547 research outputs found

    Cycle characteristics of planktonic cladocerans in a tropical lake, Central Amazon: Field and experimental work

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    This thesis is concerned with an investigation into the effects of food concentration, temperature and turbidity on the life cycle characteristics such as growth, body size, development and reproduction of species of planktonic Cladocera brought to the U.K. from a shallow turbid Lake Jacaretinga, Amazonia. The species studied were Daphnia gessneri, Moina reticulata and Diaphanosoma sarsi. Long term growth experiments were performed using both batch and continuous flow culture under controlled laboratory conditions using various combinations of temperature (22&deg;, 27&deg;, and 32&deg;C),concentration of algal food Scenedesmus acutus (0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.OmgC.1) and turbidity (10, 20, and 50 NTU). Animals were examined daily throughout their cycle from the newborn (neonate) to 3rd adult instars.The ecology of planktonic animals in Lake Jacaretinga was studied intensively during a three month period (February, March and April 1986). This period of study included two ecologically/limnologically important periods, namely, before the flooding of the River Amazon and after the river flooding, when the lake became more turbid due to suspended particles. Weekly samples of zooplankton providedinformation on the species composition and numerical density of the cladoceran populations as well as their horizontal distribution in five stations. Information was also obtained on environmental condition in the lake (Temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, Secchi disc transparency, chlorophyll-a and particulate carbon concentration.Population of Diaphanosoma sarsi, Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Daphniagessneri, decreased during the flood, and populations of Moinareticulata increased and became a dominant species. Life cycle experiments shows that growth and reproduction are greatly influenced by food concentration and turbidity. Consistent differences were found between Daphnia gessneri and Moina reticulata,being Moina reticulata more successful in survival, growth and reproduction. Application of the experimental results on the effects of food, temperature and turbidity on the life cycle characteristics of the planktonic cladocerans are used to interpret the changes in the cladoceran population in Lake Jacaretinga during this period of floading. This is a significant contribution to our knowledge since Lake Jacaretinga is one of the characteristic varzea lakes in Central Amazonia whose limnology is largely determined by the annual flooding of Amazon River.<p

    Resistência à mudança organizacional : um estudo de caso

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão de Empresas/MBA.Com o presente estudo pretende-se analisar o comportamento dos indivíduos perante uma situação de mudança, mais concretamente nas situações em que ocorre resistência à mudança. Por forma a analisar toda a envolvente dessa resistência, torna-se imprescindível identificar os fatores originadores dessa conduta, as suas consequências no desempenho organizacional, bem como formas adequadas para encarar tal atitude. Assim, com o intuito de verificar se a resistência é evidente, clara e considerada como positiva ou negativa, recorre-se ao método quantitativo, nomeadamente, ao recurso a questionários online, dirigidos à gestão, direção, bem como ao restante leque de colaboradores, o que, nesse caso, decorre sob a forma de estudo de caso. De um modo geral, os resultados obtidos apontam que a má formação ou inexistência desta é o principal motivo de resistência por partes dos colaboradores, além de outros fatores como as diferentes opiniões das partes envolvidas, a falta de valorização do indivíduo, a falta de transmissão de confiança e segurança, entre outros. Deste modo, apura-se que é necessário agentes de mudança líderes, formação transmitida aos indivíduos, comunicação, transmissão de compromisso e apoio e valorização do indivíduo. Nesse sentido, os resultados permitem concluir que os colaboradores da organização em estudo, apesar de afirmarem que não resistem, nem têm intenções de tal, demonstram opiniões muito firmes e assertivas, de acordo com a literatura, de motivos causadores da resistência. Além disso, os diretores e gestores apontam bons métodos para atenuar a resistência, indo em consonância com a base literária, e, demonstram comprometimento, consideração e atenção ao comportamento dos seus subordinados no que se trata à imposição de alterações dentro da organização.ABSTRACT: With this study we intend to analyze the behavior of individuals in a situation of change, specifically in situations where resistance to change occurs. In order to analyze the surrounding of this resistance, it is essential to identify the factors originators of this conduct, its consequences on organizational performance, as well as appropriate ways to face this attitude. Thus, in order to verify that the resistance is evident, clear and considered as positive or negative, we resort to quantitative method, namely, the use of online questionnaires directed to the management, direction and range of the remaining employees, which in this case arises in the form of case study. In general, the results show that the malformation or absence of this is the main reason for resistance by parts of employees, plus other factors like the different opinions of the parties involved, the lack of appreciation of the individual, the lack of transmission of trust and security, among others. Thus, clears up that leaders change agents, training transmitted to individuals, communication, transmission of commitment and support and appreciation of the individual is necessary. Accordingly, we conclude that the employees of the organization under study, despite claiming not resist, nor have such intentions, demonstrate very firm and assertive opinions, according to the literature, the reasons causing the resistance. In addition, the directors and managers shows good methods for fade resistance, going in line with the literary basis, and demonstrate commitment, consideration and attention to the behavior of their subordinates when it comes to the imposition of changes within the organization

