53 research outputs found

    Geological archive of the onset of plate tectonics

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    © 2018 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved. Plate tectonics, involving a globally linked system of lateral motion of rigid surface plates, is a characteristic feature of our planet, but estimates of how long it has been the modus operandi of lithospheric formation and interactions range from the Hadean to the Neoproterozoic. In this paper, we review sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic proxies along with palaeomagnetic data to infer both the development of rigid lithospheric plates and their independent relative motion, and conclude that significant changes in Earth behaviour occurred in the mid- to late Archaean, between 3.2 Ga and 2.5 Ga. These data include: sedimentary rock associations inferred to have accumulated in passive continental margin settings, marking the onset of seafloor spreading; the oldest foreland basin deposits associated with lithospheric convergence; a change from thin, new continental crust of mafic composition to thicker crust of intermediate composition, increased crustal reworking and the emplacement of potassic and peraluminous granites, indicating stabilization of the lithosphere; replacement of dome and keel structures in granite-greenstone terranes, which relate to vertical tectonics, by linear thrust imbricated belts; the commencement of temporally paired systems of intermediate and high dT/dP gradients, with the former interpreted to represent subduction to collisional settings and the latter representing possible hinterland back-arc settings or ocean plateau environments. Palaeomagnetic data from the Kaapvaal and Pilbara cratons for the interval 2780-2710Ma and from the Superior, Kaapvaal and Kola-Karelia cratons for 2700-2440Ma suggest significant relative movements. We consider these changes in the behaviour and character of the lithosphere to be consistent with a gestational transition from a non-plate tectonic mode, arguably with localized subduction, to the onset of sustained plate tectonics

    Loess plateau storage of northeastern Tibetan plateau-derived Yellow River sediment

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    Marine accumulations of terrigenous sediment are widely assumed to accurately record climatic- and tectonic-controlled mountain denudation and play an important role in understanding late Cenozoic mountain uplift and global cooling. Underpinning this is the assumption that the majority of sediment eroded from hinterland orogenic belts is transported to and ultimately stored in marine basins with little lag between erosion and deposition. Here we use a detailed and multi-technique sedimentary provenance dataset from the Yellow River to show that substantial amounts of sediment eroded from Northeast Tibet and carried by the river’s upper reach are stored in the Chinese Loess Plateau and the western Mu Us desert. This finding revises our understanding of the origin of the Chinese Loess Plateau and provides a potential solution for mismatches between late Cenozoic terrestrial sedimentation and marine geochemistry records, as well as between global CO2 and erosion records

    Paleotectonics of a complex Miocene half graben formed above a detachment fault: The Diligencia basin, Orocopia Mountains, Southern California

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    The Diligencia basin in the Orocopia Mountains of southeastern California has been one of the primary areas used to test the hypothesis of more than 300 km of dextral slip along the combined San Andreas/San Gabriel fault system. The Orocopia Mountains have also been the focus of research on deposition, deformation, metamorphism, uplift and exposure of the Orocopia Schist, which resulted from fl at-slab subduction during the latest Cretaceous/Paleogene Laramide orogeny. The uppermost Oligocene/Lower Miocene Diligencia Formation consists of more than 1500 m of nonmarine strata, including basalt fl ows and intrusions dated at 24-21 Ma. The base of the Diligencia Formation sits nonconformably on Proterozoic augen gneiss and related units along the southern basin boundary, where low-gradient alluvial fans extended into playa-lacustrine environments to the northeast. The northern basal conglomerate of the Diligencia Formation, which was derived from granitic rocks in the Hayfield Mountains to the north, sits unconformably on the Eocene Maniobra Formation. The northern basal conglomerate is overlain by more than 300 m of mostly red sandstone, conglomerate, mudrock and tuff. The basal conglomerate thins and fines westward; paleocurrent measurements suggest deposition on alluvial fans derived from the northeast, an interpretation consistent with a NW-SE-trending normal fault (present orientation) as the controlling structure of the half graben formed during early Diligencia deposition. This fault is hereby named the Diligencia fault, and is interpreted as a SW-dipping normal fault, antithetic to the Orocopia Mountains detachment and related faults. Deposition of the upper Diligencia Formation was infl uenced by a NE-dipping normal fault, synthetic with, and closer to, the exposed detachment faults. The Diligencia Formation is nonconformable on Mesozoic granitoids in the northwest part of the basin. Palinspastic restoration of the Orocopia Mountain area includes the following phases, each of which corresponds with microplate-capture events along the southern California continental margin: (1) Reversal of 240 km of dextral slip on the San Andreas fault (including the Punchbowl and other fault strands) in order to align the San Francisquito-Fenner-Orocopia Mountains detachment-fault system at 6 Ma. (2) Reversal of N-S shortening and 90° of clockwise rotation of the Diligencia basin and Orocopia Mountains, and 40 km of dextral slip on the San Gabriel fault between 12 and 6 Ma. (3) Reversal of 40° of clockwise rotation of the San Gabriel block (including Soledad basin and Sierra Pelona) and 30 km of dextral slip on the Canton fault between 18 and 12 Ma. These palinspastic restorations result in a coherent set of SW-NE-trending normal faults, basins (including Diligenica basin) and antiformal structures consistent with NW-SE-directed crustal extension from 24 to 18 Ma, likely resulting from the unstable configuration of the Mendocino triple junction. © 2014 Geological Society of America
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