1,016 research outputs found

    Avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa de leite Tipo A comercializados no Distrito Federal.

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    Resumo: O leite tipo A é processado em granjas leiteiras. Possui maior valor agregado e menor carga microbiológica. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do produto comercializado no Distrito Federal. Foram avaliadas duas marcas durante quatro meses. As amostras foram avaliadas em testes de fraude e foram feitas análise físico-química. Ambas as marcas apresentaram índice crioscópico em desacordo com a legislação vigente e presença de sacarose. Esse resultado evidencia a fraude para aumentar o rendimento do produto. Além disso, a marca B apresentou bicarbonato em sua composição e teste de peroxidase negativa em 14,3% das amostras. Esses resultados mostram que a marca B fraudou o leite na tentativa de reduzir a carga microbiana. [Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of type A milk marketed in the Federal District]. Abstract: The type A milk is processed into dairy farms. Has a higher value and lower microbiological load. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of the product marketed in the Federal District. We evaluated two brands during four months. The samples were evaluated in tests of fraud and physicochemical analysis. Both brands had cryoscopic index in disagreement with current legislation and presence of sucrose. This result evidences the fraud to increase product yield. In addition, the type B showed bicarbonate in their composition and peroxidase negative test in 14,3% of samples. These results show that type B defrauded milk in attempt to reduce the microbial load

    Avaliação da qualidade físico-química e microbiológica de sete marcas de leite padronizados produzidas nos Estados de Goiás e Minas Gerais e comercializadas no Distrito Federal.

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    Resumo: O leite é um produto rico em proteínas, carboidratos e vitaminas, sendo um alimento de alto valor nutricional. Pela sua composição físico-química, é um meio propício ao desenvolvimento de micro-organismos. A obtenção, o beneficiamento e o armazenamento devem ser feitos de maneira higiênica para garantir a qualidade final do produto. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a qualidade físico-química e microbiológica de sete marcas de leites padronizados comercializadas no Distrito Federal. As amostras foram oriundas de sete laticínios, cinco do Estado de Goiás, e duas de Minas Gerais. As análises foram realizadas no Laboratório de Análise de Alimentos da Universidade de Brasília seguindo normas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Os resultados foram comparados aos limites estabelecidos pela Instrução Normativa n°51 e revelam qualidade satisfatória para os parâmetros físico-químicos para as setes marcas. Entretanto, as análises qualitativas de eficiência da pasteurização e microbiológica indicam leites impróprios para o consumo humano. Não foi detectada presença de antibióticos nas marcas. [Evaluation of physico-chemical and microbiological of seven brands of standardized milk produced in the states of Goiás and Minas Gerais and marketed in the Federal District]. Abstract: Milk is a product rich in protein, carbohydrates and vitamins being a food of high nutritional value. By its physico-chemical composition is a propitious means to the development of microorganisms. Obtaining, processing and storage shall be made in a hygienic manner to ensure the quality of the final product. The aims of this study were to evaluate the physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of the seven brands of standardized milks marketed in the Federal District. The samples were from seven dairy, five State of Goiás and two of Minas Gerais. The analyzes were performed at the Laboratory of Food Analysis, University of Brasilia, following rules of the Institute Adolfo Lutz. The results were compared to the limits established by Normative Instruction No. 51 and show satisfactory quality for physico-chemical parameters for the seven brands. However, qualitative analysis of efficiency of pasteurization and microbiological indicate milks unfit for human consumption. Antibiotics were not detected in all marks

    Hierarchical Virtual Screening and Binding Free Energy Prediction of Potential Modulators of Aedes Aegypti Odorant-Binding Protein 1

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    The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the main hematophagous vector responsible for arbovirus transmission in Brazil. The disruption of A. aegypti hematophagy remains one of the most efficient and least toxic methods against these diseases and, therefore, efforts in the research of new chemical entities with repellent activity have advanced due to the elucidation of the functionality of the olfactory receptors and the behavior of mosquitoes. With the growing interest of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries in the development of chemical entities with repellent activity, computational studies (e.g., virtual screening and molecular modeling) are a way to prioritize potential modulators with stereoelectronic characteristics (e.g., pharmacophore models) and binding affinity to the AaegOBP1 binding site (e.g., molecular docking) at a lower computational cost. Thus, pharmacophore- and docking-based virtual screening was employed to prioritize compounds from Sigma-Aldrich (R) (n = 126,851) and biogenic databases (n = 8766). In addition, molecular dynamics (MD) was performed to prioritize the most potential potent compounds compared to DEET according to free binding energy calculations. Two compounds showed adequate stereoelectronic requirements (QFIT > 81.53), AaegOBP1 binding site score (Score > 42.0), volatility and non-toxic properties and better binding free energy value (Delta G < -24.13 kcal/mol) compared to DEET ((N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide)) (Delta G = -24.13 kcal/mol)

