502 research outputs found

    Estado de la gestión con enfoque de RSE de las empresas del sector hotelero en la Región Piura

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    El objetivo de este estudio es conocer el estado de la gestión con enfoque de responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) en las empresas hoteleras de la región Piura en el año 2015, utilizando como herramienta de evaluación el cuestionario de indicadores Ethos- Perú 2021. En la actualidad, en Perú y Latinoamérica, son pocos los hoteles que implementan la responsabilidad social en sus modelos de gestión, por lo que el presente estudio es un medio que permitirá alcanzar un fin concreto, como es la aplicación de la responsabilidad social para la sostenibilidad de las empresas del referido sector en la región. Esta investigación cuantitativa tiene un diseño no experimental con alcance transversal basado en la creación de vínculos entre las variables de estudio, la población constituida por los gerentes de cinco hoteles de la región Piura cuya identidad se mantuvo en el anonimato durante de la investigación. Para el estudio, se aplicaron las preguntas de profundidad mediante el cuestionario de indicadores de RSE de Ethos-Perú 2021, según el modelo virtual en forma auto evaluativa respondida por los informantes, y se contrastó la información con las preguntas binarias. Los resultados obtenidos y presentados en gráficas han demostrado que el cumplimiento de los indicadores de RSE Ethos-Perú 2021, según las conclusiones de las respuestas binarias, tienen una tendencia cercana a la media de cumplimiento y, según las preguntas de profundidad, en una etapa dos (02), para las cinco empresas del sector hoteleroThe aim of this study is to determine the status of management with a focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in hotel companies in the Piura region in 2015, using the questionnaire Ethos-Peru 2021 indicators, as an evaluation tool. Today, in Peru and Latin America are few hotels that implement social responsibility in their management models, so this study is a way that will achieve a particular purpose, such as the implementation of social responsibility for sustainability companies of that sector in the region. This quantitative research has a non-experimental design with transverse extent based on creating links between the study variables, the population comprised of managers of five hotels in the Piura region who remained anonymous during the investigation. For the study, questions were applied by depth questionnaire Ethos indicators of CSRPeru 2021, according to the virtual model in auto Evaluative form answered by informants, and information contrasted with binary questions; the results obtained and presented in graphs, have shown that compliance with CSR indicators Ethos-Peru 2021, according to the findings of binary answers lie with a trend close to the average of compliance and questions deep in a stage two (02) to the management philosophy in which every hotelier was, for the five hotels companiesTesi

    Análisis multivariado de la producción científica iberoamericana indexada en WOS en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información

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    In the present work, the Ibero-American scientific production of the category of Information Science & Library Science of the Web of Science between the years 2013 to 2017 is analyzed. The purpose is carrying out a multivariate analysis of this information to determine patterns of behavior of the countries. The main conclusions show that the Ibero- American countries have presented an increase of publications in the area of Information Science & Library Science, especially in Spain, Brazil, and Mexico. All of them with library journals indexed in WoS

    Observaciones sobre el comportamiento del vampiro común (Desmodus rotundus) al alimentarse en condiciones naturales.

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    Este trabajo, realizado con equipo especial de sisión nocturna, muestra la conducta y el comportamiento del murciélago hematófago (Desmodus rotundus) cuando se alimenta en condiciones naturales de tres razas de ganado bovino en tres lugares del área de distribución del vampiro en México


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    Las cucarachas pertenecen a uno de los grupos de insectos mejor conocidos y más antiguos; los organismos pertenecientes a este grupo, tienen la característica de adaptarse a una gran variedad de hábitat. Presentan una gran variedad de formas, tamaños, colores y hábitat en los que subsisten, siendo solo unas cuantas las que representan importancia en salud pública; en la actualidad se conocen alrededor de 45 patógenos que pueden transmitir de manera mecánica y natural, principalmente bacterias, hongos protozoarios, helmintos y virus. Mostrándolos como un riesgo para salud pública en las colectividades humanas.Palabras claves: cucarachas, vectores, salud pública   cockrach, vector, public healt

    Isotopic evidence for mobility in the Copper and Bronze Age Cemetery of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid): a diachronic approach using biological and archaeological variables

