7,438 research outputs found

    Which table salt to chose?

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    The link between salt consumption and hypertension has been the focus of many studies and clinical trials in the past few years. It is recommended that table salt intake does not exceed the maximum of 5g per day and yet most people find almost impossible to comply with this recommendation. New types of salt have recently appeared in the market and they claim to be less harmful to health than current commercial salt. Besides being less salty to the taste these new types of salt contain less sodium and more trace minerals than commercial salt but there is a need of experiments and studies in order to establish their benefit to health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Brazilians in Sydney

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    Brazil has traditionally been a country that received inflows of migrants. However, in the last two decades of the twentieth century the flow has been reversed. Since the early 1980s, many Brazilians have emigrated, due to a socio-economic crisis that has resulted in massive social inequalities and rampant crime and violence. According to the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, four million people have left the country. The largest communities are in the US, Paraguay and Japan

    Militant Feminism and the Women of the Weather Underground Organization

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    Militant feminism is characterized by two positions. First, the militant feminist believes that where the use of violence is justified, it is just as justified when performed by women as by men. Second, militant feminists hold that militant action can be justified in the pursuit of aims consistent with feminist values. Shortly after the emergence of second-wave feminism in the mid-1960’s, there is a surge of militant feminists among radical leftist organizations, such as the Weather Underground Organization. Second-wave feminists articulated a view of womanhood that was not confined to the home; militant feminists, such as those of the Weather Underground Organization, supplemented this expanded view of womanhood to include revolutionary movements where women struggled to obtain a more just society. This dissertation examines the Weather Underground Organization to show these militant feminist principles at work. Using pamphlets, political writings, position papers, and memoirs, this dissertation argues that, in fashioning their activist group, the women of the Weather Underground not only aligned themselves with accepted and recognized feminist goals but also fashioned their own brand of feminism, one that – in being international and political in scope – in many ways previewed elements of third wave of feminism, while also fitting in snugly with the second wave tradition. These Weatherwomen struggled to fashion a complex feminist platform for their organization and rose to positions of leadership in the group, in spite of elements of sexism within the Weather Underground Organization. By focusing on the neglected contributions of these Weatherwomen, the historical narrative can be adapted to include the history of militant feminism in a more comprehensive version of women’s history

    The ISO 26000 standard as a driver for systemic design for sustainability 

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    Sustainable product development is considered a key factor for sustainable development. Products are placed in the interface between production and consumption, therefore the consideration of sustainability criteria early in their development phase, to improve them throughout the life cycle, opens up for innovations that contribute to tackle major sustainability problems in the context of a globalized economy. Design for sustainability (DfS) is distinguished from ecodesign in terms of sustainability topics covered (not only environmental and economic, but also social) and in terms on the focus on finding new ways to satisfy customers and client needs and make business sense while respecting the physical limits of the planet in providing resources and absorbing pollution

    Role of apoptotic regulators in the protective effect of acetic acid against ethanol - induced cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica AplicadaEthanol is a well-know end product of alcoholic fermentation carried by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. At relatively low concentrations it is an inhibitor of yeast growth, while, high ethanol concentrations reduces cell viability (Birch and Walker, 2000). During fermentation, acetic acid produced by yeast metabolism may accumulate in growth medium and enhance ethanol toxicity (Gibson et al., 2007). By contrast, studies conducted in our laboratory have shown that S. cerevisiae cells exposed simultaneously to toxic concentrations of ethanol and low concentrations of acetic acid displayed a higher survival than cells treated only with ethanol (Vieira et al., unpublished results). Later, Trindade showed that Hog1p and Fps1p, involved in acetic acid resistance, do not have a role in the protective effect of acetic acid seen by Vieira (Trindade, 2009). Subsequently, it was also shown that the osmolyte trehalose, the heat shock protein Hsp12p, the MAP kinase Slt2/MPK1 and functional mitochondria play a role in the protection by the undissociated form of acetic acid against ethanol induced cytotoxicity (Afonso, 2011). With the present master thesis we intended to further understand how acetic acid protects against ethanol-induced cytotoxicity, determining the role of known apoptotic regulators in this protection. We also intended to characterize the death of cells exposed to toxic concentrations of ethanol since this knowledge is important to dissect the role of acetic acid in its inhibition. This study showed that the deletion in CYC3 or ATP2, ATP10 and NUC1 abolish and decrease, respectively, the protection of acetic acid against loss of cell viability, loss of plasma membrane integrity and the accumulation of superoxide anion, induced by ethanol. Death induced by ethanol was associated with typical markers of apoptosis but also of necrosis. In particular caspase activation and exposure of phosphatidylserine was detected mainly in cells with compromised plasma membrane, but also HMGB1/Nhp6A translocates from the nucleus to the cytosol in response to ethanol. Moreover, the absence of known apoptotic regulatory proteins abrogate (atp2Δ, atp10Δ, cyc3Δ, por1Δ, cpr3Δ and yca1Δ mutants), exacerbate (aif1Δ, nuc1Δ, and cyc1Δcyc7Δ mutants) or have no effect (pep4Δ mutant) in ethanol induced cell death. Altogether the results obtained with the mutants phenotypes and the characterization of cell death markers indicate that ethanol triggers a regulated cell death process that shares features typical of both apoptosis and necrosis. Whether the necrotic features reflect a programmed necrosis or a secondary necrosis of apoptotic cells committed to death in response to ethanol, requires further studies.O etanol é um produto final bem conhecido da fermentação alcoólica conduzida por Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Em concentrações relativamente baixas é um inibidor do crescimento da levedura, enquanto em concentrações elevadas induz perda da viabilidade celular (Birch e Walker, 2000). Durante a fermentação, o ácido acético produzido pelo metabolismo da levedura pode acumular-se no meio extracelular e aumentar a toxicidade de etanol (Gibson et al., 2007). Por outro lado, estudos realizados no nosso laboratório mostraram que células de S. cerevisiae simultaneamente expostas a concentrações tóxicas de etanol e baixas concentrações de ácido acético exibiam uma maior sobrevivência do que aquelas tratadas apenas com etanol. (Vieira et. al., resultados não publicados). Mais tarde, Trindade mostrou que as proteínas Hog1p e Fps1p, envolvidas na resistência ao ácido acético, não apresentam um papel no efeito protetor do ácido acético observado por Vieira (Trindade, 2009). Posteriormente, mostrou-se que o osmólito trealose, a proteína de choque térmico Hsp12p, a MAP quinase Slt2/MPK1 e mitocôndrias funcionais têm um papel na proteção da forma não dissociada do ácido acético contra citotoxicidade induzida por etanol (Afonso, 2011). Com a presente dissertação de mestrado pretendeu-se compreender melhor como o ácido acético protege contra a citotoxicidade induzida por etanol, determinando o papel de reguladores conhecidos da apoptose nesta proteção. Também se pretendeu caracterizar a morte de células expostas a concentrações tóxicas de etanol uma vez que este conhecimento é importante para dissecar o papel do ácido acético, na sua inibição. Este estudo mostrou que a ausência dos genes CYC3 ou ATP2, ATP10 e NUC1 elimina e diminui, respetivamente, a proteção do ácido acético contra a perda induzida pelo etanol da viabilidade celular, da integridade da membrana plasmática e da acumulação de anião superóxido. A morte induzida pelo etanol foi acompanhada de marcadores celulares típicos de apoptose, mas também de necrose. Em particular foi detetada ativação de caspases e exposição de fosfatidilserina principalmente em células com a membrana plasmática comprometida, mas também a translocação do HMGB1/Nhp6A do núcleo para o citosol em resposta ao etanol. Adicionalmente, a ausência de reguladores apoptóticos reduziram (nos mutantes atp2Δ, atp10Δ, cyc3Δ, por1Δ, cpr3Δ e yca1Δ), potenciaram (nos mutantes aif1Δ, nuc1Δ, e cyc1Δcyc7Δ ) ou não afetaram a sobrevivência celular (no mutante pep4Δ) em resposta ao etanol. Os resultados respeitantes aos fenótipos dos mutantes estudados e à caracterização dos marcadores de morte celular indicam que o etanol induz uma morte regulada que partilha características típicas de apoptose e necrose. Se as características de necrose refletem uma necrose programada ou uma necrose secundária de células que desencadearam um processo de morte apoptótico, requer mais estudos no futuro.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Projeto PEst- C/BIA/UI4050/2011, FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-007047 e PTDC/AGR- ALI/102608/2008.FEDER através do POFC–COMPET

    Mapas concetuais sobre a digestão (2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico)

