2,675 research outputs found

    Modeling the growth effects of regional knowledge production: The GMR-Europe model and its applications for EU Framework Program policy impact simulations

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    This paper introduces the Geographic Macro and Regional (GMR) model for NUTS-2 regions of the Euro zone. This model consists of three blocks: the TFP, the SCGE and the MACRO blocks. The model is built for impact analysis of policies targeting intangible assets in the forms of R&D, human capital and social capital. The analysis can be done both at the regional and the EU macroeconomic levels. Policy simulations on the growth impacts of the 6th European Framework Program illustrate the capabilities of the complex model system.

    Λ{\Lambda}-enhanced grey molasses on the D2D_2 transition of Rubidium-87 atoms

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    Laser cooling based on dark states, i.e. states decoupled from light, has proven to be effective to increase the phase-space density of cold trapped atoms. Dark-states cooling requires open atomic transitions, in contrast to the ordinary laser cooling used for example in magneto-optical traps (MOTs), which operate on closed atomic transitions. For alkali atoms, dark-states cooling is therefore commonly operated on the D1D_1 transition nS1/2→nP1/2n S_{1/2}\rightarrow n P_{1/2}. We show that, for 87Rb^{87}\text{Rb}, thanks to the large hyperfine structure separations the use of this transition is not strictly necessary and that ""quasi-dark state"" cooling is efficient also on the D2D_2 line, 5S1/2→5P3/25 S_{1/2}\rightarrow 5 P_{3/2}. We report temperatures as low as (4.0±0.3) μ(4.0\pm 0.3)\,\muK and an increase of almost an order of magnitude in the phase space density with respect to ordinary laser sub-Doppler cooling

    Need Analysis for English Writing Syllabus Development

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    This study aims to identify the students’ needs in learning English writing in promoting syllabus development of writing skills. This research was a qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of this research were 45 students of the fifth semester of non-English Study Program, analyst department of Jayapura Sciences and Technology University. The data were collected using a questionnaire with the media of virtual meeting and what’s up Group. The analysis of data based on the theoretical framework that revealed in every detailed questions. The results found that students target of studying English writing are for their future profession and for their higher education. They want enjoying a Writing practice for activities at the classroom together with their pair or group. The students assumed for the role of teacher as a facilitator and guide in the teaching learning activities. Students also enjoy conducting writing by using media such as picture. Beside that they do not like to learn grammar directly but they like to learn by recognizing the error of sentence and completing the missing text

    Transverse surface waves on a cylindrical surface with coating

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    We discuss the propagation of transverse surface waves that are so-called whispering-gallery waves along a surface of an elastic cylinder with coating. The coating is modelled in the framework of linearized Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. Other interpretations of the surface shear modulus are given and relations to so-called stiff interface and stiff skin model are discussed. The dispersion relations are obtained and analyzed

    The Design of Multifunctional Emergency Light System

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    Kondisi listrik di Aceh sangat sering terjadi pemadaman secara tidak teratur. Hal ini mengakibatkan kerugian terhadap dunia industri dan rumah tangga. Kondisi mengakibatkan masyarakat perlu mencari penerangan alternatif seperti lampu emergensi dan sistem penyimpanan energi yang baik. Lampu emergensi yang dijual di pasar umumnya mempunyai jenis lampu yang khusus untuk lampu emergensi dan tidak dapat digunakan untuk keperluan lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang lampu perangkat lampu emergensi otomatis yang sekaligus dapat digunakan sebagai penyimpan energi sehingga dapat digunakan untuk fungsi-fungsi yang lain. Untuk keperluan tersebut penulis menggunakan rangkaian untuk mengisi ulang baterai, rangkaian detektor cahaya sebagai pembeda terang dan gelap yang dihubungkan dengan relay dan inverter untuk mengubahkan arus DC ke AC. Perangkat lampu emergensi telah berhasil dirancang dan diujicoba untuk kasus gelap (malam hari) dan terang (siang hari). Perangkat lampu emergensi ini dapat juga digunakan sebagai power supply dengan menghubungkan piranti elektronik ke saklar yang disediakan pada box lampu emergensi. The electrical power in the Aceh is often blacked-out irregularly because of several unknown reasons. The lack of the electrical power causes problems to industry and household. Therefore people should look for alternative ways for house lightning and electrical power saving. The objective of this project is to design automatic emergency light that could also be used as the source of the electrical power for other needs. For this purposes we designed the battery recharge, light sensor, and inverter electronic circuits integrated into the emergency light system. We have designed the multifunctional emergency light system which works well. In dark condition representing the electrical power blacked-out, the emergency light is on. Ones could also use this emergency light system as a power supply since the emergency light box also provides electrical plugs

    Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dengan Penggunaan Media Telepon Mainan

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    Improved student learning motivation In Natural Sciences Learning With Media Usage Phone Toys. This study aims to increase the motivation to learn science through the use of Media Phone Toys. This research is Classroom Action Research (Classroom Action Research) in collaboration with classroom teachers. This can be seen in the observation sheet, the average percentage of students' motivation are intrinsically the base line is equal to 12.68%, while in the first cycle there is a difference of 54.11% amounting to 41.43% and then from the first cycle of 54, 11% to 63.46% for the second cycle there is a difference of 9.35% in general, the data obtained thus concluded occurred peningkatanDengan media research through the use of a toy phone can be used to increase students' motivation to study Natural Sciences

    The Influence of Work from Home, Work Family Conflict and Role Ambiguity on Employee Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This research aims to find out and analyze the influence of work from home, work family conflict and ambiguity of the role of employee performance at PT X. This research was conducted at PT X. The population in this study is all employees of PT X. The number of samples used was 60 respondents using saturated sample techniques. The method used in this study is an associative method. The data analysis method uses Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that work from home had a negative and significant effect on employee performance at PT X. Work family conflict has a negative and significant effect on employee performance at PT X. Ambiguity of the role has a negative and significant effect on employee performance at PT X. Keywords: Work From Home, Work Family Conflict, Role Ambiguity, Employee Performance DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/85-05 Publication date:May 31st 2022
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