    Análise da água do tanque terapêutico da ESALD: comparação de resultados de 2 laboratórios

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    Monitorizar a qualidade da água de um tanque terapêutico é um processo essencial para garantir a inexistência de possíveis malefícios à saúde, nomeadamente por infeções bacterianas

    An approach for interactive educational software in a classroom setting

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    This paper presents a systematic set of activities related to the ergonomic analysis process of interactive educational software in a classroom setting. It uses the User Interface Design (1991-1999 Interface Systems International) with the aim of developing an ergonomic model for Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in the context of interactive educational software. The model should be adaptable to any kind of user and evolutive, i.e., the model should be able to switch to more advanced concepts once the user has learned the previous ones

    Evaluation of the practices applied in the preparation of vegetable salads in a catering unit

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    Food safety is nowadays an important issue for the consumers, being a point of great concern to catering units. These must prepare an equilibrated meal in terms of nutritional value and safety. The consumption of fruits and vegetables has assumed great importance. Nevertheless, in the processing of vegetables it is crucial to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene and making, as many times these products are served raw, without being subjected to any thermal processing. Even these catering units must follow European regulations and have implemented an HACCP plan, incorrect practices are sometimes observed. Thus, in the present work it was intended to evaluate the activities related with the preparation of vegetable salads in a catering unit. To achieve this goal, 21 periodic visits were performed and the survey of the activities linked to salad preparation was done by a check-list previously elaborated. In general terms, the practices followed in the reception, storage and preparation of the vegetables were quite satisfactory; however, some incorrect points were stated, such as the use of unrefrigerated vehicles by the vegetable supplier, the maintenance of the vegetables at room temperature during long periods of time and the incorrect application of the implemented Washing and Disinfection Plan, beyond other points. Moreover, variability on the disinfection method used in the vegetables salad preparation was also stated. In relation to personal hygiene of food operators, some points also need correction

    Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of jellies made from seven grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties

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    Jellies of seven grapevine varieties were physico-chemical and sensorial characterized for the first time. Jellies differed significantly in moisture and ash contents, colour, pH, acidity and antioxidant activities. 'Tinta Carvalha' was the darkest and redness jelly, showing the highest antioxidant activity. Regarding sensory characteristics, no significant differences in the appearance, taste, sweetness, acidity and global assessment were observed among jellies. Nevertheless, these attributes were positively evaluated. In conclusion, the production of different jellies will allow the valorisation of grapevine varieties with less potential for wine production, helping to preserve biodiversity, and be an economic alternative to grape producers who may elaborate an enjoyable product with interesting bioactivity.Authors are grateful to POCTEP - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Espanha - Portugal for financial support (Project “RED/AGROTEC – Experimentation network and transfer for development of agricultural and agro industrial sectors between Spain and Portugal).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Obstetric interventions among native and migrant women: a survey of episiotomy in Portugal

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    It is unclear whether migrant women experience worse pregnancy outcomes than native women. A better comprehension of obstetric care provision, including controversial interventions such as episiotomy, is important to improve equity of service provision, overall maternal and neonatal health and to support evidence-informed perinatal health policy-making. We aimed to determine if migrant and native women giving birth vaginally have different risks of episiotomy and if the risk differs by migrant sub-groups. Methods: This study is based on a cross-sectional survey of foreign-born women with a random sample of native women, implemented in 32 public maternity units in mainland Portugal. We included 3583 women with vaginal delivery. Migrant status was defined by the woman’s country of birth (migrants, born abroad, vs natives, born in Portugal), then as subgroups of migrants from Brasil, Portuguese-speaking African countries (PSAC) and non Portuguese-speaking countries vs natives. The association between migrant status and episiotomy was assessed using multilevel logistic regression models, stratified by delivery mode, and adjusted for main risk factors of episiotomy. Results: The overall frequencies of episiotomy were 52.6% and 48.2% among the 1707 natives and the 1876 migrants, respectively (p = 0.01). With spontaneous delivery, migrant women had decreased odds of having an episiotomy (adjusted OR 0.70 [95% CI 0.58-0.83]), especially those from PSAC (aOR 0.57 [0.46-0.71]). However, with instrumental delivery, migrant women had increased odds of episiotomy (aOR 2.47 [95% CI 1.50-4.07]), especially those from Brasil (aOR 3.24 [1.18-8.92]) and non Portuguese-speaking countries (aOR 3.75 [1.827.71]). Conclusions: These results suggest non-medically justified differential care during childbirth and highlight the importance of developing evidence-based recommendations for episiotomy use, in a country with a high frequency of medical intervention during delivery. Key messages: Portugal displays a high frequency of medical interventions during delivery, including episiotomy, highlighting the need for developing evidence-based recommendations. Migrant and native women have different risks of episiotomy, suggesting non-medically justified differential careinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rethinking teacher training from an inclusive and community dialogical perspective

