209 research outputs found

    Master of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

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    XIX ENBE Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, 18-19 December 2023, Lisboninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Increased risk of venous thrombosis by AB alleles of the ABO blood group and Factor V Leiden in a Brazilian population

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    Most cases of a predisposition to venous thrombosis are caused by resistance to activated protein C, associated in 95% of cases with the Factor V Leiden allele (FVL or R506Q). Several recent studies report a further increased risk of thrombosis by an association between the AB alleles of the ABO blood group and Factor V Leiden. The present study investigated this association with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in individuals treated at the Hemocentro de Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil. A case-control comparison showed a significant risk of thrombosis in the presence of Factor V Leiden (OR = 10.1), which was approximately doubled when the AB alleles of the ABO blood group were present as well (OR = 22.3). These results confirm that the increased risk of deep vein thrombosis in the combined presence of AB alleles and Factor V Leiden is also applicable to the Brazilian population suggesting that ABO blood group typing should be routinely added to FVL in studies involving thrombosis

    Alternative splicing of barley clock genes in response to low temperature:evidence for alternative splicing conservation

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    Alternative splicing (AS) is a regulated mechanism that generates multiple transcripts from individual genes. It is widespread in eukaryotic genomes and provides an effective way to control gene expression. At low temperatures, AS regulates Arabidopsis clock genes through dynamic changes in the levels of productive mRNAs. We examined AS in barley clock genes to assess whether temperature-dependent AS responses also occur in a monocotyledonous crop species. We identify changes in AS of various barley core clock genes including the barley orthologues of Arabidopsis AtLHY and AtPRR7 which showed the most pronounced AS changes in response to low temperature. The AS events modulate the levels of functional and translatable mRNAs, and potentially protein levels, upon transition to cold. There is some conservation of AS events and/or splicing behaviour of clock genes between Arabidopsis and barley. In addition, novel temperature-dependent AS of the core clock gene HvPPD-H1 (a major determinant of photoperiod response and AtPRR7 orthologue) is conserved in monocots. HvPPD-H1 showed a rapid, temperature-sensitive isoform switch which resulted in changes in abundance of AS variants encoding different protein isoforms. This novel layer of low temperature control of clock gene expression, observed in two very different species, will help our understanding of plant adaptation to different environments and ultimately offer a new range of targets for plant improvement

    New structural insights into the role of TROVE2 complexes in the on-set and pathogenesis of systemic lupus eythematosus determined by a combiantion of QCM-D and DPI

