87 research outputs found


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    Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Ungaran(RSUD) merupakan salah satu rumah sakit milik pemerintah yang tujuan utamanya bukan untuk mencari keuntungan, tetapi lebih kepada jasa konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kinerja RSUD Ungaran apabila diukur menggunakan perspektif keuangan dan non keuangan.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil data sekunder untuk 2012-2013. data dianalisis menggunakan analisa kualitatif yang dinyatakan oleh bentuk kalimat dan analisis kuantitatif yang dinyatakan oleh bentuk angka sehingga dapat diperoleh kesimpulan yang berguna sebagai dasar untuk membuat keputusan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan perspektif keuangan dan non keuangan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa terdapat beberapa variasi pencapaian hasil. Perspektif keuangan dinilai dengan value for money dinyatakan kurang baik karena pada rasio efisiensi masih dinyatakan tidak efisien, sedangkan bila dinilai dengan indikator yang ditetapkan oleh kementrian kesehatan sudah dinyatakan sehat, sedangkan untuk ketiga perspektif lainnya dianggap sudah baik

    INTERAKSI PARASOSIAL PENGGEMAR K-POP DI MEDIA SOSIAL (Studi Kualitatif pada Fandom Army di Twitter)

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    In Indonesia, the Korean wave (Hallyu) has become the most popular phenomenon in the past few years. One of the products from Hallyu is Korean pop music or also known as K-pop. The development of K-pop in Indonesia grows rapidly through the internet and social media that easy to access. The convenience offered by social media makes fans feel close to their idols. This study tries to analyze the phenomenon of fan behavior on social media towards their idols, where their media behavior leads to parasocial interactions. Parasocial interactions can be defined as the extent to which fans interact psychologically with media characters. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to see how the process of parasocial interaction and media activities carried out by Army on Twitter social media through their psychological response occurs in this study. The result of this study then analyzed using PSI-Process Scale categorization. This study used a qualitative methodology and collect data through interviews and observations. The results showed that all informants actively interacted with BTS through social media Twitter, where the parasocial interaction involved the informants' psychological responses. All of the informants give cognitive responses, affective responses, and behavioral responses when carrying out their parasocial interactions.Keywords: Fandom, parasocial interaction, K-Pop, social media

    Keterbukaan Diri Remaja Dengan Orang Tua Tiri (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Keterbukaan Diri Remaja Perempuan dengan Ibu Tiri Berkaitan Hubungan Asmara)

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    The relationship between adolescent girl with her stepmother is a unique relationship, where both establish a relationship within the family without any blood relationship. Self disclosure performed by adolescent girl can help in building closer relationship with stepmother.The main theory used in this study is social penetration theory are divided into two categories, breadth and depth.This research aims to look at the interpersonal communication and self disclosure of adolescent girl to stepmother related romance relationship. This research used a type of qualitative research with descriptive approach. Sample taking by methode of purposive sampling and convenience sampling with three infomants with criteria of research. The data collection technique used in-depth interviews to the adolescent girl who has a stepmother. The result of the research related to interpersonal communication adolescent girl with stepmother has different interpersonal needs. It's just that there's little conflict where informants refuse when it gets control of the stepmother, but that can be overcome with good. Meanwhile, related to self disclosure, result found each informant has the depth level self disclosure that includes clise, facts, opinion, and feelings. Depth and obstructions in the self disclosure of adolescent girl with stepmother character influenced by informants as well as ever and never in a relationship romance

    Impression Management Pejabat Publik Dalam Media Sosial Analisis Isi Kualitatif Deskriptif Pengelolaan Kesan Walikota Bandung Ridwan Kamil Melalui Unggahan Foto dan Video dalam Akun Instagram @ridwankamil

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    Impression Management commonly used by the people today, especially through in social media like in Instagram. Instagram has an appeal for impression management because it includes hastag and like features. This impression management can use by anyone, including public official Ridwan Kamil as the mayor of Bandung city. Because he is the most active public official who using social media. This study was conducted to analyze impression management through social media Instagram @ridwankamil. Qualitative descriptive analysis content method used to analyzing 77 post on Ridwan Kamil’s Instagram account. It was uploaded in 100 days in his early reigh as a mayor, because at that time was the most perfect time to do impression management. The study found that Ridwan Kamil use all the tactics by Jones & Pittman (1982) of impression management, but not for the actions in that tactics. The most used tactics are Ingratiation and Self Promotion, because these tactics are the best combination to make him look attractive, kind, intelligent, and competent as a mayor of Bandung city

    The Formation Of Self Concept And Self Esteem Of Bully Victims In Koe No Katachi Film

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    The phenomenon of bullying often occurs in Indonesia. Joseph Sebastian Zebua is an elementary school student who had experienced bullying from his schoolmates. As a result of the bully, he became afraid to go to school. Self-concept and self esteem from bully victims are formed due to the influence of the bully. Bully victims will bring their fears to adulthood which can destroy their future. This bully phenomenon can be caused by many things, one of them is through film. Film becomes a spectacle of many people and can be a reflection of what is happening in society. In the movie Koe No Katachi there are many scenes that show scenes of bully. There are three characters in this film who are victims of bullying at their school. They are Nishimiya Shoko, Ishida Shoya, and Miyoko Sahara. Each of them has a different self concept and self esteem. They have different views of themselves. They feel scared, shy and hate themselves that encourage themselves to commit suicide. The opinions from their friends greatly influence the way they see themselves. As a result, they feel lower or more negative than others. This study aims to see how the formation of self concept and self esteem from bully victims in the film Koe No Katachi. To see that, researchers used Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis as a methodology, through two levels; denotation and connotation with a qualitative descriptive approach. Character’s verbal and non verbal act will be analyzed by semiotic theory which then will be studied using self concept and self esteem theory. There are three categorizations in seeing the victim's self-concept; through the views of others, self-interpretation, and environmental comparisons. The victims considered themselves negative from the three categorizations. Bad self concept will lead the characters to have a low self esteem. These behaviors of the three bully victims are illustrated in 11 scenes in the 130-minute film which are selected using purposive sampling

