2,066 research outputs found

    The impact of the prevailing organizational culture on the adoption of green marketing in chemical-industry companies in three Arab states in west Asia

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of the prevailing organizational culture on the adoption of green marketing in chemical-industry companies in three countries: Syria, Kuwait and Jordan. The research used a survey methodology. A questionnaire was designed and administered simultaneously in the three countries using three different samples consisting of 220 respondents, 12 respondents, and 132 respondents, respectively. The questionnaires collected from the three samples were coded and analyzed. The study concluded that the organizational culture in the samples from the three countries has positive attitudes towards the adoption of green marketing. The Kuwaiti sample has the highest level of positive attitudes in comparison with the other two samples. The task-oriented culture is the dominant prevailing organizational culture in the chemical-industry companies located in Syria and Jordan, but a fulfillment-oriented culture is the dominant prevailing organizational culture in chemical-industry companies located in Kuwait. Our analysis shows that the impact of the prevailing organizational culture differs in accordance with differences in employee education level, country, and years of experience.Organizational culture; Chemical industrial companies; Green marketing; Culture

    A Hydrodynamic Study of Benzyl Alcohol Oxidation in a Micro-Packed Bed Reactor

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    This paper was presented at the 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2014), which was held at University College, London, UK. The conference was organised by Brunel University and supported by the Italian Union of Thermofluiddynamics, IPEM, the Process Intensification Network, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Heat Transfer Society, HEXAG - the Heat Exchange Action Group, and the Energy Institute, ASME Press, LCN London Centre for Nanotechnology, UCL University College London, UCL Engineering, the International NanoScience Community, www.nanopaprika.eu.The various flow regimes prevalent during gold-palladium catalyzed benzyl alcohol oxidation in a micro-packed bed reactor and their influence on reaction performance are identified. The reaction is studied in a 300μm deep x 600μm wide silicon-glass micro-structured reactor packed with 65μm catalyst particles at a temperature of 120°C, pressure of 1 bar (g), using pure oxygen and neat benzyl alcohol as the feed. Significant improvement in the conversion and selectivity to the main product, benzaldehyde, is observed with increasing gas flowrate and decreasing liquid flowrate, which coincides with a change in the flow pattern from “liquid-dominated slug” (segregated regions of liquid and gas slugs) to “gas-continuous trickle” (thin film coated catalyst particles with gas flowing through the voids). The latter flow regime results in enhanced external mass transfer due to an increase in the available interfacial area and shorter diffusional distances. Results show selectivity up to 81% at a catalyst space time of 76 gcatgalc(-1).s, outperforming a conventional batch laboratory reactor

    Model Support Vector Machine Berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization Untuk Prediksi Penyakit Liver

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    Hati adalah organ yang paling besar dan penting bagi tubuh kita. Kita tidak bisa hidup tanpa hati. Penyakit hati merupakan peradangan yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus, bakteri atau bahan-bahan beracun sehingga hati tidak dapat melakukan fungsinya dengan baik serta tidak mudah ditemukan dalam tahap awal dalam mendiagnosis penyakit hati. Penanganan pasien dengan penyakit hati pada tahap awal akan memperpanjang hidup pasien. Banyak penelitian menggunakan model Support Vector Machine untuk memprediksi penyakit hati tetapi nilai akurasi yang dihasilkan kurang akurat. Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan ini model algoritma support vector machine dan model algoritma support vector machine berbasiskan particle swarm optimization untuk mendapatkan aturan untuk memprediksi penyakit liver dan memberikan nilai yang lebih akurat dari akurasi. Setelah pengujian dengan dua model support vector machine dan support vector machine berbasiskan particle swarm optimization, mendapatkan hasil dari model algoritma support vector machine nilai akurasinya 71,36% dan nilai akurasi dari AUC sebesar 0.500, sedangkan pengujian menggunakan algoritma suppport vector machine berbasiskan particle swarm optimization mendapatkan hasil nilai akurasinya sebesar 77,36% dan nilai AUC 0.661 untuk tingkat diagnosa klasifikasi yang baik. Kedua metode ini memiliki berbagai tingkat akurasi sebanyak 6,00% dan selisih nilai AUC 0.16

    Defect Signal Analysis For Nondestructive Testing Assesment

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    For fast assessment of defects in conductive materials, Eddy current testing is a most widely non-destructive testing (NDT) evaluation methods utilized in industry, especially in oil and gas, aircraft, nuclear and coating industries. Experimental studies of eddy current testing have emerged as an important approach alongside numerical modelling. This paper focus on investigating the defect signal characteristics of carbon steel pipe weld coating inspection using different frequency eddy current testing. The optimum frequency of carbon steel pipe weld coating is verified. Tests have been conducted utilizing positive and negative scanning method with frequency between 10 kHz to 100 kHz. Artificial defect use of this test is the horizontal affected zone (HAZ), centre line and transverse crack. Experimental results showed the frequency can be impression to the amplitude and phase angle eddy current testing signal. The optimum frequency for carbon steel weld plate is 100 kHz

