988 research outputs found

    Evaporation of large black holes in AdS: greybody factor and decay rate

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    We consider a massless, minimally coupled scalar field propagating through the geometry of a black 3-brane in an asymptotically AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 space. The wave equation for modes traveling purely in the holographic direction reduces to a Heun equation and the corresponding greybody factor is obtained numerically. Approximations valid in the low- and high-frequency regimes are also obtained analytically. The greybody factor is then used to determine the rate of evaporation of these large black holes in the context of the evaporon model proposed in \cite{Rocha:2008fe}. This setting represents the evolution of a black hole under Hawking evaporation with a known CFT dual description and is therefore unitary. Information must then be preserved under this evaporation process.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures; v2: added references, published versio

    Test of Emotion Comprehension: Exploring the underlying structure through Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Similarity Structure Analysis

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    Some decades of research on emotional development have underlined the contribution of several domains to emotional understanding in childhood. Based on this research, Pons and colleagues (Pons & Harris, 2002; Pons, Harris & Rosnay, 2004) have proposed the Test of Emotion Comprehension (TEC) which assesses nine domains of emotional understanding, namely the recognition of emotions, based on facial expressions; the comprehension of external emotional causes; impact of desire on emotions; emotions based on beliefs; memory influence on emotions; possibility of emotional regulation; possibility of hiding an emotional state; having mixed emotions; contribution of morality to emotional experiences. This instrument was administered individually to 182 Portuguese children aged between 8 and 11 years, of 3rd and 4th grades, in public schools. Additionally, we used the Socially in Action-Peers (SAp) (Rocha, Candeias & Lopes da Silva, 2012) to assess TEC’s criterion-related validity. Mean differences results in TEC by gender and by socio-economic status (SES) were analyzed. The results of the TEC’s psychometric analysis were performed in terms of items’ sensitivity and reliability (stability, test-retest). Finally, in order to explore the theoretical structure underlying TEC a Confirmatory Factor Analysis and a Similarity Structure Analysis were computed. Implications of these findings for emotional understanding assessment and intervention in childhood are discussed

    On the Fermionic Quasi-particle Interpretation in Minimal Models of Conformal Field Theory

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    The conjecture that the states of the fermionic quasi-particles in minimal conformal field theories are eigenstates of the integrals of motion to certain eigenvalues is checked and shown to be correct only for the Ising model.Comment: 5 pages of Late

    Estimating Self-Sustainability in Peer-to-Peer Swarming Systems

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    Peer-to-peer swarming is one of the \emph{de facto} solutions for distributed content dissemination in today's Internet. By leveraging resources provided by clients, swarming systems reduce the load on and costs to publishers. However, there is a limit to how much cost savings can be gained from swarming; for example, for unpopular content peers will always depend on the publisher in order to complete their downloads. In this paper, we investigate this dependence. For this purpose, we propose a new metric, namely \emph{swarm self-sustainability}. A swarm is referred to as self-sustaining if all its blocks are collectively held by peers; the self-sustainability of a swarm is the fraction of time in which the swarm is self-sustaining. We pose the following question: how does the self-sustainability of a swarm vary as a function of content popularity, the service capacity of the users, and the size of the file? We present a model to answer the posed question. We then propose efficient solution methods to compute self-sustainability. The accuracy of our estimates is validated against simulation. Finally, we also provide closed-form expressions for the fraction of time that a given number of blocks is collectively held by peers.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Genetic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii isolates from pigs intended for human consumption in Brazil

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    AbstractThis study genetically Toxoplasma gondii isolates obtained from pigs intended for human consumption in northeastern Brazil; multilocus PCR-RFLP and sequencing techniques were utilized. Bioassays were conducted using the brain and tongue of 20 pig heads purchased at butcher shops in the city of Ilheus, Bahia, Brazil. Overall, 11 T. gondii isolates designated TgPgBr06-16 were identified. Application of multilocus PCR-RFLP with seven molecular markers (SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, C22-8, PK1 and Apico) identified six different genotypes. Isolates TgPgBr 06, 08, 11, 12, 14 and 15 were indistinguishable by this technique, forming a single genotype; the remaining isolates were characterized as distinct genotypes. However, when five genetic markers (SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB and c22-8) were employed in multilocus PCR-sequencing, all eleven strains of T. gondii were shown to be different. All isolates differed from Type I, II and III clonal genotypes using both genotyping techniques. These results demonstrate that the multilocus PCR-RFLP assay underestimated the true diversity of the T. gondii population in this study. Thus, DNA sequencing is the preferred technique to infer the genetic diversity and population structure of T. gondii strains from Brazil. Moreover, it is necessary to develop new molecular markers to group and characterize atypical T. gondii isolates from South America

