultsOur study found that, after adjusting for potential confounders, current smokers exhibited a significantly poorer HRQoL than never smokers (OR 1.65, 95%CI 1.40-1.93). Furthermore, former smokers showed a poorer HRQoL than never smokers; however, this association was not as strong as current smokers (OR 1.22, 95%CI 1.09-1.38).ConclusionOur findings highlight the adverse association of smoking with poor HRQoL in cancer survivors, underscoring the importance of healthcare professionals prioritizing smoking cessation and providing tailored interventions to support this goal

    Strategi dakwah Muhammadiyah sebagai gerakan pencerahan di Gunungpring

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    Muhammadiyah merupakan salah satu organisasi Islam terbesar di Indonesia yang menekankan Al-Qur’an dan as-Sunnah sebagai sumber ajaran amar ma’ruf dan baldatun thayyibatun warabbun ghafur sebagai cita-cita dalam mewujudkan masyarakat Islam yang sebenar-benarnya. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah meneliti tentang pelaksanaan strategi dakwah Muhammadiyah sebagai gerakan pencerahan di Gunungpring, dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi strategi dakwah tersebut. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pelaksanaan strategi dakwah Muhammadiyah sebagai gerakan pencerahan di Gunungpring, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif lapangan (field reseach) di mana data yang ditampilkan tidak berupa angka melainkan berbentuk kata-kata. Sumber data penelitian diperoleh dari wawancara dengan beberapa pengurus/tokoh/ketua Pimpinan Muhammadiyah Ranting Gunungpring, saksi sejarah Ranting Muhammadiyah Gunungpring dan Perangkat Desa Gunungpring. Hasil yang diperoleh menyatakan bahwa strategi dakwah di Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah Gunungpring menggunakan pendekatan kultural. Bentuk atau wujud dari dakwah tersebut meliputi pengajian rutin, tabligh akbar, bimbingan para mualaf. Kedua, dengan cara mendirikan Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah, Pondok Zakat (LazisMu), Lembaga Penanggulangan Bencana (LPB), pelayanan kematian dan mengadakan kegiatan masyarakat lainnya. Tentu terdapat faktor yang mempengaruhi strategi dakwah Muhammadiyah. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi dakwah Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah Gunungpring. Pertama faktor penghambat yaitu, sumber daya manusia yang terbatas, sumber dana yang terbatas, muncul penolakan dari masyarakat, dan kurangnya pemanfaatan media informasi sebagai media dakwah. Kedua faktor pendukung ialah perhatian dan kepedulian pengurus, adanya hubungan baik dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak, adanya dukungan dari wilayah lain, dan memiliki Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah berprestasi serta pengelolaan amal usaha yang baik. ABSTRACT: Muhammadiyah is one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, which emphasizes the Qur'an and as-Sunnah as a source of the teachings of the amar ma’ruh and baldatun thayyibatun warabbun ghafur as aspirations to realize the true Islamic community. The formulation of the problem in this study is to examine the implementation of the Muhammadiyah missionary strategy as an enlightenment movement in Gunungpring, and what factors influence the preaching strategy. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of the implementation of the Muhammadiyah missionary strategy as an enlightenment movement in Gunungpring, and the factors that influence it. This research is a qualitative field research (field reseach) where the data displayed is not in the form of numbers but in the form of words. The source of research data was obtained from interviews with several administrators / leaders / leaders of the Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah Gunungpring, witnesses to the history of the Ranting Muhammadiyah Gunungpring and the Village Devices Gunungpring. The results obtained state that the da'wah strategy in the Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah Gunungpring uses a cultural approach. The form or form of da'wah includes routine recitation, tabligh akbar, the guidance of converts. Second, by establishing the Muhammadiyah Amal Usaha, Zakat Pondok (LazisMu), Disaster Management Institution (LPB), death services and holding other community activities. Of course there are factors that influence Muhammadiyah's da'wah strategy. There are several factors that influence the mission of the Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah Gunungring. First, the inhibiting factors are limited human resources, limited funding sources, rejection from the community, and lack of use of information media as a medium of propaganda. The two supporting factors are the attention and concern of the management, the existence of good relations and support from various parties, the support from other regions, and the achievement of the Muhammadiyah Charity Business as well as good business charity management

    A physical model for the spectral-timing properties of accreting black holes

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    We develop new techniques to deconvolve the radial structure of the X-ray emission region in the bright low/hard state of the black hole Cygnus X-1 using both spectral and timing data in the 3–35 keV range. The spectrum at these energies is dominated by Comptonization rather than the disc, but there is a complex pattern in the time lags between different energy bands and differences in the normalization and shape in the power spectra of these bands, which clearly shows that the Comptonization is not produced from a single, homogeneous region. We use a physically based model of density fluctuations propagating through a spectrally inhomogeneous flow, setting the spectral components by jointly fitting to the time-averaged and Fourier-resolved spectra. The predicted variability in any band is modelled analytically in Fourier space so it can be fit directly to the observed power spectra and lags. We find that the best-fitting model picks out three distinct radii in the flow, each with a distinct Compton spectrum. The variability and luminosity produced at these radii is enhanced, while propagation of fluctuations from larger radii is suppressed. We associate these radii with the disc truncation, the inner edge of the flow, and (more speculatively) the jet launch radius. These distinct radii are most evident where the source is close to a transition between the low/hard and high/soft states. We suggest that the smoother power spectra seen at lower luminosities imply that the source structure is simpler away from the transition