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    This quantitative survey using a structured questionnaire with closed questions and a sample of 340 participants from 20 courses (bachelor's and master's degrees) at public higher education institutions in the Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro region of the Portuguese university (University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro) and polytechnic (Polytechnic Institute of Bragança) subsystem aims to list a group of proposals for reflection and future implementation that can fill or mitigate gaps and weaknesses identified in the disciplines of the curricula related to internships. The analysis of the data reveals indicators indicating the need for a (formal and conceptual) rethinking of inclusive intervention in the context of supervision in the field of teacher training. These indicators include problems with operating in a multifaceted educational setting, enhancing an interdisciplinary, integrated and inclusive approach, rearranging curriculum and reconsidering the functional profiles and competencies of teaching staff. Therefore, the construction of a professional culture that favors an integrative and inclusive approach through the assumption of a broad profile of professional competence capable of training the teacher in a multidimensional educational context is crucial. We evaluate the necessity of encouraging research of this type involving additional factors, populations and samples in order to enable the extrapolation of data and findings to a national level providing significance and technological foundations for decisions made within the context of public education policy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterisation of olive oils from the Douro Valley, Portugal: study of the volatile fraction and its relationship with sensory characteristics

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    In recent years, the demand for olive oils from the Douro region (Portugal) has increased in line with wine. Thus, it is essential to characterise these olive oils to evaluate them. Therefore, this work describes the sensory and volatile profiles of olive oils produced in the Douro region. These were mainly identified as ripe fruity. Among the olfactory and gustatory sensations, the attributes of dried fruits, tomato, apple, tomato leaves, banana, and lavender stood out. Regarding volatile compounds, the following were detected in all samples: (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol acetate, 1-hexanol, and 2-methyl-4-pentanal. Moreover, it was impossible to separate the olive oils by sub-regions. In conclusion, studying the volatile fraction and their relationship with sensory attributes are essential to guarantee the genuineness and identity of these olive oils with a view to their future appreciation.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal), which gave financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021). The authors are also grateful to the Project OLIVECOA—Centenarian olive trees of Côa Valley region: rediscovering the past to valorize the future, ref. COA/BRB/0035/2019 and the GreenHealth Project (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER- 000042) co-financed by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the NORTE 2020 (Programa Operacional Regional do Norte 2014/2020). Nuno Rodrigues thanks to National funding by FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program contract.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Composição do zooplâncton em cinco lagos da Amazônia Central

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    A study of the species composition, satnding-stock and diversity of the zooplancton groups Rotifera. Cladocera and Copepoda. was conducted in five lakes In the Central Amazonian region. The lakes present distinct physical, chemical and biological parameters which allows for distinguishing two groups: On the first group, caracterized by the lakes which present greater concentration of ions, greater availability of nutrients, and greater diversity of zooplancton species are the "várzea" lakes. Castanho, Redondo and Jacaretinga. On the second group, caracterized by the lakes which present low concentrations of ions, few nutrients, and a low diversity of zooplancton species are the "terra-firme" lakes, Cristalino and tarumã-Mirim. The structure of the zooplancton comunities in Amazonian lakes is periodically altered by the inundation of the rivers.O estudo da composição, "standing-stock" e da diversidade do zooplâncton constituído por Rotifera, Cladocera e Copepoda foi realizado em cinco lagos da Amazônia Central. Estes lagos possuem características físicas, químicas e biológicas distintas, o que permite colocá-los em dois grupos1. lagos que apresentam maiores concentrações iônicas, maior disponibilidade de nutrientes e maior diversidade de espécies zooplanctônicas; 2. lagos, com baixa concentração de íons, poucos nutrientes e pequena diversidade de espécies zooplanctônícas. Os lagos colocados no primeiro grupo são os da "várzea" (Castanho, Redondo e Jacaretinga); no segundo grupo, ficam o Cristalino e Tarumã-mirim (lagos de terra firme). A estrutura da comunidade zooplanctônica, nos lagos da Amazônia, é periodicamente alterada pelas inundações dos rios
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