    In Silico Evaluation of Ibuprofen and Two Benzoylpropionic Acid Derivatives with Potential Anti-Inflammatory Activity

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    Inflammation is a complex reaction involving cellular and molecular components and an unspecific response to a specific aggression. The use of scientific and technological innovations as a research tool combining multidisciplinary knowledge in informatics, biotechnology, chemistry and biology are essential for optimizing time and reducing costs in the drug design. Thus, the integration of these in silico techniques makes it possible to search for new anti-inflammatory drugs with better pharmacokinetic and toxicological profiles compared to commercially used drugs. This in silico study evaluated the anti-inflammatory potential of two benzoylpropionic acid derivatives (MBPA and DHBPA) using molecular docking and their thermodynamic profiles by molecular dynamics, in addition to predicting oral bioavailability, bioactivity and toxicity. In accordance to our predictions the derivatives proposed here had the potential capacity for COX-2 inhibition in the human and mice enzyme, due to containing similar interactions with the control compound (ibuprofen). Ibuprofen showed toxic predictions of hepatotoxicity (in human, mouse and rat; toxicophoric group 2-arylacetic or 3-arylpropionic acid) and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract (in human, mouse and rat; toxicophoric group alpha-substituted propionic acid or ester) confirming the literature data, as well as the efficiency of the DEREK 10.0.2 program. Moreover, the proposed compounds are predicted to have a good oral bioavailability profile and low toxicity (LD50 < 700 mg/kg) and safety when compared to the commercial compound. Therefore, future studies are necessary to confirm the anti-inflammatory potential of these compounds

    Avaliação da presença de metais pesados em nove méis produzidos e comercializados no Distrito Federal.

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    Resumo: O mel brasileiro é produzido principalmente por abelhas africanizadas a partir do néctar ou da secreção das plantas e, devido às suas características genéticas dessas espécies de abelhas, dispensa o uso de antibióticos e pesticidas, como acaricidas e fungicidas. A composição das amostras de méis está intimamente relacionada com o tipo de florada utilizada por estas abelhas para a elaboração do produto final. Um dos componentes de grande importância são os minerais presentes no mel que representam de 0,02% a 1%. Dentre estes minerais observamos os chamados metais pesados, que podem indicar tanto a origem geográfica do mel quanto o nível de poluição ambiental por estes metais. Logo, faz-se necessário a pesquisa da presença ou não de metais pesados nas amostras comercializadas. Por isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar nove amostras provenientes de nove apiários localizados na região do Distrito Federal, quanto à presença de metais de Cádmio, Chumbo, Cobre, Cromo, Níquel e Zinco. As determinações foram realizadas por espectrometria de emissão atômica com plasma acoplado e os resultados demonstraram que as concentrações de Cádmio e Zinco estão em conformidade com a legislação vigente. As concentrações dos demais metais (Chumbo, Cobre, Cromo e Níquel) estão abaixo do limite de detecção. [Evaluation of the presence of heavy metals in nine honeys produced and marketed in the Federal District]. Abstract: The Brazilian honey is mainly produced by Africanized bees that due to their genetic characteristics dispense the use of antibiotics and pesticides, acaricides and fungicides. However, it is necessary to investigate the presence or absence of heavy metals in marketed samples. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze nine samples from nine apiaries located in the Federal District, as the presence of metals Cadmium, Lead, Copper, Chromium, Nickel and Zinc. The determinations were performed by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma and the results showed that the concentrations of Cadmium and Zinc are in accordance with current legislation. The concentrations of other metals (Lead, Copper, Chromium and Nickel) are below the detection limit

    Teacher Education Strategy That Allows Developing Motivation towards Learning in College Students from Milagro City

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    An institution of higher education must be competent professionals, responsible and ethically; but how do? It is sufficient to teach? The answer is no; required educate the youth of the importance of the study. The above presented situation becomes more complex in universities, where students are adults who require a level of awareness to articulate their interests to the study and future opportunities the professionals being. Facing the problems of poor motivation to student learning and its impact on the low level of academic performance, research considers the objective of proposing the implementation of a teacher education strategy to develop the motivation to learn to increase academic achievement university students of Milagro City. The research methodology employed empirical, theoretical and mathematical method, added to this survey techniques for students at the State University of Milagro and interview teachers from the same institution, the results were: lack of interest in the study by of students in the first two levels or semesters, poor academic performance, low confidence in the internal potential for learning, a weak student performance and failure to answer the following questions: what you should know, expertise and know how to be to promote quality education and training professionals to respond to a global society

