20 research outputs found

    Keberhasilan Penggunaan Tiga Pengencer dalam Dua Jenis Kemasan pada Proses Pembekuan Semen Sapi Frisien Holstein

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    RINGKASAN Motilitas sperma (% SM) dan sperma hidup (% SH) setelah pascathawing digunakan sebagai kriteria penilaian keberhasilan penggunaan tiga macam pengencer dalam dua kemasan yang berbeda. Lima belas ejakulat dari tiga ekor sapi FH diencerkan dengan tiga macam pengencer, yaitu tris kuning telur (TKT), home made triladyl (HMT) dan androMed, yang mengandung lesitin kacang kedelai (KK), masing-masing dikemas dalam minitub 0.3 ml and straw Cassou 0.25 ml. Sampel diekuilibrasi selama empat jam pada temperatur 5oC kemudian dibekukan dalam uap nitrogen cair selama 10 menit. Hasil pascathawing menunjukkan % SM dan % SH pada pengencer KK (56,28; 74,22) lebih tinggi (P<0.05) jika dibandingkan dengan HMT (47,60; 65,93) dan TKT (48,74; 69,63). Tidak ada perbedaan kualitas pada teknik pengemasan dengan SM dan SH masing-masing 52,16; 69,4% (minitub) dan 49,59; 70,44% (Cassou). Persentase SH pada KK minitub (72,76?10,83) dan KK Cassou (75,67?8,1) menunjukkan hasil yang sama lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan kombinasi lainnya. Persentase SM pada KK minitub (57,9?7,81) lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan KK Cassou atau kombinasi lainnya

    Occurrence of Sperm Abnormality of Beef Cattle at Several Artificial Insemination Centers in Indonesia

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    In the most species studied sperm abnormalities have long been associated with male infertility and sterility. This study evaluated the sperm morphology (normality and abnormality) of beef cattle at several Artificial Insemination centers in Indonesia. Total of 142 bulls were used in this study; an ejaculate from each bull was examined. A drop of semen was placed on 3-4 glass slides, and smears were prepared and air-dried. The smears were stained with carbolfluchsin-eosin (Williams stain). Types of morphological abnormalities were recorded from 500 cells on each sample. It was recorded that 77.46% samples had low primary sperm abnormalities (10%) was found in 5.63% samples.  Pear shaped was the most frequently type of abnormality found on examined samples (2.24 ± 2.94%); while double head was the lowest (0.01 ± 0.04%). (Animal Production 12(1): 44-49 (2010) Key words : sperm abnormality, beef catlle, artificial insemination cente

    Occurrence of Sperm Abnormality of Beef Cattle at Several Artificial Insemination Centers in Indonesia

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    In the most species studied sperm abnormalities have long been associated with male infertility and sterility. This study evaluated the sperm morphology (normality and abnormality) of beef cattle at several Artificial Insemination centers in Indonesia. Total of 142 bulls were used in this study; an ejaculate from each bull was examined. A drop of semen was placed on 3-4 glass slides, and smears were prepared and air-dried. The smears were stained with carbolfluchsin-eosin (Williams stain). Types of morphological abnormalities were recorded from 500 cells on each sample. It was recorded that 77.46% samples had low primary sperm abnormalities (10%) was found in 5.63% samples. Pear shaped was the most frequently type of abnormality found on examined samples (2.24 ± 2.94%); while double head was the lowest (0.01 ± 0.04%). (Animal Production 12(1): 44-49 (2010

    Kaji Banding Morfometri Spermatozoa Sapi Bali (Bos sondaicus) Menggunaican Pewarnaan Williams, Eosin, Eosin Nigrosin dan Formol-Saline= Comparative Study of Bali Bull Cattle (Bos sondaicus) Sperm Morphometry...