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.com.[EN] The mechanism of self-recognition of the autoantigen TROVE2, a common biomarker in autoimmune diseases, has been studied with a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) and dual polarization interferometry (DPI). The complementarity and remarkable analytical features of both techniques has allowed new insights into the onset of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) to be achieved at the molecular level. The in vitro study for SLE patients and healthy subjects suggests that anti-TROVE2 autoantibodies may undergo an antibody bipolar bridging. An epitope-paratope-specific binding initially occurs to activate a hidden Fc receptor in the TROVE2 tertiary structure. This bipolar mechanism may contribute to the pathogenic accumulation of anti-TROVE2 autoantibody immune complex in autoimmune disease. Furthermore, the specific calcium-dependent protein-protein bridges point out at how the TRIM21/TROVE2 association might occur, suggesting that the TROVE2 protein could stimulate the intracellular immune signaling via the TRIM21 PRY-SPRY domain. These findings may help to better understand the origins of the specificity and affinity of TROVE2 interactions, which might play a key role in the SLE pathogenesis. This manuscript gives one of the first practical applications of two novel functions (-df/dD and Delta h/molec) for the analysis of the data provided by QCM-D and DPI. In addition, it is the first time that QCM-D has been used for mapping hidden Fc receptors as well as linear epitopes in a protein tertiary structure.We would like to thank Sylvia Daunert for her invaluable help with the discussion of the paper. Furthermore, we acknowledge financial support from the Generalitat Valenciana (GVA-PROMETEOII/2014/040) as well as the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund under award numbers CTQ2013-45875-R and CTQ2013-42914-RJuste-Dolz, AM.; Do Nascimento, NM.; MonzĂł, IS.; Grau-GarcĂ­a, E.; Roman-Ivorra, JA.; LĂłpez-Paz, JL.; Escorihuela Fuentes, J.... (2019). New structural insights into the role of TROVE2 complexes in the on-set and pathogenesis of systemic lupus eythematosus determined by a combiantion of QCM-D and DPI. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 411(19):4709-4720. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00216-018-1407-xS4709472041119Kakatia S, Teronpia R, Barmanb B. Frequency, pattern and determinants of flare in systemic lupus erythematosus: a study from North East India. Egypt Rheumatol. 2015;37:S55–9.Kuhn A, Wenzel J, Weyd H. Photosensitivity, apoptosis, and cytokines in the pathogenesis of lupus erythematosus: a critical review. 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An RNA degradation machine sculpted by Ro autoantigen and noncoding RNA. Cell. 2013;153:166–77.Stein AJ, Fuchs G, Fu C, Wolin SL, Reinisch KM. Structural insights into RNA quality control: the Ro autoantigen binds misfolded RNAs via its central cavity. Cell. 2005;121:529–39.Reed JH, Gordon TP. Autoimmunity: Ro60-associated RNA takes its toll on disease pathogenesis. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2016;12:136–8.Sim S, Weinberg DE, Fuchs G, Choi K, Chung J, Wolin SL. The subcellular distribution of an RNA quality control protein, the Ro autoantigen, is regulated by noncoding Y RNA binding. Mol Biol Cell. 2009;20:1555–64.Reed JH, Jackson MW, Gordon TP. A B cell apotope of Ro 60 in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58:1125–9.Wolin SL, Reinisch KM. The Ro 60 kDa autoantigen comes into focus: interpreting epitope mapping experiments on the basis of structure. Autoimmun Rev. 2006;5:367–72.Routsias JG, Tzioufas AG. B-cell epitopes of the intracellular autoantigens Ro/SSA and La/SSB: tools to study the regulation of the autoimmune response. J Autoimmun. 2010;35:256–64.Whittaker CA, Hynes RO. Distribution and evolution of von Willebrand/integrin a domains: widely dispersed domains with roles in cell adhesion and elsewere. Mol Bio Cell. 2002;13:3369–87.Lacy DB, Wigelsworth DJ, Scobie HM, Young JA, Collier RJ. Crystal structure of the von Willebrand factor a domain of human capillary morphogenesis protein 2: an anthrax toxin receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004;101:6367–72.O’Brien CA, Wolin SL. A possible role for the 60-kD Ro autoantigen in a discard pathway for defective 5S rRNA precursors. Genes Dev. 1994;8:2891–903.Chen X, Wolin SL. The Ro 60 autoantigen : insights into cellular function and role in autoimmunity. J Mol Med (Berl). 2004;82:232–9.Escorihuela J, GonzĂĄlez-MartĂ­nez MA, LĂłpez-Paz JL, Puchades R, Maquieira A, Gimenez-Romero D. Dual-polarization interferometry: a novel technique to light up the nanomolecular world. Chem Rev. 2014;115:265–94.do Nascimento NM, Juste-Dolz A, Bueno PR, MonzĂł I, Tejero R, Lopez-Paz JL, et al. Mapping molecular binding by means of conformational dynamics measurements. RSC Adv. 2018;8:867–76.do Nascimento NM, Juste-Dolz A, Grau-GarcĂ­a E, RomĂĄn-Ivorra J, Puchades R, Maquieira A, et al. Label-free piezoelectric biosensor for prognosis and diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2016;90:166–73.Seo MH, Park J, Kim E, Hohng S, Kim HS. Protein conformational dynamics dictate the binding affinity for a ligand. Nat Commun. 2014;5:3724.Lakshmanan RS, Efremov V, O’Donnell JS, Killard AJ. Measurement of the viscoelastic properties of blood plasma clot formation in response to tissue factor concentration-dependent activation. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2016;408:6581–8.Fakhrullin RF, Vinter VG, Zamaleeva AI, Matveeva MV, Kourbanov RA, Temesgen BK, et al. Quartz crystal microbalance immunosensor for the detection of antibodies to double-stranded DNA. Anal Bioanl Chem. 2007;388:367–75.Shen F, Rojas OJ, Genzer J, Gurgel PV, Carbonell RG. Affinity interactions of human immunoglobulin G with short peptides: role of ligand spacer on binding, kinetics, and mass transfer. Anal Bioanl Chem. 2015;408:1829–41.Fogarty AC, Laage D. Water dynamics in protein hydration shells: the molecular origins of the dynamical perturbation. J Phys Chem B. 2014;118:7715–29.Born B, Kim SJ, Ebbinghaus S, Gruebelebc M, Havenith M. The terahertz dance of water with the proteins: the effect of protein flexibility on the dynamical hydration shell of ubiquitin. Faraday Discuss. 2009;141:161–73.Yoshimi R, Ueda A, Ozato K, Ishigatsubo Y. Clinical and pathological roles of Ro/SSA autoantibody system. Clin Dev Immunol. 2012;2012:606195.Boire G, Gendron M, Monast N, Bastin B, MĂ©nard HA. Purification of antigenically intact Ro ribonucleoproteins; biochemical and immunological evidence that the 52-kD protein is not a Ro protein. Clin Exp Immunol. 1995;100:489–98.Gazzaruso C, Montecucco CM, Geroldi D, Garzaniti A, Finardi G. Severe hypercalcemia and systemic lupus erythematosus. Joint Bone Spine. 2000;67:485–8.Hassan AB, Lundberg IE, Isenberg D, Wahren-Herlenius M. Serial analysis of Ro/SSA and La/SSB antibody levels and correlation with clinical disease activity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Scand J Rheumatol. 2002;31:133–9.Huang RY, Chen G. Higher order structure characterization of protein therapeutics by hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2014;406:6541–58.Yu F, Roy S, Arevalo E, Schaeck J, Wang J, Holte K, et al. Characterization of heparin-protein interaction by saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2014;406:3079–89.Rizzuto R, Pozzan T. 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    The evolutionary history of the stearoyl-CoA desaturase gene family in vertebrates