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    Over the last several decades, the application of aDNA and strontium isotope analyses on archaeologically recovered human remains has provided new avenues for the investigation of mobility in past societies. Data on human mobility can be valuable in the reconstruction of prehistoric residential patterns and kinship systems, which are at the center of human social organization and vary across time and space. In this paper, we aim to contribute to our understanding of mobility, residence, and kinship patterns in late Prehistoric Iberia (c. 3300–1400BC) by providing new strontium data on 44 individuals from the site of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid). The study presented here is multi-proxy and looks at these new data by interweaving biological, chronological, and archaeological information. This analysis found that 7/44 individuals buried at Humanejos could be identified as non-local to the necropolis. Although more men (n = 5) than women (n = 2) were found in the non-local category, and more non-local individuals were identified in the pre-Bell Beaker (n = 5) than in Bell Beaker (n = 1) or Bronze Age (n = 1), we find no statistically significant differences concerning sex or time period. This contrasts with other archaeological datasets for late prehistoric Europe which suggest higher female mobility, female exogamy, and male-centered residential patterns were common. At Humanejos, we have also identified one non-local female whose exceptional Beaker grave goods suggest she was an individual of special status, leading to additional questions about the relationships between gender, mobility, and social position in this region and time periodThe project leading to this publication has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 891776, project “WOMAM. Women, Men and Mobility: Understanding Gender Inequality in Prehistory.” This article was also supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Grants No. PID2019-105690 GB-I00 and HAR2013- 47776-R, the Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural (Comunidad de Madrid) and the SFB 1070 “Ressourcenkulturen” (DFG

    Impacts of a hydroinfiltrator rainwater harvesting system on soil moisture regime and groundwater distribution for olive groves in semi-arid Mediterranean regions

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    Dry periods in semi-arid regions constitute one of the greatest hazardous features that agriculture faces. This study investigates the effects of using a new device called ‘Hydroinfiltrator Rainwater Harvesting System (HRHS) on the water balance of soils. It was designed for arid and semi-arid zones affected by long periods of drought punctuated by heavy rainstorms. The new hydroinfiltrator consists of a net-like shell filled mainly with biochar. It is cylindrical in shape, is placed vertically and is half-buried in the soil around the crop tree to facilitate the infiltration of rainwater, irrigation or runoff water deep into the soil. The experimental plot is located in Baena (Córdoba, southern Spain) in an olive grove where the hydroinfiltrator was installed in 90 olive trees while 10 were left as a control group. In the xeric climate (bordering on arid), typical of the region, soils without a hydroinfiltrator have had a low infiltration rate, which reduces the effectiveness of precipitation and significantly increases the risk of water erosion. The effects of infiltration assisted by the device were analysed by simulating a torrential rain in which 600 L of water were passed through the hydroinfiltrator on an olive tree which had been installed 3 years previously. Geophysical methods (electrical resistivity tomography, ERT), direct analyses of soil samples, both in situ and in the laboratory, and theoretical flow models indicated a very significant increase in soil moisture (which nearly tripled in respect to the control group) because water was absorbed into the soil quickly, preventing runoff and water erosion. The soil moisture at 20 cm depth was 2.97 times higher with the HRHS than in the control plots. In addition, olive production increased by 211% and was higher in fat yield by 177%. Moreover, the resistivity profiles, taken by ERT showed that the water that entered the soil accumulated in the root zone of the olive tree, encouraged by the preferential pathways created by the roots and away from the surface, which prevented rapid evaporation during the high temperatures of spring and summer. Here we show for the first time that the use of the hydroinfiltrator rainwater harvesting system represents a significant improvement in the use of scarce water resources caused by climate change, providing agronomic and environmental benefits for rainfed, Mediterranean agricultural systems

    Validity and reliability of the English version of the diabetic foot self-care questionnaire : a cross-cultural adaptation

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    Introduction: The objective of this study was to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Diabetic Foot Self-Care Questionnaire into the English language, broadening the applicability of this patient-reported outcome measure and improving the monitoring of patients with diabetic foot disease.Methods: The validation study into English was conducted in two phases: cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation study. Short Form-12 Version 2, EuroQoL-5D and Foot Function Index were used to analyze the criterion validity. Item response, internal consistency, standard error of measurement, minimal detectable change and construct validity were calculated in the validation phase.Results: An English version of the questionnaire (DFSQ-UMA-En) was successfully obtained. A total of n = 193 participants were tested to confirm the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Internal consistency values ranged from very good to excellent (Cronbach’s α =0.889–0.981), and reliability was excellent (ICC = 0.854–0.959). Standard error measurement value was =2.543. Criterion validity ranged from r = 0.429 to r = 0.844. For construct validity, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test was =0.752.Conclusion: DFSQ-UMA-En is a valid and reliable tool with good readability and comprehension features. This questionnaire addresses foot self-care behaviors in patients with diabetic foot disease, standing out as essential for early diagnosis and prevention strategies in clinical and research settings.peer-reviewe