    Primary Total Elbow Arthroplasty in the Treatment of Complex Elbow Fracture: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Some elbow fractures are very complex with inadequate bone stock, so it is not possible to perform a stable fixation. However, loss of basic elbow function can severely affect daily living activities. There are few alternatives to internal fixation, but arthroplasty can be a reasonable option. The aim of this case report is to evaluate the role of primary total elbow arthroplasty in the treatment of complex elbow fractures. Case study: A 54-year-old male patient presented at our emergency department in the sequence of a motorcycle accident, which caused an open fracture of the left elbow, classified as type IIIB of Gustilo and Anderson. The X-ray showed comminuted fractures of distal humerus and proximal ulna with bone loss from both epiphysis. He started antibiotherapy and was submitted to immediate surgical debridement, provisional fixation with an external fixator and skin closure. The external fixator was removed 2 months after, when the patient presented with great elbow instability. The X-ray and the Computed Tomography showed signals of malunion and bone loss, which prevented any kind of fixation. Therefore, 3 months after, the patient was submitted to elbow joint replacement. A posterior approach was used, in which the triceps was reflected and was applied a linked arthroplasty - Coonrad-Morrey total elbow arthroplasty. On the second week after surgery, passive motion was started and by the fourth week, progressed to active motion. Six months after, he presented without significant pain and with a range of motion of 0° to 135º. Conclusions: Although rarely used, total elbow arthroplasty may be the choice in selected patients with elbow fractures with loss of bone. As shown in this case, this treatment can lead to a satisfactory functional recovery. Despite having some complications, more recent studies encourage its use in the future

    Design and Fabrication of Flexible Copper Sensor Decorated with Bismuth Micro/Nanodentrites to Detect Lead and Cadmium in Noninvasive Samples of Sweat

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    The use of economic methods to design and fabricate flexible copper sensors decorated with bismuth micro/nanodentrites for the detection of lead and cadmium in sweat is demonstrated. The flexible copper sensors were constructed with simple and cost-effective materials; namely, flexible and adhesive conductive copper tape, adhesive label containing the design of a three-electrode electrochemical system, and nail polish or spray as a protective layer. The flexible copper device consisted of a working electrode decorated with bismuth micro/nanodentrites using an electrodeposition technique, a copper pseudo-reference and copper counter electrodes. Under optimal experimental conditions, the flexible sensing platform showed excellent performance toward the detection of lead and cadmium using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPAdSV) in a wide linear range from 2.0 μM to 50 μM with acceptable reproducibility and repeatability, and limits of detection and quantification of 5.36 and 17.9 μM for Cd2+ ions and 0.76 μM and 2.5 for Pb2+ ions. Studies of addition and recovery in spiked artificial sweat sample were performed, with a recovery of 104.6%. The flexible copper device provides a great opportunity for application in wearable perspiration-based healthcare systems or portable sensors to detect toxic metals in biological samples

    La formación vía satélite ante las demandas de la formación ocupacional

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    Este artículo habla de las posibilidades que hoy en día aporta la formación vía satélite ante lo que la formación ocupacional demanda. Se analizan diversos aspectos y dimensiones a considerar de la formación ocupacional y se recogen algunos proyectos donde se ha utilizado la tecnología vía satélite como forma alternativa de comunicación en los procesos formativos


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    This paper looks into the aerodynamic behavior of an S809 airfoil commonly utilized in wind turbines. Tests were carried out to measure drag coefficient profiles under high speed flows of up to 14 m/s, with Reynolds numbers ranging between approximately Re = 11,400 and Re = 135,400. The prototype was fabricated on a fused deposition modeling machine with ABS Plus thermoplastic. Several tests were carried out in a wind tunnel. Angles of attack ranging from 0° to 20° were tested in increments of two degrees in both the clockwise (leading edge above trailing edge) and counterclockwise directions (leading edge below trailing edge). Drag coefficient versus Reynolds number curves were obtained for the aforementioned angles. The airfoil drag coefficient was found to decrease as the Reynolds number increased for all the angles of attack analyzed. Airfoil dynamic stall was determined (maximum lift coefficient). In the tests, dynamic stall occurred at approximately 16° clockwise. This value is in agreement with the literature