    Analisis Produktivitas, Pendapatan dan Kesejahteraan Petani Karet Eks Upp Tcsdp di Desa Semelinang Darat Kecamatan Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    This study aims to analyze the productivity, the revenue, the households income structure, the pattern of households expenditure, and the welfare of households of the smallholder rubber plantation of ex-TCSDP development. Research was done by survey at Semelinang Darat Village. Data were collected from 30 small-holders rubber farmers using purposive sampling technique. Analysis of the results showed that the productivity of smallholder rubber plantation as 2.79 ton/ha/year, the revenues of smallholder rubber plantation as Rp 6.466.065/ha/year. The structure of household income derived from agriculture is 85,07 percent and 14,93 percent for non-agricultural income. The pattern of household expenditure shown that the food expenditure as 32,36 percent and non-food expenditures as 67,64 percent. Result also show that the household of the smallholder rubber plantation at Semelinang Darat Village have the total expenditure more than 240 kg of rice equivalent. The household of small-holders rubber plantation have the total expenditure above the poverty line (Rp 369.210 /capita/month). The household welfare using the 14 indicators of relative poverty by Indonesian Statistic show that 83,33 percent household have ability to fullfill the basic need or prosperous, while 16,67 percent is almost prosperous

    Long term effect of renal denervation on 24 hour abpm blood pressure variability and blood pressure load parameters

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term effect of renal sympathetic denervation (RSD) on 24h ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM) and blood pressure load (BP load) in patients with resistant hypertension. The study included 32 patients with treatment-resistant hypertension and performed successful RSD. The effect of renal denervation was significant both in terms of daytime, nighttime and 24-hour arterial pressure, with the most pronounced effect on nocturnal blood pressure. In addition to mean BP reduction we found out a significant improvement of weighted 24 h SD and BP load during follow-up. A long-term effect of the RSD, reported as a reduction in 24-hour systolic blood pressure above 10 mm Hg at month 12, was found in 22 patients (68.8%). In multivariate regression analysis, two parameters remained predictive for successful renal denervation – higher nighttime systolic blood pressure (OR 0.9, 95% CI 0.8-1.005, p = 0.05) and lower pulse pressure (OR 1.13, 95% CI 1.01-1.26, p = 0.03)


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    ABSTRAK Pendahuluan : Denyut nadi yang terlalu tinggi atau rendah bisa menunjukkan adanya masalah kesehatan Metode : Metode penelitian  yang digunakan dalam  penelitian ini adalah Pra-eksperimental menggunakan rancangan One-Group Pra-Post Test Design menggunakan uji analisis T-test. Populasi seluruh wanita yang berusia 20-50 tahun yang mengikuti latihan kebugaran jasmani sebanyak 35 orang.sampel yang digunakan menggunakan total sampling.Hasil : Jadi harga t hitung =18.083 ≥ harga ttabel = 2.032 dan dengan tingkat signifikansi 0.000 ≤  0.05   Artinya ada pengaruh kebugaran jasmani dengan denyut nadi  di desa sentul kecamtan tembelang kabupaten jombang.Pembahasan : Perubahan terjadi karena adanya respon adaptasi kardiovaskuler terhadap latihan kebugaran jasmani yang diberikan secara teratur. Latihan secara teratur akan mencapai tingkat kebugaran jasmani yang baik dan denyut nadi dalam batas normal.Kata kunci : kebugaran jasmani,denyut nadi,frekuensi

    Pemetaan Zona Rip Current Sebagai Upaya Peringatan Dini Untuk Bahaya Pantai (Lokasi Kajian : Pantai Kuta Bali)

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    Wisata pantai merupakan wisata favorit yang mengandung resiko tinggi. Bahaya pantai salah satunya adalah kecelakaan yang terjadi di wilayah pantai dan beberapa kasus kecelakaan yang terjadi di pantai biasanya akibat pengawasan yang lemah, kurangnya pemahaman wisatawan akan bahaya pantai, fasilitas pengawasan yang kurang memadai, atau wisatawan yang tidak dapat berenang kemudian terseret arus sampai ke tengah laut. Menurut Daryono (2010), arus yang membawa korban tersebut adalah Rip Current. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui zona potensi rip current, Mengetahui persentase potensi terjadinya rip current di Pantai Kuta Bali. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pantai Kuta Bali dibagi kedalam 2 (dua) zona, yaitu zona aman dan zona bahaya. Pada zona aman terdapat 2 (dua) pola rip current, karena gelombang yang datang tidak membentuk sudut yang tegak lurus terhadap garis pantai, sedangkan pada zona berbahaya terdapat 7 (tujuh) pola rip current. Persentase terjadinya rip current di sepanjang Pantai Kuta Bali adalah sebesar 83%, nilai ini berdasarkan kejadian gelombang pecah tipe plunging. Slope pantai akan mempengaruhi terjadinya rip current. Pada penelitian ini pantai landai memiliki potensi rip current paling besar yaitu sebesar 91.5% yang memiliki slope sebesar 7.5˚, berada pada koordinat 08˚43'23” LS dan 115˚10'9” BT. Sedangkan, pantai datar memiliki potensi rip current yang kecil yaitu sebesar 51.5% dan memiliki slope antara 0.5˚ sampai 1.8˚