    Reduction of blood nitric oxide levels is associated with clinical improvement of the chronic pelvic pain related to endometriosis

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    The objective of this prospective study was to determine the plasma levels of nitric oxide (NO) in women with chronic pelvic pain secondary to endometriosis (n=24) and abdominal myofascial pain syndrome (n=16). NO levels were measured in plasma collected before and 1 month after treatment. Pretreatment NO levels (μM) were lower in healthy volunteers (47.0±12.7) than in women with myofascial pain (64.2±5.0, P=0.01) or endometriosis (99.5±12.9, P<0.0001). After treatment, plasma NO levels were reduced only in the endometriosis group (99.5±12.9 vs 61.6±5.9, P=0.002). A correlation between reduction of pain intensity and reduction of NO level was observed in the endometriosis group [correlation = 0.67 (95%CI = 0.35 to 0.85), P<0.0001]. Reduction of NO levels was associated with an increase of pain threshold in this group [correlation = -0.53 (-0.78 to -0.14), P<0.0001]. NO levels appeared elevated in women with chronic pelvic pain diagnosed as secondary to endometriosis, and were directly associated with reduction in pain intensity and increase in pain threshold after treatment. Further studies are needed to investigate the role of NO in the pathophysiology of pain in women with endometriosis and its eventual association with central sensitization.484363369CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQSem informaçã

    High-voltage pulse generator based on sequentially charged MMC-SMs operating in a voltage-boost mode

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    Pulse forming networks and Marx generators are the classical rectangular waveform pulse generators (PGs). They are inflexible and their capacitors must be fully charged to the required voltage from 0V before delivering each high-voltage (HV) pulse. They are only able to generate unipolar pulses; if bipolar pulses are sought another generator fed from a negative supply voltage is added. Recently, several power electronics based PGs have been proposed. This paper presents an HV power electronics based PG, which is based on Half-Bridge Modular Multilevel Converter (HB-MMC) sub-modules (SMs) charged sequentially in a voltage boost mode. Each SM capacitor and main switch form a boost converter with the charging input supply and inductor. As a result, all SM capacitors are charged to a voltage greater than the input. During the discharging process the SM capacitors are connected in series, producing a rectangular HV pulse across the load. The proposed charging method allows a reduction in the converter footprint in comparison with recently proposed MMC sequentially charged PG topologies. Although only rectangular pulse waveforms are sought in this paper, a SM capacitor voltage balance method allows multilevel pulse generation. The viability of the proposed converter is confirmed by MATLAB/Simulink simulation and scaled-down experimentation

    Modular Invariance and Uniqueness of Conformal Characters

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    We show that the conformal characters of various rational models of W-algebras can be already uniquely determined if one merely knows the central charge and the conformal dimensions. As a side result we develop several tools for studying representations of SL(2,Z) on spaces of modular functions. These methods, applied here only to certain rational conformal field theories, may be useful for the analysis of many others.Comment: 21 pages (AMS TeX), BONN-TH-94-16, MPI-94-6

    Inflationary models inducing non-Gaussian metric fluctuations

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    We construct explicit models of multi-field inflation in which the primordial metric fluctuations do not necessarily obey Gaussian statistics. These models are realizations of mechanisms in which non-Gaussianity is first generated by a light scalar field and then transferred into curvature fluctuations. The probability distribution functions of the metric perturbation at the end of inflation are computed. This provides a guideline for designing strategies to search for non-Gaussian signals in future CMB and large scale structure surveys.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Comparative Study Of The Hyperbaric Hyperoxygenation In Ischemic Colonic Loops In Rats

