1,709 research outputs found

    Prophylactic and Therapeutic Vaccines against Human Papillomavirus Infections

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are a large family of double-strand DNA viruses comprising more than 180 types. Infection with HPV is associated with benign and malignant proliferation of skin and mucosae. Low-risk HPVs produce warts, whereas high-risk viruses induce tumors. Because there are no anti-viral drugs for HPV infection, there is a lot of interest in vaccines that can prevent the infection and also in vaccines that can be used to treat established infections and HPV-related tumors. Two prophylactic vaccines have been approved for preventing HPV infection. They seem to be effective when very young people are vaccinated. Unfortunately, many older people are still at risk of infection, mainly in countries where vaccination coverage is not efficient and for those people, novel therapeutic vaccines are being developed. This chapter describes the properties of HPV vaccines used today and the current status of several therapeutic vaccines been developed to treat HPV-induced lesions

    Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Insect Immunity

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    Multicellular organisms constantly encounter potentially harmful microorganisms. Although insects lack an adaptive immune system, they do have powerful means of fighting infections. Cellular responses involve phagocytosis of bacteria and encapsulation of parasites. In addition, insects can mount a humoral response against pathogens. This is characterized by the secretion of antimicrobial peptides into the hemolymph. Recognition of foreign pathogens involves specific receptors for sensing infection. These include peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) and β‐glucan recognition proteins (βGRPs). Engagement of these receptors starts signaling pathways that activate the genes that encode antimicrobial peptides. These pathways include the Toll, the Imd, and the JAK‐STAT. This chapter describes the innate immunity of insects including both the cellular and humoral responses to bacteria, fungi, and parasites. In addition, recent advances in insect antivirus immune responses are discussed

    La moral pública y los jueces

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die moralischen Grundlagen der Anwendung von Sanktionen gegenüber Verhaltensweisen welche die öffentliche Ordnung gefährden oder verletzen. Es wird die Rolle der Richter bei der Bewertung und Verurteilung dieser Akte unter dem Aspekt des Schadenprinzips untersucht.The current piece of work looks into the moral basis for suspension implementation for behavior against public order. We will thus study the role of judges to assess and judge such behavior, under the principle of damage.El presente trabajo analizará el fundamento moral para la aplicación de sanciones por las conductas que alteran y lesionan el orden público. Por lo que se estudiará el papel de los jueces al valorar y juzgar esos actos bajo el principio del daño

    Utilización activa del vídeo en la formación inicial de educadores

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    La reforma de los planes de estudio para la formación de Maestros en el proceso de convergencia con el EEES ha puesto de relieve la necesidad de estimular el desarrollo de competencias profesionales a través de una mayor vinculación de teoría y práctica. Las clases interactivas, consideradas como seminarios para el trabajo grupal cooperativo pueden constituir el contexto apropiado para un aprendizaje más dinámico y próximo a la realidad de la enseñanza. En este trabajo se proponen diversas formas de utilización del vídeo en dichas clases, pero especialmente la más activa, aquella en la que son ellos mismos quienes diseñan y graban secuencias didácticas en contextos reales para posteriormente analizarlas reflexionando sobre múltiples cuestiones curriculares con el apoyo del profesor supervisor y de los compañeros de estudiosThe Reform of the currículum for the training of teachers in the process of convergence with the EEES has highlighted the need to encourage the develoment of professional competences through greater linkage of theory and practice. The interactive classes, seminars considered for cooperative group work can provide the proper context for learning more dynamic and closer to the reality of teaching. In this paper we propose ways of using video in the classes, but especially the most active one in wich they themselves designed and didactic sequences recorded in real contexts to pondering subsequently analyze multiple curricular issues with the support of professor supervisor and fellow student

    Interacció i diàleg a les aules des de la perspectiva d'educadors en formació

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    Els futurs professionals hauran de tenir una preparació adequada en l'ús de tècniques per recollir dades i elaborar informes o relats sobre la realitat viscuda en les seves pràctiques per poder comprendre millor una realitat considerablement complexa com és l'activitat en els centres escolars i, específicament, a les aules. En conseqüència, els professionals en formació de l'àmbit educatiu (mestres, professors d'educació secundària, pedagogs) s'enfronten en els seus períodes de pràctiques a la necessitat d'observar, d'analitzar i de reflexionar. Hi ha diverses opcions, adoptar una metodologia i tècniques de caràcter positivista, però també i, sobretot, de caràcter naturalista i etnogràfic, ja que aquestes són especialment aptes en la tasca de preveure i comprendre situacions tan complexes com les educatives. Una via complementària pot consistir a enregistrar el record, amb el relat i l'anàlisi d'experiències viscudes pels futurs professionals en el seu període d'escolaritat primària o secundària

    Some nonlinear mechanical problems solved with analytical solutions

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    In this paper the analytical solution of nonlinear ordinary differential systems is addressed. Some of the problems are classical in the related literature and exhibit chaotic behavior in certain ranges of the involved parameters despite being simple-looking deterministic systems. The solutions are approached by means of the old technique of power series to solve ordinary differential equations. The independent variable is time in all the illustrations and elementary recurrence algorithms are obtained. This is an alternative to the standard numerical techniques and ensures the theoretical exactness of the response. Several examples are included and trajectories diagrams, phase plots, etc. are shown. The desired numerical precision is attained using time steps several times larger than the usual ones. The availability of an analytical solution may be an additional tool within a standard qualitative analysis. The solution of higher order problems and governed by partial differential equations is under study.Fil: Filipich, Carlos Pedro. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Rosales, Marta Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Unidad de Direccion; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería. Área Estabilidad; ArgentinaFil: Buezas, Fernando Salvador. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Unidad de Direccion; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física; Argentin