32 research outputs found

    A holographic model of reminiscence in the poetry of CzesƂaw MiƂosz

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    For a model of nostalgic memory in the poetry of CzesƂaw MiƂosz, based on the psychological phenomenon of reminiscence, an allegoric counterpart can be identified in the hologram metaphor (Douwe Draaisma). The question: “Who am I” – reappears in MiƂosz’s late lyrical poetry when he ponders over both his biography and the biographies of others. The response is provided, for instance, in the concept of human dialectic biography (of subject and object), formulated by Paul Ricoeur in his philosophical analyses. Human memory remains equally dialectic, placed in the antinomy between memory and oblivion. Still, retrieving a detail which has been remembered evokes all experience along with its rich context. That is the holographic effect, described in literature as the “ghost image”. Also in poetry, the effacing of memory trace does not make a barrier for the restitution of recollection. “The Sun of Memory” beams through the lyric of the author of the collection of poems “This”

    Z Kresów do Poznania. Mikrohistoria Waldemara ƻyszkiewicza

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    The article focuses on a description of political events in the 20th century Poland which were reflected in the poetry of Waldemar Ć»yszkiewicz. An important topic is a migration of the Polish over the period 1944-1947. His poetry, though conforms to the discourse of nostalgia, does not evoke the images of the lost Lvov. Poems raise the theme of settling down by deportees from Kresy Wschodnie (Eastern borderlands) in Poznan, an area were German culture was cultivated. The theoretical inspiration for the article was provided above all by two monographs by Beata Halicka “Polski Dziki ZachĂłd” (“The Polish Wild West”, 2016) and by Ewa DomaƄska “Mikrohistorie” (Microstories, 1999).ArtykuƂ przynosi omĂłwienie wydarzeƄ politycznych w Polsce w XX wieku zarejestrowane w poezji Waldemara Ć»yszkiewicza. WaĆŒnym tematem jest zjawisko migracji PolakĂłw z lat: 1944-1947. Poezja ta, mimo ĆŒe wpisuje się w dyskurs nostalgii, nie przynosi obrazĂłw utraconego Lwowa. Wiersze poruszają temat osiedlenia się przez wysiedleƄcĂłw z KresĂłw Wschodnich w Poznaniu, w obcym dla nich mieƛcie, nacechowanym niemiecką kulturą. Inspiracją teoretyczną dla artykuƂu byƂy przede wszystkim monografie: Beaty Halickiej Polski Dziki ZachĂłd (2016) oraz Ewy DomaƄskiej Mikrohistorie (1999)

    Colours of poetry (based on Konstanty Ildefons GaƂczyƄski’s lyric poetry)

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    The article presents the category of colour in modern Polish poetry, and based on an interpretation of Ewa GĂłrecka’s book, Konstatnego Ildefonsa GaƂczyƄskiego gry barwą z wyobraĆșnią i kulturą [Colours as Konstanty Ildefons GaƂczyƄski’s Play with Imagination and Culture]. The colour palette in GaƂczyƄski’s poetry includes golden, silver, green, blue, red and black. Culture was an inspiration for the poet, but he didn’t avoid entering into dialogue with it, establishing the meanings of colours in his writing. The colours present in GaƂczyƄski’s lyric poetry also indicate the changes in his poetic language. The way in which the poet uses them in his early works differs from their use in those created after 1945

    Traumatyczna pamięć WacƂawa Iwaniuka

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    Although the term “trauma” has recently been a bit abused, it is very well justified with regard to the poetry of WacƂaw Iwaniuk. Literary transformation of the biography of the author of “The Mirror” (World War II soldier serving on the front, prisoner of war and liberator of concentration camps in Germany) is realised within the “autobiographic space” of Ph. Lejeune. The war trauma is revealed in Iwaniuk’s literary output in the flashes of memory. Persistent reappearance of war scenes has been conveyed by the poet in a series of oneiric images. The metaphor of “a wound” (P. Ricoeur, R. Nycz) refers also to the post-war experience of a political exile. WacƂaw Iwaniuk lived outside Poland since 1939 and in 1948 he settled in Canada where he stayed till his death in 2001.Although the term “trauma” has recently been a bit abused, it is very well justified with regard to the poetry of WacƂaw Iwaniuk. Literary transformation of the biography of the author of “The Mirror” (World War II soldier serving on the front, prisoner of war and liberator of concentration camps in Germany) is realised within the “autobiographic space” of Ph. Lejeune. The war trauma is revealed in Iwaniuk’s literary output in the flashes of memory. Persistent reappearance of war scenes has been conveyed by the poet in a series of oneiric images. The metaphor of “a wound” (P. Ricoeur, R. Nycz) refers also to the post-war experience of a political exile. WacƂaw Iwaniuk lived outside Poland since 1939 and in 1948 he settled in Canada where he stayed till his death in 2001

    Granice pamięci. O poezji WisƂawy Szymborskiej

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    The limits of memory. The poetry of WisƂawa Szymborska The article was inspired by the books by Douwe Draaisma and the theory by Sigmund Freud. The category “autobiographical memory” refers to an individual’s personal past. The key term in this analysis is the phrase “work of funeral” coined by Sigmund Freud. Funeral poems referring to autobiographic experience of the poet have been discussed. Representation of personal loss in Szymborska's poetry refers to oneiric poetics