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    Purpose: To analyze and to evaluate the effect of the hyperbaric hyperoxygenation in the mechanical resistance of ischemic colon of rats. Methods: Eighty rats, distributed in four groups of 20 animals in each one, were used. In group 1 (G1), the control group, ischemia was not caused. Group 2 was submitted to the lesser degree of ischemia. Group 3 was submitted to the intermediate degree of ischemia. In group 4, a bigger degree of intestinal ischemia was provoked. Each group was divided in two sub-groups of ten animals each: with hyperbaric chamber (CC) and without hyperbaric chamber (SC). The animals of the four CC subgroups were placed in an experimental hyperbaric chamber in order to inhale oxygen at 100%, at two Absolute Atmospheres, for 120 minutes, for a four-day consecutive period. The animals of the four SC subgroups were kept in environment air during the five days of the experiment. All animals have been submitted to the mechanical study of the intestinal loop by the pressure test of the rupture by liquid distension. The euthanasia occurred in the fifth post-operative day. Results: Considering the ischemia factor, the four groups were different among them (p=0.0001). There was no statistical difference between subgroups CC and SC (p=0.3461). Conclusion: The hyperbaric oxygen-therapy did not present improvement on the induced ischemia in rats upright colic loop.2228591Fagundes, J.J., Estudo comparativo da cicatrização de anastomoses cólicas realizadas com auxílio do bisturi laser de dióxido de carbono: Trabalho experimental em cães [Tese - Doutorado] (1990) Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da, , UNICAMP;Cohen, S.R., Cornell, C.N., Collins, M.H., Sell, J.E., Blanc, W.A., Altman, R.P., Healing of ischemic colonic anastomoses in the rat: Role of antibiotic preparation (1985) Surgery, 97 (4), pp. 443-446Martins Júnior, A., Guimarães, A.S., Ferreira, A.L., Efeito dos corticosteróides na cicatrização de anastomoses intestinais (1992) Acta Cir Bras, 7, pp. 28-30Furst, M.B., Stromberg, B.V., Blatchford, G.J., Christensen, M.A., Thorson, A.G., Colonic anastomoses: Bursting strength after corticosteroid treatment (1994) Dis Colon Rectum, 37, pp. 12-15Minossi, J.G., Ação do diclofenaco de sódio na cicatrização de anastomoses realizadas no íleo terminal e no cólon distal de ratos (1995) Estudo da força de ruptura, hidroxiprolina tecidual e exame histológico [Tese - Doutorado], , Universidade Estadual Paulista;Garcia, G.G., Criado, F.J.G., Persona, M.A.B., Alonso, A.G., Healing of colonic ischemic anastomoses in the rat: Role of superoxide radicals (1998) Dis Colon Rectum, 41, pp. 892-895Yazdi, P.G., Miedema, B.W., Humphrey, L., Immediate postoperative 5-FU does not decrease colonic anastomotic strength (1998) J Surg Oncol, 69, pp. 125-127Mantovani, M., Leonardi, L.S., Alcântara, F.G., Evolução da cicatrização em anastomoses do intestino grosso de cães em condições de normalidade e sob ação de drogas imunossupressoras: Estudo comparativo em cães (1979) Rev Paul Med, 94, pp. 118-126Yarimkaya, A., Apaydin, B., Unal, E., Karabicak, I., Aydogan, F., Uslu, E., Erginoz, E., Eyuboglu, E., Effects of recombinant human growth hormone and nadrolone phenylpropionate on the healing of ischemic colon anastomosis in rats (2003) Dis Colon Rectum, 46, pp. 1690-1697Greca, F.H., Biondo-Simoes, M.L.P., Paula, J.B., Noronha, L., Cunha, L.S.F., Baggio, P.V., Bittencourt, F.O., Correlação entre o fluxo sangüíneo intestinal e a cicatrização de anastomoses colônicas: Estudo experimental em cães (2000) Acta Cir Bras, 15, pp. 88-94Brito, M.V.H., Koh, I.H.J., Lamarão, L.G., Damous, S.H.B., Efeito do choque hipovolêmico na anastomose do intestino delgado de ratos (2001) Arq Gastroenterol, 38, pp. 116-124Naresse, L.E., Efeito da peritonite fecal na cicatrização do cólon distal no rato (1990) Avaliação anatomo-patológica, estudo da força de ruptura e da hidroxiprolina tecidual [Tese - Doutorado], , Universidade Estadual Paulista;Biondo-Simões, M.L.P., Greca, F.H., Bryk Junior, A., Komatsu, M.C.G., Bittencourt, F.O., Greca, L.M., Influência da peritonite sobre a síntese de colágeno em anastomoses do cólon distal: Estudo experimental em ratos (2000) Acta Cir Bras, 15, pp. 69-73Fraga, G.P., (2001) Análise de fatores de risco no tratamento de lesões de ceco com sutura primária em ratos, , Dissertaç ão, Mestrado, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da UNICAMP;Decherney, A.H., Dizerega, G.S., Clinical problem of intraperitoneal postsurgical adhesion formation following general surgery and the use adhesion prevention barriers (1997) Surg Clin N Am, 77, pp. 671-689Wu, F.C., Ayrizono, M.L.S., Fagundes, J.J., Coy, C.S.R., Góes, J.R.N., Leonardi, L.S., Estudos biomecânicos da ação de aderências sobre anastomose cólica. 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