10,977 research outputs found

    Structure Theorem for Riemannian surfaces with arbitrary curvature

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    In this paper we prove that any Riemannian surface, with no restriction of curvature at all, can be decomposed into blocks belonging just to some of these types: generalized Y-pieces, generalized funnels and halfplanes.Comment: 15 pages, 1 latex file, 7 eps figure


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    Imported avocados, which accounted for less than 1.5 percent of total U.S. avocado supply during the 1970s and 1980s, increased their share to over 44 percent in 2002-03 and further increases are on the horizon. With inelastic demand, imports placed substantial pressure on domestic avocado prices, but demand increases due to generic advertising and promotion, higher consumer incomes and population growth helped offset increased avocado supplies and domestic prices were maintained. The new Hass Avocado Promotion and Research Order will continue to offset a portion of the price impacts of increased imports from Mexico, Chile and other suppliers.Marketing,

    Teaching Immigrant Parents about Mental Health

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    Teaching immigrant parents about mental health awareness is vital for the Latino community because of the lack and high barriers for them to obtain resources on mental health. The immigrant parents have a background in English studies at the Watsonville adult school and Cabrillo College in Watsonville, California. The immigrant parents are from Mexico, and they are from different states in Mexico. Many immigrant parents have language barriers that prevent them from communicating and accessing mental health resources in the community to support them. Cultural competency can affect the misdiagnosis of mental health illnesses and education. Additionally, immigrant parents\u27 status brings more challenges that can increase mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. In the development of the curriculum implementation for the project, there was an inadequacy of knowledge to address mental health awareness in the population of Latinos. The lack of information led to the designing of a workshop for a group of five parents who are immigrants. They will learn a one-lesson seminar to teach them about awareness of mental health issues. The workshop will provide indicators and symptoms related to mental health issues, recognize general vocabulary about mental health, and provide resources in their community

    A fractional porous medium equation

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    We develop a theory of existence, uniqueness and regularity for a porous medium equation with fractional diffusion, ut+(Δ)1/2(um1u)=0\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + (-\Delta)^{1/2} (|u|^{m-1}u)=0 in RN\mathbb{R}^N, with m>m=(N1)/Nm>m_*=(N-1)/N, N1N\ge1 and fL1(RN)f\in L^1(\mathbb{R}^N). An L1L^1-contraction semigroup is constructed and the continuous dependence on data and exponent is established. Nonnegative solutions are proved to be continuous and strictly positive for all xRNx\in\mathbb{R}^N, t>0t>0

    Back to the Future. Or the perpetual future nostalgia

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    The emergence of stories about the world to come and about hypothetical futures must surely be symptomatic of times of crisis… In the same way, so is, perhaps, the tendency to look to the past with rose-tinted glasses on, eulogising the utopia’s ruins or archaeology. Through the broad idea of the future and the current interest in futurology, we can discern the potential of what is ‘possible’ or of imagined pasts as a focus for critical reflection. An interesting exercise, then, is to discuss the links that are being established between the past and the future as a phenomenon in, and of, itself that emerged strongly at the outset of the modern age. Today, these time tunnels once again cut through many phenomena, both in academia and society, as seen in artistic and media practices. In this edition of Artnodes, we will see how these futurologies are supported in certain artistic and social manifestations. We frequently come across products that, in their speculation about possible worlds, point to dystopic futures where the excesses of technoscience offer us a social order that is almost always subjected to new forms of authoritarianism and surrounded by the chaos of environmental disaster. Other times, the myth of triumphing over death and genetic manipulation emerges so as to pave the way for questions on ethical character.Seguramente sea sintomática la emergencia de relatos sobre el porvenir y los futuros especulativos en momentos de crisis… Del mismo modo lo es quizá la mirada hacia el pasado en forma de nostalgia, apología de la ruina o la arqueología de la utopía. A través de la idea amplia de futuro y del interés por la futurología actual podemos discernir la potencialidad de lo «posible» o de los pasados imaginarios como lugar para la reflexión crítica. Un ejercicio interesante, pues, es plantear los vínculos que se establecen entre el pasado y el futuro como un fenómeno en sí mismo que aparece con fuerza a partir de la modernidad. Hoy estos túneles del tiempo vuelven a atravesar muchos fenómenos, tanto en la academia como en lo social, en las prácticas artísticas y mediales. En este número de Artnodes, vamos a encontrar cómo se sostienen esas futurologías en algunas manifestaciones artísticas y sociales.Segurament és simptomàtica l’aparició de relats sobre l’avenir i els futurs especulatius en moments de crisi… I també ho és, segurament, la mirada cap al passat en forma de nostàlgia, l’apologia de la ruïna o l’arqueologia de la utopia. A través de la idea de futur àmplia i de l’interès per la futurologia actual, podem discernir la potencialitat del «possible» o dels passats imaginaris com a lloc per a la reflexió crítica. Un exercici interessant, llavors, és plantejar els vincles que s’estableixen entre el passat i el futur com a fenomen que apareix amb força a partir de la Modernitat. Avui aquests túnels del temps tornen a travessar molts fenòmens, tant en l’acadèmia com en l’aspecte social, en les pràctiques artístiques i mediàtiques. En aquest número d’Artnodes s’explica com se sostenen aquestes futurologies en algunes manifestacions artístiques i socials

    Idle Talk, Deadly Talk

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    The first book-length study of gossip’s place in the literature of the multilingual Caribbean reveals gossip to be a utilitarian and deeply political practice—a means of staging the narrative tensions, and waging the narrative battles, that mark Caribbean politics and culture. Revising the overly gendered existing critical frame, Rodríguez Navas argues that gossip is a fundamentally adversarial practice that at once surveils identities and empowers writers to skirt sanitized, monolithic historical accounts by weaving alternative versions of their nations’ histories from this self-governing discursive material. Reading recent fiction from the Hispanic, Anglophone, and Francophone Caribbean and their diasporas, alongside poetry, song lyrics, journalism, memoirs, and political essays, Idle Talk, Deadly Talk maps gossip’s place in the Caribbean and reveals its rich possibilities as both literary theme and narrative device

    Re-Evaluating the Relationship Between Economic Development and Self-Employment, at the Macro-Level: A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach

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    We re-evaluate the relationship between stages of economic development and entrepreneurship, at the macro level. We first conduct a literature review of previous empirical research on cross-country determinants of entrepreneurship in order to put our contribution in perspective. To circumvent problems related to model uncertainty we use Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) to evaluate the robustness of determinants of economic growth in a new dataset of 117 countries in the 2005-2019 period, allowing fixed effects and investigating the existence of heterogeneity allowing interactions of our focus variable with other regressors. Our empirical analysis then shows that the variation of self-employment rates across countries are mainly determined by variations in the unemployment, the stage of economic development and the variations in labor market frictions. When interactions are taken into account, results confirm that there is a differential effect of labor market frictions in countries with different levels of income. Frictions in labor market may encourage becoming self-employed in richer countries