351 research outputs found

    From the time-wise to space-wise GOCE observables

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    The observables of the GOCE three-axis gradiometer are taken in time, along the orbit and, in the timewise proposal, filtered to stay in the measurement bandwidth, i.e. in the frequency interval between 0.005 and 0.1Hz. As a consequence, the resulting “observable&quot; is a convolution of the original data stream with a time-wise weighting kernel. In other words, we cannot assume that the observations are point-wise evaluations of any function and so, in a spacewise approach, any averaging or interpolating operation to obtain gridded spatial data has little sense. The problem is therefore to model correctly the observational functionals, including the correlation along the orbit. This can be done by exploiting theWiener filter theory, using the prior knowledge of a geopotential model and the power spectral density (PSD) of the measurement error. A numerical simulation from the EGM96 model (degrees between 50 and 300) is performed, showing that the along track Wiener filter produces T<i>rr</i> spatialized observables with an error standard deviation of the order of 5 mE. A covariance function of the estimation error is also provided by the Wiener filter theory. The use of these filtered observables in a space-wise approach allows for the reconstruction of the gravity field in terms of spherical harmonics up to degree 200.<br><br><b>Key words.</b> Satellite gradiometry, space-wise approach, measurement bandwidth, Wiener filte

    Il filtro di Wiener per la determinazione della superficie dinamica media degli oceani

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    Una superficie dinamica media degli oceani (Mean Dynamic Ocean Topography) globale è stata calcolata usando esclusivamente dati da satellite: il geoide è ottenuto da un modello di gravità basato sui dati del satellite GOCE, mentre la superficie media del mare (Mean Sea Surface) è ottenuta usando solo misure altimetriche. Poiché il modello di gravità considerato (TIMR5) è disponibile fino a grado e ordine 280, la corrispondente MDT deve essere filtrata consistentemente. In particolare la MDT viene rappresentata in serie di armoniche sferiche e successivamente filtrata applicando il principio di minimizzazione di Wiener. La rappresentazione in armoniche sferiche richiede di avere valori su tutta la superficie terrestre e non soltanto sulla superficie degli oceani, è quindi necessario coprire la superficie dei continenti con valori fittizi. Per questo scopo è stata adottata una procedura di riempimento tale da garantire che il segnale globale abbia la stessa covarianza del segnale solo sugli oceani. Infine, propagando l’errore del geoide e della MSS, sono state calcolate le matrici di varianza-covarianza della MDT stessa e delle velocità geostrofiche da questa derivate

    Testing goGPS low-cost RTK positioning with a web-based track log management system

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    Location-based online collaborative platforms are proving to be an effective and widely adopted solution for geospatial data collection, update and sharing. Popular collaborative projects like OpenStreetMap, Wikimapia and other services that collect and publish user-generated geographic contents have been fostered by the increasing availability of location-aware palmtop devices. These instruments include GPS-enabled mobile phones and low-cost GPS receivers, which are employed for quick field surveys at both professional and non-professional levels. Nevertheless, data collected with such devices are often not accurate enough to avoid heavy user intervention before using or sharing them. Providing tools for collecting and sharing accuracy-enhanced positioning data to a wide and diverse user base requires to integrate modern web technologies and online services with advanced satellite positioning techniques. A web-based prototype system for enhancing GPS tracks quality and managing track logs and points of interest (POI), originally developed using standard GPS devices, was tested by using goGPS software to apply kinematic relative positioning (RTK) with low-cost single-frequency receivers. The workflow consists of acquiring raw GPS measurements from the user receiver and from a network of permanent GPS stations, processing them by RTK positioning within goGPS Kalman filter algorithm, sending the accurate positioning data to the web-based system, performing further quality enhancements if needed, logging the data and displaying them. The whole system can work either in real-time or post-processing, the latter providing a solution to collect and publish enhanced location data without necessarily requiring mobile Internet connection on the field. Tests were performed in open areas and variously dense urban environments, comparing different indices for quality-based filtering. Results are promising and suggest that the integration of web technologies with advanced geodetic techniques applied to low-cost instruments can be an effective solution to collect, update and share accurate location data on collaborative platforms

    La stima del campo di gravità da dati GOCE: i risultati finali dell’approccio space-wise