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    <p/> <p>Background</p> <p>Stearoyl-CoA desaturases (SCDs) are key enzymes involved in <it>de novo </it>monounsaturated fatty acid synthesis. They catalyze the desaturation of saturated fatty acyl-CoA substrates at the delta-9 position, generating essential components of phospholipids, triglycerides, cholesterol esters and wax esters. Despite being crucial for interpreting SCDs roles across species, the evolutionary history of the SCD gene family in vertebrates has yet to be elucidated, in particular their isoform diversity, origin and function. This work aims to contribute to this fundamental effort.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show here, through comparative genomics and phylogenetics that the SCD gene family underwent an unexpectedly complex history of duplication and loss events. Paralogy analysis hints that SCD1 and SCD5 genes emerged as part of the whole genome duplications (2R) that occurred at the stem of the vertebrate lineage. The SCD1 gene family expanded in rodents with the parallel loss of SCD5 in the Muridae family. The SCD1 gene expansion is also observed in the Lagomorpha although without the SCD5 loss. In the amphibian <it>Xenopus tropicalis </it>we find a single SCD1 gene but not SCD5, though this could be due to genome incompleteness. In the analysed teleost species no SCD5 is found, while the surrounding SCD5-less locus is conserved in comparison to tetrapods. In addition, the teleost SCD1 gene repertoire expanded to two copies as a result of the teleost specific genome duplication (3R). Finally, we describe clear orthologues of SCD1 and SCD5 in the chondrichthian, <it>Scyliorhinus canicula</it>, a representative of the oldest extant jawed vertebrate clade. Expression analysis in <it>S. canicula </it>shows that whilst SCD1 is ubiquitous, SCD5 is mainly expressed in the brain, a pattern which might indicate an evolutionary conserved function.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that the SCD1 and SCD5 genes emerged as part of the 2R genome duplications. We propose that the evolutionary conserved gene expression between distinct lineages underpins the importance of SCD activity in the brain (and probably the pancreas), in a yet to be defined role. We argue that an expression independent of an external stimulus, such as diet induced activity, emerged as a novel function in vertebrate ancestry allocated to the SCD5 isoform in various tissues (e.g. brain and pancreas), and it was selectively maintained throughout vertebrate evolution.</p

    Distribution of Corbicula fluminea (MĂŒller, 1774) in the invaded range: a geographic approach with notes on species traits variability

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    Corbicula fluminea is considered one of the most important non-native invasive species (NIS) in aquatic systems mainly due to its widespread distribution and ecological and economic impacts. This species is known to negatively affect native bivalves, also with severe effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Throughout an exhaustive bibliographic survey and with the aid of Geographic Information Systems tools, this study tracks the species dispersion from its native range, including the description of important physical and environmental barriers. Additional analyses were conducted to examine possible influences of latitudinal/ temperature gradients on important traits (e.g. life span, maximum and mean body length, growth at the end of first year). Altitude and winter minimum temperature appear to be delaying the invasion worldwide, but it seems inevitable that the species will spread across the globe. Latitude and summer temperature show a relationship with growth and life span. Overall, the information gathered in this review may be relevant to forecast future distribution patterns of this NIS, and to anticipate the possible implementation of effective management measures. Moreover, it may constitute a valuabletool inthe prediction of population responses to an increasingly changing environment.This research was supported by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), through a PhD grant attributed to D. Crespo (SFRH/BD/80252/2011), a post-doc grant attributed to S. Leston (SFRH/BPD/91828/2012) and M Dolbeth (SFRH/BPD/41117/2007) and BIOCHANGED project (PTDC/MAR/111901/2009), subsidized by the European Social Fund and MCTES (MinistĂ©rio da CiĂȘncia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) National Funds, through the POPH (Human Potential Operational Programme), QREN (National Strategic Reference Framework) and COMPETE (Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Potentially threatened: a Data Deficient flag for conservation management

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    Data Deficient species (DD) comprise a significant portion of the total number of species listed within the IUCN Red List. Although they are not classified within one of the threat categories, they may still face high extinction risks. However, due to limited data available to infer their extinction risk reliably, it is unlikely that the assessment of the true status of Data Deficient species would be possible before many species decline to extinction. An appropriate measure to resolve these problems would be to introduce a flag of potentially threatened species within the Data Deficient category [i.e., DD(PT)]. Such a flag would represent a temporary Red List status for listed Data Deficient species that are, based on the available direct evidence and/or indirect indices, likely to be assigned to one of the threat categories, but where current data remains insufficient for a complete classification. The use of such a flag could increase the focus of the scientific community and conservation decision-makers on such species, thus avoiding the risk that necessary conservation measures are implemented too late. As such, establishment of the DD(PT) category as a kind of alarm for priority species could be beneficial
