8,213 research outputs found

    Variability of the transport of anthropogenic CO2 at the Greenland-Portugal OVIDE section:Controlling mechanisms

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    The interannual to decadal variability in the transport of anthropogenic CO2 (Cant) across the subpolar North Atlantic (SPNA) is investigated, using summer data of the FOUREX and OVIDE high-resolution transoceanic sections, from Greenland to Portugal, occupied six times from 1997 to 2010. The transport of Cant across this section, Tcant hereafter, is northward, with a mean value of 254 ± 29 kmol s-1 over the 1997-2010 period. We find that Tcant undergoes interannual variability, masking any trend different from 0 for this period. In order to understand the mechanisms controlling the variability of Tcant across the SPNA, we propose a new method that quantifies the transport of Cant caused by the diapycnal and isopycnal circulation. The diapycnal component yields a large northward transport of Cant (400 ± 29 kmol s-1) that is partially compensated by a southward transport of Cant caused by the isopycnal component (-171 ± 11 kmol s-1), mainly localized in the Irminger Sea. Most importantly, the diapycnal component is found to be the main driver of the variability of Tcant across the SPNA. Both the Meridional Overturning Circulation (computed in density coordinates, MOCσ) and the Cant increase in the water column have an important effect on the variability of the diapycnal component and of Tcant itself. Based on this analysis, we propose a simplified estimator for the variability of T cant based on the intensity of the MOCσ and on the difference of Cant between the upper and lower limb of the MOCσ (ΔCant). This estimator shows a good consistency with the diapycnal component of T cant, and help to disentangle the effect of the variability of both the circulation and the Cant increase on the Tcant variability. We find that ΔCant keeps increasing over the past decade, and it is very likely that the continuous Cant increase in the water masses will cause an increase in Tcant across the SPNA at long timescale. Nevertheless, at the timescale analyzed here (1997-2010), the MOCσ controls the T cant variability, blurring any Tcant trend. Extrapolating the observed ΔCant increase rate and considering the predicted slow-down of 25% of the MOCσ, Tcant across the SPNA is expected to increase by 430 kmol s-1 during the 21st century. Consequently, an increase in the storage rate of Cant in the SPNA could be envisaged

    Efeito dos parâmetros de extrusão termoplástica sobre as propriedades tecnológicas de farinhas pré-cozidas elaboradas com arroz e feijão.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter uma farinha pré-gelatinizada elaborada a partir de farinha mista de arroz e feijão, e avaliar a influência das formulações e condições do processamento sobre as propriedades tecnológicas e o teor proteico do produto final. Para a elaboração da farinha pré-gelatinizada mista, utilizou-se o planejamento experimental completo 23 com pontos centrais e axiais, testando-se os parâmetros porcentagem de farinha de feijão, umidade e temperatura de processamento, tendo como respostas teor de proteína (Y1), índice de absorção de água (Y2) e índice de solubilidade em água (Y3). As formulações testadas foram processadas em extrusora monorrosca. A temperatura na zona 3 do extrusor variou entre 46 e 114 °C, conforme o planejamento experimental. Os ensaios processados foram submetidos à secagem em estufa com circulação de ar a 50 °C por cerca de 15 horas, apresentando umidade final entre 4 e 6%, sendo, a seguir, triturados em moinho de facas e armazenados em sacos de polietileno até o momento das análises. Para a variável teor de proteína, somente a porcentagem de farinha de feijão foi significativa e com efeito positivo, ou seja, aumentando-se a quantidade desta farinha, o produto final terá um maior teor proteico, independentemente da temperatura ou da umidade utilizada no processamento. Para a variável índice de absorção de água, a farinha de feijão, o teor de umidade, a temperatura e a interação umidade e temperatura foram significativos. Observou-se maior índice de absorção de água em temperaturas intermediárias (60 a 80 °C) e altas umidades (17 a 20%). Para a resposta índice de solubilidade em água, as variáveis umidade, temperatura e a interação umidade e temperatura também foram significativas, observando-se maiores índices de solubilidade em água em temperaturas mais elevadas (100 °C) e umidades mais baixas (14%). De acordo com o planejamento experimental, a farinha pré-gelatinizada mista de arroz e feijão apresenta as melhores características tecnológicas quando processada sob temperatura de 70 °C, 21% de umidade e com adição de 30% de farinha de feijão à mistura

    Exploring American Oil Palm (Elaeis oleifera) genetic resources in Brazil through a combination of genetic and genomic approaches.