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    In questo lavoro vengono presentati i risultati finali del processamento dati della missione GOCE tramite l’approccio space-wise, da oltre vent’anni studiato ed implementato presso il Politecnico di Milano. In particolare sono stati elaborati i dati di tutta la missione, da novembre 2009 ad ottobre 2013, corrispondente ad oltre cento milioni di epoche. Questo periodo include sia la fase iniziale, durata quasi 3 anni, con il satellite all’altezza nominale di 255 km, sia la fase finale di abbassamento dell’orbita nella quale il satellite è stato lentamente portato fino a 224 km passando attraverso periodi intermedi di misura a quota costante. La fase di preprocessamento dati per la ricerca e la correzione di outlier è stata svolta in modo semi-automatico con una supervisione continua da parte dell’operatore e per questo motivo è stata molto onerosa; tuttavia l’eliminazione degli outlier, presenti in maggior numero nell’ultima fase di abbassamento dell’orbita, è cruciale per il raggiungimento di un risultato soddisfacente, indipendentemente dal metodo di analisi successivamente utilizzato. L’approccio space-wise è sostanzialmente un approccio iterativo di collocazione, che richiede la modellizzazione sia della correlazione temporale dell’errore di misura del gradiometro a bordo del satellite, sia della correlazione spaziale del segnale di gravità che si vuole recuperare. In particolare, l’idea base di questo approccio è quella di ridurre l’enorme mole di dati lungo orbita su una griglia globale all’altezza del satellite applicando la collocazione su aree locali, ciascuna caratterizzata da una covarianza del segnale adattata localmente. In questo modo il livello del filtraggio del dato risulta controllato localmente, diversamente da quanto avviene negli approcci diretto e time-wise dove viene applicata una regolarizzazione globale alla stima ai minimi quadrati dei coefficienti delle armoniche sferiche. Il risultato di questo processamento consiste quindi in griglie globali di derivate seconde del potenziale gravitazionale a una risoluzione spaziale di 0.2°x0.2°. Da queste griglie si deriva un modello globale in armoniche sferiche attraverso integrazione numerica. Sia per le griglie che per i coefficienti armonici viene fornita una stima dell’errore calcolata tramite un’opportuna simulazione Monte Carlo. Il contenuto informativo dei prodotti space-wise è stato valutato confrontandoli con altre griglie e altri modelli globali disponibili. Questo confronto mette in rilievo l’ovvia debolezza della collocazione locale nella stima dei gradi medio-bassi del campo gravitazionale, ma anche la sua miglior capacità di recuperare i più alti degree, ovvero i dettagli del campo. In questo senso l’approccio space-wise può fornire un risultato complementare a quello degli altri due approcci ufficiali all’analisi dati GOCE

    Analysis of Mosha fault by using earthquake focal mechanism

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    We used the focal mechanism of crustal earthquakes to estimate the magnitude and direction of the maximum principal stress near Tehran. Our assumptions are that the slip vector lies in the fault plane and is parallel to the maximum resolved shear stress in that plane. The theoretical analysis is tested using accurately determined focal mechanisms of 51 earthquakes) that occurred along the Mosha fault. The earthquake focal mechanisms in the Central Alborz are divided into seven groups with respect to their location. The method that applied here is based on a developed stress inversion of Michael proposed by Vaclav Vavrycukin 2014 by applying the fault instability constraint and the stress is calculated by iterations

    The synovial surface of the articular cartilage

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    The articular cartilage has been the subject of a huge amount of research carried out with a wide array of different techniques. Most of the existing morphological and ultrastructural data on the this tissue, however, were obtained either by light microscopy or by transmission electron microscopy. Both techniques rely on thin sections and neither allows a direct, face-on visualization of the free cartilage surface (synovial surface), which is the only portion subject to frictional as well as compressive forces. In the present research, high resolution visualization by scanning electron microscopy and by atomic force microscopy revealed that the collagen fibrils of the articular surface are exclusively represented by thin, uniform, parallel fibrils evocative of the heterotypic type IX-type II fibrils reported by other authors, immersed in an abundant matrix of glycoconjugates, in part regularly arranged in phase with the D-period of collagen. Electrophoresis of fluorophore-labeled saccharides confirmed that the superficial and the deeper layers are quite different in their glycoconjugate content as well, the deeper ones containing more sulfated, more acidic small proteoglycans bound to thicker, more heterogenous collagen fibrils. The differences found between the synovial surface and the deeper layers are consistent with the different mechanical stresses they must withstand

    Atherosclerotic alterations in human carotid observed by scanning electron microscopy.

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    Atherosclerosis involves all the layers of the artery wall, but the events involving the intimal portion are fundamental to understand the evolution and gravity of lesions. This study shows that scanning microscopy is instrumental for better understanding the physiopathology of this disease

    The combined cartilage growth – calcification patterns in the wing-fins of Rajidae (Chondrichthyes): A divergent model from endochondral ossification of tetrapods

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    The relationship between cartilage growth – mineralization patterns were studied in adult Rajidae with X-ray morphology/morphometry, undecalcified resin-embedded, heat-deproteinated histology and scanning electron microscopy. Morphometry of the wing-fins, nine central rays of the youngest and oldest specimens documented a significant decrement of radials mean length between inner, middle and outer zones, but without a regular progression along the ray. This suggests that single radial length growth is regulated in such a way to align inter-radial joints parallel to the wing metapterygia curvature. Trans-illumination and heat-deproteination techniques showed polygonal and cylindrical morphotypes of tesserae, whose aligned pattern ranged from mono-columnar, bi-columnar, and multi-columnar up to the crustal-like layout. Histology of tessellated cartilage allowed to identify of zones of the incoming mineral deposition characterized by enhanced duplication rate of chondrocytes with the formation of isogenic groups, whose morphology and topography suggested a relationship with the impending formation of the radials calcified column. The morphotype and layout of radial tesserae were related to mechanical demands (stiffening) and the size/mass of the radial cartilage body. The cartilage calcification pattern of the batoids model shares several morphological features with tetrapods' endochondral ossification, that is, (chondrocytes' high duplication rate, alignment in rows, increased volume of chondrocyte lacunae), but without the typical geometry of the metaphyseal growth plates
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