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    Dissertação de mest., Ensino do 1.º e 2.º ciclos do Ensino Básico, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Univ. do Algarve, 2013O presente relatório foi elaborado como parte integrante da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º CEB, com o objetivo de refletir e avaliar o meu percurso formativo e profissional, bem como as situações de aprendizagem, desafios, processos e desempenhos do quotidiano profissional experienciado. A capacidade de tirar partido de todas as situações vividas na PES, tanto das observações, como das práticas pedagógicas, permitiu a construção da minha identidade profissional, como também o desenvolvimento de um olhar mais critico, capaz de questionar e refletir sobre todo o processo profissional. Deste percurso formativo e profissional surgiu uma problemática de investigação: como conseguem os professores refletir sobre a aprendizagem dos alunos e inferir sobre aspetos relacionados com o ensino, através da elaboração de mapas concetuais realizados pelos alunos, no âmbito de uma unidade didática Digestão e sistema digestivo do Homem? Os mapas concetuais obtidos, antes e após o ensino formal da unidade didática, são interpretados através da análise estrutural de mapas concetuais e posteriormente através da prova de Associação Olmstead-Tukey

    Metacognitive and social cognition training (MSCT) in schizophrenia: a preliminary efficacy study

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    Psychosocial interventions have proven to be effective in treating social cognition in people with psychotic disorders. The current study aimed to determine the effects of a metacognitive and social cognition training (MSCT) program, designed to both remediate deficits and correct biases in social cognition. Thirty-five clinically stable outpatients were recruited and assigned to the MSCT program (n = 19) for 10 weeks (18 sessions) or to the TAU group (n = 16), and they all completed pre- and post-treatment assessments of social cognition, cognitive biases, functioning and symptoms. The MSCT group demonstrated a significant improvement in theory of mind, social perception, emotion recognition and social functioning. Additionally, the tendency to jump to conclusions was significantly reduced among the MSCT group after training. There were no differential benefits regarding clinical symptoms except for one trend group effect for general psychopathology. The results support the efficacy of the MSCT format, but further development of the training program is required to increase the benefits related to attributional style

    Modelo espacial de distribuição da lagarta-da-pastagem (Pseudaletia unipuncta, Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) na ilha Terceira

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica.A lagarta-da-pastagem (Pseudaletia unipuncta, Haworth) é considerada uma das pragas mais prejudiciais das pastagens, e que os agricultores mais temem, pois sendo uma praga polífaga pode também afetar outras culturas quando a sua densidade larvar é muito elevada e a sua cultura preferencial tiver sido já consumida. O seu combate é muito difícil, dado que a lagarta só é visível pelos agricultores quando atinge os últimos ínstares larvares, sendo estes os mais prejudiciais. Existem diversos produtos químicos aplicáveis no combate à lagarta-da-pastagem, de entre eles os mais eficazes são os à base de deltametrina e lambda-cialotrina. Também a luta biológica é um dos métodos de combate mais utilizados, em que os parasitóides com mais eficácia é o Apanteles militaris (Walsh). A aplicação de produtos à base de Bacillus thurigiensis (Berliner) também regista bons resultados. Um outro método eficaz e que não implica custos e desprovido de qualquer tipo de impacte ambiental nas pastagens é a adoção de meios de luta culturais, possibilitando eliminar ou prevenir o aparecimento e a instalação da lagarta tais como o maneio adequado da pastagem impedindo assim a formação de grandes populações de P. unipuncta e possibilitando uma definição atempada da frequência do pastoreio, da altura de corte e do apascentamento adequado. Neste estudo procurou-se quantificar, em campo, a densidade larvar de Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haw.) analisando as capturas de adultos nas armadilhas colocadas nas pastagens e posteriormente foi-se relacionar estes dados com os fatores climáticos, temperatura, humidade relativa e precipitação e com o tipo de coberto vegetal existente a fim concluirmos em que altitudes, tipos de pastagens e altura do ano é que esta praga se encontra em maior densidade populacional atendendo ao tipo de cobertura existente. Este estudo foi realizado no ano de 2011 entre os meses de Maio e Novembro e foram escolhidas dez pastagens a diferentes altitudes em redor de toda a ilha. Em cada parcela foi colocada uma armadilha do tipo funil para a captura de adultos de Pseudaletia unipuncta Haw. e semanalmente era feita a prospeção larvar no terreno. Foi feito o levantamento da composição de espécies vegetais presentes em cada pastagem. Podemos concluir através dos resultados obtidos que na parcela Pico Catarina Vieira existe uma dominância de espécie vegetal, Holcus lanatus L., coincidindo com o local onde se capturou uma maior quantidade de larvas, havendo uma correlação muito elevada entre a densidade da lagarta-da-pastagem com a dominância da vegetação. O clima também tem uma grande influência na densidade larvar, a lagarta desenvolve-se melhor em sítios amenos, com bons valores de humidade relativa e precipitação. Por fim, a altura do ano em que se obteve maiores capturas de Pseudaletia unipuncta Haw. foi no mês de Agosto.ABSTRACT: The armyworm (Pseudaletia unipuncta, Haworth) is considered one of the most damaging pests of pastures, and farmers fear most, because being a polyphagous pest can also affect other crops when their larval density is very high and it’s preferential culture has already been consumed. It’s a very difficult pest to combat, because farmers can only see the armyworm when it reaches the last larval states, which are the most damaging. There are many chemical products applicable in the armyworm combat, among them the most effective are those the basis is made of deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin. Also the biological control is one of the most methods used in this pest prevention, wherein the more effectively parasites is Apanteles militaris (Walsh). The application of products based on Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) also records good results. Another method effective and that does not involve any costs and devoid of any environmental impact in pastures is the adoption of cultural methods, making it possible to eliminate or prevent the onset and installation of the armyworm, such as a proper management. This helps preventing the formation of large populations of P. unipuncta and enabling an early definition of the frequency of grazing, cutting height and adequate grazing. This study sought to quantify in the field, the density of larval Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haw.) analyzing the catches of adults in traps placed in pastures and then relate these data with climatic factors, temperature, relative humidity and rainfall and with the type of existing vegetation to conclude that altitude pasture types and time of year is that this pest is found in higher population density given the type of existing coverage. This study was accomplished in 2011 between the months of May and November, and were chosen ten pastures at different altitudes around the entire island. In each plot was placed a trap for capturing Pseudaletia unipuncta Haw. adults and were made weekly larval exploration. Afterwards was the survey made of the composition of plant species present in each pasture. We concluded that the results obtained in the parcel Pico Catarina Vieira show us that there was a dominance of plant species, Holcus lanatus L., coinciding with the location where were captured a greater amount of larvae, showing a very high correlation between the density of the caterpillar with the dominant vegetation. The climate also has a great influence on larval density, the caterpillar develops better in locations were the weather is more pleasant, with good values of relative humidity and precipitation. Finally, the time of year that showed higher catches Pseudaletia unipuncta Haw. was in August


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    [Extract] In late 2009 people driving down one of Sydney's busiest roads, stopping when the lights turned red, could look up in the sky to see the Dalai Lama looking down at them from an oversized billboard on top of a building. Next to him stood the question: 'Our Future: Who is Responsible?' This was an advertising campaign carried by the Dalai Lama in Australia organization that was managing his teaching events and his participation in the annual 'Mind and Its Potential' conference in Australia. The campaign erected nine large billboards in key city sites for five weeks that stayed lit up all night. The same image also circulated on about 30 buses for the same period; smaller posters were put up in many cafes and on light poles and bus stops. This was the Dalai Lama's seventh visit to Australia; the first one had been in 1982. In an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, Lynn Bain (general manager of the Dalai Lama in Australia organization) observed: 'You don't have to be Buddhist to connect to His Holiness is what we're trying to say' (Harvey 2009)

    A brand Identity for the Parish of Nossa Senhora de Fátima (in Lisbon)

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis field lab was inspired by the project Our km2 of the Gulbenkian Foundation, which goal is to have a positive impact in its locality, the parish of Nossa Senhora de Fátima (NSF). The aim of this work is to create a brand identity for the parish in order to be developed into activities that engage its residents with the place and with each other. The challenge is that this parish can be divided in two ditinct areas – Avenidas Novas and the Bairro de Santos ao Rêgo. Furthermore, this parish will join São Sebastião da Pedreira and become a new parish named Avenidas Novas. I addressed this case by applying brand management concepts and methods to a place branding context. More specifically, I performed a brand identity model – Kapferer’s identity prism. Supported by an analysis of the place’s history and its evolution, and information gathered in interviews to several entities acting in the parish and to its residents, I conclude that the essence of the parish is versatility and culture