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    We started a project to explore American Oil Palm genetic resources through a combination of genetic and genomic approaches.Pôster W551

    Bethe approximation for self-interacting lattice trees

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    In this paper we develop a Bethe approximation, based on the cluster variation method, which is apt to study lattice models of branched polymers. We show that the method is extremely accurate in cases where exact results are known as, for instance, in the enumeration of spanning trees. Moreover, the expressions we obtain for the asymptotic number of spanning trees and lattice trees on a graph coincide with analogous expressions derived through different approaches. We study the phase diagram of lattice trees with nearest-neighbour attraction and branching energies. We find a collapse transition at a tricritical theta point, which separates an expanded phase from a compact phase. We compare our results for the theta transition in two and three dimensions with available numerical estimates.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Universal 1/f Noise from Dissipative SOC Models

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    We introduce a model able to reproduce the main features of 1/f noise: hyper-universality (the power-law exponents are independent on the dimension of the system; we show here results in d=1,2) and apparent lack of a low-frequency cutoff in the power spectrum. Essential ingredients of this model are an activation-deactivation process and dissipation.Comment: 3 Latex pages, 2 eps Figure

    Heisenberg Evolution WKB and Symplectic Area Phases

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    The Schrodinger and Heisenberg evolution operators are represented in quantum phase space by their Weyl symbols. Their semiclassical approximations are constructed in the short and long time regimes. For both evolution problems, the WKB representation is purely geometrical: the amplitudes are functions of a Poisson bracket and the phase is the symplectic area of a region in phase space bounded by trajectories and chords. A unified approach to the Schrodinger and Heisenberg semiclassical evolutions is developed by introducing an extended phase space. In this setting Maslov's pseudodifferential operator version of WKB analysis applies and represents these two problems via a common higher dimensional Schrodinger evolution, but with different extended Hamiltonians. The evolution of a Lagrangian manifold in the extended phase space, defined by initial data, controls the phase, amplitude and caustic behavior. The symplectic area phases arise as a solution of a boundary condition problem. Various applications and examples are considered.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Stargenfunctions, generally parametrized systems and a causal formulation of phase space quantum mechanics

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    We address the deformation quantization of generally parametrized systems displaying a natural time variable. The purpose of this exercise is twofold: first, to illustrate through a pedagogical example the potential of quantum phase space methods in the context of constrained systems and particularly of generally covariant systems. Second, to show that a causal representation for quantum phase space quasidistributions can be easily achieved through general parametrization. This result is succinctly discussed.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Solvent-induced micelle formation in a hydrophobic interaction model

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    We investigate the aggregation of amphiphilic molecules by adapting the two-state Muller-Lee-Graziano model for water, in which a solvent-induced hydrophobic interaction is included implicitly. We study the formation of various types of micelle as a function of the distribution of hydrophobic regions at the molecular surface. Successive substitution of non-polar surfaces by polar ones demonstrates the influence of hydrophobicity on the upper and lower critical solution temperatures. Aggregates of lipid molecules, described by a refinement of the model in which a hydrophobic tail of variable length interacts with different numbers of water molecules, are stabilized as the length of the tail increases. We demonstrate that the essential features of micelle formation are primarily solvent-induced, and are explained within a model which focuses only on the alteration of water structure in the vicinity of the hydrophobic surface regions of amphiphiles in solution.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures; some rearrangement of introduction and discussion sections, streamlining of formalism and general compression; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Transanal total mesorectal excision with triangle rules: a road map to prevent injuries

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    [Extract] Transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) is presented as a promising new surgical technique for the approach to the distal rectum, providing the ability to perform a highquality resection, with technical advantages over the laparoscopic approach. However, the new surgical anatomy of the TaTME resection complicates surgical understanding and increases the risks of inadvertent injuries to important anatomic structures...info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio