700 research outputs found

    Integration of social aspects in decision support, based on life cycle thinking

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    Recently increasing attention has been paid to complementing environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with social aspects. The paper discusses the selection of social impacts and indicators from existing frameworks like Social Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA). Two ongoing case studies, addressing sustainability assessment within decision support, were considered: (1) Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Indonesia; and (2) Integrated Packaging Waste Management in Spain and Portugal (FENIX). The focus was put on social impacts occurring due to decisions within these systems, such as choice of technologies, practices or suppliers. Thus, decision makers—here understood as intended users of the studies’ results—are not consumers that buy (or do not buy) a product, such as in recent SLCA case-studies, but mainly institutions that decide about the design of the water or packaging waste management system. Therefore, in the FENIX project, a list of social impacts identified from literature was sent to the intended users to be ranked according to their priorities. Finally, the paper discusses to what extent the entire life cycle is reflected in SLCA impact categories and indicators, and explains how both life-cycle and on-site-related social impacts were chosen to be assessed. However, not all indicators in the two projects will assess all stages of the life cycle, because of their varying relevance in the different stages, data availability and practical interest of decision makers

    Functional values and brand personality: The perception of consumers and media professionals in six European countries

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    The process of consolidation and concentration in the business of traditional media in Western countries was fed by the global financial crisis during the last three years. We argue that after the global financial crisis, branding and differentiation from competitors is becoming even more important. Traditional media need more effort in managing their brands. Our leading research question is: “What functional values and personality do different media brands represent in the minds of media consumers and media professionals in different European countries?” Useful theoretical background to further develop this research problem can be found in literature on journalism cultures and the functions of the media, as well as brand management in the media industry. To answer our research question, we conducted a survey in six big metropolitan areas: Berlin (N=741), Copenhagen (N=749), London (N=740), Paris (N=741), Rome (N=738), and Zurich (N=748). We asked media consumers what purpose their favourite newspaper and favourite TV news programme serves (functional value) and what personality items best fit the image they have of their favourite media brand. The same questions were asked media managers and senior editors (N=58) in the respective areas. ANOVA tests reveal significant differences among all six areas. Our results show that considerably more than consumers, media professionals see their brands in the light of traditional functions of journalism. Moreover, we found some evidence that the perception of functional values and brand personality in the UK is different from all other countries

    Leishmania infantum Seroprevalence in Cats From Touristic Areas of Italy and Greece

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    Leishmaniosis by Leishmania infantum is a major zoonotic Vector-Borne Disease (VBD) in terms of geographic distribution, pathogenicity and zoonotic potential. While dogs are the main reservoir of L. infantum, the infection in cats is poorly understood although increasingly reported from enzootic and non-enzootic areas. The Mediterranean basin is a key area for leishmaniosis and includes touristic spots that require continuous surveillance for VBDs in consideration of the growing tendency of tourists to travel with their pets. This study evaluated L. infantum seroprevalence in cats living in selected touristic localities of Italy and Greece. A total of 269 cat serum samples from three Sites i.e., 76, 40, and 153 from Adriatic Coast of Abruzzo, Italy (Site A), Giglio Island, Tuscany, Italy (Site B), and Mykonos Island, Greece (Site C), respectively, were included in the survey. Sera samples were subjected to an indirect immunofluorescence antibody assay for the detection of anti-L. infantum specific IgG. Associations between possible risk factors and seropositivity to L. infantum were statistically evaluated. Antibodies against L. infantum were detected in eight out of 269 (3.0%) cats tested i.e., 4/76 (5.3%), 1/40 (2.5%), and 3/153 (2.0%), from sites A, B, and C, respectively. A statistical association between anti-L. infantum antibodies and cohabitation with dogs was shown. This study indicates that feline populations living in the examined Italian and Greek touristic areas are exposed to L. infantum and that they may contribute to the circulation of L. infantum, enhancing the risk of infection for dogs and humans

    "Medikamente sind Bomben" - zum Metapherngebrauch von Lungentransplantations-Patienten mit guter oder ungenĂĽgender Compliance

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    Fragestellung: Nach einer Organtransplantation finden komplexe psychologische Verarbeitungsprozesse statt. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde untersucht, welche Metaphern im Zusammenhang mit Transplantationserfahrungen verwendet werden, und ob Unterschiede zwischen Patienten mit guter bzw. ungenügender Compliance im Gebrauch dieser Metaphern bestehen. Methode: 14 lungentransplantierte Patienten wurden in einem halbstrukturierten Interview zu ihren Transplantationserfahrungen befragt. Ihre Compliance wurde von den behandelnden Ärzten eingeschätzt. Die Auswertung der Interviews erfolgte anhand einer Metaphernanalyse, welche Hinweise auf vor- und unbewusste Vorstellungen der Patienten liefert. Die Interraterreliabilität über die Metapherngruppen war Cohen’s Kappa K = 0.8. Ergebnisse: Die Patienten konzeptualisierten ihren Körper, aber auch ihr Selbst als ein “Gefäß”, dass sowohl materielle (z.B. die Lunge) wie immaterielle Objekte (z.B. Gedanken an den Spender, Affekte) enthält. Der wichtigste Unterschied zwischen den Compliance-Gruppen bestand darin, dass Patienten mit ungenügender Compliance eine grössere Distanz zur transplantierten Lunge erlebten. Auch konzeptualisierten sie ihren Körper bzw. ihr Selbst nicht als ein Gefäß, das die Lunge enthält. Diskussion: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass gute Compliance mit einer erfolgreichen Organintegration assoziiert ist, welche die Zugehörigkeit der Lunge in einem als Gefäß konzeptualisierten Körper bzw. Selbst umfasst. Patienten mit ungenügender Compliance nehmen die Lunge eher als Fremdkörper wahr. Diese Verarbeitungsprozesse sind teils bewusster, teils vor- und unbewusster Natur

