212 research outputs found

    A taxonomy of critical factors towards Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management 4.0 in developing countries– A systematic review and fuzzy group decision-making

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    Supply chain disruptions, intensified by black swan events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, have increased the interest in resilient supply chains, which can be achieved by adopting sustainable Industry 4.0 (I4.0) practices. However, the critical success factors (CSFs) for sustainable I4.0 in operations and supply chain management (S-OSCM4.0) are unclear, and there is a lack of a holistic and empirically validated taxonomy of CSFs from multiple stakeholders' perspectives to guide organizations in this transition. Moreover, developing countries face specific challenges that require prioritizing the proper set of CSFs for sustainable digitalization. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a CSFs-based taxonomy for S-OSCM4.0 to help organizations stay current in I4.0 adoption and integrate sustainability in OSCM. We first conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) of 131 papers using bibliometric and content analyses and synthesized the theoretical findings into an alpha taxonomy of CSFs following an inductive approach. Then, we employed a Delphi survey technique combining fuzzy logic to solicit experts' perceptions from a developing country to analyze and validate the taxonomy and determine the most pertinent CSFs, resulting in a beta taxonomy of CSFs for S-OSCM4.0. The developed taxonomy represents a pioneering managerial artefact that can guide sustainable development through an inclusive digital transformation with less environmental impact, contributing to decision-making in S-OSCM4.0, especially for operations in developing countries

    The Photon Sector in the Quantum Myers-Pospelov Model: An improved description

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    The quantization of the electromagnetic sector of the Myers-Pospelov model coupled to standard fermions is studied. Our main objective is to construct an effective quantum theory that results in a genuine perturbation of QED, such that setting zero the Lorentz invariance violation (LIV) parameters will reproduce it. This is achieved by introducing an additional low energy scale MM, together with a physically motivated prescription to take the QED limit. The prescription is successfully tested in the calculation of the electron self-energy in the one loop approximation. The LIV radiative corrections turn out to be properly scaled by very small factors for any reasonable values of the parameters, no fine-tuning problems are found at this stage and the choice for MM to be of the order of the electroweak symmetry breaking scale is consistent with the stringent bounds for the LIV parameters, in particular with those arising from induced dimension three operators.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, shortened version, new interpretation of the scale M, additional references added, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Novel interactions between phytoplankton and bacteria shape microbial seasonal dynamics in coastal ocean waters

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    Trophic interactions between marine phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria are at the base of the biogeochemical carbon cycling in the ocean. However, the specific interactions taking place between phytoplankton and bacterial taxa remain largely unexplored, particularly out of phytoplankton blooming events. Here, we applied network analysis to a 3.5-year time-series dataset to assess the specific associations between different phytoplankton and bacterial taxa along the seasonal scale, distinguishing between free-living and particle-attached bacteria. Using a newly developed network post-analysis technique we removed bacteria-phytoplankton correlations that were primarily driven by environmental parameters, to detect potential biotic interactions. Our results indicate that phytoplankton dynamics may be a strong driver of the inter-annual variability in bacterial community composition. We found the highest abundance of specific bacteria-phytoplankton associations in the particle-attached fraction, indicating a tighter bacteria-phytoplankton association than in the free-living fraction. In the particle-associated fraction we unveiled novel potential associations such as the one between Planctomycetes taxa and the diatom Leptocylindrus spp. Consistent correlations were also found between free-living bacterial taxa and different diatoms, including novel associations such as those between SAR11 with Naviculales diatom order, and between Actinobacteria and Cylindrotheca spp. We also confirmed previously known associations between Rhodobacteraceae and Thalassiosira spp. Our results expand our view on bacteria-phytoplankton associations, suggesting that taxa-specific interactions may largely impact the seasonal dynamics of heterotrophic bacterial communities

    Generating Sustainable Value from Open Data in a Sharing Society

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    Part 1: Creating ValueInternational audienceOur societies are in the midst of a paradigm shift that transforms hierarchal markets into an open and networked economy based on digital technology and information. In that context, open data is widely presumed to have a positive effect on social, environmental and economic value; however the evidence to that effect has remained scarce. Subsequently, we address the question how the use of open data can stimulate the generation of sustainable value. We argue that open data sharing and reuse can empower new ways of generating value in the sharing society. Moreover, we propose a model that describes how different mechanisms that take part within an open system generate sustainable value. These mechanisms are enabled by a number of contextual factors that provide individuals with the motivation, opportunity and ability to generate sustainable value

    The Mexican consensus on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of NSAID-induced gastropathy and enteropathy

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    Más de 30 millones de personas consumen diariamente antiinflamatorios noesteroideos (AINE) en el mundo, y este consumo se ve incrementado anualmente. Aunque losAINE poseen propiedades analgésicas y antiinflamatorias, sus eventos adversos gastrointesti-nales son bien reconocidos. En nuestro país no existía un consenso respecto al diagnóstico,tratamiento y prevención de la gastropatía y la enteropatía por AINE, por lo que la AsociaciónMexicana de Gastroenterología reunió a un grupo de expertos para establecer recomendacionesde utilidad para la comunidad médica. En este consenso se emitieron 33 recomendaciones. Elconsenso destaca que el riesgo de toxicidad gastrointestinal de los AINE varía según el fármacoempleado y su farmacocinética, lo cual debe ser considerado al momento de su prescripción. Losfactores de riesgo de complicación gastroduodenal por AINE son: antecedente de úlcera pép-tica, edad mayor a 65 a˜nos, dosis altas del AINE, infección por Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori), ypresencia de comorbilidades graves. Los síntomas y el da˜no gastroduodenal inducido por AINEson variables ya que puede cursar asintomático o manifestarse como anemia por deficiencia dehierro, hemorragia, estenosis y perforación. La cápsula endoscópica y la enteroscopia son méto-dos diagnósticos directos en la enteropatía por AINE. Respecto a la prevención, se recomiendaprescribir la dosis mínima necesaria de un AINE para obtener el efecto deseado y durante elmenor tiempo. Finalmente, los inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBP) representan el están-dar de oro para la profilaxis y tratamiento de los efectos gastroduodenales, mas no son útilesen la enteropatía