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji morfometri spermatozoa sapi bali dengan pewarnaan Williams (W), eosin (E), eosin nigrosin (EN) dan fiksasiformol-saline (FS) sebagai data dasar yang sampai scat ini belum dilaporkan. Semen dikoleksi dengan teknik vagina buatan dari sepuluh ekor sapi di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Baturiti, Bali. Semen yang diperoleh dievaluasi secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Morfometri spermatozoa dilakukan dengan menggunakan mikrometer dengan bagian yang diukur adalah panjang dan lebar kepalapanjang ekor bagian tengah dan utamaserta panjang total sperma pada 50 sel untuk setiap sampel sebanyak 3 ulangan. Morfometri spermatozoa pada bagian panjang kepala dengan pewarnaan W (10,0510,05 pm) dan FS (10,0810,04 Rm) nyata lebih panjang (P Key Word:Morphometry,Spermatoza,Bali bull-cattl

    The Viability of Local Ram Semen in Tris Buffer with Three Different Egg Yolks

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    Egg yolk consisted of lecithin and phospholipids are one of the most commonly used components that will protect spermatozoa against cold shock during cooling and freezing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different hen egg yolk on Tris extender on the freezability of local ram semen. Semen from six sexually matured local rams was collected weekly using artificial vagina. Collected semen was evaluated macroscopically and microscopically and extended using tris extender consisted of 20% (v/v) regular egg yolk (TRCEY), native egg yolk (TNCEY), omega-3 hen egg yolk (TOEY) and 6% (v/v) glycerol. Those were packed in 0.25 ml straws, equilibrated at 5oC for 3 hours, frozen and stored in nitrogen tank for 24 hours, and thawed at 37oC for 30 second. The result of the experiment showed that there were no significant differences on the sperm motility and the number of living sperm. Percentage of plasma membrane intact in TOEY (60.3%) was significantly higher compared to TREY (56.9%) and TNEY (55.6%). In conclusion, the addition of omega 3 egg yolk in Tris extender protects plasma membrane better than the regular or native hen egg yolk. (Animal Production 13 (1):39-44 (2011

    Pengembangan Uji Berbasis Molekuler Protamine-1 (Prm1) Sebagai Penentu Tingkat Fertilitas untuk Proses Seleksi dan Kebijakan Pengafkiran Sapi Pejantan Unggul di Indonesia

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    Standar kualitas semen yang berperan penting dalam keberhasilan inseminasi buatan (IB) sebagai upaya peningkatan populasi dan mutu ternak sapi di Indonesia terbukti tidak seutuhnya mampu menentukan tingkat fertilitas sapi pejantan di Indonesia. Studi terbaru membuktikan bahwa meskipun sudah memenuhi standar kualitas semen yang sudah ditetapkan, namun tiga dari enam ekor sapi pejantan di Indonesia masih tergolong fertilitas rendah (<60%). Potamine-1 (PRM1) merupakan molekul pada inti spermatozoa yang telah terbukti memiliki hubungan erat dengan fungsi fertilitas dan kualitas spermatozoa pada berbagai sapi pejantan di Indonesia. Hal tersebut mendasari usulan pengembangan uji berbasis molekuler PRM1 sebagai penentu tingkat fertilitas yang diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk proses seleksi dan kebijakan pengafkiran sapi pejantan unggul di Indonesia. Melalui policy brief ini diharapkan usulan pengembangan uji tersebut dapat lebih tersampaikan dengan segala solusi yang diberikan, termasuk terkait pendekatan uji berbasis molekuler yang paling tepat digunakan, kajian-kajian lanjutan, dan berbagai harapan dukungan dari segala pihak demi terwujudnya pengembangan uji PRM1


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    Cryoprotective agents (CPAs) protect sperm during cryopreservation. The objective of this study was to assess different CPAs on stallion semen cryopreservation. Skim milk (SM) and Dimitropoulos (DV) were the extenders used in this study; each was added by glycerol (Gly), combination of ethylene glycol-glycerol (EG+Gly) or dimethilformamide (DMF). Each semen sample was evaluated and divided equally into six tubes; semen in the three tubes was diluted 1:1 with (SM), while in the remaining tubes the semen was diluted 1:1 by DV. After being diluted, all tubes were centrifuged at 1006xg for 10 minutes. The supernatan discarded, the pellet was rediluted by SM trehalosa or DV trehalose, and added by G, EG+Gly, or DMF to reach the final sperm concentration of 200x106/ml. The extended semen was individually packed in 0.3 ml minitube, equilibrated at 4oC for 2 hours, frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor for 10 minutes, and then was stored in liquid nitrogen container at -196 oC. After 24 hours, the semen was thawed at 37 oC for 30 second. There were no significantly different (p>0.05) on the percentages of motile and viable sperm in SMT (21.7% and 43.4%, respectively) compared with those extended with DV T extender (26.9% and 50.8%, respectively). DMF demonstrated better results as CPA compared to the others; and DVTDMF combination had the best protection during cryopreservation in this study. Keywords: cryopreservation, stallion sperm, sugar, cryoprotective agent