    Setas urticantes en tarantulas de Uruguay: Âżdefensa activa o pasiva?

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    Most of the New World tarantulas feature specialized setae as a defense mechanism. Two mechanisms of defense have been proposed for the urticating setae (US): active defense against potential predators, and passive defense against other arthropods by incorporating the US to the molting mat and egg sacs. Uruguayan tarantulas present three different US morphological types named: types I, III and IV. It has been proposed that type I is used in passive defense whereas type III serves its purpose in active defense. There are drastic differences of biological characteristics between adult females and males. Females live most of their entire life inside their burrows, while males wander when they reach adulthood, looking for females during the reproductive season. Considering these differences, diverse defense strategies should be expected. To assess the possible role of US in active/ passive defense strategies we have counted the number of US in the abdomen of individuals of four species while making comparisons between sexes. Significant differences were found between males and females of all sampled species, with females showing a predominance of types I (except subtype Ic) or IV setae over other types or subtypes, suggesting these type of US takes part in passive defense.La mayoría de las tarántulas del nuevo mundo presentan setas especializadas como defensa. Dos mecanismos de defensa han sido propuestos para las setas urticantes (US): defensa activa contra potenciales depredadores y defensa pasiva contra otros artrópodos mediante la incorporación de US a las telas de mudas u ootecas. Las tarántulas uruguayas presentan tres tipos morfológicos de US llamados: I, III y IV. Se ha propuesto que el tipo I se utiliza principalmente en defensa pasiva mientras que el tipo III en defensa activa. Hembras y machos adultos presentan diferencias drásticas en su biología. Las hembras permanecen la mayor parte de su vida en sus cuevas mientras que los machos, una vez que se hacen adultos, salen y buscan activamente hembras durante la época reproductiva. Considerando estas diferencias se presumen diferentes estrategias defensivas entre los sexos. Para conocer el uso de los diferentes tipos de US en defensa activa o pasiva se estudiaron las dotaciones de US en individuos de cuatro especies de tarántulas de Uruguay, comparando machos y hembras. Se encontraron diferencias sexuales en todas las especies, las hembras muestran predominancia de US de los tipos I (excepto subtipo Ic) o IV sobre otros tipos y subtipos de US, lo que sugiere su participación en defensa pasiva

    Lung volume reduction surgery combined with cardiac interventions

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    Objective: Postoperative course and functional outcome were evaluated in patients who underwent lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) or in combination with valve replacement (VR), percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), placement of a stent, or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Methods: Patients with severe bronchial obstruction and hyperinflation due to pulmonary emphysema were evaluated for lung volume reduction surgery. Cardiac disorders were screened by history and physical examination and assessed by coronary angiography. Nine patients were accepted for LVRS in combination with an intervention for coronary artery disease (CAD). In addition, three patients with valve disease and severe emphysema were accepted for valve replacement (two aortic-, one mitral valve) only in combination with LVRS. Functional results over the first 6 months were analysed. Results: Pulmonary function testing demonstrates a significant improvement in postoperative FEV1 in patients who underwent LVRS combined with an intervention for CAD. This was reflected in reduction of overinflation (residual volume/total lung capacity (RV/TLC)), and improvement in the 12-min walking distance and dyspnea. Median hospital stay was 15 days (10-33). One patient in the CAD group died due to pulmonary edema on day 2 postoperatively. One of the three patients who underwent valve replacement and LVRS died on day 14 postoperatively following intestinal infarction. Both survivors improved in pulmonary function, dyspnea score and exercise capacity. Complications in all 12 patients included pneumothorax (n = 2), hematothorax (n = 1) and urosepsis (n = 1). Conclusion: Functional improvement after LVRS in patients with CAD is equal to patients without CAD. Mortality in patients who underwent LVRS after PTCA or CABG was comparable to patients without CAD. LVRS enables valve replacement in selected patients with severe emphysema otherwise inoperabl

    Caracterização molecular do marcador SCAR SCC8 e avaliação de sua utilização como marcador para seleção assistida em cruzamentos entre cultivares apirênicas.

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    o marcador PCR-especlfico scca está ligado ao principal loeus envolvido na expressão da apirenia e do peso de bagas em videiras, denominado sdl. A naturezacodominante do marcador scca possibilita uma melhor avaliação dos genótipospara o locus scca e assim uma estimativa de sua contribuição para a variaçAo fenotipica da apirenia em uma progênie.Resumo

    Atualização em tuberculose bovina.

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