    Challenges for Sustained Observing and Forecasting Systems in the Mediterranean Sea

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    The Mediterranean community represented in this paper is the result of more than 30 years of EU and nationally funded coordination, which has led to key contributions in science concepts and operational initiatives. Together with the establishment of operational services, the community has coordinated with universities, research centers, research infrastructures and private companies to implement advanced multi-platform and integrated observing and forecasting systems that facilitate the advancement of operational services, scientific achievements and mission-oriented innovation. Thus, the community can respond to societal challenges and stakeholders needs, developing a variety of fit-for-purpose services such as the Copernicus Marine Service. The combination of state-of-the-art observations and forecasting provides new opportunities for downstream services in response to the needs of the heavily populated Mediterranean coastal areas and to climate change. The challenge over the next decade is to sustain ocean observations within the research community, to monitor the variability at small scales, e.g., the mesoscale/submesoscale, to resolve the sub-basin/seasonal and inter-annual variability in the circulation, and thus establish the decadal variability, understand and correct the model-associated biases and to enhance model-data integration and ensemble forecasting for uncertainty estimation. Better knowledge and understanding of the level of Mediterranean variability will enable a subsequent evaluation of the impacts and mitigation of the effect of human activities and climate change on the biodiversity and the ecosystem, which will support environmental assessments and decisions. Further challenges include extending the science-based added-value products into societal relevant downstream services and engaging with communities to build initiatives that will contribute to the 2030 Agenda and more specifically to SDG14 and the UN's Decade of Ocean Science for sustainable development, by this contributing to bridge the science-policy gap. The Mediterranean observing and forecasting capacity was built on the basis of community best practices in monitoring and modeling, and can serve as a basis for the development of an integrated global ocean observing system

    Burden and risk factors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa community-acquired pneumonia:a Multinational Point Prevalence Study of Hospitalised Patients

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    Pseudornonas aeruginosa is a challenging bacterium to treat due to its intrinsic resistance to the antibiotics used most frequently in patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Data about the global burden and risk factors associated with P. aeruginosa-CAP are limited. We assessed the multinational burden and specific risk factors associated with P. aeruginosa-CAP. We enrolled 3193 patients in 54 countries with confirmed diagnosis of CAP who underwent microbiological testing at admission. Prevalence was calculated according to the identification of P. aeruginosa. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for antibiotic-susceptible and antibiotic-resistant P. aeruginosa-CAP. The prevalence of P. aeruginosa and antibiotic-resistant P. aeruginosa-CAP was 4.2% and 2.0%, respectively. The rate of P. aeruginosa CAP in patients with prior infection/colonisation due to P. aeruginosa and at least one of the three independently associated chronic lung diseases (i.e. tracheostomy, bronchiectasis and/or very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) was 67%. In contrast, the rate of P. aeruginosa-CAP was 2% in patients without prior P. aeruginosa infection/colonisation and none of the selected chronic lung diseases. The multinational prevalence of P. aeruginosa-CAP is low. The risk factors identified in this study may guide healthcare professionals in deciding empirical antibiotic coverage for CAP patients

    Consenso mexicano sobre diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento de la gastropatía y enteropatía por antiinflamatorios no esteroideos

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    Más de 30 millones de personas consumen diariamente antiinflamatorios no este-roideos (AINE) en el mundo y este consumo se ve incrementado a˜no tras a˜no. Aunque los AINEposeen propiedades analgésicas y antiinflamatorias, sus eventos adversos gastrointestinales sonbien reconocidos. En nuestro país no existía un consenso respecto al diagnóstico, tratamientoy prevención de la gastropatía y la enteropatía por AINE, por lo que la Asociación Mexicana deGastroenterología reunió a un grupo de expertos para establecer recomendaciones de utilidadpara la comunidad médica. En este consenso se emitieron 33 recomendaciones. El consensodestaca que el riesgo de toxicidad gastrointestinal de los AINE varía según el fármaco empleadoy su farmacocinética, lo cual debe ser considerado al momento de su prescripción. Los factoresde riesgo de complicación gastroduodenal por AINE son: antecedente de úlcera péptica, edadmayor de 65 a˜nos, dosis altas del AINE, infección por Helicobacter pylori y presencia de comor-bilidades graves. Los síntomas y el da˜no gastroduodenal inducido por AINE son variables, ya quepuede cursar asintomático o manifestarse como anemia por deficiencia de hierro, hemorragia,estenosis y perforación. La cápsula endoscópica y la enteroscopia son métodos diagnósticosdirectos en la enteropatía por AINE. Respecto a la prevención, se recomienda prescribir la dosismínima necesaria de un AINE para obtener el efecto deseado y durante el menor tiempo. Porúltimo, los inhibidores de la bomba de protones representan el estándar de oro para la profilaxisy tratamiento de los efectos gastroduodenales, mas no son útiles en la enteropatí