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    RINGKASAN Motilitas sperma (% SM) dan sperma hidup (% SH) setelah pascathawing digunakan sebagai kriteria penilaian keberhasilan penggunaan tiga macam pengencer dalam dua kemasan yang berbeda. Lima belas ejakulat dari tiga ekor sapi FH diencerkan dengan tiga macam pengencer, yaitu tris kuning telur (TKT), home made triladyl (HMT) dan androMed, yang mengandung lesitin kacang kedelai (KK), masing-masing dikemas dalam minitub 0.3 ml and straw Cassou 0.25 ml. Sampel diekuilibrasi selama empat jam pada temperatur 5oC kemudian dibekukan dalam uap nitrogen cair selama 10 menit. Hasil pascathawing menunjukkan % SM dan % SH pada pengencer KK (56,28; 74,22) lebih tinggi (P<0.05) jika dibandingkan dengan HMT (47,60; 65,93) dan TKT (48,74; 69,63). Tidak ada perbedaan kualitas pada teknik pengemasan dengan SM dan SH masing-masing 52,16; 69,4% (minitub) dan 49,59; 70,44% (Cassou). Persentase SH pada KK minitub (72,76?10,83) dan KK Cassou (75,67?8,1) menunjukkan hasil yang sama lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan kombinasi lainnya. Persentase SM pada KK minitub (57,9?7,81) lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan KK Cassou atau kombinasi lainnya

    Kaji Banding Morfometri Spermatozoa Sapi Bali (Bos sondaicus) Menggunaican Pewarnaan Williams, Eosin, Eosin Nigrosin dan Formol-Saline= Comparative Study of Bali Bull Cattle (Bos sondaicus) Sperm Morphometry...

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    ujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji morfometri spermatozoa sapi bali dengan pewarnaan Williams (W), eosin (E), eosin nigrosin (EN) dan fiksasiformol-saline (FS) sebagai data dasar yang sampai scat ini belum dilaporkan. Semen dikoleksi dengan teknik vagina buatan dari sepuluh ekor sapi di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Baturiti, Bali. Semen yang diperoleh dievaluasi secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Morfometri spermatozoa dilakukan dengan menggunakan mikrometer dengan bagian yang diukur adalah panjang dan lebar kepala; panjang ekor bagian tengah dan utama; serta panjang total sperma pada 50 sel untuk setiap sampel sebanyak 3 ulangan. Morfometri spermatozoa pada bagian panjang kepala dengan pewarnaan W (10,0510,05 pm) dan FS (10,0810,04 Rm) nyata lebih panjang (

    The Effect of Glycerolisation Time on the Sperm Motility of Local Ram Frozen Semen Diluted in Tris Egg Yolk Extender

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    The aims of this experiment was to obtain the effects of  different time of glycerolisation on  the quality of frozen ram semen diluted in Tris Egg Yolk (TEY).  Semen from seven sexually mature local rams were collected using artificial vagina weekly, evaluated macroscopically and microscopically.  Good quality semen then diluted with TEY and 6% glycerol added in three different periods.  The first  step was  diluted in room temperature ( treatment 1), the second glycerolisation was at the end of  equilibration (treatment 2) and the third period was several steps of  glycerolisation during  equilibration (treatment 3). Diluted semen was  packed in straws (Minitub, Germany), equilibrated at 5oC for three  hours,  freezed in liquid nitrogen vapor for 10 minutes and then stored in a container of -196 oC liquid nitrogen.  After 24 hours, the semen was thawed at 37oC for 30 second.  The results of showed that there was no significant differences among treatments (P>0.05).  The percentage of post thawing motility was 42.50% (treatment 1), compared to 38.75% (treatment 2), and 30.00% (treatment 3).  In conclusion, the glycerolization  on frozen ram semen can be done any time of the  equilibration without influencing   the sperm motility. (Animal Production 8(3): 168-173 (2006)   Key Words: Glycerolisation, equilibration, ram seme