    Presentasi Diri dalam Kencan Online pada Situs dan Aplikasi Setipe dan Tinder

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    Online dating is one forms of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) where the participants aren’t required to do a Face-to-Face communication to communicate with each other. By this limitation, online dating users get the chance to present themselves with selective self-presentation such as only present the good sides of themselves and even present themselves innacuratedly in order to appear as ideal figure. This research wants to know how online dating users present themselves to their online partners and do they do the hyperpersonal communication, in the form of selective self-presentation . This research uses descriptive-qualitative methods with semistructure interview as data collecting method. The samples who were interviewed in this research are five people who join the online dating site and mobile application setipe.com and Tinder. All five samples were selected by snowball sampling method. By using qualitative content analysis as data analysing technique, this research found that online dating users do selective self-presentation where they will choose which things they want to present to their online partners, eventhough they are being honest and present themselves accuratedly. Online dating users do it to get a pleasant communication with their online partners also to anticipate the possibility of meeting their partners offline (in real life)

    Ketertarikan Pembentukan Hubungan Pertemanan Penderita Dengan Pendamping Kanker Payudara Di Komunitas Lovely Pink

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    The Interest of forming friendships between breast cancer sufferers is more complex than usual friendships. Throught this research researchers wanted to know on the factors of interest that need to be considered to establish the formation of friendships between breast cancer sufferers and companions in the Lovely Pink community. The theory used in this research is the theory of attraction (Attraction Theory). This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection used by researchers is in-depth interviews (depth interviews). The sampling technique in the study used purposive sampling. All of the total informants were three women with a background of breast cancer, were still active in mentoring and had close friendships with their companions. The analysis technique used is interactive data analysis with deductive type. The validity test of the data using research subject competitions and intersubjectivity agreement. Researchers divided the results of the study into 5 categories, namely similarity, closeness, reinforcement, physical and personality attractiveness, as well as socioeconomic status and education. In this study, only 4 factors were found in one informant who had an interest in forming friendships with companions. First, the similarity in suffering from breast cancer. Second, the closeness of frequent activities together. Third, reinforcement in the form of encouragement. Last, because the assistant has higher education in terms of cancer. While two of them only have 3 factors of interest; First, the similarity in suffering from breast cancer. Second, the closeness of the frequent activities together to emerge closeness emotionally. Finally, reinforcement in the form of encouragement

    Melawan Radikalisme melalui Website

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    Technology always has two faces. Radicalism found its heaven when the Internet can be used as a media for propaganda and for recruiting new members. On the contrary, the Internet could also be used to counter radicalism. Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT) in collaboration with Pusat Media Damai (PMD) has three websites such as jalandamai.org, damailahindonesiaku.com, dan damai.id to support that mission. Using qualitative content analysis, this research aims to describe the way of these websites are fighting online radicalism. This research found that there are two steps that these websites took to propagate anti radicalism, by sensitizing the spread of radicalism and what kind of actual action that can be done to against it

    Perlawanan Perempuan terhadap Kekerasan dalam Berpacaran di Video Musik K-Pop

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    Perempuan sering menjadi korban kekerasan dalam berpacaran dan cenderung menerima begitu saja kekerasan tersebut. Namun demikian, perempuan yang digambarkan menjadi korban berani bertindak melawan pelaku dalam beberapa video klip musik. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis isi kualitatif dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk kekerasan serta perlawanan perempuan terhadap kekerasan dalam berpacaran di video klip musik K-pop. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan terdapat dua bentuk kekerasan yang diterima perempuan, yaitu kekerasan fisik dan psikis. Selain itu, korban dapat mendobrak stereotip yang menyatakan bahwa perempuan itu lemah. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan sikap perempuan yang berani melawan dengan cara membalas dendam, melukai, hingga membunuh pelaku.

    Representasi Etnis Tionghoa dalam Film “Ku Kejar Cinta Ke Negeri Cina” dan “Ngenest”

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    The construction of representations of certain groups in the mass media reflects existing power relations. This is what happened to the description of Chinese in Indonesian films. Ethnic representation reflects the social, cultural, political, and economic values of the people who produce it. Government policies related to the existence of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia have been issued several times. Through Presidential Decree No. 12 in 2014 the government again made a regulation that tried to place Chinese people not to be seen and treated discriminatively. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of ethnic Chinese characters in films in Indonesia after the issuance of the regulation. By using semiotic analysis, researchers wanted to see the depiction in the film Ku Kejar Cinta ke Negeri Cina and Ngenest. The results show that the image of Chinese ethnicity is still maintained, which is related to physical problems, religion, and national identity, while the changing depiction relates to social class that are economy and education. The retention of these Chinese portrayals shows that government interference through regulation has not been able to change the general view of Chinese ethnicity
