357 research outputs found

    Molt Cycle Of The Gray-breasted Martin (hirundinidae: Progne Chalybea) In A Wintering Area In Maranhão, Brazil

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    [No abstract available]153436438Alerstam, T., Hedenström, A., Äkesson, S., Long-distance migration: Evolution and determinats (2003) Oikos, 103, pp. 247-260Azevedo Júnior, S.M., Dias Filho, M.M., Larrazabal, M.E., Plumagens e mudas de Charadriiformes (Aves) no litoral de Pernambuco, Brasil (2001) Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 18, pp. 657-672Bull, J., Farrand, J., (1977) The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds - Eastern Region, , New York: Alfred A. knopfEisenmann, E., South American migrant swallows of the genus Progne in Panama and northern South Americawith comments on their identification and molt (1959) Auk, 76, pp. 528-532Eisenmann, E., Haverschmidt, F., Northward migration to Surinam of South American Martins (Progne) (1970) Condor, 72, pp. 368-369Fredrizzi, C.E., Azevedo Júnior, S.M., Larrazábal, M.E.L., Body mass and acquisition of breeding plumage of wintering (Calidris pusilla) (Linnaeus) (Aves, Scolopacidae) in the coast of Pernambuco, north-eastern Brazil (2004) Rev. Bras. Zool, 21, pp. 249-252Holmgren, N., Hedenström, A., The scheduling of molt in migratory birds (1995) Evol. Ecol, 9, pp. 354-368Igl, L.D., Johnson, D.H., Changes in breeding bird populations in North Dakota: 1967 to 1992-93 (1997) Auk, 114, pp. 74-92Marks, J.S., Moult of Bristle-Thighed Curlews in the Northwestern Hawaiian Island (1993) Auk, 110, pp. 573-587Naka, L.N., Rodrigues, M., Roos, A.L., Azevedo, M.A.G., Bird conservation on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil (2002) Bird Conservation Internacional, 12, pp. 123-150Niles, D.M., Molt cycles of Purple Martins (Progne subis) (1972) Condor, 74, pp. 61-71Souza, D.G.S., (2002) All the birds of Brazil: An identification guide, , Salvador: Editora DallSvensson, E., Merilä, J., Molt and migratory condition in Blue Tits: A serological study (1996) Condor, 98, pp. 825-83

    Diet Of The Gray-breasted Martin (hirundinidae: Progne Chalybea) In A Wintering Area In Maranhão, Brazil

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    [No abstract available]153445447Alerstam, T., Hedenström, A., Äkesson, S., Long-distance migration: Evolution and determinats (2003) Oikos, 103, pp. 247-260Butler, C.J., The disproportionate effect of global warming on the arrival dates of short-distance migratory birds in North America (2003) Ibis, 145, pp. 484-495Borror, D.J., DeLong, D.M., (1988) Introdução ao Estudo dos Insetos, , São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blucher LtdaBugoni, L., Vooren, C.M., Feeding ecology of the Common Tern Sterna hirundo in a wintering area in southern Brazil (2004) Ibis, 146, pp. 438-453Bull, J., Farrand, J., (1977) The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds - Eastern Region, , New York: Alfred A. KnopfDyrcz, A., Breeding biology of the Mangrove Swallow (Tachycineta albilinea) and the Grey-breasted Martin (Progne chalybea) at Barro Colorado Island, Panama (1984) Ibis, 126, pp. 59-66Eisenmann, E., South American migrant swallows of the genus Progne in Panama and northern South Americawith comments on their identification and molt (1959) Auk, 76, pp. 528-532Eisenmann, E., Haverschmidt, F., Northward migration to Surinam of South American Martins (Progne) (1970) Condor, 72, pp. 368-369Fredrizzi, C.E., Azevedo Júnior, S.M., Larrazábal, M.E.L., Body mass and acquisition of breeding plumage of wintering (Calidris pusilla) (Linnaeus) (Aves, Scolopacidae) in the coast of Pernambuco, north-eastern Brazil (2004) Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 21, pp. 249-252Hedd, A., Gales, R., The diet of shy albatrosses (Thalassarche cauta) at Albatross Island, Tasmania (2001) Journal of Zoology, 253, pp. 69-90Jetz, W., Steffen, J., Linsenmair, K.E., Effects of light and prey availability on nocturnal. lunar and seasonal activity of tropical nightjars (2003) Oikos, 103, pp. 627-639Johnston, R.F., Seasonal variation in the food of the Purple Martin, Progne subis, in Kansas (1967) Ibis, 109, pp. 8-13Kwok, H.K., Corlett, R.T., Seasonality of forest invertebrates in Hong Kong, South China (2002) Journal of tropical Ecology, 18, pp. 637-644Lorentsen, S.H., Klages, N., Rov, N., Diet and prey consumption of Antarctic petrels (Thalassoica antarctica) at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land, and at sea outside the colony (1998) Polar Biology, 19, pp. 414-420McCarty, J.P., Winkler, D.W., Foraging ecology and diet selectivity of Tree Swallows feeding nestlings (1999) Condor, 101, pp. 246-254Naka, L.N., Rodrigues, M., Roos, A.L., Azevedo, M.A.G., Bird conservation on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil (2002) Bird Cons. Int, 12, pp. 123-150Ramstack, J.M., Murphy, M.T., Palmer, M.R., Comparative reproductive biology of three species of swallows on a common environment (1998) Wilson Bulletin, 110, pp. 233-243Turner, A.K., Nesting and feeding habits of Brown-chested Martins in relation to weather conditions (1984) Condor, 86, pp. 30-35Walsh, H., Food of nestling purple martins (1978) Wilson Bulletin, 90, pp. 248-260Wolda, H., Seasonal fluctuation in rainfall, food and abundance of tropical insects (1978) Journal of Animal Ecology, 47, pp. 369-38


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    A busca por fontes energéticas de origem renovável, sustentável e de baixo custo, tem estimulado o desenvolvimento de processos capazes de transformar biomassa em produtos substituintes dos derivados de petróleo. A pirólise é uma alternativa viável, capaz de converter a biomassa lignocelulósica em produtos sólidos (carvão), líquidos (bio-óleo) e gasosos, sendo que o rendimento destes três produtos é altamente influenciado pelo tipo de reator, pelas características da biomassa e pelas condições operacionais do processo. A plantação de eucalipto se destaca no Brasil e no mundo, e sua produtividade é de aproximadamente 6 e 145 milhões, respectivamente. Com essa grande produção, gera-se também muitos resíduos: casca, galhos e folhas, e a maior parte desses rejeitos é descartada. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo da pirólise da casca de eucalipto, visando o aproveitamento desse resíduo na sua aplicação industrial. Inicialmente, determinaram-se algumas propriedades químicas a fim de caracterizar a casca de eucalipto utilizada neste trabalho. A partir dos dados de termogravimetria e de modelos cinéticos isoconvensionais, a energia de ativação global da reação de pirólise da casca de eucalipto foi estimada em:146,65 kJ.mol-1 (Ozawa), 137,00 kJ.mol-1 (K-A-S), 136,46 kJ.mol-1 (Starink) e 133,02 kJ.mol-1 (Kissinger), sendo estes valores similares aos encontrados na literatura. Em seguida, foram realizadas pirólises da casca de eucalipto em leito fixo, seguindo um planejamento experimental 32 com dois pontos centrais, tendo como variável resposta o rendimento de líquido em função da temperatura e do diâmetro das partículas. Os maiores valores de rendimentos da fração líquida foram na temperatura e tamanhos intermediários de experimentos, 873 K e 1,40 mm. Com relação à composição do bio-óleo, a maior porcentagem é de compostos fenólicos e ácidos, provenientes da lignina e extrativos, respectivamente. Palavras-chave: Pirólise. Bio-óleo. Casca de eucalipto. Rendimento. Modelos cinético

    Quantum Conductance in Silver Nanowires: correlation between atomic structure and transport properties

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    We have analyzed the atomic arrangements and quantum conductance of silver nanowires generated by mechanical elongation. The surface properties of Ag induce unexpected structural properties, as for example, predominance of high aspect ratio rod-like wires. The structural behavior was used to understand the Ag quantum conductance data and the proposed correlation was confirmed by means of theoretical calculations. These results emphasize that the conductance of metal point contacts is determined by the preferred atomic structures and, that atomistic descriptions are essential to interpret the quantum transport behavior of metal nanostructures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Carbon and water footprints in Brazilian coffee plantations - the spatial and temporal distribution

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    The future of many coffee growing regions, such as Brazil, depends on strategies to allow the minimization of the negative impacts of climate change. Still the own contribution of coffee cultivation for global warming is largely unknown. Water and carbon footprints are concepts that indicate the potential negative impact of a specific product, underlining which part of the process is the major responsible for it. In this context, the objective of this study was to quantify and spatialize the water and carbon footprints from coffee crop in different regions of Brazil, and to find the proportional weight of coffee production in the total emission of CO2 and water consumption in the context of Brazilian agriculture. For this end, water and carbon footprints were estimated and spatialized for Brazilian regions along 10 productive seasons (from 2004/2005 to 2014/2015), based on data of plantation area (ha) and coffee production (tons of beans). It is concluded that the estimates of annual carbon and water footprints were 19.791 million t CO2-equivalent and 49,284 million m3 of water, with higher values from the Southeast region. This corresponded to a moderate (ca. 5%) value for the emissions of greenhouse gases, but a relevant water footprint in the context of Brazilian agricultureinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of structural evolution on the quantum conductance behavior of gold nanowires during stretching

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    Gold nanowires generated by mechanical stretching have been shown to adopt only three kinds of configurations where their atomic arrangements adjust such that either the [100], [111] or [110] zone axes lie parallel to the elongation direction. We have analyzed the relationship between structural rearrangements and electronic transport behavior during the elongation of Au nanowires for each of the three possibilities. We have used two independent experiments to tackle this problem, high resolution transmission high resolution electron microscopy to observe the atomic structure and a mechanically controlled break junction to measure the transport properties. We have estimated the conductance of nanowires using a theoretical method based on the extended H\"uckel theory that takes into account the atom species and their positions. Aided by these calculations, we have consistently connected both sets of experimental results and modeled the evolution process of gold nanowires whose conductance lies within the first and third conductance quanta. We have also presented evidence that carbon acts as a contaminant, lowering the conductance of one-atom-thick wires.Comment: 10 page

    Gene-based Interventions for Cancer Immunotherapy

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    Immunotherapy of cancer has deservedly gained much attention in the past few years and is likely to continue to advance and become a fundamental cancer treatment. While vaccines, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells and checkpoint blockade have received the lion’s share of the attention, an important direct role for gene transfer as an immunotherapy is emerging. For example, oncolytic viruses induce immunogenic cell death, thus liberating both antigens and the signals that are necessary for the activation of antigen-presenting cells, ensuring stimulation of an adaptive response. In another example, transfer of prodrug converting enzymes, such as the herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) gene or the cytosine deaminase gene, has been shown to promote an immune response, thus functioning as immunotherapies. Alternatively, our own work involves the use of nonreplicating viral vectors for the simultaneous delivery of gene combinations that promote both cell death and an immune response. In fact, our gene transfer approach has been applied as a vaccine, immunotherapy or in situ gene therapy, resulting in immunogenic cell death and the induction of a protective immune response. Here, we highlight the development of these approaches both in terms of technical advances and clinical experience

    Transverse spin dynamics in a spin-polarized Fermi liquid

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    The linear equations for transverse spin dynamics in weakly polarised degenerate Fermi liquid with arbitrary relationship between temperature and polarization are derived from Landau-Silin phenomenological kinetic equation with general form of two-particle collision integral. The temperature and polarization dependence of the spin current relaxation time is established. It is found in particular that at finite polarization transverse spin wave damping has a finite value at T=0. The analogy between temperature dependences of spin waves attenuation and ultrasound absorption in degenerate Fermi liquid at arbitrary temperature is presented. We also discuss spin-polarized Fermi liquid in the general context of the Fermi-liquid theory and compare it with "Fermi liquid" with spontaneous magnetization.Comment: 10 page

    Some anisotropic universes in the presence of imperfect fluid coupling with spatial curvature

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    We consider Bianchi VI spacetime, which also can be reduced to Bianchi types VI0-V-III-I. We initially consider the most general form of the energy-momentum tensor which yields anisotropic stress and heat flow. We then derive an energy-momentum tensor that couples with the spatial curvature in a way so as to cancel out the terms that arise due to the spatial curvature in the evolution equations of the Einstein field equations. We obtain exact solutions for the universes indefinetly expanding with constant mean deceleration parameter. The solutions are beriefly discussed for each Bianchi type. The dynamics of the models and fluid are examined briefly, and the models that can approach to isotropy are determined. We conclude that even if the observed universe is almost isotropic, this does not necessarily imply the isotropy of the fluid (e.g., dark energy) affecting the evolution of the universe within the context of general relativity.Comment: 17 pages, no figures; to appear in International Journal of Theoretical Physics; in this version (which is more concise) an equation added, some references updated and adde
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