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    The article focuses on the theoretical works of Douwe Draaisma, Tomasz Maruszewski and MaƂgorzata CzermiƄska. Ć»yszkiewicz’s poems revolve around the theme of deportees from Lvov settling down after WWII in PoznaƄ, an area where German culture was cultivated. In the poems, a connection is made between the poet’s memory and specific features of the city’s topography.The article focuses on the theoretical works of Douwe Draaisma, Tomasz Maruszewski and MaƂgorzata CzermiƄska. Ć»yszkiewicz’s poems revolve around the theme of deportees from Lvov settling down after WWII in PoznaƄ, an area where German culture was cultivated. In the poems, a connection is made between the poet’s memory and specific features of the city’s topography

    Nadzieja w dyskursie afektywnym CzesƂawa MiƂosza

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    The work aims to discuss the relationship between the vision of hope in CzesƂaw MiƂosz’s writing and the need for man to find meaning. The author realizes the theme based on the novel The Issa valley by the Polish Nobel Prize winner. The basic context in this sketch is the logotherapy project of Emanuel V. Frankl, professor of psychiatry and author of the bestseller Man in search of meaning. But another work by Frankl will be recalled here: The will of meaning, because in it the author included the assumptions of logotherapy. Other contexts introduced into this sketch are the cultural theory of emotions (Richard A. Shweder) and elements of the concept of subject (Michel Foucault). According to MiƂosz – which results from the analysis of his novels – hope is necessary to find the meaning of existence. There is also an inverse relationship: the lack of hope has as its result a sense of meaningless existence, which can lead the hero of the novel to suicide. For MiƂosz, finding the meaning of life, as well as not finding it, is a kind of mystery to which literature can make an approach. At the same time, literature can be something of a medium of meaning.The work aims to discuss the relationship between the vision of hope in CzesƂaw MiƂosz’s writing and the need for man to find meaning. The author realizes the theme based on the novel The Issa valley by the Polish Nobel Prize winner. The basic context in this sketch is the logotherapy project of Emanuel V. Frankl, professor of psychiatry and author of the bestseller Man in search of meaning. But another work by Frankl will be recalled here: The will of meaning, because in it the author included the assumptions of logotherapy. Other contexts introduced into this sketch are the cultural theory of emotions (Richard A. Shweder) and elements of the concept of subject (Michel Foucault). According to MiƂosz – which results from the analysis of his novels – hope is necessary to find the meaning of existence. There is also an inverse relationship: the lack of hope has as its result a sense of meaningless existence, which can lead the hero of the novel to suicide. For MiƂosz, finding the meaning of life, as well as not finding it, is a kind of mystery to which literature can make an approach. At the same time, literature can be something of a medium of meaning.The work aims to discuss the relationship between the vision of hope in CzesƂaw MiƂosz’s writing and the need for man to find meaning. The author realizes the theme based on the novel The Issa valley by the Polish Nobel Prize winner. The basic context in this sketch is the logotherapy project of Emanuel V. Frankl, professor of psychiatry and author of the bestseller Man in search of meaning. But another work by Frankl will be recalled here: The will of meaning, because in it the author included the assumptions of logotherapy. Other contexts introduced into this sketch are the cultural theory of emotions (Richard A. Shweder) and elements of the concept of subject (Michel Foucault). According to MiƂosz – which results from the analysis of his novels – hope is necessary to find the meaning of existence. There is also an inverse relationship: the lack of hope has as its result a sense of meaningless existence, which can lead the hero of the novel to suicide. For MiƂosz, finding the meaning of life, as well as not finding it, is a kind of mystery to which literature can make an approach. At the same time, literature can be something of a medium of meaning.The work aims to discuss the relationship between the vision of hope in CzesƂaw MiƂosz’s writing and the need for man to find meaning. The author realizes the theme based on the novel The Issa valley by the Polish Nobel Prize winner. The basic context in this sketch is the logotherapy project of Emanuel V. Frankl, professor of psychiatry and author of the bestseller Man in search of meaning. But another work by Frankl will be recalled here: The will of meaning, because in it the author included the assumptions of logotherapy. Other contexts introduced into this sketch are the cultural theory of emotions (Richard A. Shweder) and elements of the concept of subject (Michel Foucault). According to MiƂosz – which results from the analysis of his novels – hope is necessary to find the meaning of existence. There is also an inverse relationship: the lack of hope has as its result a sense of meaningless existence, which can lead the hero of the novel to suicide. For MiƂosz, finding the meaning of life, as well as not finding it, is a kind of mystery to which literature can make an approach. At the same time, literature can be something of a medium of meaning

    Traumatic memory of WacƂaw Iwaniuk

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    Although the term “trauma” has recently been a bit abused, it is very well justified with regard to the poetry of WacƂaw Iwaniuk. Literary transformation of the biography of the author of “The Mirror” (World War II soldier serving on the front, prisoner of war and liberator of concentration camps in Germany) is realised within the “autobiographic space” of Ph. Lejeune. The war trauma is revealed in Iwaniuk’s literary output in the flashes of memory. Persistent reappearance of war scenes has been conveyed by the poet in a series of oneiric images. The metaphor of “a wound” (P. Ricoeur, R. Nycz) refers also to the post-war experience of a political exile. WacƂaw Iwaniuk lived outside Poland since 1939 and in 1948 he settled in Canada where he stayed till his death in 2001

    Nostalgia w poezji StanisƂawa BaraƄczaka

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    The article Nostalgia in StanisƂaw BaraƄczak’s Poetry was inspired by Douwe Draaisma’s essay, a Dutch psychology theoretician, The Fabric of Nostalgia. About the Phenomenon of Mature Memory’s Age (2010). This model of nostalgia is based on the psychological phenomenon of memory reminiscence. The article presents the evolution of theme of nostalgia in BaraƄczak’s poetry